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01x24 - Mummyfest Destiny/Bandages of Brothers

Posted: 03/24/24 10:18
by bunniefuu





Front desk?

Yes, the buffet's on.
And it smells extra disgusting
this week.


Front desk?

If you hurry,
there might still
be some food.

you'll have to wait
for refills,

and those always take forever.

Speaking of... Done!
Now to join that line.


Uh, Theo and Athena Skeleton,
checking in.

First stop, that buffet!

I hope they do takeout.
Eating in public is awkward.


By the time I get to
the front of the line,
there'll be nothing left,

especially once Pedro's
had his way with it.

Mavis, come on, hurry!

Meh, what's the point?

WENDY: Let's get to the buffet
before he wakes up!


Yes! But I can't just shirk
my responsibilities.


Thanks, Saul!

For once, I'm going
to get to the food
before Pedro.



You snooze, you lose.

But... But...
But he snoozed!
Him, not us!

He's the snoozer!

It's okay,
there's still plenty...

Or, there was.



How do you score
so much food?

Yeah, how?

You've got an
invisible partner
again, don't you?

A mummy never reveals his
secrets, or his bellybutton.

We're weird that way.


Ooh, more gross beef!



Easy-peasy, buffet sneezy.





There's gross beef now?

Not anymore.

Aw, you're the worst.
PEDRO: Thanks, dude.

Don't worry, Hank.

More refills
always come out,

Not soon enough for me.

Once again, I have to
go back to work hungry,

thanks to certain
greedy mummies.

You're welcome!

Oops, forgot the gravy.


Whoa, what's happening?

Uh-oh, were you
just touching me?

We bumped into each other.

But more importantly,
what is going on?

This. It's a clock-stopper
or a buffet buffer.

I use Little Buffie here
to make time stand still.

You can freeze
all of time?

Do you know
how powerful this is?

Trust me. I know.










So, that's how
you do it,
an amulet.

All mummies have one.

And if you touch a mummy
while they're using it,

you get sucked in too, which I
guess is what happened here.

This is amazing!
Think of all the work
I can get done with it!

Whoa! One, buffet buffers
are for mummies only.

And, C, they're so not
for dumb things like work.

But I need it.
Just once? Please?

No way! You shouldn't even
know about this.

I don't want a visit
from the time-clops.

The who clops?
The time-clops.

Keeper of all things time?

So, you have to keep this
just between us, 'kay?

Ugh! Sure,
I'll keep your secret,

if you snag two buffet plates
from now on,

one for you, one for me.

Aww, okay.

Okay, you're all set!

Enjoy your swamp thing tour.

But don't drink the water,

no matter how good he says
it is. It's really not.

Mavis, my dad got passes
to the sneak peek
of the Human Shoe sequel!

Human Shoe 2: Boot Wars.

So? You wanna?

Of course she wanna's!
Let's go!

I'd love to.

But I have to tackle a few
chores from Aunt Lydia first.

"Number 37,
make the floor so shiny
I can see myself in it."

That's, like,
the cruelest joke ever!

Ugh. Brutal.
Well, got to boot!



If only I had that buffet
buffer! Pedro is so selfish.

It's not like he needs it.
He spends half his time

Of course!


Okay, there it is.

Can't be any harm
in just borrowing it.

Anyway, it's for
a good reason, unlike
hogging food at a buffet.

How can this be bad?
It can't. Then it's settled!




It's like I hit
the pause button on
the whole underworld.





♪ I got all the time
in the underworld

♪ To do what I got to do

♪ All the time
in the underworld

♪ To clean up after you

♪ With the extra time
that a vampire needs

♪ I'll never again be late

♪ No more missing out
on the best things in life

♪ Like filling up
my buffet plate


♪ The time I need
to get up to speed

♪ I'll burn through the list,
my aunt will be impressed

♪ All the time in
the underworld, oh, yeah

♪ To do it right

Nailed it!

Now to return the amulet.



Oh, I have the worst timing!


This floor is so shiny.
I almost saw my reflection
in it.

How did all this
happen so fast?

Yo, 'sup, Lydi...

What? What is so funny?



Chickens today.

[LAUGHING] Who gave
your aunt a makeover?

A vamp never reveals
her secrets.

Come on,
there's still time to catch
the screening of Boot Wars!


I've detected
a glitch in time,
originating in this hotel.

You're the time-clops?

I thought you were
just being dramatic.

The time-clops is real?

Yes, I'm real.

And I need to speak to
a Pedro Moomay about using his

to be productive.

Okay, yeah!

I never use
Little Buffie productively,
just for fun stuff.

Buffet hogging, long naps,
practical jokes.

Uh... [GULPS] What if
someone else used it?

Don't even kid!

Showing you Little Buffie
is a minor time crime.

But, a non-mummy using it
is as major as it gets!

We got to ditch
the time-clops.

Still here.

Buffet buffers
don't work on me

since I'm kind of
in charge of time and all.


Right. Run!





Quick, down here!

No one escapes the time...



MAVIS: This way!


Go! Bat out!
Leave me behind!

No! No way!
This is all my fault!

Nah, it's my bad.
I'll take my lumps.

Hand over your
buffet buffer at once
or face the punishment.

I'm not giving up
Little Buffie, bro.
I'll take the punishment.

Really? Wow, brave.

The punishment is,
one afternoon in time jail.

That's not so bad.

Well, we do freeze time, so...

Wait! You can't take him
to time jail. It's my fault!

I used it while
he was napping
to do chores.

Oh, sweet. What?

Pedro is free.
You are going
to time jail.


I can handle
a frozen afternoon.


Mummies get an afternoon.
Non-mummies get a year.

[GASPING] A year?


I'll give you Little Buffie
in exchange for her freedom.

You'd do that for me?

You already did it for me!

I mean, you're responsible for
all this in the first place,
but whatevs.


This is why
I choose to be a loner.

I'll never forget you,
Little Buffie.


You said it yourself.

Non-mummies using a buffer
is a major crime.

So, what now?

We go a whole year with
the world frozen around us?

No, just the opposite.

Hey, do you feel like
we were barely in
Mavis' life this week.

Yeah, but we saw
the best movie.
Boot Wars is awesome!

You got to see it
when you're free!

[MUFFLED] This is terrible.

Don't anybody try and look
at my bellybutton!

[SIGHS] I guess
it could be worse?

Who drew on my face?



I assure you, Mr. Toshi,
the hotel is very peaceful.




MAVIS: Hey! Enough!

Do you guys know
you just cost us
a six-month reservation?

Hank was complaining
and shushing so much
that my friends left!

Because you were partying
all day long,
and I couldn't get any sleep!

He's driving me crazy!
He's driving me crazy!

Stop doing that!
Stop doing that!

And that too!
And that too!



Whoa, maybe you two
shouldn't be spending
so much time together?

Hmm, you know what?
That's a great idea.

We shouldn't
be roomies anymore!

Whoa, whoa, no, wait.
She didn't mean that!

Finally, I can live
a shush-free life!

And I can live
in peace and quiet.

Uh, isn't that a little rash?

Big rash actually,

from Pedro using my bedsheets
to make scream cheese.


Dude, the recipe called for
a cloth-like material.

You are made
of cloth-like material!

Blob on a cob,
this is worse than I thought!

Maybe new roomies
is a good idea.

Wendy, they can't
split up for real.

Pedro and Hank
are meant to be together.

They lose their marbles when
they don't have each other.


But I don't want
just any roommate.

No one can keep up
with party Pedro!

Yeah, right.
Who would want to?

Um, well, you guys know,
that during the busy season,

all employees have to
share rooms to save space,

I mean,
except Draculas of course.

Works for me.
So, who gets the room?

Hank can have it.
Place is a dump.

Shrunken heads everywhere,

not to mention
the scream cheese.

But you did that!


Fine, fine!

The room will be way nicer
without the bugs and bandages
everywhere, anyway.

And I'll use the opportunity
to build my dream home.



This place is going to be
par-tay central!

You guys want to come inside
and hang out for a while?

Uh, yeah, totally!

Oh, except, you can't move in
until you have a roommate.


Way ahead of you!

Meet Flappy!

MAVIS: Uh, sorry,
but there's no way that counts
as a double occupancy.

Actually, section 37-B
of the Monster Tenancy Act

states that inanimate objects
count as roommates

as long as they are
totally and utterly hilarious.

Yes! Okay, roomie,
let's get this party started!

I'll set up inside
while you advertise.

Hank N. Stein!

Meet your new roomie,

Dracula family heirloom
and rock solid guy,
the Shushing Stone!

Isn't that thing
super annoying?

we're going to give Hank

a little taste
of his own medicine!

Hank, have you seen
a lost beetle...

Yeah, I didn't mean to...

Okay, but if you see it...
Shh! Shh!



It's perfect!

I'll call you "Shushy."

Oh, right, sorry.

I love you, Shushy.




So, remind me again
why we care so much
if the guys get back together?

Like, I get that it was
all your fault they broke up,
but still.

Uh, you're right, Wendy.

It was all our fault.

I'm sure Pedro
misses Hank by now...


you look terrible!

Yeah, I've been up all day,

Well, are you
coming in or not?

Whoa! This place is sick!

And is that
your brother spinning?

Yeah, Rusty's a DJ now.

I guess they found
some high tech way

to replace
desert crossing guards?


Without Hank
to shut the party down,

I guess it sort of
kept going and going.

I'm exhausted.

Oh, sounds like you
kind of miss Hank.

Maybe it's, uh,
time to move back?

Move back? Pfft. Unlikely.

Why would I move back in when
I'm totally loving life here
at Pedro's party...



What was I saying?

Oh, right,
I was about to say...


Nice, another
unannounced pop-over!

Hank must be
missing Pedro.

I wonder if he has
some silly excuse
for coming like Pedro did.

Oh, hey, Pedro.

I just wondered if you'd
seen my lederhosen.

Shushy gets cold and...
Whoa! You doing okay?

You look really beat.


Uh, sorry to disappoint you,
ex-Moomay roomay,

but not only do I not have
your weird hosey shorts,

I feel great!


We're gonna par-tay forever!


Getting these two
back together

might be tougher
than we thought.



WENDY: Wendy, Wendy!

I'm really getting worried
about Pedro.

Partying that hard
isn't good for anybody.

At least Hank sounded like
he's hanging in okay.


WENDY: Um, Hank?


How great is that guy?
Am I right?


I mean, the constant shushing
is causing me to lose my hair.

And I've stubbed my toe
on him 63 times.

And I think I'm growing moss.
But aside from that...


Hank, it's okay
if you miss Pedro.

What? No! I'm fine!

Shushy and I actually
have a lot in common!

Like our basic shapes?

Yeah, shush, exactly!

Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!


Okay, back to
staring vacantly!

So, now what?

If they want to be stubborn
and go on being unhappy,

they're only
hurting themselves.



Holy rabies! What's going on?


Extra weight on the roof is
causing the hotel to collapse?


MAVIS: This is a disaster!

We've got to shut down
Pedro's party pad!


Hmm, not "how," Wendy. "Who."

Uh, I think you mean "whom."

Come on, already!

Everyone! Party is over!

Time to shut it down.
ALL: Aw!

Nobody shuts down
a DJ Iron Oxide Party

but DJ Iron Oxide.

That's me.

It means "Rust", for "Rusty"?

Well, sorry to burst
your bandages, ox-hide,

but this party is collapsing
the whole hotel!


Must party on.


They don't look like
they want to stop to me.


Well, in that case,

say hello to my flappy friend!

It's turbo time!

Ha! Nice try!

All you did was turn this
into a hot air balloon!

Whoo! Let's take this par-tay
into the atmosphere!

WENDY: Pedro, help!

Ooh, skull snaps!






Hey, this isn't
your room anymore!

You can't just barge in.

Hey! Zip it, stone!

I'm so glad you're back!


Even though I've waited
over two long days

to have this exact mushy
reunion, it's got to wait.

Mavis and Wendy
are in trouble!
Let's go!



Hey, I brought a special guest
who has something important
to say!



WENDY: Ooh, there it goes.

Oh, fine, go then!
I'll keep it going myself!

I don't know how much longer
I could take it in there.



I love you!

HANK: I love you, man!

Why did we ever split up
in the first place?

Oh, it was 'cause of Mavis.

It was Mavis' idea that
you do that. It was Mavis.

Let's never throw tiny heads
at each other again.

You got it.

Well, I guess if you guys
are moving back in together,

things can finally go back
to normal around here, huh?

But what about Rusty?

Don't worry.
Rusty always finds
a way to land on his feet.

So, what now, buds?


RUSTY: Oh, that's gonna
get old real fast.