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04x23 - Oh Toodles

Posted: 03/22/24 19:20
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

[laughs] Hey, everybody!
It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right! Let's go!

[loon howls]

[laughs] I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

[cheerful music playing]

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

[announcer] Roll call.


-[announcer] Daisy!

-[announcer] Goofy!

-[announcer] Pluto!

-[announcer] Minnie!
-[giggles] Here.

-[announcer] Mickey!
-Right here.

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

[Mickey giggles]

[Mickey reading]

[bell ringing]

Hi, everybody! And welcome to...

[Von Drake] Oh, hold it there!

-Not yet!

-That sounds like the Professor.
-[clanking sounds]

I wonder what's goin' on. Let's go see.


[Von Drake muttering]

Uh-oh! [laughs] I'm gonna get shocked.

-All right, now, what am I...
-Uh, Professor?

No lookie-looing in there, Mickey.

I cannot show you
what is behind this curtain.

All I gonna say is that it is
the latest and greatest

Professor Ludwig Von Drake invention

and it's gonna be a wow-wee
super-duper surprise

for a real super-duper friend.

-Oh, wow!
-Oh, boy!

Unfortunately, I can't finish it up.

I'm missing four of my very special tools:

a shape-wrench, a hammer,

a paintbrush, and a whistle.

If only I knew where they was.

Hm. Say, Professor, maybe you loaned
your tools to some of our pals.

Hoo-boy. That is right. It's what I did.

Now, let me see.

I bet Toodles and I can help you remember.

[bell rings]

I'll make a checklist.

♪ First we need the shape-wrench ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Goofy's got it ♪

[Mickey] ♪ Second, we need the hammer ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Chip and Dale have got it

♪ Third, we need the paintbrush ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Daisy's got it ♪

♪ Fourth, we need the whistle ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Pete's got it ♪

♪ What should you do? ♪

[Mickey] ♪ Go find the tools ♪

Don't worry, Professor.

We'll find 'em and bring 'em back.

All four of 'em!

Ooh! That's beautiful.

While the Professor is working,
Pluto can stay here

and make sure nobody is gettin'
a peek-a-boo at my invention.

[panting] Yeah, yeah, yeah.


[chuckles] All right.

Will you help Toodles and me
find the Professor's special tools

so he can finish his surprise invention?

Great! Come on.
Let's go to the Mousekedoer.

And get our Mouseketools. [ringing]

♪ Mouseker-hey
Mouseker-hi, Mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go ♪

♪ You're a thinkin' and a solvin'
Work it through-er ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪


Oh, Toodles, it's time to get to it.

Show us the Mousketools to help us do it!

Meeska, Mooska Mousekedoer!

Mouseketools, Mouseketools, Mouseketools!

♪ Here are your Mouseketools ♪

[Mickey] We've got the handy fishing pole.

Catchy. [giggles]

A giant shower cap. Wow!

Finger-painting gloves. They're fun.

And the Mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need 'em
Toodles will bring 'em ♪

He's here for meedles and youdles!

And all we have to say is, "Oh, Toodles!"

♪ All we have to say is "Oh, Toodles!"


Hot dog!


What would we do without you, Toodles?

You've got our Mouseketools.

And I've got the checklist.

Lead the way, Toodles.

[hums fanfare]

So what do we find first?

Toodles, show us the checklist.

♪ First find the shape-wrench
Who's got it? ♪

♪ Goofy's got it ♪

[Goofy] Wa-ha-hooie!

And there Goofy goes.

[Goofy grunts]

Oh, my goodness. Goofy are you all right?

I'm A-OK. A-hyuck.

I was using the shape-wrench,
but it slipped outta my fingers.

Hm, where'd it go?

Found it! A-hyuck.

And I'm sure glad we found you, Goof.

You see, we need to return
the Professor's shape-wrench

so he can finish his surprise invention.

Oh, how exciting.

Don't worry, Mickey.

I've got the shape-wrench right here.

We just need to use it
to turn on the sprinkler.

The poor shape bushes need water.

But, see?

The sprinkler valve is stuck.

I'll fix it in no time. Lickety-split.

Stand back, everybody.

Uh, let's see righty-tighty...

[grunting] ...lefty-loosey.

Wha... Oh!


Golly gee willikers.

I wasn't expectin' rain today.

But that's good for the shape bushes.

Huh! It's not good for my bow.

Now there's too much water.


Maybe there's a Mouseketool
that can help keep us all dry

until I can shut the sprinkler off.

Everybody say...

[sing-song] Oh, Toodles!

♪ It's raining
It's pouring ♪

[laughs] [rings]

I'm singin' in the rain!

[Mickey] Let's see.
We've got the handy fishing pole,

a giant shower cap,
finger-painting gloves,

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Which Mouseketool can we use
to keep us all dry?

[Goofy] Hm. Maybe that giant
shower cap can do the trick.

[Minnie] Ooh! Let's try it.

[Mickey] We've got ears, say "Cheers!"

Well, how's about that?
It's like a giant umbrelly.

Thanks, Toodles.

♪ Oh, what would we do
Without youdles, Toodles? ♪

♪ What would we do without you? ♪

Aw, gee. [giggles]

Now, let's all help Goofy
tighten the valve

and turn off the sprinkler.

Turn the wrench with me.

Turn, turn, turn.

Turn, turn, turn.

Gawrsh, you're strong, just like me.


Here ya go, Toodles.
One shapely shape-wrench.

Thank the Professor
for lettin' us borrow it.

Sure thing, Goofy.

Now, let's take a look at the checklist.

[Mickey] Oh, boy.

First, we found the shape-wrench.

So what do we find next?

♪ Second, find the hammer ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

♪ Chip and Dale have got it ♪

Let's go, go, go!

See ya later.

-[Chip] This is nutty.
-[Dale] It's nuts, all right.

This door won't open.

Let me give it a try.


Here goes.



Look out, look out, look out!

[both shouting]

-[shouting continues]

Look out!


Incoming chipmunks!

[both grunting]

[Toodles] Gotcha.

Hiya, fellas.

Toodles and I just came by
to get the Professor's hammer.

We've gotta return it to him
so he can finish his surprise invention.

[both] No problem, Mickey.

But first, can we use it
to open the door of our nutty tree?

It's stuck!

[Dale] And all our walnuts are inside.

You betcha. We could even help.

[Chip] Thanks, Mickey.

We've been trying to hammer on the door...

But it won't budge.

Well, maybe we can use this side
of the hammer to pull the door open.

Get ready.

One, two, three.

Here come the walnuts!


And there they go!

I can see 'em!

[grunts] But I can't reach 'em!

Oh, how will we get 'em out?

We're gonna need a Mouseketool.

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Oh, Toodles!"

[sing-song] Oh, Toodles!

That's meedles. [laughs]

[Mickey] We've got the handy fishing pole,

finger-painting gloves
and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Which Mouseketool can help us
get the walnuts out of the rabbit hole?

[Chip] How about the handy fishing pole?

[Dale] Yeah! We can fish for the walnuts.

[Mickey] We've got ears. Say "Cheers!"

Let's go fishing!

There's one walnut.

[grunts] And here's the other walnut.

It worked! We got our walnuts.

One, two, three, uh... four of em.

Here's the Professor's hammer back.

Please thank him for us.

Thank you, too, Toodles.

♪ Oh, what would we do
Without youdles, Toodles? ♪

♪ What would we do without you? ♪

[both] Bye-bye.


See ya later, fellas.

Come on, Toodles. Let's check our list.

[Mickey] All right.
First, we found the shape-wrench.

And second, we found the hammer.

So what do we find next?

♪ Third, find the paintbrush ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

♪ Daisy's got it ♪

Let's look for Daisy.


[Toodles] There's Daisy.


Come on, everybody.

Let's follow Toodles

and get the Professor's paintbrush
back from Daisy.

Daisy, this is ridiculous!

Now, Donald, I'm almost done
with your painting,

so don't move a ducky.

[duck squeaks]

Hey, what's the big idea?

I'm not a statue!

Go on, shoo, you little pest!

-Hiya, Donald.
-[startled cry]

Oh. Hi, Toodles. Hi, Mickey.

What do you boys think
of my painting so far?


Well, uh, that's Donald all right.

What? Aw, phooey.

I don't look like that.

Donald, it's not done yet.

Um, Daisy, we came to ask you
for the paintbrush.

The Professor needs it back
to finish his surprise invention.

Ooh, I love surprises!

But what will I use
to paint my masterpiece?

Well, I've got oodles of Mouseketools.

That's right.

We just need a little help from Toodles.

Everybody say...

[sing-song] Oh, Toodles!


[Mickey] We've got finger-painting gloves

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

What about the gloves?

[Daisy] Maybe I can wear them
while I paint with my fingers.

-Then I won't get messy.
-[Mickey] Sounds like fun!

We've got ears. Say "Cheers!"

Oh, goody-goody!

The gloves are picture-painting perfect.

Here's the paintbrush.

Thank you, Toodles.

♪ Oh, what would we do
Without youdles, Toodles? ♪

♪ What would we do without you? ♪

[rings] [giggles]

Oh, gosh.

[laughs] Sorry to bother you Toodles,
but we gotta check our list.

Oh, it's no bother, Mickey.

[Mickey] First, we found the shape-wrench.

Second, we found the hammer.

And third, we found the paintbrush.

So, what do we find next?

♪ Fourth, find the whistle ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

♪ Pete's got it ♪

-Let's go find 'em!
-Good-bye, Mickey.

See you back at the clubhouse
for the Professor's surprise.


Why does this always happen to me?

Gee, I wonder where Pete could be?

-I don't see him anywhere.
-[whistle blowing]

-[whistle continues blowing]

Did you hear that?
What does that sound like?

[whistle continues blowing]

Yeah! A whistle.

Follow that whistle!

Ok, Butch, no slowin' down.
I'm gonna time ya.

Let's see how many hurdles
you can jump over in five whistles.

Get ready and...

[inhales deeply]

-[blowing whistle]


Ooh! [laughs]

[panting continues]

Hiya, Pete.

Say, I hope you're done
using the Professor's whistle

'cause he needs it back.

Oh, jumpin' jacks.

I can't give the whistle back yet.

I need it to finish Butch's trainin'.

Maybe Toodles has a Mouseketool
you can use instead.

Everybody say...

[sing-song] Oh, Toodles!

Youdles called? [laughs]

[Mickey] All we have left
is the Mystery Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool!"

[all] Mystery Mouseketool!

And today's mystery Mouseketool is...

a stopwatch. Just what we need.

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say "Super Cheers!"

Uh, excuse me, uh, Mickey the Mouse,

how is that fancy gizmo
gonna help me train Butch?

I'll show ya.

The stopwatch counts Mouseke-seconds
from one to five.

Ooh, let me try it, Mickey.

All right, Butch, now run in place
for five Mouseke-seconds.

Oh, and you could count with us!

And... go!

[Pete and Mickey]
Mouseke-one, Mouseke-two,

Mouseke-three, Mouseke-four,

Mouseke-five. Stop.

Nifty gadget. Thank ya, Toodles.

♪ Oh, what would we do
Without youdles, Toodles? ♪

♪ What would we do without you? ♪

Here's the Professor's whistle, pal.

Thank him for me, would ya?

You got it, Pete.

OK, Toodles.
Let's take a look at our checklist.

[Mickey] Oh, boy!

We've got the fourth tool: the whistle.

That means we've got
all four of the missing tools.


Come on. Let's get 'em
back to the Professor.

See ya later, Pete.

[Pluto barking]

Hiya, pal.

Where's the Professor?

Did someone call for Ludwig?

Oh, boy! You are back.

Did you find my special tools already?

We sure did. All four of 'em.

Here ya go, Professor.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Now I can do the finishing touches
on my project I did.

I'm gonna use the shape-wrench
to tighten some bolts,

the hammer to hammer
and the paintbrush to paint.

But, uh, what's the whistle for?

Whistle? I don't know.

Oh! [laughs]

I'm gonna toot that whistle three times

and let everybody know
when my surprise invention is ready.

-[tools whirring]
-[Von Drake mumbling]

Gee, I can't wait to see
what the Professor's new invention is.

[gasps] I wonder what it could be.

I am the genius!

My surprise project is finished!

So everybody, get ready to be surprised!

[inhales deeply]

-[giggling] I hope it's done!
-I can't wait!

-What is it?
-Boy, oh, boy!

I'm ready to be surprised!

Gather 'round, folks and people, everyone.

I, Professor Ludwig Von Drake,
have did it again.

-How about that?
-[music playing]

-[all gasp]
-[Minnie] What is that?

-[Mickey] Is that for Toodles?
-[Donald] Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

It's an oodles of fun room for... Toodles.

Ooh! For me?

Is there not a Toodles here?

[laughs] Who else?

Why don't you try out
the handy-dandy rocka-chair there.

It's comfy-cozy.

Everybody needs to relax some time,

even the hardest workingest Mouseketooler
in the whole wide world,

-Mr. Toodles.


♪ Oh, what would we do
Without youdles, Toodles? ♪

[all] ♪ What would we do without you? ♪

Aw, thank you.

And thank you for helpin' us
find the professor's special tools.

♪ We couldn't have done it without you! ♪


Come on, everybody.
Let's keep the celebration goin'.

Stand up and do
the Hot Dog Dance! [laughs]

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity-dog ♪

♪ Now, we got ears
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity-dog ♪

Thanks for helping me and
Toodles here at the clubhouse.

We sure had fun
and I hope you did, too.

And thanks for doing
the Hot Dog Dance. Yeah!

What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity-dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day
What you waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity-dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity-dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long, for now
From Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by.

See ya real soon.


♪ First, we need the shape-wrench ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Goofy's got it ♪

♪ Second, we need the hammer ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake]
♪ Chip and Dale have got it ♪

♪ Third, we need the paintbrush ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Daisy's got it ♪

[Mickey] ♪ Fourth, we need the whistle ♪

♪ Who's got it? ♪

[Von Drake] ♪ Pete's got it ♪