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01x08 - Twin Beaks

Posted: 03/24/24 10:46
by bunniefuu


[piano music playing]

Huh? [crowd murmuring]

Scarlemagne better hurry.

Just 'cause we're here doesn't mean we have to play nice.




My Mute brothers and sisters! You all came, like I asked.

That was smart of you.


[Scarlemagne plays piano]

[primal grunts]

There's a burrow girl on the loose! Pardon me, lost my composure there for a moment.


It was only 200 years ago that humans, like that burrow girl [all growling]

kept us locked up in prisons just like this one! Well, now the tables have turned.

[birds squawking]

This is how all humans should be, obedient.

I can make them into an army.

An army I can use to build an empire! Mutes on top! Humans below! [all cheering]

[all gasping]

Back to that burrow girl.

She can lead me to more humans.

Enough to rule Las Vistas.

Whoever brings her to me will be rewarded with a position of power and luxury, beyond your wildest dreams.

So, I ask you, do you dream big? [scattered cheering]

I can't hear you.

[loud cheering]

That's better.

Bring me the burrow girl! [chuckles]

Nothing would give me more pleasure.


[theme music plays]

Hmm, according to this map, my dad wants us to head toward a giant nose.

Maybe I'm reading this wrong.

[Benson and Dave laughing]


You're right! Oh, oh!
- And remember in our water vision when
- That musical floor? Yeah! And people were cheering our names.

They were like "Benson! Benson!"
- "Dave! Dave! Dave! [both continue chanting]

I think that was the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.

- [gasps]

Uh, Dave?
- Yeah? What if I'm never that happy again? [gasps]


Guys, take cover! [tires screeching]


Scooter Skunks and Hummingbombers.

The packs are out in force today.

That's unusual.

So, uh, Wolf? Things got pretty emotional last night.

- Can we talk about it?
- Nope! OK, well, at the campfire, when you said, "We go our separate ways", why is that happening exactly? Our deal was, I get you back to your people, and then I move on.

After all we've been through, you still feel that way?
- I don't do burrows.

- Why not? They're they're safe, warm, and you have this great community of people.

- I hate most people.

- Oh, c'mon.

You haven't even met that many people.

There's school, Taco Tuesdays, game nights That's not fun, that's t*rture.

- No.

- No? No.

I do not accept this.

I will change your mind, Wolfatha Christie the Fourth.

- You wait and see.

- Wolfatha Christie the Fourth? Well, you don't have a full name, and I needed one for emphasis.


See? Even Mandu thinks I can do it.

I will convince you to come with me.


Whoa! Big nose! [gasps]

It is a nose! [Benson]

Oh [groans]

Gross! What is that smell?! [gasps]

That lunch box! It's got the same symbol as the map! Oh, I got this.


It's happening! [straining]

That worked! [gasps]

Kind of.


Ooh, ooh! Down here! Down here! Oops.



Does anyone see it? [sniffing, squealing]

Mandu! [squealing]

[all screaming]

This canyon's got a bottom, right? Yeah, let's just hope it's made of pillows and not pointy rocks! [all screaming]


[heavy breathing]

- Is everyone OK?
- Where are we? Hide! [squealing]

Hmm? [growls]

Something's wrong here.

[upbeat music plays]

You're not moving! Let's go! [laughs]

Oh! Was not expecting that.

Does anyone see the lunch box? Wait, is that it? [yells]

What was that?! [music stops abruptly]


Humans! [laughs nervously]


Uh, sorry to interrupt.


They're going through our garbage! Whoa! Humans? Aw, man, this is pretty exciting.

- [grunting]

- [gasps]

Wolf, stand down.

I think they're friendly.

Mutes aren't friendly.


Some of us are! Though I don't blame ya for being jumpy.

We've heard what it's like on the surface.

So much fighting all the time.

Totally terrifying! That's why we've been down here in Trash Canyon for years, away from all that garbage.

Pfft, where are my manners? Hi, I'm Carton, this is Label, and that's Tongue Depressor.

- Those are interesting names.

- Our names come to us organically.

In our first year, our energy bonds with a We find our names in the trash! Cool! Well, I'm Kipo.

This is Wolf, Benson, Dave, and Mandu.

- [snorts]

- Namaste.

We've never met actual humans! I can't believe it.

Just like the posters, except you don't have muscles or leotards or cool big hair!
- Uh, sorry to disappoint?
- No disappointment here.

Expectations are just placeholders for reality.

- So, what brings you here?!
- We're looking for a lunchbox.

We were looking for it when we fell into your home.

It could be anywhere, really.

Sounds like you're in a jam.

But we can help you out! [laughs]

Why don't we show you where everything is, so we can get extra steps, and then we can all help look!
- No.

We can do it ourselv
- That would be amazing! [laughs]

One tour, please.

Whoo! Here's the cardio corner! My favorite.

Huh? Huh? [growls]

And that stuff is for cheat day! [gasps]

Benson, check it out! Expired candy, chocolate, expl*si*n berry cola! Wow.

That's that's great.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, buddy, you seem a little down.

I do? Oh, man, I don't know what's happening to me.

Every day we wake up, eat breakfast, work out, help each other with chores, work out, drink a post
-workout shake, and then a pre
-workout shake for the end
-day dance workout to get our steps in.


Good for you.

We should really find that lunchbox and get out of here.

OK, well, what does it look like? It's red and it's got the symbol for Aries.

He's a ram.

Thanks, guys! What an amazingly helpful community!
- I know what you're trying to do.

- What? If these super nice raccoons want to help, it's not their fault that they're awesome, and show you how communities, like burrows, are also awesome.

No one's this nice.

I don't buy their whole innocent act.

It's only a matter of time before they turn us in to Scarlemagne.


No way! They have it too good down here.

C'mon, let me show you! [slow tempo music plays]


Oh, that is just sad.

- Hey, where's the DJ?
- I'm looking at him! C'mon, man, you know what to do.

[upbeat music plays]

All right, squeeze those buns! Work them glutes! Let's go! Let's go! Squeeze those buns! Work them glutes! Let's go! Let's go! Benson! Benson! [all chanting]

Benson! Benson! Benson! Benson! [chanting continues]


Ah! Boom! There you go.

- Yeah, this is pretty great.

- "Great?" Try epic! This is just like it was at Mulholland's sick house, only real! It is.

And I should be just as happy, like smiling and everything, but I don't know why this isn't working.

Whoo! [laughs]

Isn't this fun? Not really.


Come on! You're not even trying.

- We should be looking for that lunchbox.

- Why? So we can find my burrow and you can leave that much faster? Wolf, you're my best friend.

Is it that easy to say goodbye to me? No, I Then don't! [squawks]


[all gasping]

Bird! [squawking]

Stop! Stop! Stop! How are you still exercising? Because we've barely broken a sweat! Oh, you mean the pigeon.

That was just Beak Beak.

It comes here all the time.

Every now and then it takes an energy snack.

It's kind of big, if you didn't notice.

Not much we can do about it! There's a lot you can do about it.

You can get rid of Beak Beak! Some of us tried, a long time ago.

And they're gone now.


Oh Oh, this feels good, but also sad.

We're no match for Beak Beak, and that's OK.

Once you accept the world as it is, and stop hoping for what it could be, you find peace.

We'll miss you, Hot Dog Bun! And Rusted Can! And Fish Bone! And Dirty Diaper and DJ Crowbar! That's what happened to the DJ?! Wolf, I know you're gonna object, but we have to help these raccoons! Yeah, I agree.


Really?! Does that mean you've changed your mind about being part of a community that No.

It means we can't find that lunchbox if a giant bird could eat us at any moment.


But we're on the same page about Beak Beak.

And if this is one of the last things we do together, let's make it fun! Everybody, listen up.

A place doesn't make you safe.

You make you safe.

You're only helpless and weak if you let yourself be.

Yes, Beak Beak is huge, scary, horrifying, but we're smarter.

We can take him.

Who's with me? She's right! I'm with her! Let's do this! Guess it's just us.

If you won't help us, at least tell us where to find Beak Beak.

Legend has it, you must walk past Yoga Yurt Village and through the tunnel of sweat.

- There, you will find him.

- In the Pit of Despair! [grunting]


There's Beak Beak.

Uh, it's not so much a "pit of despair" as it is a fat bird on a wire.


Ooh, do you have a plan? That's your [deep voice]

"I have a plan" face.

I have a plan.

But we're going to need those raccoons.

Because if we can't convince them, we can trick them? [grunting]

Hey! Glad you're here.

Can you help me with this workout I want to try? Workout, huh? Yeah! Of course, I'm in! You're like a majestic redwood, TD, but how Zen would it be to do tree pose on top of a tree? [gasps]


[upbeat music plays]

Have you ever tried running with mirrors? It's like a sparkle weight! You burn way more calories!
- [panting]

- Oh! [squawks]

That's it! Run hard and stay together.


- Is there something behind us?
- Nope.

- Yup.

It's Beak Beak.

- [squawks]

- But we told you we can't do this!
- Yes, you can! We believe in you!
- Plus, it's too late to back out!
- Now, run like your lives depend on it! Because they do! This isn't really a tree No, but it has the energy of a tree.

Don't you feel it? I know I do.


Look! We're two mighty evergreens connected by a heart string.

Your truth is beautiful, Benson.

Thank you for sharing it with me! [grunts]

Ready to get super ripped? [laughs]

I don't know! Let's see if you can pull those bands around this stake.

Oh, target my delts.

Nice! [grunting]

Whoo! [strains]

[Dave grunting]

Whoa! You are so much more balanced.

Allow me.


Oh oh that was weird! [straining]

Great job, everyone! Now hide! [whistles]

That's our signal! Bring it home! [screams]

Beak Beak! That's the spirit! [yelling]


[both laughing]



The lunchbox! [panting]

Kipo, no! Wait! Wha what's gotten into her? [squawks]




Benson! It's my arm and my legs this time.

I know.

I saw.


Wait, you're not Benson.

- [screams]

- It's OK! It's OK.

Dave's been eaten before.

My man does not go down easy.



We're missing our chance! [Benson]

Any second now! Now! [strains]

No! [panting, grunting]

This is for DJ Crowbar!
- [strains]

- [squawks]

Beak Beak's gone!
- Oh!
- Beak Beak's gone! Oh, yeah! We did it!
- We did it!
- Yes! Cheat day! Now, if Beak Beak ever shows back up, you know what to do.


More than that, we know we can.

Our minds had to believe before we could achieve.

We did it! You're like our heroes! We did it! [gasps]


This is stupid.

I know, that's what makes it fun.

You know that feeling I've been chasing? Yes, you do! I just got it.


I guess it means something when you earn the cheers.

You have to earn the cheers! Yes, you do.

Oh, you're so cute.

What are you waiting for? Open it.

Huh? What are these for? Maybe we're not looking in the right place.


Aw, look! Those are dogs! Such little cuties.


I've always wanted to pet one.

Little? They're 50 feet tall.


The Second Clover.


Guys, that's it! We found it! If your dad expects us to get in there, he's as crazy as you are.

[wind blowing]

Once we get there, is that really going to be it for us, Wolf? [Wolf]



What? Burrows are stupid.

But I guess if I'm with you, it could be fun.

Wolfatha Christie the Fourth, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said!
- Wolf's going to the burrow!
- [Kipo laughs]

No promises If I hate it, I'm leaving.

- [Benson]

- [Kipo laughs]

[Mandu squeals]


Um, I've been trying to tell you about this.

Well, at first I didn't even know what was happening.

It was like fur
-poof! Wha? But after my vision from Mulholland, I'm pretty sure I'm part mute.

You're a mute? I'm still me.

- [gasps]

- What is it? Wolf, talk to me.


I I No! [panting]

- Benson?
- Hey, it's gonna be OK.

She just needs a little time to process.

I'll get her back.


Wolf! Wolf! Stop! Great, now it goes away.


[Jamack laughs]

Burrow girl.