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02x01 - Bus 447

Posted: 03/23/24 20:49
by bunniefuu
Come on, guys,
move it, move it.

The bus waits for no one.

Come on. Come on.

Kayla, that means you.

Let's go, let's go,
let's go.

[background chatter,

-You too.
-Let's go, guys.

Mom would never
have done this.

You're right--

your mom would have
the good sense not to volunteer,

but, unlike her,
I'm a sucker for punishment.

Butt on bus. Now.

Come on.
Let's sit by Jordan.

My dad, he's so annoying!

Come on, sit down, kids.

You need a raise.

[laughs] Yes, I do.

[driver] Here we go--

field trip
to the Wagner Institute.

Dad, what are you doing?
Grace is sitting here!


[background chatter, indistinct]

Okay, here we go.



Hey, Jordan...

pass that to Kayla for me.


Here's your water.

[chuckles awkwardly]
I don't need water.

Stop hovering.

[background chatter, indistinct]


Put your phone down

-and stay put.
-What's wrong?


[struggling and groaning]


Dad! [gasping]

[shrieks] Dad!

[blows landing]






Why? Why?


You just wake up?

No, no.
I've been up for hours.

Worked out,
had a... smoothie.


The house is looking, uh, nice.

Coming together--
new house.

You like?

Looks great.

I-I do, I like,
I just have one question--

you let him hang
a baseball bat on the wall?

That bat was used by J-Roll
to hit a game-tying triple

against the Cincinnati Reds,
all right?

Watch your mouth.

Hi, Mike.

I don't care what it is.

You made me keep all
my sports stuff in the garage.

Your "sports stuff"

was dirty sneakers
and a skateboard.

[Mike] Yeah,
I'm staying out of this.

Hi, Mom and Dad.

[Jason] Hey, hey!

Hi, baby.

What are you doing?
You just wake up?

I don't have class until 11,

and can you remind me again

why we have to do this
at the crack of dawn?

Mom's idea.

Is that mascara?
You still have mascara on?

And whose t-shirt is that?

Yeah, it's not
your t-shirt.

Uh, I know this,
'cause you don't go to Penn.

Who goes to Penn?

It's Penn State, Dad,

and stop detective-ing me,
both of you!

Sid, I love you more than
anything on the planet,

but I need you
to know something--

college guys
are like piranha--

only piranha

want food,

and college guys,
they want--


Well, I'm just--
just saying, Sid.

Uh, truth is,

-you are the most amazing girl--

...on the planet, so,
everybody should respect you,

but I don't know--

beer pong and things like that,

gets outta hand, all right?

Gets out of hand and--


Blame it on the beer pong.

That's the plumber.
Just got her. She's great.

Both of you, just promise me
you're using protection.

Okay! Goodbye!

Love you, Sid, very much.

I love you. [smooch]
I gotta go.

-Hollis Braun.

Great to meet you.
I'll be taking over

the division--
Homicide, Major Crimes, MPU--

and, uh, disregard the mustache.

I lost a bet.

No, it's very, um...
"Commissioner Gordon."

My inner eight-year-old
thanks you.

You're welcome.

Well, I'm sure
Bill Houston filled you in,

but he took
an arms-length approach.

So I hear--

MPU's closure rate
is excellent, truly stellar.

Oh, thank you.

But the Jason Grant

I know,
you two have history,

but he's a lawsuit
waiting to happen.

sh**ting at parked cars?

Turning the video off
in interrogation?

Detective Grant is also
the best cop in Philly.

My team--
all of us--

we focus
on getting the job done.

You wanna explain
how eggs play into that?

One of my people is a shaman.

And one of my dogs

likes to eats his own crap,
if I let him,

but I don't,
because I know better.

The thing is...

you tick all my boxes, Nikki--

-...and I have many,

so if you're not quite
in control of your team,

don't worry,
we'll get you there.

I'm a world-class expert
in making problems go away,

except for this damn mustache.


Enjoy the new offices.

Thank you.

[elevator dings]

-I didn't say that!
-Wow. Wow!

I-I-- I just cannot believe

you let him
put us in headquarters.

Yeah, well,
I didn't have a choice.

He wants to keep an eye on us.

You, especially.


[Nikki] This is it.




Well, this makes
Sidney's dorm room look tidy--

that's good.

It's a nice view.

I think.

We are gonna need
some serious sage

up in this joint.

Yeah, I think
that's off the table.

[phone ringing]

Pick it up.

This is Mike Sherman.


Wait. Whoa-whoa-whoa!
Hey, hey. You gotta slow down.

[Nikki] What is it?


Yeah, yeah.
We'll get right on it.

[hanging up]

That was
the Transit Authority.

a city bus just disappeared.

[siren wailing]

'Sup, bro?

They just reviewed the footage

at Transit Authority

The traffic cam
on the other side

saw the bus enter,

but, according to this one,

it never came out.

Never came out?

Just ten tons of bus,

just poof--
just disappeared?

We got a David Copperfield
situation here?

How many passengers?

According to the real-time
service info, 27.

Well, don't these buses
have transponders?

Either it's malfunctioned
or... off.

Or something.

Hey! Let's get
a perimeter set up--

hundred yards out,
on each side of the tunnel.

I need you to canvas
those buildings,

get me boots on the ground
on the other side. All right?

Hey, Mike!


What do you got?

I think somebody was up here
with climbing boots.

We should look at that camera.

Now, when you say we,
you mean--

You. You.

Yeah, no, I figured that.
I'm not climbing that damn pole!

You're not?
Well, I'm certainly not.

I have a bad back.
You know that.

Bad back, my ass.

All right.
Give me a boost.

-A boost?
-Yeah, a boost.

'Scuse me!
You-- young back--

help the Sergeant up here
up the pole, please.

-Yes, sir.
-Thank you.

But if I fall,
Nikki's gonna k*ll you.

She's k*lled me for less.


Wow! Very impressive.

We should back up--

in case he falls,
I don't want you to get injured.

Yo! Somebody h*jacked the feed.

That bus didn't disappear.
It was taken.


Hey, Jay!
Take a look over there!


Hey. Hey!

You okay?

Hey, talk to me.

[sputters] Help me.

I'm gonna help you.
What happened? What happened?

My daughter,
she's on the bus.

[Nikki] Any sign of the bus?

So whoever took Bus 447

knew the placement
of the CCTVs.

If they had gone
straight down 5th Street,

this one would have
picked them up.

Um, turned east,
this one would have seen them.

My best guess
is that they went west, here.

Okay, so all they had to do

was avoid a couple blocks
of cameras--

And disappear into a city
with 1,300 identical buses.

But why would anyone
want to kidnap a city bus?

We're not gonna know until
we figure out who's on that bus,

other than those kids.

When you swipe
your transit card,

the bus transmits
the information

to the Transit Authority.

I mean, if we got
authorization to access--

No, that'll be too long.

Well, not if we go
the nuclear option.



I don't have time for this.

No, I-I don't either.

That's why I need your, um,
your login credentials.

Hell, no. You gotta run that
through my supervisor.

You know what I hate
more than anything?

Red tape.

Okay. So we can sit here
for the next couple hours,

I can call my boss,
who's gonna call your boss,

who can't find her boss,

because she's playing
pickleball, or whatever, or...

we can act like men
and help these passengers--

you and I.

Uh, there's kids on the bus.

Don't make me sh**t you.
Come on!

Come on. Come on,
come on, come on, come on.

I'm ex-military.

It was just a*t*matic.

If I'd have stayed
in my damn seat,

I'd still be with her.

I'd have done
exactly what you did.

We lost her mom last year.


Kayla's been through so much
and I've been trying, but--

Do you remember anything

about the man
who took the bus?

He, uh, had a hat...

a gator.

He's White,

and, uh, I don't know,
maybe 40s.

Okay. That's something.


...please, please, just--
just help me find my kid.

She's been pushing me,
and pushing me away,

and there's just so much
that I should've said,

but I was hurting, too.

You know, and, uh...

sh-she's a great girl,
Captain Batista.


[Andrew, on video]
All right, young lady.

You go ahead.


What'd you wish for,
little bunny?

I wished to get Mom back.

We're gonna find her,
Mr. Barosso.

[quietly] 'Kay.

-It's what we do.

So sorry.

Uh, Jason got a password.
I'm in.

So these are all the kids,

and these
are all the passengers

that swiped
transit key cards.

Look, the cash payment--
that's probably our guy.

[Kemi] Yeah.

Uh, we got all the numbers
for all of the passengers

who registered their key cards
with transit accounts,

but all the numbers
go to voicemail.

They either turned
the phone off

or they're using blockers.

So we can't track the bus
or the passengers.

Issue the alert.

[alerts blaring, overlapping]

[slider swishes and thuds shut]

I have 50 officers out there
looking for a bus.

Please tell me
you've got something.

Okay, based on
a fast records check,

there's no obvious
kidnap motive--

no restraining orders,
no pending lawsuits--

just people trying
to live their lives.

Well, if it is a ransom play,

then the Transit Authority
and City Hall

would hear
from the kidnappers.

I don't want to wait.

We got something.

Someone spotted
one of those kids

at Washington Square.

Full team
to Washington Square, go!


My little boy was on that bus!

[man] Please,
my daughter's only 11!

It was just a field trip!
How do you lose a bus?

Ladies and gentlemen!
Ladies and gentlemen.

Captain Batista
will do everything possible

to bring your children
and loved ones home.

Our officers will take
your contact information.

The best way to help right now
is to go home.

[in Spanish]
Ay no. Yo no voy pa'casa.

Yo tampoco.

-[murmurs of dissent]

No one wants
to go through this alone.

We can set up a room...

can't we, Inspector?

I'll see what we can do.

[quiet murmuring,

Officer, you can--

please, one at a time.

[Nikki] Hey, Baxter.

I'm glad we found you
in Washington Square.

We're trying
to find your friends,

so I guess it's a good thing
you skipped the field trip.

I mean, it's only
to the Wagner Institute.

I've already seen the fossils,
like, five times, so I--

I get it.
It's okay.

Hey, do any of your friends
have smartphones?

Pretty much all of them, but--

Well, you know,
the reason why I'm asking

is because we are looking
for any communications

that may help us
find your friends.

Are they gonna be okay?

I hope so.

That's why
we're looking to identify

the person who did this,
and, so far,

it looks like
none of your friends

have posted photos
from the bus,

but maybe you got a text?

A post?

You know, my-my son Keith,

he used to be a handful.

He was a smart kid,
but, ooh,

the stuff he got up to--

I used to tell him

that I wouldn't be
upset with him

if he made a mistake,

and I'd be really happy
if he told the truth.

I'm sure your mom
feels the same way.


Well, according to the boy
who skipped the field trip,

we need to check
a "Finstagram."

Okay, Gramama, uh, everyone
just calls it "Finsta,"

short for "fake Instagram."

Um, so, lot of kids
create these pages,

uh, with different handles

so that their parents
can't see what they're up to.

Ah-hah! You think
Sidney has one of those?

I don't know,
but Kayla Barosso does--

that's the daughter of the man
who got pushed off the bus.

It's @sexyinpinnk.

"Pink" with two "N"s.

Is she 12 years old?
"Sexy in Pink"?

I tell you what--
we find her,

you can give her a lecture.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She posted this morning.

Okay, all I see is the kids.

None of them
are our cash-paying bus-napper.

So it's a dead end?

I mean, if we could access
the "live" version of the photo,

we could see more, but...

to do that,
we'd have to hack the cloud.

[Nikki] Hmm.

No. Uh, none of my guys
are comfortable with that,

so, no.

Okay, I got, uh, one--
maybe one option.

Black-hat or white-hat?


Uh, brilliant,

uh, a little unpredictable,

uh, Wayne.

Oh, the hacker you worked with
in Afghanistan?

That's great.
Bring him in.


[keys clacking]

[knocking at door]


Are you outta your mind?

I come in peace.

You can leave the same way.

[shuts door]

Wayne, I know
that I let you down.

I know that I let you down.

Okay? But this--
this is urgent.

So was showing up
to my sentencing hearing

six months ago!

Okay, in my defense,

I had a lot going on.

You knew the situation
with Keith.

No, I knew that,
after hacking you

into every phone
and computer in Afghanistan,

you didn't so much
as text me back.

I suck. I know.
I suck. Okay?

What "sucks"

is being stuck in a motel room
with an ankle monitor

that is giving me
freakin' eczema!

That does suck.

[calmer] Yeah.

I've had-- I've had no phone,
no computer, no Internet.

I've had nothing
except for the Cartoon Channel

and a view
of an insane paint job

and a dead tree.

Do you have any idea
what that does to a person?

Oh, come on.
It's not that bad.

I mean, you made it
four nights in a cave

with half the Taliban
looking for you.

Yeah, except
there's a difference.

I had you--


You were telling me Dad jokes

and doing
your Eminem impression--


...Which, by the way...

it sucks.
-No, it doesn't!

It does.

I'm sorry to tell ya.

It's good to see you.

And I m-- I may have a way
to get you out of this place,

uh, temporarily.

Did our ex-bosses send you,

or you come up
with this yourself?

Uh, the Philadelphia
Police Department.

There's a busload
of missing kids,

and, um, we need... you.

Do I get a computer?



[bed frame thumps]

All right.

Uh, so Jay's
little military buddy

got a year house arrest

for hacking
the Russian Consulate,

so can you remind me
how this is a good idea?

They worked for
the same military contractor.

Jay trusts him--


Heard y'all need
some cloud hacking?

Wayne Pascal,
this is Captain Batista.

Ah! The ex.

You never mentioned
Wayne was a woman.

My parents have
a sense of humor.

She's got a great sense
of humor, too, so, you guys

-are gonna get along great.
-[dryly] Mm-hmm.

Okay, well, we have a desk
set up for you,

right over here.

Um, actually,
I'm gonna take the bar.

Um, if you just want
to drop that over there--

you had some primo stuff
in that evidence locker, so.




City Hall
just received a ransom demand,

and we have four hours
to release John Maritz,

currently being held
in the detention center.

John Maritz--

um, he's a jerk.

Um, he helps rich folks do away
with their problems.

Yeah, till he pissed
a couple of 'em off.

He got 16 years for wire-tapping
and racketeering.

What's the ask?

If we don't release him
in the next four hours,

they start k*lling passengers.


Captain Batista says
you people are the best.

Now's the time to prove it.

No. The bus
hasn't been located yet,

but we are doing
everything that we can--

I know my husband--
he's gonna try and be a hero,

but he's not.

You're Mr. Cobi's wife,
the bus driver, is that right?

-Please, just find him.
-Why did they do this?

Why did they take our kids?

Ladies and gentlemen,
MPU is doing everything we can.

This is my Grace.

Please know
that, right now,

we believe
that your kids are safe.

How do you know that?

There's been
a ransom demand.

What? Ransom?
I can't afford a ransom.



It may not sound
like good news,

but as long as the kidnappers
are negotiating,

-there's hope.
-Who did this?

Folks, I'm sorry,

but sharing details
could compromise--

Is the City gonna
agree to their demands?

[Inspector Braun]
Mr. Barosso, it's a process.

-She is my daughter!

I know, look,
I've been in your shoes.

My son, Keith--

he was taken.

We never got him back.

That is why I joined the MPU--

to make sure
that no other parent

has to go through that.

So I hear you. I do.

I know how you feel,

and I'm not gonna say
that this is going to be easy--

every minute
will feel like a year--

but we will
get your children back!

Every single one of them.



You gotta take it easy

now that Braun is breathing
down Nikki's neck.


I mean, "easy"
is my middle name.

Since when?

Are you saying that's on me?

Well, it's not not on you.

-[lock buzzing]
-Heads up.

John Maritz.

Look how the mighty have fallen.

Aw, it's not so bad.

Lost a few pounds,
caught up on my reading.

It's kind of relaxing,

not dealing
with other people's problems.


I heard the best people
used to have you on speed dial.

I don't fix-and-tell.

That's very noble.

How can we help you gentlemen?

Well, we were wondering
if your client

had a particularly creative way

of fixing
his incarceration problem.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Uh-huh. 'Kay.

Uh, there was
a kidnapping today--

are just little kids.

I assume you're talking
about the missing bus.

That's your problem,
not my client's.

Well, the hijackers
are demanding

his immediate release, so...

I would say
it's very much his problem.

Okay. Uh, John, look.

We know your accounts
are frozen,

but we figured you probably
found a workaround,

so just tell us,
and we'll get out of here.

Who'd you pay?

I didn't pay anyone.

Okay, then who did?

You know,
you're the detective.

Why don't you tell me?

Oh, wait.
Jason Grant, right?

All temper, no finesse?

Apparently couldn't even get
his own son back.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Jay, Jay.
Easy, easy, easy.

I think we're done here.

Yeah, we're done here.


[lock buzzes]

Not bad.

What in
the garbage dump of hell

are they teaching kids
these days?

Did you get
into Kayla's account?

No, not yet, but it should
take maybe 30 seconds,

because, apparently,
no one told your girl

about two-factor

You're gonna
hack her password?

[Wayne] Oh, hell, no.

Let's see.

Uh, "first pet's name"--


Well, this is the Insta account
her parents know about.


"Missing my Daisy"--
crying face, heart emoji.


Nice. Mother's maiden...

So, um, what exactly did
you and Jason get up to

in Afghanistan?

The usual.

Did he tell you about the time
we kidnapped a camel?

No, he didn't.

He seems to have left out
a number of things.

Well, Jay is like a book
with half the pages torn out,

and we put up with him,

whatever's on those pages,

he's got the biggest heart
in the world.

Oh! Old people, bingo!

This has gotta be
the grandparents.

Checking metadata...

latitude, longitude...

Hey, babe?

Who owns the house
at 354 Ardmore Lane?



Linda and Mason Hill,

and for the love of God,
do not call me babe.

Thanks, babe.

You got it, babe.

All right, yeah, Hill.

He seriously didn't
tell you about the camel?

[Nikki] No, he didn't.


Not really.

Okay, one more. Um...
name of her elementary school.

Uh... "Hayward."


All right. We are in.

Live photos.
Knock yourself out.


[Kemi] And... there!

Mm. Not enough to I.D. him.

-Yeah. I got you.


[C, muttering to self]
No, a beach.

No... a forest.

A forest.

No, no, a beach.

A beach.

Okay. No, wait. A river.


-I'm fairly certain

you're in a park.

-[he exhales deeply]

[C laughs]

Honestly, thank you.
You saved me.

This is...

From what?

Rachel thinks
that the Coroner's Office

is spiking my anxiety,

so I'm-I'm trying meditation.


But this app is asking me
to "locate my happy place."

Okay, is it possible
that you're missing the point?

No, the point is,
unless there's an emergency,

I'm committed to 15 minutes
a day, so, goodbye.


Is this the kidnapper
from the bus?

Yeah. And we need you
to I.D. him.

We got an emergency! Let's go!

Why'd they take our phones?

So we couldn't call the cops...

but they must know by now.

We just have to stay calm.

I want my dad.

I don't even know
if he's alive.

Don't even think that, Kay.

He pushed him off the bus!

I'm stuck with a bunch of kids.

What the hell
is taking so long?

Please, just let us go!


[gasping and yelping]

You, little girl,
shut your mouth!

[students whimpering]

Okay, we're on our way.

Blow through this stop sign!


[car horns honking]


[shot fires]

[all crying out]

Next one--
the next one's on you.

All right,
so C's working his magic

on a facial composite.

Philadelphia Transit Authority

they can't stop
all the buses.

I tried.

I really tried.

You okay?

If the city
won't release Maritz,

I have to tell those parents
that, in three hours,

one of their kids may die,

and on top of that,

Braun has read your file
in detail.

Look, Nik, if you want me
to fall on my sword,

I will.

No. We are who we are.

It's why we're good.

He's smart,
he'll figure it out.

But why is she still here?

Oh, um...

I, um, I dropped an earbud

in, um, in Maritz's lawyer's

and she's tracking it.


'Cause I don't think Maritz
was able to do this

from the inside,

and I got
a sneaky suspicion that, uh,

his lawyer is in contact
with whoever did.

How does an earbud help?

Maybe you don't want to know.

Oh, there's another thing
you're keeping from me.

Come on, Nik.

Why is it you never mentioned
that Wayne was a woman?

I mean, not that it's any of
my business anymore, but...


okay, um,

when you, um,
when you called me

and, uh, told me that...

Keith was missing,

I was 8,000 miles away

from anybody
that mattered to me,

um, and I, um,
I lost my mind, Nik.

I couldn't--
I couldn't talk,

I couldn't move.

I couldn't--
I couldn't do anything.

Wayne said she didn't want me
to travel home alone,

so she flew all the way
to Philly with me--

went right back on a plane
to Bagram.

I don't know
why I didn't tell you.

Okay, I-I just--
I didn't know how you'd react.

But I owe her, uh...

big time.


Where is he taking us?

[echoing thud]

We are trying,
but if they don't release him,

I have a busload
of kids who--

[sighing] Yeah.

Yeah, keep me posted.

What's up?

Uh, the Inspector says

that the city doesn't
want to release Maritz.

All right, then we have
a little more than two hours

to find those kids.

I have this voice in my head
that keeps saying

that we always
figure this out,

but I-I don't know,
this feels different.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
We got this, all right?

I got an I.D.!

"Baz Marsh."

Convicted of k*lling a woman
in Fairhill two years ago.

It got overturned on appeal.

Looks like he's got priors
on aggravated vandalism,

larceny, theft--

I mean, these are all crimes
of opportunity.

There's no way this creep
is capable of planning

a hijacking.

Then find out who did.

Last known address?

Yeah, right there.

All right,
Marsh took the bus...

but how does a fancy jerk
like Maritz

get lined up
with a scumbag like him?

I don't know--
you sprinkle enough cash around,

it ends up in the right pocket.

Wayne's tracking the lawyer.

Hopefully, we get
something there.

Yeah, Wayne.

-She seems resourceful.
-Oh, yeah.

She hacked a drone
with two sticks of gum

and a flip phone.

You and her have a thing?

Who's asking, you or-or Nik?

I'm just wondering
what the excuse is gonna be

when Braun figures out

there's a convicted hacker
sitting at our desk,

on our computers.

I don't know-- burning desire
to save 28 people?

-Oh, okay.
-And we're just friends.

-Yeah. There it is.

All right. [sighing]

Marsh's house should be
right here on the corner.

[glass shattering]


You ever hear
of knocking first?

Didn't I?

All right, Marsh,
what do you got for us?

-We got a bore brush.

Smells like solvent.

Cleaned a g*n
in the last day or so.

[paper rustling]

Doesn't seem to me like

a manila-envelope
type of fella.



Also didn't think
that he had $3,852

for a security deposit.

It looks like he leased
a commercial property.

Starts with "C-A-L."
I don't know.

The address is ripped off,
but the ZIP is South Philly.

[Jason] Look at this.

He targeted that bus 'cause
he knew the kids would be on it.

Son of a bitch.

Yeah, whoever's
working with Marsh

is setting us up
for maximum pain.


Say hello?


I'm Detective Jason Grant

and I'm coming for you. 'Kay?

All right,
let's get the hell outta here.




[Mike] The phone we found
at Marsh's was a burner,

but there's only
one number on it,

and that's a dead-end.

[Jason] They want to know
if we I.D.'ed him, Nik.

Kemi, what do you
have on the bus?

Uh, they said
South Philly, right?


Okay, so I overlaid
the bus, uh, routes

with the traffic cam footage.


There's one anomaly.

This was 20 minutes ago.

That's not on a route?

Factory District,
south of 18th.

Wait. The receipt said C-A-L.

The old Calloway factory!

Uh, uh... "Calloway."

-Right here.

[C] Here.

It'll be 15 minutes until
we can get SWAT on site.

That's great. We got

[tires screech]

Well, uh...

we could wait
for SWAT to breach or--

do you have a tow rig
on this thing?

I do not. Why?

I don't need it. Never mind.
I got a better idea.


[engine starts]

[engine idling]


[engine revs]



I'm going right.


Aw, damn it.



The cell phone
at Marsh's house--

As soon as they knew
we I.D.'ed him,

he became a liability.

If this is the kidnapper,

then who the hell
has the passengers?

they're children.


[all gasping]

Sit down!
Anybody else got a complaint?



Hey! Driver.

Get up!

Get up.

-Get up!

-Move it!

Quit stalling!

-I have a wife!
-Shut up!



Hurry up!

[train whistle blowing]

Please, mister.

[door rattles]

Get Nik over here.




Oh, hey. Jay. Jay!

-Oh, no.
-[Nikki] Talk to me.

Yep, they came through here.

All right, Nik.

The railyard's
a couple hundred yards away.

I think these bastards
wanted to keep 'em moving.

We're one step behind,

and those kids
are paying the price.

There are 31 freight trains
currently in the yard.

[Jason] So just shut
the whole thing down.

Jason, that's not a thing!

A train leaves
every four minutes,

or the whole East Coast
transportation system

shuts down.

Look, hey, hey, if we have
to search every car,

it'll take hours.

Give me one second.

Hey, what do you got?

[Wayne] Your earbud says

that Maritz's lawyer
is in a coffee shop

near his law firm.

If he uses their WiFi,
I can get into his devices.

No, no. Anything you find
will be inadmissible.

Dude, this was your plan.

I-I know that, okay?

I just-- I just don't
want this to blow back.

Are you more worried
about the ex,

or the fact that we have, like,
no time to stop this creep?

All right. Do it. Do it. Do it.
All right?

What is that look?
What? What?

That's what.


[modulated voice]
The city has

failed to release John Maritz
in the time allotted.


Don't let it happen again.

[Jason] Son of a bitch.

[modulated voice]

Son of a bitch.


Does that look like the inside
of a railway container to you?

Yes, it does.

I want drone coverage
of that yard.

Please get me every warm body
that we've got

down there
and searching, now!

[sirens wailing]



I spoke to the Mayor.

Between the dead bus driver

and the thought
that one of the kids is next,

he's agreed
to release Maritz.

Thank God.

You did this.

I just walked him
past the conference room,

where the families
are waiting.

Thank you, Braun.

Which brings me to the part
that you won't thank me for.

I want MPU
to stand down.

What? No!

I want you there
once release conditions are set.

In the meantime,
you don't poke a bear

when he has a kid
in his mouth.

I'm happy the Mayor is giving
those passengers a chance,

but I have zero reason to trust
the people behind this.

Did you miss the part
where I give the orders?

You know I'm right.

[door rumbling open]

Don't screw this up.

[door rumbles]

Jason and Mike
are still searching,

but it's a needle
in a damn haystack.

Anything on the drone?

Nothing so far.

Uh, but we might
have something else.


don't look at the passengers,
focus on the chain.

-Will you isolate it for her?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Nikki] Okay, it jumps
every second or two.

Is the train still moving?

No. The car is stationary.

Just the chain moves.

Which means
that it's on a siding,

next to a moving train.

And we counted how many times
the chain moved,

and it was 42.

Which means
that it's next to a track

that has a 42-car train
passing by.

And according
to the freight system,

there is only one train
that fits the bill,

and it left on track seven.

-Pull the drone view back up.
-Uh, yeah.

[hits keys]


[Kemi] That's track seven.

There. On that flatbed.

Get me a container number.



[train whistle blowing]

Let's set up a perimeter
that way.

Wait for my call.

Jay, where are you?

South side of the tracks.

All right.
East side, by track seven.

Container number 7-Oscar-9-1.

Get here now!

[Jason] All right, all right.

John Maritz coming through.

[door lock buzzes]


[phone buzzing]

Hey, I'm kinda
in the middle of it here.

I got into
the lawyer's phone.

Looks like he repped
our dead bus-napper-- Baz Marsh.

I gotta go. I gotta go!
I really gotta go.

I don't have time right now.

-Not only that--

he made multiple calls

to another former client,
also a felony all-star.

Come on. Okay, so if
that's the guy who shot Marsh,

that's the same guy
who's got the kids.

It's him, it's him.

[train whistle blaring]

What the hell
is all that noise?

Just me almost getting k*lled.
I really gotta go. Bye.

Hold it down.
Wait for me. Wait for me.

Take low. I'm going up.


Where's your car?
We need to make that call.

Right outside.




I got the g*n.
I got the g*n.

[Mike] Get up!

-Hands behind your back.

Hey, I got good news for you,
buddy, you're gonna spend

the rest of your life in jail,
with your lawyer. Huh?

Screw you!

Hey, check on those kids.

Let's go.

[police sirens wailing]

We're good.
Cut 'em loose.

Detective Jason Grant.

Game over, counselor. You should
probably get yourself a lawyer.

Oh, my God, we're screwed.

Get us out of here!


-Maritz, stop!
-[expl*si*n roaring]

[all talking excitedly]


[indistinct exchanges]

-Go, go.

[Andrew] Oh!

I promised your mom
I'd keep you safe.

I'm so sorry, Kayla.
I'm so sorry.

I promise to never go
on another school field trip

without you again.

I think you'll get over that!

But it's okay, I love you.

So much!

You follow football, Nikki?

It's Philly.
Do I have a choice?

An individual
can make a difference,

but a team...

can make a miracle.

"Fly, Eagles, fly."

Let's wrap this up.

You got it, boss.

[Braun] I can now report

that the hijacking
of Bus 447

was engineered by an attorney
representing John Maritz.

The Mayor and I,

along with
Missing Persons Unit,

mourn the passing
of Bus 447's driver,

Elliot Cobi,

whose heroics
will not be forgotten.

As to the expl*si*n
that took the lives

of Maritz
and his attorney,

the Homicide Department
will not stop

until we find the person,

or people,


[reporters clamoring]

It was fun while it lasted.


Can I interest you
in a nightcap?

I mean, I've got
a fine vintage Gatorade

and there is an ice machine
just down the hall,

if you like it cold.



I don't-- I don't know
if I'm ready for Gatorade.



you know where to find me,
when you are.



All right.

["Righteous" by Devon Gilfillian

♪ ...And you can be real

♪ Righteous

♪ How could we see eye to eye

♪ When you're standing
on top of your hill? ♪

Thank God.

Yeah, Maritz buried
a lot of secrets

-for a lot of powerful people.

Yeah, I guess one of 'em
got scared he was gonna talk.

Yeah, I'm not sure
we'll ever know.

Braun gave the car bombing
to Homicide.

Yeah, well, no matter what,

those kids are sleeping
in their own bed tonight.


You wanna do the honors?

Oh, no.
It's usually your thing. Go.

Well, consider it
an early wedding present.


♪ ...But you don't really know
how to heal? ♪

♪ You can be righteous

♪ Righteous

♪ And you can be real

♪ Righteous

♪ How do we see eye to eye...

-You are right.

That feels good!

Well, you know what
would feel even better?


-Nice back rub...

Nice glass of wine,
hot bath.

[Nikki] I'd like that.


Tell me
we're gonna be okay here.

We're gonna be okay.
