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02x03 - School Poolers

Posted: 03/24/24 09:00
by bunniefuu
Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, ah!

See? Everything worked out.

Aww, I wanna be a letter.


Come on, James!

Just a few more feet. You can do it!

Hold the bus! Hold the bu-huh?

No! Kids are supposed to miss
the bus to school,

not the bus to leave school.

Wait, why am I upset?

I hate school buses!

They're stinky and noisy,

and you never know
if you're gonna have to sit

next to someone who's stinky and noisy.

Or you'll get stuck over the wheel,

which means you'll have no leg room.

Or worse, sit next to someone

who doesn't seem to care
if their legs are touching yours.

Or worse, they do care and they like it!

I'm happy I missed the bus, Max.

It's good to be out in
the fresh air, basking in the sunshine.

Ha-ha! Heck yeah! Rain! Ah!

You know, I like buses.

Where else can me and 60 other kids

get driven around with no say over
where or when we go?

It's like having your own chauffeur!

That's the opposite of a chauffeur.

I can't wait to have
my own set of wheels.

But since I'm of indeterminate age,
who knows when that'll happen.

Oh. Max! What is that?


Max! Do you see what I see?

Someone threw out a golf cart!

Too bad we don’t golf.

Let's get outta here.

Max! I don't need a license
to drive a golf cart.

This is the solution to
all my school bus problems.

Help me get it down,

by which I mean can you get it down
for me, please? I'm weak.




Ooh, ooh, ooh.


Oh, it works! Wheels of my own at last.

I can kiss that stinky school bus goodbye!

Oh. Uh, can you turn away for a second?

All right.
Time to take Dumpy out for a spin.

Mm-hmm. Not sure I like it

when people give me
such hard-hitting nicknames.

Dumpy's the golf cart.

I named her after the dumpster
where we met.

Oh, that's sweet.
You need me to turn around again?

Nah, I'm good. Let's ride.

Whoa! Yeah! Woo!

Oh, this is great.

Why would anyone throw out
a working golf cart?

Destiny, Max.

The universe clearly heard my plea

and rewarded me
with the one thing I needed.

I never thought of it that way.


Oh, yeah!

Keep it moving, baby!



Look what I did. I swallowed a boy!

Adore me. Adore me.

So, how's your life?
All right.


Sweet golf cart.

Yeah, no more school buses for this guy.

So can I have like a ride?

Hop in. There's room for all.


James, I think they're only being
nice to you

because you have a car.

I'm popular.

I ain't getting in that golf cart!
Stinks almost as bad as you!

Spoken like someone
without their own set of wheels.

And tomorrow morning,
I'm starting a carpool to school.

All of us will be school poolers

except for Stuart.

He's taking the bus.

Eww, what, why, no. Ugh.

School pool! School pool! School pool!

What, are you kidding me?

♪ 99 bottles of juice on the wall ♪

♪ 99 bottles of juice! ♪

♪ 44 bottles of juice on the wall ♪

♪ 44 bottles of juice! ♪

♪ You take one down and pass it around ♪

♪ 43 bottles of juice on the wall ♪

♪ 43 bottles of... ♪

Okay, enough!
Nobody drinks that much juice.

Hey James, can you help me move

my field hockey team's equipment

next Sunday at 5:00 a.m.?

Oh, and Neander needs a ride
to the airport tomorrow afternoon.

He's not flying anywhere,
he just wants to see a metal bird.

♪ 43 bottles of juice on the wall ♪


I don't understand it, Max!

How did rescuing people
from the bus turn into such a nightmare?

Whoa! What the...?

Oh, no, sorry. Look out.

What the French fry is that?

An electrical pulse generator.

It packs more power than
1,000 car batteries.

Hmm. Ah!

Do not touch it!


Wait, that's it? No arguing? No back-sass?

I don't have it in me, Echo.


I used to love riding in Dumpy.

Now I hate it.

The school pool has sucked

all the fun out of
having my own transportation.

It's noisy, stinky, and way too crowded!

And all I seem to do is pick up kids
before school, then drop them off after.

Uh, that sounds more like a school bus.

A school bus?

You're right!

I've turned my poor sweet Dumpy
into a school bus!

Oh! Now I understand why someone tossed

a working golf cart in a dumpster.

Having your own wheels is a curse!

Ooh, a witch threw it in there.

Yah! Witch garbage!

Don't you dare say that
about my Dumpy!

The only curse
I can see are my passengers,

which is why tomorrow
I'm pulling the plug on the school pool

and telling those freeloaders
to hit the road! On foot!

They're here.

Hmm. Okay, let's go.

Okay! Gather around!

I have an announcement to make!

Effective immediately,

I've decided to-Huh?


Whoa. Aha!
Hey there, hot stuff.


Wow. Stuart. Sweet ride.

Yeah. And check it.


heated seats.

Touch screens.

Wah! Oh! Unh! Whoa. Oh.

Yeah, Stuart!
Woohoo. So hot.



Yeah, yeah, hop in. We'll take a spin.


Oh, what's wrong?
You wanted to get rid of 'em, didn't you?

Yeah, but I didn't want them
to jump off my bandwagon.

I wanted to push them off.

Now I need to find a way to get them back

on my bandwagon,

so I can kick them off!


Stuart! I challenge you to a race!

Winner gets the school pool.

Loser gives up their ride
and gets back on the bus.


Well, since embarrassing you

is sorta my hobby...
you're on.

Hey, I'm sorry, James,

but there is no way
Dumpy can beat that ride.

Sure there is,

with a little help
from Echo's pulse generator.

But how are you gonna
get it away from her?

Heh-heh. The turkey tryptophan trick
works every time.

Oh, those fast food subs are amazing.

Ugh. You don’t catch me
eating those disgusting things.

Or making them.

Come on,
let's go grab the pulse generator.

Hyah! Huah!


Max! Help! Max?

Max! Wake up!

Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah!


Ooh, that was close.



Oh, wow.

Wow! I knew it was gonna be easy
to beat you, James,

but not this easy.


No, I can still race. Look.

See? No problem.

Huh, don't worry.

I'll make sure Dumpy
makes it back to the dumpster.

Huh, have fun on the bus.

Oh, what am I gonna do?

I can't go back to the bus.

Hey! I'll drive for you.



There comes a time in every bro's life

where he needs to help out another bro.

That bro is you.

Hey, how do you start this junk?

With a kiss.

Oh, and you turn the key.


My best bro's got my back.

Oh! Fine! I'll beat ya both!

When my wet hanky drops, this race starts!

We got this, Max.


What'd you dummies do
with my pulse generator?



Drop the hanky! Drop the hanky!
Drop the hanky!



See? I told you driving was fun!

What are you talking about?

These are screams of terror! Ah!

Okay, just keep your foot on the gas.
We got this.


Hang on!




Wah! Wah! Wah!


Ha! You haven't beaten us yet!



I'm a stress eater.

Oh, I wish you'd eat some of mine.

Sorry, James! We're gonna lose Dumpy!

Not on my watch!




We won!

Bye, Dumpy.

No goodbyes, Max.

Dumpy will always be watching over us,

from that great dumpster in the sky.

I told you not to touch
my pulse generator!

Now I need to make a whole new one,

or we're defenseless against Toasty!

Look, I'm sorry
I broke your grain generator,

but I got bigger issues than sliced bread.

I'm back to riding the bus!

♪ 44 bottles of juice on the wall ♪

♪ 44 bottles of juice! ♪

♪ You take one down and pass it around ♪

- ♪ 43 bottles of juice... ♪

It is like having a chauffeur.

Driver, take us to ice cream.

♪ Do it right ♪

♪ Do it right ♪

♪ Do it right ♪

♪ Do it right ♪

♪ Move your body
Move your body ♪

♪ Move your body right ♪

♪ Move your body, move your body
More your body right ♪

Yeah! Less garbage.