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01x05 - Wendy Big and Tall/Doppelfanger

Posted: 03/24/24 10:03
by bunniefuu




But Dad, I'm not too small
to have big ideas!




Ugh! Who?
What? Where?

Oh, hi!

Welcome to Spa Transyl...


A place so relaxing, um, ah,

even the employees
fall asleep!

Ha! Some employees.

Hi, Mavis!

I thought you were working
in the gift shop?

I am. I mean... I was.

Why is all this cool stuff
so out of reach?

Mavis, you sly bat.



I also did some time
in room service.

Wasn't to my taste.

Room service!

Eggs three ways!


Oops! Room 999.
That's on me!

And now, I'm here!

You subscribe to Brew-haha,

the magazine
for Witch Humor?

My dad says I'm
too little for that.

No way!

Who's there?

Witch who?

Witch spa product
are you gonna try first?

"Drac don't Crack."

MAVIS: Drac don't Crack!

I'm 114, but I don't look
a day over 85!

Oh, brother.

"99.9% blob?"
You make this, Daddy?


Aw, I wish you'd let me make
some of my ideas.

Blob Water, for when
you feel like something

in-between water and ice.


It's so unfair!

I'm tired of having
my ideas ignored

and being told I'm
too small and cute.


Aw, adorbs.


Y'know, smallness
can be a plus.

I mean,
you're the hero

whose tiny arm
unlocks the door

when your dad
forgets his key.

I wish he'd
see it that way.

Stop wishing
and start doing!

Like me.
My dad never said...

"Mavis, make the hotel
better," I just did!

Ooh! For me?

My dearest, Mavy Wavy.

I've been hearing a lot
about your "helping out"
at the hotel.

Maybe cool it on
that front for a while.

Love, Dad.


Wendy, it's time
to show my...

Uh, your dad just what I...
Uh, we... Uh, you can do!

Mr. Blob,
you look stressed.

Let Hotel "Transylvaniahh"
help you.

Relaxation is
our specialty!


Follow me!

This sauna gives heat
that can't be beat!


Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy pard'ner.

You're not ready for
sauna duty just yet.

Watch and burn.


Now for Operation:
Show Our Dads
They're Wrong!

Code name: Gum Drop!

We can work on names
on the way.

To the Blob Factory!



WENDY: This is where
the magic happens.

Blobburger in a can,
blob on the cob,
Easter Blobbys.

So, what does
your dad do all day?

He pretty much just hooks
himself up to the extractor
and spews blob.

That's it!

What? What?
Something caught in my jelly?

To the Blob Extractor!


Time to show
our dads who's boss!

In there?
No, no way. No, no.

No, I'm not ready.

Hmm, when you say
"I'm not ready,"

all I hear is...

"You're a purple
pickle butt?"

My Blobbish is
a little rusty.

Now, get in!

Um, I don't know, Mavis.

Wendy, this is your chance!


Whoo! He-he! I'm doing it!

If we're gonna prove you can
handle more responsibility,

we'll have to move
faster than this.

Is there a turbo button?

I dunno.
Check the manual.

It's in Blobbish.

And if I know
my Blobbish...

Which you don't.

I think...

Means "pull this
large, obvious lever."




I said "uh-oh!"


Oh! Uh-oh.

Whoa, the good news is

your dad's not gonna
think you're too small.

Holy rabies!

What took you so long?
I said it was an emergency.

Uh, that's why we stopped
for emergency tacos.


And then
when you said it was
a really big emergency,

we had to go back
and get 'em supersized.


Whoo! Whoopie! Ha-ha!

HANK: Whoa!
Wendy got super-sized.

Wow! I can see the hotel
from up here.

And Hank's bald spot!

It's a new scalp, okay?

Just, uh,
stay right there.

Don't make any
sudden movements

until I figure out how
to make you small again.

No way! I've been shrunken
down my whole life.

Now's my chance to be big,

big, big!

So cool!

Less cool!

That so counts as
a "sudden movement!"

Whoa! Whoo!

I always wanted
a polka-dot carpet!


Oh, no! My baby's
stuck in a well.

Oh, no! My baby's
stuck in that blob!

Don't worry!
We'll have your baby back
in that well in no time!

I'm not too small
for this ride!


We have to find a way
to stop her

before someone else does!

Who and which army?

Code Blob! Code Blob!

Uh, that witch army!

Er, roger, Witch Squadron!

Release Shrink-O-Sprinkle
at will!


It's so tickly!

This blob is just
too big to shrink!

Return to base
for reinforcements!



Wendy, you need to
get small again, like now,

before you hurt somebody.

No way, I just started to
get down with my big self.

Check out the crew
I roll with.

Besides, my dad hasn't
seen me yet!

[GASPING] Your dad!

Hank, you're in charge.
Do not let Wendy leave.

Does it look like
I have any control
over this situation?

Huh, why is
the door locked?
Where'd he go?

There he is!

Holy rabies!

The heat from
the sauna shrunk him,

and it's all my fault!


And he's..
Thirsty for ketchup?

Girl, you cannot
speak Blobbish.


He does look pretty
relaxed though.

It's... It's jammed!

With a zombie finger?


Let me try!

And our hands are
too big to get it out!

That's it! Too big!

Sauna! Shrink!
Small! Mr. Blob...

Tennis! Armpit!
Fire Ants!

Oh, I thought we were
doing a shouting out
random words thing.

Ugh! No! We're doing
a shrinking thing!

Mr. Hydraberg!
And, uh, other Mr. Hydrabergs,

I need your help.

Ooh, a party hat!


MAVIS: Wendy!

Oh, hi, Mavis!

Your Dad is in trouble
and needs your help.

What? Oh, no!

Wait, he needs my help?

He must've heard
that I'm big now!

Oh, no, no, no, no,
he needs your
small-Wendy help!

We need your
tiny blobby hands
to unlock the sauna.

This is your big...
Uh, little chance!

Okay, I'm in!

Uh... How am I gonna
get small again?

No prob.


Go ahead, kid.
You're ready.

Oh, boy! Really?

Yes, really!

Stop! It's so tickley!

Boom drac-a-lacka!

Situation now under
control, squadron!


My baby!

Wendy, you're back!

How does it feel?

Between you and me,
exactly the same.

But in a good way!
Let's go rescue my dad!

To the spa!

You did it, Wendy!

Daddy! I'm here
to save you!


[High-pitched Blobbish sounds]

Oh! You're so tiny!

Don't worry,
I won't hold it against you.

I know how it feels.

Now that I have
your attention,
let's talk Blob Water.

Blob Water,
for when you don't want ice

and you don't want water.

You want something


♪ Slug guts in my hair

♪ Slug guts everywhere

♪ And I don't really care!


Can you believe Jett Black
is coming here today?

Is that today? Huh.
Must've slipped my mind.



Come on, you think
I'm gonna get all blubbery

over some teen rock god?




Sorry, think your jaw came
unhinged there for a sec.

Hey, I'm...

Ridiculous gor-mous!

I mean, what I'm trying
to say is hi, I'm Hotel.

Welcome to
Mavis Transylspatula!


You've got a little,
ya know, something...



Ugh, what a fan girl.

I mean, as if we'd go
all fan boy over phlegm
ball superstar...

Noosh La Loosh!

Sign my face! No! No!
Sign his leg!

It's the Nooshster!


I can't believe how bad
I blew it with Jett.

So, you didn't
give him your song?

No, I didn't give him my song.

I had a whole plan, too.

He'd read it, love it,
beg me to record it,
and boom drac-alacka,

number one hit!

It would have been so easy.

It was gonna be!
Until the spider in my teeth.

How's Jett gonna take me
seriously after that?

You don't know how
lucky you are to have
a reflection, Wendy.

Blob freeze?


Very good, Monsieur Black!
Your room service will
arrive in 15 minutes!

Or whenever it is ready!

Hmm, that gives me an idea.

Okay, 15 minutes to
intercept Jett's order,

and get a second chance
at a first impression!

Razor sharp
widow's peak, check!

Dazzling white fangs, check!

Blood drained cheeks for that

ghostly pale complexion,

[GASPING] Holy rabies!

I'm late!

Jett's next hit song, check!




Oh, hey.
Spider fangs, right.

[LAUGHS] Yeah!

See I was kinda
nervous to meet you,
'cause I wrote this song.

Here, check it out!

I'm gonna stop you
right there.

But, you know, you've got
something on your face.



Ooh, spoiled kumquats, lovely.

Take that, punk!


Sometimes being
a vampire stinks!

Mavis! What's the occasion?

You look positively...
Ah, c'mon, ref!


It'd be nice
to see for myself!

Yeah. Sometimes
I pee myself too.

Uncle Gene,

why isn't there a mirror
for vampires?

But there is, sweetie.

The Dark Glass.

Dungeon 665B.

Bicycle kick, sucka!

What? Why'd no one
ever tell me?

Thanks, Uncle Gene!

Boom drac-a-lacka!

But I wouldn't go
down there if I were you.

The Dark Glass is
super cursed and...



It's real?




So that's what I look like!


This is incredible!

Oh, hey. Oh nice fangs.

Uh-huh. Oh, hey Jett.

Yeah, I'm Mavis.
What's that?

You... You want me
to hear my song?

Oh, I don't know,
I... Okay!

This is so awesome.

I gotta show somebody!


Hey, hey,
he's gonna do it!


It's funny, I know
how it's gonna end
every time,

but I still can't help
but watch.

Hmm, me too.

Looks like Mavis is
gonna try and b*mb
with Jett again.

She really is a glutton
for punishment.


Oh, hey, listen,
I don't really... Ah!

Ow! No. No, wait!

She just knocked me over
like I didn't even exist.

How cool!


Uh, did you see that?

Wow. The pressure of
hanging around a celeb

is really gettin' to her.

We could probably
teach her a thing
or two about...


Silly boys.

It's not like Blobbio
walked in and...


You guys are
not gonna believe
what just happened!

I saw myself. As in me!

In a mirror!

Did you hear me?
A mirror! For vampires!


You've got nothing to say?


Guys, guys!


Uh, what was that all about?

Ugh, this is
so not my day.

It's like everyone's
gone crazy

since I looked
in that dumb mirror.

You looked at it?

Why would you do that?
I told you it was cursed!

You didn't say that!

If a vampire looks
at the Dark Glass,

their reflection comes to life
as a hollow, mindless clone!

Everybody knows that.

So, right now,
there's another Mavis
walking around,

freaking everybody out?
I gotta stop her!

I wouldn't do that
if I were you!

And she's gone. Okay.

Now, if I was me,
where would I be?



Ugh. How embarrassing.

Come on! We gotta
get you outta here!

Ow! A-ha!

I've been looking
all over for you.

Come with me to the roof.

I'm gonna play
your song for you.

And I'm not going to take...

...for an answer!

Did you hear that?

Holy rabies!

Jett's gonna play my song!

Wait. Except he's not
playing it for me, but her.

Ah! I gotta go!


Have you guys seen Jett?
Uh, you mean that Jett?

The one hanging out
with you?


How can you be in
two places at once?

It's complicated.
I looked into
the Dark Glass

and now my reflection
has come to life.

The what?
Dark who-what now?

The ancient cursed
vampire mirror?

What? I'm not
allowed to read?

You guys gotta help me
stop her before she
blows it with Jett!

He's gonna play my...

♪ Slug guts in my hair

♪ Oh, slug guts everywhere

♪ And I don't really care

♪ No

♪ Ooh...



My song!

Hey, Spider Fangs!


Wait. Spider Fangs?

Heh, hey, hi, Jett.

Funny story.

UNCLE GENE: Guess who came
to save the day!

Mavis, quick, get away
from your reflection

before it sees you and...


...att*cks you,
like it is. Okay.

Ah! Stop it!
Let me go!


How can you tell
which is which?


Literally no clue.

Oh, come on!

I, for one,
think having two Mavises

just means twice
the best friend.

Aw, Wendy,
that is so sweet!


We gotta do something!

Agreed! But it should be

and poorly thought out!

Yeah, yeah!


Zombie reflection,
you are going down!

Get them to look
into the mirror!

It's the only way!

Pedro, let her go!


She's so indifferent,
it's irresistible!

[SOBBING] Please don't!

UNCLE GENE: No dice, kid.

We've already
got one perfect,
original issue Mavis.

Not interested
in any knockoffs.

All right, enough
with the mushy stuff!

Let's send this thing
back where it belongs!


Undead together forever!


And Gene out!


I guess that's that.

Another teen crush
bites the dust.

At least I got
to hear my song.
That was cool.

Yeah, Mavis,
you know what wasn't cool?

You fallin' apart around Jett.

Kinda pathetic, really.

Oh, come on, like you guys
would be so different.

So different.


Hey, this isn't
the squash court.