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01x25 - Creepover Party/Frankenstein & Son

Posted: 03/24/24 10:18
by bunniefuu


[Bats squeaking]


I have discovered
footprints on the grounds.



I suspect they
must come from human shoes.


They must
be spying on the hotel!

But for what, I do not know.


What's up, guys?

Holy rabies!

Must have been something I ate.

I expect you all
to be on high alert.


High alert.




What're you so chipper about?

You don't care
about a human att*ck?

Not today!

Besides, I bet
Mr. Cartwright just got lost

on his morning cheer-jog again.


So what makes today so special?

Sophie and Charlotte

from our old
Ghoul Guides troop are visiting.



Remember how
much fun we used to have,

earning our badges and stuff?



I just love it when
your other close friends

come to dilute our relationship.

I've got
a whole itinerary planned

so we can
re-live our glory days!


So, when do they get here?


Guillotines and germicides;

essential tools
for all Ghoul Guides!

Heads will roll!
Heads-heads will roll!

[Humming tune]

[Giggling and squealing]

MAVIS: Yeah!

Think that's them?



[Wendy gasping]











We have been invaded by humans!

All monsters to your rooms.



Something is afoot.

I can smell it.

We will not
be held c*ptive by humans.

So instead,
you're holding us c*ptive?

Hmm, I suppose I hadn't thought
of it in that way, but too late.

Now go!

This is amazing!

That the most
evil monster in history

has locked us
in an old castle--?

Where there's
possibly a human on the loose?

True, but if we're trapped
inside all day it also means

we can finally
earn our Creepover badges

and complete our sashes!

Yes, yes, yes!


Is this a
lucky coincidence or what?

Somehow, every creepover,

you guys had an
excuse to get out of it.

But not this time.

Prepare yourselves
for the best creepover ever!


So exciting.

I've never been
happier about anything.


Are you sure this
door has enough locks?

What if a human tried to pop in?

I wouldn't worry about it.


Ah, just making sure
the door's got enough locks!

What if a human tried to pop in?

Wait, stop!

We just want to
be part of something--

Okay, that should do it.


C'mon and play truth or scare.

I'll go first: truth.

Ooh, I know.

Who is your very best
friend in the underworld?

Where will we sleep?

We can't all share your casket.


Mavis was just
about to answer the question!

Of course we
won't all share the casket.

This is a legit creepover.

Check it out!

Is that tent regulation?

We'd better inspect it.


Whoops, sometimes
we don't know our own claws.


Um, maybe you
guys should have your own room?

Yes, yes ,yes!
What a great idea!

Oh, this is great!

I love this!

S'all good.


So, Mavis,
what should we do first?

Oh, sure, sleep's
cool, that's cool too.

That brings--
brings friends together.

[Alarm blaring]

There is a human in the hotel.

Behold: the evidence.


Whaddya think this is?


It looks like a baby Wendy.


Oh I-- no, it absolutely does.

I want this human found now!

You two come with me!


Then there actually
is a human in the hotel.

We should--


Where are
Sophie and Charlotte?...

Holy rabies!

What if the human--

C'mon, Baby Wendy!



Are you guys okay?

Everything's fine here!

Please go away super fast!


Meh, they sound good to us.

They must be
terrified about the human.

Don't worry, I'm coming!







It's us.

Charlotte and Sophie!


You're the humans?!


I always thought

werewolves turning
into humans was just a myth.

So this is why you never wanted
to have a creepover party.

Aren't you guys scared of us?

No, we've seen humans before.

Now being caught with
one in the hotel by Aunt Lydia?

something to be scared of.


We will put your
noses for disgusting smells

to good use for a change.

Super shnoz, reporting for duty!

Okay, I am crazy scared

but also really excited
to be a part of something!

Well, what do we do?

We won't turn back to
werewolves until nightfall.

Good thing we're expert
Ghoul Guides then, right?

We'll use our survival
skills to evade her goon squad.

Next room!

What was that?


Are you sure about this, Mavis?

If we're gonna hide you,
we need to camouflage you.



Here, human!

Come on!

Okay, we just
need to get to a room

they've already searched and--

Listen up!

I want a hard search of every
swamp, graveyard, haunted house,

and henhouse on these premises.


Hurry, move faster.

Well, we're trying, but
it's really hard in this thing.


Go, go, go!


It's hero time.

What is going on here?




Stop this immediately!


This is it.

Any last words?

You never did tell us
who your very best friend was.

Not now, Wendy!

What is going on?

Who are you running from?

And who is in there?

Is that-- human?


Open it.


You do it.



Aunt Lydia, please don't!


Oh, it's
just Mavis' hairy friends.


I-I mean, of course, duh.

I see.
Very well.

To the roof!

Where is that human?!




Whew, that was super close.

You really saved the day.

We owe you.

You really
are a true friend, Wendy.

My best friend.

Yeah, burnt!

Taste the Wendy, ow!

I'm so sorry.

That was rude.

It's okay.

I'm just glad we
earned our creepover badges

so we don't
have to do that ever again.


Everything's been wrapped
up with a nice little bow.

Although we still don't know

where that
human stuff came from.

Meh, you can't solve 'em all!





Check it out.

Ya wanna piece 'uh me?

No, no, no.
Like this.

You-- you wanna piece 'uh me?

C'mon, do the line
from your movies, Uncle Frank.

Do it!

Do it, do it, do it!

Sorry, kids.

My days as
Detective Fistpunch are over.


It's time
to show my serious side.

To win a shiny trophy!


My plan is to make
a movie, but call it a film.


You're lookin' at the writer,

producer, star and grip.

Whatever that is.

So you've come to say bye

before going off
to sh**t your new movie?

And no.

'Cause did I mention
I'm also in charge of casting

and I'm looking for actors right
here at Hotel Transylvania!

No way!

That's exactly what
the head of the studio said!

But I want it to feel authentic.

So I'm casting "real" monsters.

Y'know, the next big star
could be right in front of you,

Uncle Frank.

But, uh, you're, uh, a
vampire and invisible on film.


I-I could play an invisible!

Or record the soundtrack!

I did write a hit
song for Jett Black, 'member?

♪ Slug guts in my hair,
slug guts everywhere ♪

Maybe it'll be a silent film.

Okay, monsters, no pressure.

You have no one
to impress except yourself.

And me.

And her!

Top movie critic, Gretchen Squib
from the Horrorwood Reporter.

She can destroy a
movie with a single word!

I write reviews
and ruin careers.

They tell me
you're making a movie.

It's a film, actually.

Movie, film, scream
cheese bagel, I don't care.

I like to get in
and start my review early.

You're writing a review?

How about we wait 'til it's done

and I'll meetcha
on the blood red carpet!


Let's see these auditions!

And where's my
scream cheese bagel?

You talkin' to me?

Of course, I'm talkin' to you.

You talkin' to me?!

Who else would I be talkin' to?

You talkin' to me?!


It was the best of times.
It was the-- hey!



Hi, I'm Hank, reading
for the part of your son.

You could say I was
literally born for this.

My boy!

[Rimshot sounding]

[Clearing throat]

Dad, there's a mummy that
I'm dying for you to meet.

[Rimshot sounding]

I love you son.
You're doing great!


Um, good job, kiddo.


♪ Slug guts in my hair ♪

♪ Slug guts everywhere ♪

♪ And I don't even care ♪


We're all monsters.

Can't we love each
other just the way we are?

This rot dog is terrible.

You should get a new caterer.

I am the caterer.


Well, get on it!

That was good!

I'm so nervous.

Hey, you're gonna get the
best role in the movie, brah!

Is that the casting sheet?


Is the role of Random Weird Kid

the best in the movie?

'Cause that's who
you're looking at.


I'm Girl With Ponytail!

I wonder who's playing the lead?



Fantastic audition, Hanky.

I'm so proud.

Random Weird Kid really is
the role you were born to play.

And there's Pedro, my boy.

I mean, uh, my son.

He wandered
on stage while eating!


But that's also
what made it so natural.

And real.

But your read was pretty bad

so Mavis is gonna
stand in for your voice.

I'll edit it all together
and fancy statue, here we come!


I'm gonna be in a movie!

Well, film.

You cast Pedro,

who is such a bad actor that you
had to cast Mavis as his voice?!

Groundbreaking, right?

And since Mavis
won't show up on film,

I don't even have
to green screen her out.

You didn't think there
was a more obvious choice

to play your son?




Er, no?

Oh, man!

Better start
learning your lines, Mavy.

And let's you and
I go spend a bit of time

getting to know
each other better, son!

Oh, yeah!




Okay, rehearsal time.

Mavis, read from the script.

Pedro, mouth the
words that match her lines.

Dad, there's a mummy

that I'm dying for you to meet.

Nailed it.


My dad should be doing
fake father-son stuff with me,

not Pedro!


Anything Pedro knows
about being your dad's son,

he learned from you.

I know that sounds like it
should help, but it doesn't.

On the topic of help,

I need assistance.

I am due for a wart shining

and I cannot find
my chicken minion, Diane.

Where is Mavis?

She's busy being my voice.

You kids and your slang.

I'll do it!

You will shine my wart?

Yeah, you'll shine her warts?

It'll get my mind off the movie.

Plus, maybe
it'll make my dad realize

what he's missing out on.

You must be
an excellent wart shiner.

Come, let us find out.



I need Frank's ear.

He has to hear
what I have to say.



Attached to his head, please.



I need to get
away from Gretchen Squib.

She hates everything

and is gonna ruin my
movie before I even make it!

It's 'cause
your casting is all wrong.

Pedro and Mavis
aren't right to play your son.

But there's someone who is.

Daddy, there's a mummy.

A mummy I'm
dying for you to meet.

My new girl-son!

Or daughter.

I'll fix it in post.



I've been re-cast

as the Voice of The Annoying
Off-Screen Teen Vampire?!

He made me Girl With Ponytail!

I've never felt so unimportant
in my whole afterlife.

[Hank chuckling]

Good one, Lydia!

Hank, you are so helpful.

I'm so happy
to you as my boy-niece.




Now relax, and remember,
it's just an interview.

Oh, sure, I can ruin you
before you even get started,

but don't think about that.

So, Mr. Stein, tell
me more about your new movie....

Well, for one, it is a film.

I see.

Okay, okay.

Ah, it's a movie!

No biggie.

I call it Afterlife in Pieces.

Get it?

I-I can always get a new title.

It's about a
monster and his son.

Um, girl-son.

Oh, so you
hate Wendy now too, huh?

With your...

Just admit it.

You hate everything!

It's how I
manage my phlegm problem.

I still have some
scream cheese bagel stuck.

Oh, uh, so,
you don't hate Wendy?

Or the title?

Which means you
didn't hate Hank's audition?!

Who's Hank?

Why's he over there with Lydia?

And why are her warts so shiny?

Unholy moly!

He must be upset
'cause I didn't cast him!

Well, don't just sit there.

Go tell him how you feel!

Are we doing
this interview or not?


Hanky boy, I'm sorry.

I miss you!

Can I spend
some time with my son?

What about Pedro
and Mavis and your movie?

The monster I
really wanted to cast was you!

But then why didn't you?

Because Gretchen
made this sound like...


And I thought
it meant not to cast you,

but really it
was on account of her phlegm.


But it shouldn't have mattered

because all I care
about in this world is you:

my real boy-son.

Aww, thanks Dad.

Well, if that wasn't an
award-worthy display of emotion,

then I don't know what is.

The girl-son's right.

That was drama!

So many feelings!

Such heart!

I'm awarding you
this year's Golden Gretchen

for the sappiest, crying-est,
blubbery-est interview.

Oh, this is so unexpected!

I have a speech written,

but I really
just want to thank my Hank.

I love you.

Aww, thanks dad!

Well, see ya at the movies!

This is all just
too disgusting for me.

So, I guess you're a
serious actor now, huh, Dad?


Awards don't matter, Hanky.

I'm not gonna chase some prize

when what's important
is right in front of me.


And also...

Fistpunch is back, baby!

Aww, nuts.




