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01x02 - Scream Machines/Takeout Spinout

Posted: 03/24/24 08:21
by bunniefuu
[engine revs]

♪ Go! Go fast! Go faster! ♪

♪ Kick it into high gear
We've got the drive here ♪

♪ Rev it up ♪

♪ Our own imaginations ♪

♪ We're on track to take first place ♪

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[upbeat music playing]

I hope you all enjoyed
your first day of camp,

but it's getting late,
so it's time you crashed,

into bed that is. [laughs]

A little pun there.

-[all] Whoa!

-That's nice.

Dash, this is where we'll sleep?

Sleep, chill, try a 360
front-flip before breakfast.

Whatever you want.
The crash pad is yours.

-[racers cheering]

-I call that one!
-Check it out, man.

-Never mind I want that one.
-Look at this.

This is awesome.

Whoa. I get the biggest bunk.

[camera clicking]

[Squeakers squeaking and beeping]

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Squeakers, are you sure?

-It was the Bone Shaker?

[gasps] Okay, okay, okay,
I'm coming right away.

[Squeakers beeping]

Hey, all, I gotta take care
of a little something,

but get some shut-eye.

-You have a big day tomorrow. Whoa!
-[Squeakers honking]

Man, I can't wait to do
all the cool camp stuff.

Racing, making s'mores,
racing, telling scary stories...

and did I say racing?

If you wanna hear a scary story,
I know just the one.

-[eerie music playing]

Years ago, there was
a car named the Bone Shaker.

Everyone thought it would
win the Hot Wheels 500.

[engines rumbling]

[intense music playing]

But before the Bone Shaker
crossed the finish line,

it lost power and also lost the race.

When the Bone Shaker couldn't be fixed,
it was sent to the junkyard.

-Then, bam!
-[electricity crackling]

A lightning bolt struck the car,
and it became alive!

Now, it roams Hot Wheels City
seeking the trophy

it thinks it should have won,

and the Bone Shaker
won't stop till it gets it.

[Bone Shaker groaning]

You can tell it's coming
by its rattling revving,

its groaning honk,
and its smokey exhaust fumes.

If you see those, drive away!

[claps] The end.

[Spark laughs]

That was fun, Brights,

but a car coming to life?

That's scientifically impossible.

Nuh-uh, my Uncle Larry
told me the legend was true.

And the only time he fibs is when
the dentist asks if he flosses.

Plus, I heard Dash and Squeakers
talking about it earlier.

The Bone Shaker is here!

-[engine groaning]
-[campers yelling]

-Was that the...
-[all] Bone Shaker!

[Spark] The sound was
most likely the wind

or a branch scraping
on a window.

Or the actual Bone Shaker!

-[creepy music playing]
-[Axle groans]

[Coop And Mac] Epic!


an air conditioning unit
that needs some serious servicing.

[Axle And Sidecar] Whew.

See? No haunted car.

[horn blaring]

Okay, that's definitely it!

Nope, it's Mac
standing on a car horn.

-[chuckles] Whoops, my bad.

[keypad beeping]

[majestic music playing]

[Coop] Whoa! Look up there.

[Sidecar majestically singing]

That's the Hot Wheels 500 trophy.

My dad's already won it. Twice.

[gasps] And it's the trophy
the Bone Shaker was gonna win.

It must still want it
after all these years.

-[wind howling]
-It's just a myth.

But check this out.

Smokey exhaust fumes.
It is the Bone Shaker.

♪ We've got the drive here ♪

♪ Rev it up ♪

♪ Our own imaginations... ♪

Aw, it's only a taco truck.

-[cat squealing]
-Forget it.

I really, really, really
wanted the legend to be true.

It's okay, Brights, at least
you told a really great story.

Now, let's head back to bed.

-I wanna be well-rested for tomorrow.
-[engine groaning]

Why are you all looking like that?

[engine groaning louder]

[all] The Bone Shaker!

[kids screaming]

[engine roaring]

[car slamming]

We gotta shut down that crazy car.

Maybe we can use
the legend to stop it.

Brights, how did it go again?

[gasps] The Bone Shaker
lost the Hot Wheels 500.

Now, it seeks the trophy.

Spark plug! That's it.

If we redo the race
and the Bone Shaker wins the trophy,

it'll leave us alone.

[all] Challenge accepted.

If it's a race the Bone Shaker wants,

I'll need a lightning-fast car.

I choose the Power Surge.

This armored vehicle
will keep me safe.

I choose the Tricera-Truck.

And this car can hide behind Axle's.

-I choose the Aristo Rat.
-[engine revving]

I'll need some big air if I'm gonna get
down the Hot Wheels 500 trophy.

I choose the Baja Jump Truck.

Let's take this
monster machine for a ride.

I choose the Rodger Dodger.

To match the legend,

I need the car that
beat the Bone Shaker.

I choose the Roller Toaster.

♪ Kick it into high gear
We've got the drive here ♪

♪ Rev it up ♪

♪ Our own imaginations ♪

♪ We're on track to take first place ♪

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[upbeat music continues]

♪ Go, go fast, go faster ♪

[electricity buzzing]

♪ Change the world around you ♪

♪ At the speed of sound
You'll see the world ♪

♪ In a whole new headlight ♪

♪ We're on track to take first place ♪

♪ Hot Wheels ♪

♪ Challenge accepted, gear selected ♪

♪ Kick it up ♪

♪ Into a whole new rhythm ♪

♪ We're on track to take first place ♪

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[engines revving]

[upbeat music continues]

Okay, we gotta get
the Bone Shaker

to race us back to
the garage where...

I'll grab the Hot Wheels 500 Trophy

and give it to the Bone Shaker
at the finish line.

And once it thinks
it's won the race,

it will finally be happy
and stop haunting Hot Wheels City!

[engine roaring]

[tires squealing]

-[horn honking]
-Hey, Bone Shaker!

Yeah, I'm talking to you.

[tires squealing]

Wanna race?

[engine revving]

[upbeat music continues]

[engines roaring]

Keep it up! We gotta give Brights
time to get the trophy.

Speaking of, how's it coming, Brights?
We'll be at the finish line soon.

Uh, I'm trying.

It's just... the trophy.

It's too high.

[upbeat music continues]

[engines revving]

[Bone Shaker howling]

[tires squealing]

[music intensifies]

[engine revving]

[groans] I can't get it!

We're not gonna make it.

[Bone Shaker engine revving]

Oh, yes, we are!

Toast Attack, activate.

Go Hot Wheels!

[tires squealing]


[all] We did it!
Bone Shaker got the trophy!

Hey, what're you
kids still doing up?

And is that the Bone Shaker?

The Bone Shaker is alive,
just like the legend says!

Spark, the car isn't alive.

Although, that story
actually inspired me

to make this
self-driving Bone Shaker.

[Bone Shaker honking]

Ha! I knew it wasn't
haunted this whole time.

-[horn honking]
-[Axle screaming]

Whoops... [chuckles]. Did it again.

[kids laughing]

Looks like you
were right, Spark.

No way, Brights.

Without that legend,
Dash would have never made

this awesome,
self-driving Bone Shaker.

That's 100% right.

Science is only possible
with imagination.

-[triumphant music]
-You both get a Flame Badge!


I created this Bone Shaker
to help you sharpen your racing skills,

and it looks like
it did the trick.

If you all wanna win a trophy like this,
you're going to need to catch some Zs.

We have our first camp
challenge tomorrow.

Okay, but only after Brights tells us
another scary story.

[laughs] I've got the perfect one.

It's about the Croc Rods that live
in the Hot Wheels City sewer.

[eerie music playing]

[Croc Rods growling]

[announcer] It's fast, it's food,
and it's coming up next!

[racers] I choose the Street Wiener!

[tires squealing]

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[upbeat music playing]


Morning, campers.

I, uh, wasn't expecting
you to be up so early.

-We couldn't sleep, Dash.
-And not just 'cause Axle snores.

[Sidecar laughs] Uh-oh.

We were too excited for our
first daily camp challenge!

Ha! I love the enthusiasm.

Squeakers, please
save this for later.

We have a challenge to do.

These camp challenges
are very important.

They'll help you gain the skills needed to
win the next Camp Champ Grand Prix race.

And we'll also be able to
earn Flame Badges, right?

That you will, Coop.

Now, I hope you're
hungry for speed,

'cause today is a food
delivery challenge!

First, you'll choose a Fast Foodie
and race to pick up your order.

But before you can
grab your grub,

you must do a totally tasty trick.

And once you nab your nibbles,
zoom on over to the finish line.

First delivery
driver there wins!

[all] Challenge accepted!

[upbeat music playing]

I need a car to help me serve up a win!

I choose the Street Wiener!

This car has an innovative design
that can toast the competition!

I choose the Roller Toaster!

Holy guacamole!
Tacos are my fave.

I choose the Car-de-Asada!

Nothing says fast food
like a burger.

I choose the Buns of Steel!

I wanna blast past
the other racers!

I choose the Carbonator!

Victory's gonna taste
so sweet in this.

I choose the Donut Drifter!

♪ Kick it into high gear
We've got the drive here ♪

♪ Rev it up ♪

♪ Our own imaginations ♪

♪ We're on track to take first place ♪

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[upbeat music continues]

♪ Go, go fast, go faster ♪

[electricity buzzing]

♪ Change the world around you ♪

♪ At the speed of sound
You'll see the world ♪

♪ In a whole new headlight ♪

♪ We're on track to take first place ♪

♪ Hot Wheels ♪

Remember, this is
a skill challenge,

and today's skill
is communication.

You'll all be driving
to different places, so you need

to talk to one another
to avoid any drive-thru disasters.

Got it? Good.

Now, let's go!

[upbeat music]

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[engines roaring]

Passing on your left, Brights.
My location is at the park.

Thanks for the heads up, Spark!
I'm heading downtown.

[engines roaring]

Mac, I'm turning up here!
Next stop, Larry's Pizza Joint.

All good, Sidecar!

I'm grabbing some
burgers at the tire shop.

-Get out of my lane!

-No, you get out of my lane!

[music intensifies]

[Axle and Coop shouting]

Watch where you're going!
I gotta get my donuts.

So do I!

I mean, I gotta get my hot dogs.
But still, I gotta go.

[rubber squeaking]

[Axle And Coop] Huh?
Ah! We're stuck together.

This is all your fault!
No, this is your fault!

Stop saying what I'm saying!

We can't just spin our wheels.

-We gotta get unstuck.
-And fast.

The others will be at
their pit stops any second.

[upbeat music playing]

Oh, yeah! I'm gonna pop this
fizzy water at the finish line!

[engine revving]

-[rubber squeaking]
-[Axle and Coop grunting]

Oh, come on!

[upbeat music playing]

[bell ringing]

I'll take these
sandwiches to go!

[groans] Maybe the Donut Drifter's
Donut Spin can get us unstuck.

[majestic music playing]


[Coop yelling]

Oh, come on!

[Brights screaming]

[tires squealing]

Woo-hoo! Looks like
every day will be Taco Tuesday.

I know how we can get unstuck.

[engine revving]

Look out below! Whoa!

It's not working.

[Axle screaming]


Who made this frosting?

[groans] Nothing's working!

And everyone but Mac has already
picked up their deliveries.

[Mac] Watch out!
Hot food coming through!

[triumphant music]

[tires squealing]

Wrong again, Coop.

Everyone has their
deliveries except us!

-[engines roaring]
-[Coop gasping]

They're heading for the finish line!

Oh, man! I really wanted to win
this first daily challenge.

At least you won
the first Camp Champ race.

If I'm gonna earn any more badges,
I really need this win.

I need every win!

[sighs] I'm sorry.

Everyone knows my dad
is such an amazing racer.

I wanna show everyone that
I'm a great racer too.

I get it. I wanna win to
prove I'm as good as anyone,

that I can be a champion.

Weird how we feel the same.

I guess we never
really talked before.

Wait a minute.
Do you remember what Dash said earlier?

Uh, "My breakfast burrito
is getting cold?"

No! About the challenge.
It's about communicating!

If we talk to each other...

We can drive our two cars as one.

What do we have to lose?
I mean, aside from the challenge,

the Flame Badges,
and the Camp Champ title.

[upbeat music playing]

[engines roaring]

-Picking up speed for that jump!
-Matching you!

[Axle] Aim for the spoon!
We can use it as a launcher

-and get my donut!
-[Coop] Sounds good, Axle.

Let's jump!

-All right! Woo-hoo!

-Yes! We got it!

Now it's time to get your hot dogs.

-Donut spin?
-Do you see the car I'm driving?

Of course we're doing a donut spin.

[tires squealing]

[Coop] Yes! We're doing it!


[upbeat music continues]

[Coop gasps]

[Axle] Flying hot dog buns!

[Coop] It's all good.

The Street Wiener
was made to maneuver.

Stay close!

[upbeat music continues]

-[Axle] Left!

[both] Pickle at nine o'clock!

[engines roaring]

Yes! It's working!

[Coop] All right!

I just got the hot dog
with my Hot Wheels!

[upbeat music continues]

[engines roaring]

[Axle] Whoo! Finish line, here we come.

We're still in this!
Come on, Coop, we can do this!

[music intensifies]

[Axle grunting]

We won't win if we can't
get around the other racers.

But we can go over them.

With the Street Wiener's Spatula Power,

I'm gonna flip us into first place.

Ready? On three.

[both] One, two, three!

-[dramatic music]
-Barbecue Back Flip, activate!

[Axle And Coop] Go Hot Wheels!

-[engine revving]
-[tires squealing]

[dramatic music intensifies]

[Axle And Coop] Whoo!

[racers] Whoa!

-[Coop] This is amazing!
-[Axle] All right!

-[Coop] Yeah!
-[Axle] All right!

[engines roaring]

-[tires squealing]

-We did it. We did it.
-That's right.

-We did it. We did it.
-We did it.

Come on, Coop, you gotta dance.
We did it! We did it!

Well, it looks like our
first daily camp challenge

has two winners!

And because you
communicated so well,

you each get a Flame Badge!

-All right!
-Up top!

And I have something to
communicate with all of you.

The real reason I created this challenge,
we're having an epic lunch party!

You can have first dibs, co-winner!

No, you go.
You did the grill move.

No, really, I insist. You go.

No, I insist. You go.

Do you think those two
will ever get along?

But the probability is low.

Yeah, well, sometimes
things may not look

like they go together,
but they actually do.

[mouthful] You're so right, Brights.

This is delicious! Mm.

-[Axle] You go!
-[Coop] You go!

[Axle] No, you go.

-[Coop] You go.
-[Axle] Come on, you go!

-[Coop] You go!
-[Axle] You go!

Get ready to blast off,

'cause this next car
is out of this world!

[all] I choose the RocketFire!

♪ Hot Wheels, let's race ♪

[closing theme music plays]