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01x03 - Zoey

Posted: 03/23/24 20:43
by bunniefuu

- [thudding]
- [woman] Please help!


Can anybody hear me?


- [rhythmic music playing]
- Hello?

[volume increases]


Can anybody hear me?



Can anybody hear me?


[loud music continues]

[man singing along]

[theme music playing]

All right, so this was
the night we got you back.

There was a lady in the car.

So, do any of these girls look
familiar to you?

- No.
- Look, I-I know this is hard.

- It's not that.
- Look, I wouldn't be asking

if I didn't think
it was really important.

- I can't talk about it.
- Okay.

- Breakfast is served.
- Great, I'm starving.

Uh, his breakfast.
Not yours. Hmm?

Downstairs, I saw you making
about 50,000 pancakes.

What, are you trying to spoil
him or induce a diabetic coma?

- I'll settle for fat and happy.
- Hmm.


I thought we were
on the same page.

We are on the same page about
wanting him to heal.

No, he brought photo albums
into his room, okay?

His baby book.
He's trying to reconnect
with his past to heal.

He can't do that and talk about
his abduction.

I don't know how many times
I gotta say it.

He's not gonna heal until we
find his kidnapper, period!

- Can I have a lock on my door?
- What?

- Why would you want a lock?
- You're kidding, right?

- Sweetie. He's your brother.
- No, he's not. My brother's 11,

sounds like a girl,
and wears Underoos.

Okay, I know. I know that we
didn't get to see him grow up,

- and that is hard.
- It's a "yes or no" question!

- Yes.
- [Nikki] No!

- Thank you.
- Okay. All right.

Um, how's your Beowulf
essay coming?

It's not, which means
I'm gonna fail English,

barely graduate, and not get
into a good college.

Okay, how can I help?
Put a lock on my door.

At Dad's house,
you can have a lock.

- Whatever. I have carpool.
- Hey!

- Keith needs a ride to school.
- What? No.

No, that's not happening.

His guidance counselor called
and he's able to take

- his placement test
this morning.
- You didn't tell me about that.

- I was gonna tell you.
- Well, you didn't.

Okay, great. Well, that means
I don't need to take him.

He's been out of school
for six years, All right?

They could put him in a
classroom with 12-year-olds.

Not testing him
won't change that, right?

It just delays the inevitable.

- Okay.

- What?
- That was your...

That was your talk? She just
told you what to think.

And now I'm thinking it, okay?

That's why I'm an excellent

Go take your brother
to school.

- Whatever.
- [phone alarm blaring]

- [phone buzzing]
- Yes, I'm looking at it now.

[phone alarm blaring]

CCTV video caught Zoey Roth in
the trunk of a stolen sedan.

We are pulling footage
from major intersections
in a ten-mile radius.

Zoey's a college sophomore
and she lives here

- with her four roommates.
- Have we talked to them yet?

I texted you that we were
gonna wait for you.

Sorry, sorry, this morning's
been insane.

Yeah, honestly,
I didn't expect you two.

Keith wanted us here, right?

Just because our family's
back together,

doesn't mean we get to stop
helping other families.

You know, FYI, I'm Team Mike.

Zoey went missing after a big
party they had here last night.

How about we show 'em the
video? That'll sober them up.

Do any of you guys
recognize that man?

[tense music playing]

That's Zoey's license.
The clerk found it,

looked at the security feed,
and uh, called in
her abduction.

Look, our best chance of
finding out where Zoey is,

is for you to tell us
who Zoey is.

You need to be clear
and quick, because...

I don't mean to be blunt
about this, but your friend

has been missing for six hours,

and if we don't find her
in the next 24,

it's a lot less likely
that we ever will.

Zoey is a digital artist.
Collages, photobashing...

She sold stuff too.
Or did, until she quit.

Did she ever tell you
why she stopped?

All I know is she was
at her studio day and night.

Then she wasn't.

She stopped going a month ago.

A month ago?

She stopped going
to school too.

Straight As and then...
just gone.

Her whole life was upended,
and you never talked about why?

No, I can't talk about her.

Please, I know you want me to,
but I can't.

Well, it looks like Zoey
got in a fight.

We found this video
on your social media posts
about the party.

What's not clear is
who she's fighting with.

You see she's arguing with
somebody just off camera,

and when she tries to leave,
whoever it is won't let her,

but our person of interest
is wearing
a grey striped shirt.

Ring any bells?

Um... Okay, uh,

maybe you guys are
a little hungover,

can't remember what happened,
but your phones might have
a picture of this guy.

- Can we see
your phones, please?
- Not without a warrant.

What are you, pre-law?

Hey, counselor,
I got a little story for you.

Let's say that there's a b*mb
down in City Hall, okay?

And somehow, because
you're a genius,

you have the deactivation code
on your phone.

Do you give it to me
so I can save a million lives,

or do you wait for a warrant,
and a million people die? Hmm?

Zoey, right now,
she's in the mayor's office.

Your phones, please,
to the lady. Thank you.

I believe that finding Zoey
requires both fact and faith.

There are evil spirits at work,

and letting me rub these
eggs on you will allow me
to fight them.

If you're okay with that.

- Whatever it takes.
- Thank you.

So, we got this photo off
Sarah Marks' phone.

His name is Matt Calvin,
he's Zoey's classmate and ex.

Friends say that
he did not take
the breakup very well.

Apparently, he's obsessed
with her.

Mike, call campus police,
tell them to find him.

You don't want to question
the parents first?

- Jay and I can do that.
- Okay.

How's Mom and Dad?

Scrambled, fried,
or sunny-side-up?

Hopeful. Scared.

Before you guys
go talk to them,

I would look
at her school file.
It tells quite a story.

And check out Zoey's studio.
If art was her true love,

we need to know what
made her stop, or who.

- Hmm.
- There must be some mistake.

No, we spoke
to the university.

Zoey dropped out
three weeks ago.

What? No. She didn't
say anything.

Did she ever mention
a guy named Matt Calvin?

No. Who is he?

He was the last person
seen with Zoey at a party

at their house last night.

She told us she was working

on a new piece all week
in her studio.

I'm afraid she hasn't been
in her studio in a month.

The person you're describing
is not our daughter.

When Zoey was in high school,

there was no girls
on the football team.

She sued to get
on the boys' team.

- Sweetheart...
- When she found out

that female teachers
made less than men,
she organized a sit-in.

We're very proud of her.

And from everything I know
about her, you should be.

She graduated first
in her class.

CEOs and board chairmen have
pieces done by our Zoey.

She's that good.
That determined.

Something happened
to Zoey a month ago.

Something that changed her.

We know that that
is hard to hear,

that someone or something
is responsible for your child

being different than the way
you thought that they were.

We understand that,
trust me, we do.

You have no idea
what it's like.

Look, I left the force
to work private security.

It was... better pay,

longer life expectancy,
and fewer bad memories.

Okay? But I rejoined the force
when we got our son back.

Okay, our son was taken too.

Obviously, those are
the bad memories.

But when we got him back,
the feeling I had,

the sense of relief,
that's why I'm here.

That is the only reason
I am here,

to make sure people like you
experience that same relief.

And I'm not gonna stop.

Trust me, I will not stop
until that happens, okay?

What can I do? How can I help?

You can take care of Paul
and let us do our job.

We get our babies back,
it's what we do. Okay?


Hey. Campus police
picked up Cal.

- Sex.
- They're bringing him in.

We need to have some.

And I haven't even told you
the sexiest part.

- Oh, I miss you.
- I miss you too.

What could be sexier
than that?

How about me convincing the DA
that we have probably cause

to use one of the kids' phones

to access Cal's
private group chat?

[tense music playing]

[school bell ringing]

Everyone in the administration
is thrilled that you're back.

We know it's been a long time.

Just do the best you can, okay?

You got 90 minutes.

And... begin.

[tense music playing]

Don't touch me!

He wants you in the bedroom.

You know the way.

I'm not here to do
what he wants.

We'll see.

Okay, time's up. Pencils dow...

I know you're worried about
the Beowulf essay

you have to write,
so I wrote it for you
during my placement test.

Thanks, but... unlike you,

I'm not gonna pretend to be
someone I'm not.

I wrote it on Grendel.

I think he's very sympathetic.

He's a monster
who eats people.

He was exiled from happiness
and cursed by God.

When that happens,
you do monstrous things.

Worst case, we homeschool him.

No, that's a terrible idea,
okay? He's been alone too long.

He needs to be around
other kids.

What about being
around his sister?

I mean, Sidney is totally
freaked out by him.

She's got to adjust, okay?

It's an adjustment.
She's gonna come around.

Well, she'll come around
if we prove it,

- if we do a DNA test.
- You can't do that!

It's just gonna tell Keith that
we don't trust him.

Well, he doesn't have to know.
I mean, take his toothbrush,

the hair from his baby book,

before and after,
and... that's it!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop.
Hold on.

You really want to do this?

Do I want to?
No, I don't want to.

If you don't, then don't.
At least promise me

you won't if he bombs
this other test.

- That's irrelevant.
- It's not irrelevant.

It's proof. It's proof that
he's the sweet, kind, innocent,

terrible student
whose last report card

said that his favorite
subject was dodgeball.

Fine. I promise, okay? I will.

Now, Cal is in
the interrogation
room. I need to ask him

what he knows about Zoey.

Zoey's interest
is powerful women.

And the men that ogle them.

Jacqueline Phillips.

I represent Zoey.
Detective Adebayo.

I came as soon
as I heard you were here.
Tell me you have a lead.

- This woman, I recognize her.
- Anything at all?

It's still early, but every
minute counts. So, the woman?

Sarah is her model. Her muse.

They were inseparable.


Hey! Hey! Let me go!

[door slams]

Her friends said that Zoey
stopped making her art.

- Do you know why?
- Well, she didn't stop.

She paused to look
for inspiration.

Ah. My parents
were collectors.

Actually peed in a piece
of theirs once.

I thought it was a toilet.
Turned out to be a Duchamp.

Clearly, I don't know anything
about art, but um...

But the heart, I understand.
And hers looks broken.

- Well, she's emotional.
- Hmm.

That's what makes her
a great artist.

And you don't know any reason
why she'd be that upset?

None. That's why I'm hoping

this is all just
a big misunderstanding.

Hmm. Uh, if we need
to contact you?

Yes. Here's my card.

Please do contact me
the minute you hear anything.

"Anything is possible."

Hmm. Thank you.

[Nikki] Cal, we know that you
were the one who argued

with Zoey at the party
last night.

I keep telling you,
I didn't know she was missing

- until you told me.
- Mm-hmm.

"Biggest bitch in a town
full of 'em"?

[Cal scoffs]
If the shoe fits.

So, we know you were
at the party,

and that you fought,
and then she disappeared.
How does that shoe fit?

I had nothing to do with that.

Well, her friends
think you did, and so do we.

That you were a jealous

And you're obsessed with her.

Yeah, okay. We fought.

Sarah had gotten
a lot of money,

and for some reason,
that freaked Zoey out.

She wanted to protect Sarah
from whoever gave her
all that money,

but Sarah didn't want her to.

Protect her from who?
What money?

I don't know.

When I pressed her about it,
she got angry.

I-I get how it looks...

but I wasn't
trying to hurt her.
I just wanted to help.

- Mike, what do you got?
- We got a hit on the sedan

three miles south of the gas
station 20 minutes ago.

We're sending units and pulling
feed from that area.

- What'd you learn from Cal?
- That Sarah Marks recently

came into a sizeable
amount of money.

For some reason,
that upset Zoey,

a fact that Sarah hid from us.

I'm gonna have Kemi
find out why.

You are aware that
she's looking for clues
in candle wax, right?

Mm-hmm. I'm also aware
that dogs smell cancer.

And that if western medicine
was a bit more open-minded,

schnauzers could save
countless lives.

You know, for a price, I could
get Sarah's financials.

No. We don't pay for
information. You know that.

Neither do I.
I pay for shortcuts.

You mean your hacker friend?
No, please not the collector.

He still asked about you.
Remember New Orleans?

- What's New Orleans?
- Not fondly, no. Go.

No? There was this nutria
the size of a Pontiac...


- Hmm.
- Hmm.

Okay, so the car's
being tracked.

Sarah's being talked to.
Jay's doing his thing.

That gives us
about ten minutes.

What, to talk about
giant nutria?

I have a better idea.

[soft music playing]

God, I missed you.

We should get back.

You know, I once dated
a married woman
who loved peaches.

Yeah, that was her thing.
Peaches made her happy.

So, I got her some from that
gourmet shop on South Second.

You know, the ones that come
wrapped in that gold foil?

I went all out on 'em.

She said she couldn't
take 'em home,

but she promised me
that she would split

with her husband
before they went bad.

So, I put 'em
in the mini fridge
in our secret room,

hoping they wouldn't go bad.

And I cried like a baby
when they did.

You know, Jay...
Jay's part of my old family.

It's just... with Keith being
back, we're just trying

to figure out what that means.

- I know.
- And that takes time.

Our peaches are not going bad.

We gotta get back to work.

So, I know you had a fight
with Zoey about money.

Her wanting to protect you
from whoever gave it to you.

- Have you seen Zoey's art?
- And you in it.

Strong, confident woman being
judged by the disapproving man.

The money came from one
of those disapproving men,
and she hated that.

Why? What were you supposed
to do for the money?

Something Zoey never would.

And because you took it,

she thought that you were okay

with being judged disapprovingly.

She thought I was
selling out, yeah.

If I did it once,
I would do it again, and again,

until, to stop doing it, to get
out and do the right thing,

would just be impossible.

That's what our fight
was about last night.

Doing the right thing.

The right thing.

If you know where Zoey is,

the right thing to do
is to tell us.

The right thing.

Zoey always knows what that is.

Me, not so much.

You cannot be serious.

You called me an hour ago.
I'm busting my hump.

And now you say you're not
gonna pay me

because I'm not working
fast enough?

I gave you the name
of the bank.

You want the financials,
I'll get the financials.

- Those things take time!
- I don't have time, okay?

A girl's life rests on me
getting this information.

And I understand,
and I'm doing my best.

- Okay.
- It's just, uh...

It's Dad.
What's wrong with Dad?

Two months ago, they found,
um... like a lump.

They put him through chemo.

The pills, the diets.


- Mmm.
- Breathing through his eyelids.

Breathing through his eyelids.

It's part of
the Durham Protocol.

- I don't have time for this.
- I'm sorry!

Is Dad's illness cramping up
your busy schedule?

- You do this every single time.
- My father's dying!

And your brother
fell in a well,

and your sister got hit
by lightning,

and your uncle's got jaundice.
I don't know, whatever it is,

I'm no closer to getting
what I came for!

I need this guy's bank records.

- Five K. That's all I need.
- [sighing]

For Dad's funeral, you know?

'Cause that would really
help me out.

He's not dead!
You just said he's alive!

Well, you gotta plan ahead!

These things move fast,
you know.

Let me think about it. No,
I'm not giving you any money.

Fine! It was worth a shot.

Here's the info, cheapskate.

By the way, Dad's hosting a
euchre tournament on Wednesday.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah! I'll send you an invite.

Sarah Marks lied. She said she
was paid to be an artist model,

but I find it hard to believe
that an artist is paying

a college kid $25,000,
or that they're paying her
through a Swiss bank account.

Hold up. The collector's
a garbage man?

Like, he actually
collects garbage?

Yeah, for tech and finances.

That's how he's able
to access bank records.

Oh, "access"?
That's what you're calling it?

And I'd call it a lead
to a college kid who has
a Swiss account.

To two college kids
who use it.

Uh, Zoey's art studio,
the landlord,

he gets paid from
the same account.

When I asked Sarah
what happened to Zoey,

she talked about ambition
and doing the wrong thing
to pursue it,

but it sounded like she was
talking about herself.

Like she knows
how to help Zoey,

but she doesn't have
the courage to do it.

I'll do it.

What he paid me for,
but you need to let her go.

No, I didn't tell the poli...

What does it matter
why I changed my mind?

Because it's the right thing
to do, okay?

I need to do the right thing.

You know the address.

The account belongs to
a financial services company,

but dozens of executives
are part of it.

Zoey's been missing
for nine hours.

By the time we run each name,
it could be too late.

But we only need to run
one name. Oh, my God.

- How do you know that?
- Because anything is possible.

Zoey's art dealer gave me this.

For those who are
horticulturally challenged,
that is baby's breath.

In German, a language that
I learned to track Ukrainian

w*r refugees who are being
sold into sl*very...

Yes, that happens.

In German, the word
for baby's breath is...


H. Schleierkraut.

I want his home
and his office address.

Whatever there is to know
about Baby's Breath,

I wanna know it.

Baby's Breath
is a billionaire.

A hedge fund god.

Um, no kids, no wife.

Private jets, private parties
with CEOs,

B-list Euros and her.

Jacqueline Phillips.

Zoey's art dealer also curates
Baby's Breath's collection.

What's a billionaire doing
with college kids?

Sarah talked
about expectations.

The pressure that Zoey felt
to live up to her dad's.

Baby's Breath
could help her with that,

but maybe he had
something that he
wanted in return, right?

she didn't wanna give.

Hits off CCTV.
All in the past hour.

That's the car
from Zoey's abduction.

Loop in the sheriff's office,
highway patrol.

Jay and I are paying
Baby's Breath a visit.

You might wanna
show him this too.

Text messages
from Sarah's phone.

Looks like she does know
what happened to Zoey.

And someone scared her
into not cooperating with us.

You think that we could
talk privately?

Sure. I've got
nothing to hide.

Thank you.

Anything is possible?

I believe it is. Don't you?

Why don't you tell us
about Zoey Roth?

What would you like to know?

Where she is would be great.

She was abducted.


That's awful.

Yeah, it's awful.

We're interested in the nature
of your relationship with Zoey.

Oh, there was no relationship.
I just bought her work.

Well, you bought her work
and you paid for her studio.

You gave her friend $25,000.

Uh, I did not give
money to her friend.

I gave it to her muse.

All right. Where were you
last night?

I was at a dinner party.

For Elon Musk.

- Oh.
- If you want to check it out,

I can get you
his personal number.

Not, that's okay.

"Say anything and your career
will be over."

"Go to the police and you'll
ever go to medical school."

These are texts
sent from a burner

just hours after Zoey
was kidnapped.

Obviously sent by somebody
who did not want us to know

where Zoey is.
Maybe someone like you

who's on the board
of the medical school

she wants to attend.

You've done your homework.

- Hmm.
- So have I.

Ex-husband and wife.

You lose your kids.
You help others find theirs.

That must make
every case very personal.

So lemme make this one
very personal for you.

You get the hell
out of my office,

and you stay out until you have
something more substantial

than anonymous texts
and legal wire transfers.

[overlapping conversation]

- What's he talking about?
- Look at these hits from CCTV.

Bringing up Keith,
making it personal?

I'd like to slap his mouth.

Choke him with that ascot.

Wait. Ten minutes ago
on Hawthorne.

- Jay.
- What?

- Look.
- I'm looking. What?

Look at where they're going.

Deming, near Hawthorne.

- Sarah.
- Exactly.

[upbeat music playing]

[muffled screaming]

We're too late.

Nest cam had him here
ten minutes ago.

Sarah's been taken.

We got a hit that has him
going westbound

on Walnut Street.

Okay. We're on our way.

Issue an alert.
And keep issuing them.

I'm not sure that PSP
will go for that.

One every five minutes.
He doesn't get away.

[engine starting]

[phone alarm sounding]

- I won't do it.
- Of course you will.

It's why you're here.
For Sarah.

- To pay her debt.
- That's not why I'm here.

I just came to talk to him.

The minister's coming tonight
because of her promise.

Henry paid her $25,000
based on that promise.

So put this on,
have a drink. And relax.

- He has Sarah.
- [sighing]

That's a lie.

Well, you know Henry,
so you know it's not.

That wasn't the deal.

You know how this works.

Show the Minister
a good time tonight

and all will be forgiven.

For you both.

[door closing]

[muffled screaming]

[phone shutter clicking]

[computer chimes]

We got it.
Real-time image.

Gas station near


All we care about
is the girls, okay?

Just getting them back.

Where are Zoey and Sarah?



We're at the gas station.

- We need paramedics. Now.
- Listen to me, hey.

We don't have a lot of time.
This is important. Okay?

Sarah and Zoey,
where are they? Hey, hey!

- EMTs will be here in five.
- Hey, hey!

Let's go, you're not
allowed to die. Come on!

Check it, check it.
Go. Come on.

No? Come on.

- Jay.
- What?

- Jason. Jason!
- What?

- He's gone.
- Yeah.

Well then, so are the girls.

- Can anybody hear me?
- [banging]


Help me!



[yelling indistinctly]

Sarah! We're gonna
get you out!

It's okay, it's okay.

You're okay.
You're safe now. You're okay.

Your parents are on their way
with smiles and lots of hugs.

But before they get here,
I need you to
tell me what you know.

Zoey's life may depend on it.
Do you understand?


The first thing I need to know
is where you were being taken.

I don't know.

All I know is that it's
somewhere near Haverford.

He used to take us in cars
with blacked-out windows, so...

Now that he doesn't trust me,
he put me in the trunk.

But you trusted him,
didn't you?

He was... interested in us.

He made us feel... important.


talented and cared for.

And then, he and Jacqueline
att*cked her.

We need to leave.

- What's wrong?
- I don't want to talk about it!

And that as*ault
was shocking and horrible,

and we ran away after that.

And then,
Jacqueline called me.


told me it was all
a misunderstanding.


offered me money

to show some guy a good time.

So the ambition you told us
about was yours, not Zoey's.

Or my parents, anyway.

They wanted me
to be a doctor.

If I did anything else,
they would be horrified.

But med schools
are impossible to get into

and he's on the board
of a really great one so...

I took his money.

But then I changed my mind.


He was so...

angry when I told him.

He just... exploded.

So I ran to Zoey.

You told her at the party,

so she insisted
in talking to him, right?

On protecting you.

But then, he texted you

and then threatened not
to help if you talked to us.

Oh, baby...

Zoey stood up for you.

So you decided
to stand up for her.

To do the job,
so she wouldn't have to.

I saw them in the other room.

Zoey's parents.

I owe them an apology.

Oh, they are definitely
owed an apology.

But not by you.


Sarah said she was being taken
somewhere near Haverford.

Her tax rolls have
Baby Breath with a house

in Chestnut Hill and an office
in University City.

Nothing near Haverford.

Maybe we should ask Paul Roth
for the address.

Zoey's dad.
Why should we ask him?

Because our boy Schleierkraut,
turns out he knows him.

Yeah, I introduced
Henry to Zoey.

And you both sit
on a foundation board.

One of a dozen boards
Baby's Breath sits on.

Yeah, I heard
he was a collector,

so I put them together.
Do you know something?

Does he have a place
in Haverford?

What difference does it make
where he lives

unless he's involved?

Unless that's where she is.

- All we want is an address.
- I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'm gonna find him,
I'm gonna get Zoey back,

and I am going to put
a b*llet in his head!

Paul, listen to me.

I told you I know
what you're going through.

What you need to do now,
what Zoey needs you to do now,

is let us do our job. Okay?

[breathing heavily]

Do you know the address?


[knocking on door]

Um... Can we talk?

You said the eggs would help!

[glass shattering]

You said it'd be okay.

Okay, so this is one
of Zoey's collages.

And this is what she was
looking at when she created it.

The Schuylkill River
right outside of town.

Thank God Zoey's not a cubist.

Not even my fourth husband
could figure out

the location even if she was.

- You were married four times?
- Twelve, actually.

Once a century.
Number four, that was...

Ah... Bonaventura Cavalieri.

Student of Galileo.
Inventor of polar coordinates.

Lover of mutton.
You know what I'm saying?

I'm sorry. Okay, um...

The pole. That's Zoey.
And that is her window.

The ray between her window
and the hills

gives us the polar axis.

And the coordinates
of the hills

gets you the coordinates
of the house.

All the way down
to Street View guy.

I love Street View guy.
He's so cute.

Okay. I want warrants
on Schleierkraut's home,

office, get, boat, bathtub.
You name it.


Zoey is a star.

I'd love to show you her work.

Maybe later.

Later. Of course.

In the meantime,
the house is all yours.

[door closing]

Well, Zoey.

Don't you look lovely.



I like that.

No, no!

No, stop!


Get away from me!

[glass shattering]

I'm not doing this!

Play time is over.



It's okay, it's okay.

Hey, hey, it's okay.

We're gonna get you home, okay?

It's Mike.
About Schleierkraut.

- Okay, can you...
- Yeah.

Talk to me.

Hey, we ex*cuted a warrant
on his house. He's here.

So you got him.

Not exactly, no.

Okay, easy.

Come on, you sh**t me now,

the cops will come in
g*ns blazing and you will die.


Then we'll both get
what we deserve.

[sirens blaring]

Hey. He's still
in the library?

Yeah. But he hasn't
reached out, made any demands.

- Does he know she's safe?
- He does.

It doesn't seem to matter.

All right, Nik,
let's put a vest on her.

If we can't talk him down,
maybe she can.

You said you'd help her.

- You need to listen to me.
- That was a promise you made.

Everything that happened
was a misunderstanding.

I trusted you.

- You abducted my daughter.
- No.

You put her
in the trunk of a car.

- That I can explain...
- The trunk of a damn car!

- Paul. Ah!
- [g*nsh*t]


Paul, talk to me, Paul.

Daddy? Daddy, I'm okay.

I saw the video.

My child in that trunk,
screaming for help.

- Lemme hear you scream.
- I'm sorry.

Oh, you can do
better than that.

- [g*nsh*t]
- Ahh!

- Daddy!
- [groaning]


[breathing heavily]

- Zoey, I'm sorry...
- Daddy, let me in.

Zoey, I'm your father.
I'm supposed to protect you...

- Daddy, please.
- I introduced you to him.

I pushed you on him.
I pressured you.

I saw his money and power
and what it could do for you.

When I should've seen
everything else.

You and Zoey can talk
about all that, okay?

You have nothing
but time to talk,

if you open this door.

If you don't,
and that man dies,

then you and your daughter
will have nothing.


[Jason] Paul, let us in.

We have no time at all,

so will you please
open this door, Paul?

[Jason] Come on, Paul.
We can talk about it.


- Where's the g*n?
- On the mantel.

[Jason] Over there. Don't move.





I want you to take
a good look around, huh?

You'll never be in a room
this nice again.

'Cause you are under arrest.

I'll have you wait outside.

For kidnapping...
They're gonna be okay.*ault, attempted r*pe.

And I get a feeling
that's just the starter menu.

You ready?

- What happens next?
- Well...

You shot a guy.

So the DA is probably gonna
want to press charges,

but I'll do my best to try
to convince them not to.

Why would you do that?

I think 'cause I understand.

Do the nightmares
ever go away?

About him being taken
in the first place.

No. I mean, not for me.
They don't.

Because you're a good dad.

And good dads stand watch. And...

Bad things aren't supposed
to happen when we do.


I feel like I'm in the dark.

Like I'm lost
and I can't find my way.

Well, like I said,
maybe I can help you.

Maybe we can help each other.
All right?



I got a few people here
who'd really like to see you.




News of Baby's Breath's arrest
has other women coming forward.

About him and his enabler.

You know, the responsibility
that Zoey's dad feels,

- I feel it too.
- I know you do.

And I know that's why
you're pushing Keith so hard.

I know... And I know
that I shouldn't.

Okay? And I know that

he needs space, he needs time.

But I wasn't there
when he was taken

so I feel like I have
to make up for that somehow.

Right, for...
not standing watch.

You know, the alarm
wasn't on that night.

I turned it on
every single night

except for the one night
that mattered.

So neither of us did enough.

But we both did
everything we could. Right?

You're right. You're right.

[soft music]



Pam texted me the results
of Keith's
placement test. Look.

I mean, that can't...
That can't be right.

No, it can't.

Not if it's really Keith.

[knocking on door]




I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I...

What do you want?

I just, uh...

I know you're having
a tough time with this.

With me.

So I just wanted
to say I'm sorry.

That grade on that paper?

I got it for writing
that Grendel didn't do

monstrous things because
he was exiled
and cursed by God.

He was exiled and cursed by God

because of the monstrous
things he did.

Trying to destroy a family.

You may be able to fool
everyone else,

but you can't fool me.

Sid. Please.

I'm your brother.

My brother is dead.


Hey, baby.

Hey, Mom.

Hey. We got your test
results back.

You're gonna skip a grade.

Uh, there were books
in my room.

That's pretty much
all there was.

Are you hungry?
What can I get you?

Surprise me.

All right...
I'm gonna get changed

and I'll be right down. Okay?

You know, it's funny.

When you were little,
you hated surprises.

Now you're full of them.


[tense music playing]



I can explain.

Thank you for believing me.