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02x09 - Creepslayerz

Posted: 03/24/24 16:31
by bunniefuu
- [Mrs.


Steve, take out the trash.

- [TV chatter]


I'm doing homework! [Mrs.


I can hear the game on the TV! [grunts]

Fine! Stupid bag.

Mom [mocking]


I'll do it.


- Palchuk
- [grunts]

your mother doesn't deserve that attitude.

- [sighs]

Whatever, Coach.

- Hey, this is new to both of us.

But just 'cause your dad's no longer in this house doesn't mean his hostility has to be.

Look, things are gonna be different now.

I'm here if you wanna hug it out.

Hug this.

- [grunts]

- Have it your way.





- [growling]

- [clattering]

- [clinks]

- [gasps]


Come out, come out, wherever you are.




- [shrieks]

- [growls]


- [glass breaking]

- [clamoring]


- [growling]

- [pants, screams]


- What are you?
- [growling]


Up high, Pal
-champ! That goal you scored in the game Okay, let's talk about it later.

- [boy]

Think so?
- [girl]

Should work out.

[Coach Lawrence]

So you cheaters don't turn in a fake, personalize your babies to begin the joy of parenting.


I'm kinda worried.

Toby, I really need to pass this class, or else I lose my mascot position.

Don't worry.

We're Team Darby.

We got this.

I'm great with kids.


Good of you to join us, Palchuk.

Sorry I'm, uh, late, Coach.

Things got a little weird.

It's about to get weirder.

You're raising a baby with Pepperjack.


What? Ugh!
- [grunts]

- Hey, Pepperjack, listen.

Didn't you say one time, like, you saw, uh, monsters? If you're gonna shove me in a locker, just get it over with.

What are you doing? Seriously, I need to talk to you.

- Palchuk!
- What? I was just talking about the assignment with my new partner.


Right, buddy? Just because we share a roof doesn't mean you can waltz in late like that.

- Won't let it happen again, Coach.

- Good.

Seriously By the way, stopping by the store later.

Want me to pick up more of those extra
-strength pimple pads that you use?
- [clears throat]

- [chuckling]

Yeah, that'd be great.

Bye, Coach.


Coach Lawrence is dating your mom? If one word ever slips your lips, I swear you'll spend the rest of your life in there.

Never mind.

I need to know, are monsters real? [bell ringing]

I'm coming to your house.

I need to show you something.

But what do we name our baby? [Steve]

I don't give a flip!
- [grunts]

- [thuds]


My mistake.

You think I am not wise to your schemes, impure? After a thousand years at Gunmar's side, you will not replace me as counsel.

Oh, really? Because I believe I already have.

And once the vicious one realizes he has no further use for an old, blind troll I Well Well, what? You know I can't see.


I moved my thumb across my throat.

- It is, as we say, a k*lling motion.

- You dare thr*aten me? When I inform my Dark Lord of this treachery, it will be he who will k*ll you.

And let me be the first to say, I will enjoy every minute of Oh.

You're no longer here, are you? I am no longer safe here.

I must leave this place at once.

Okay, Flip, here are some ground rules to my room.

- No crying, no making messes
- [doorbell rings]

and definitely no [Mrs.


Eli, you have a visitor.

Shall I add another table setting?
- No, Mom, he's just here for school.

- It's really no bother.

It's great to finally meet a friend of yours.

He's not a friend! Just send him to my room! [Mrs.

Pepperjack shouting]

Elijah Leslie Pepperjack! Send him to my room, please.

- [grunts]

- [grunts]


"Leslie"? Guess we both have a secret.

So I know us being partners isn't ideal, but I worked out a parenting schedule to limit our interaction.

Shut up, Pepperjack.

And tell me what this is.

Ah! [growling]

- [growls]

- [screaming]

[glass breaking]

- [beeping]

- [woman]

"C" is for "cow.

" "Z" is for "zebra.

- You You caught one?
- Caught what? Do you know what this is? I'm not super smart like you, but this isn't normal, right? [chuckles]

- You caught one! Incredible!
- "P" is for "porcupine.

- "D" is for "dog.

- Okay, yeah, so you've seen one of these?
- [Eli]

It's a creeper.

- [Steve]

Creeper? Things that creep in the dark.

Monsters, stone creatures, shape shifters.



But monsters aren't real.

You're freaking me out, okay? Tell me what's going on.

Are you sure you wanna know? Once you do, there's no going back.

Huh? For years, I suspected, and for years, I waited patiently.

Then, on one fateful night, I saw them.



Saw what? Arcadia is a hotbed for supernatural activity.

Some confirmed, some I've yet to scratch the surface of.


Right now, I've got more questions than answers.

But now that we have proof, so many possibilities are open to us.

What? [stutters]

Are you kidding me? This is nuts

Why why haven't you told anybody? I did.

You shoved me into a locker.

There's a whole other world beneath our feet we know nothing about.

- Creatures living in shadow
- [growls]

monsters living amongst us.

But what do they want?
- Are they friends?
- Or not friends? Whatever they are, someone or something in Arcadia is at the center of this, covering it up.

Why does no one know? Who's hiding the creepers from the world? Whoever it is, they gotta be stopped, before these things eat our faces or something.



Who's behind this? [woman]

J I M.

- No, it can't be.

- There could be other Jims.


- "L" is for "lake.

- Jim Lake? Jim Lake's behind all this?
- No, no, that doesn't make any sense.

- It makes perfect sense.

My nemesis wants to destroy the world.

[Fragwa chuckles]


I don't know, Steve.

I don't like any of this.

I've never stolen anything.

Aw, grow a pair, Pepperjack.

We're not stealing your mom's car.

We're borrowing it for an emergency.

I can't fit the four of us on my Vespa.

I just can't believe Jim is behind all this.

He's such a good guy.


Mustache back there told us all we needed to know.

Jim is a shape
-shifter that's leading a creeper army.

He's a maniac that's gotta be stopped.

- [Eli]

But why?
- [mumbles]


k*ll Jim.

k*ll Jim.

Jim would never hurt a soul.

He's the only one nice to me.


"He's the only one nice to me.

" It's an act, Pepperjack! That's what he wants us to believe.

I told you what I saw in the woods.

Jim is a danger to Arcadia, and Toby and Claire are in on it.

After we take Mustache to the police and he explains everything to them on that kiddie talk box, I can finally expose Jim Fake
- and end him once and for all.

- [growls]

- The police? I don't know.

- What the?
- Why is he spazzing out?
- I don't think he likes your plan.

- You sure that cage is secure?
- [clattering]


Don't worry.

I locked it myself.


Where is it? Where is it? [shrieks]

- He's on me!
- [radio playing]

The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round Jim, your armor.

The wheels on the bus Go round and round [music plays in slow motion]

Round and round, round and round Round and round You think they saw anything?
- What is he?
- [screams]

My mom's pepper spray.

It's for safety.

Why, Mustache? I thought we were friends.


Apparently not.

He's making a run for it.

- [laughs]

- All through the town [both scream]

[horn blaring]


[chuckles, grunts]


What the? My mom's car! She's gonna k*ll me! Forget your mom.

Without the creeper, where's our proof? Well there is one lead left.



We'll go straight to the source and stop evil from where it's born.

Let's go, Pepperjack.

The world needs us.

But what about our assignment? And what about my mom's car? [Steve]

I don't give a flip! [Dictatious]


Please, changeling.

I need your help.

The exit Sorry.

We aren't allowed to talk to you.

On whose orders? Scaarbach's? [Otto]

Are you absolutely certain you have heard nothing from her? [female agent]

It's been weeks, and she hasn't spoken a word.

Not since Gunmar's return.

But we need the Pale Lady's guidance more than ever.

That old relic must be broken! Nein, nein.

We must have faith.

If it is her will, she will find a way to speak to us again.

My Dark Underlord, I have had visions.

My brother may have stolen my eyes, but she has blessed me with sight.

Maybe we should think this through before we kidnap Jim?
- I don't think.

I act.

- [thud]

Ow! [Draal]

To conquer this realm, we must show no mercy! I'll charge the doors and tear the men limb from limb! [Aaarrrgghh!!!]


Guards will notice.


That does not matter if none survive to tell the tale! I will split them with my axe! [gasps]

It's a creeper den.

I've never seen so many in one place.


You didn't tell me they got that big.

Thought they were all like the little green guy.

How are we supposed to take Jim down when he's got those rock apes as bodyguards? [Blinky]

Master Jim.

Do you hear that?
- That thing just called him "Master.

- [car approaching]

Abort! Abort!
- "k*lling streak," "conquer," "Master"?
- Get a hold of yourself, Pepperjack.

It's true.

Jim is one of them.

This whole time, it's all been a lie.

The greatest guy in the world is out to destroy it! I told you he was a fraud.

Why didn't anyone believe me? He's planning some kind of creeper invasion.

We gotta call the police, the military, UN Special Forces! [Toby]

Look, the rock show at the museum.

Rock show? What's happening at the rock show at the museum? Shh! I'm trying to listen.


A guy found it last week.

- [Jim]

Then we're gonna be there tonight.

- Tonight? It's happening tonight? I can't hear them with you yelling in my ear! [Barbara]

Jim, I'm home! I'll be right up! Just working on my assignment.

Don't come down! Hmm? [snarls]

Don't you get it, Eli? We're the last line of defense.

We have to be the heroes.

If there's no time to call in the big g*ns, you must become one.

There's only one thing I care to know about creepers.

How to k*ll 'em.

Good thing I've been saving these for a rainy day.

Whoa! Whoa, nice.

What else you got? [Eli]

Zip slippers.

Never been worn.

When my mom saw how dangerous they were, she never let me near 'em.

But not tonight.

Okay, but what do you got for that shape
-shifter Jim? This'll never be over until he goes down.

I call this deadly cocktail "the Last Resort.

" It's got every monster deterrent I could find.

Garlic powder, silver, holy water.

And, in case he's an alien human germs.


We don't know what we're gonna be up against tonight, so bring everything you can carry.

Sorry, little guy.

This adventure is for grown
-ups only.

All you things that creep in the night, watch out, because the Midnight Boys are comin'.

We're not calling ourselves "the Midnight Boys.

" Look at us.

Look in the mirror, Eli.

What do you see? A pair of cool dudes.

We're the Creepslayerz.

With a "Z.

- Ugh.

Yeah, Creepslayerz.

- Boo
- I'm so cool.


- Boo
-boo! Da
-boo! Ooh.

The Creepslayerz!
- Ooh.

The Creepslayerz!
- We should probably go save the world.


[people chattering]

These rock nerds have no idea this place is about to be crawling with creepers.

Eli, you get the normies outta here.

Leave Jim to me.


[wheels squeaking]

Pardon me, ma'am, but the museum's closing.

No, the rock show's just begun.

And why on earth are you wearing a bike helmet? I don't know.

Uh, bye.


Um, there's a gas leak.

Everyone's gotta get outta here.

What? You don't work here.

Wait, are those ninja stars? Sorry.

I was just trying to, um, look out for your health.

It's in danger.

There's gotta be a better way to do this.

Adiós, Lake.

I hope you die! Ugh! Watch where you're go Steve? What are you doing here?
- And ugh! What is this?
- What? Why didn't you? I mean, you ruined my protein shake from Forget it! I'm outta here, weirdo! [yells]

You've gotta be more aggressive, Eli.

Lives are on the line.

Museum's closed, mister.

If you don't get out of here right now, there's gonna be big trouble.


Big trouble.


- [muffled]

Big trouble.

- Creepers are here! Creepers are here!
- What do I do?
- [Steve]

Hold 'em off.

I'll be right there.

How do you k*ll this thing? [grunts]

Big trouble.


Leave him alone, buttsnack!
- Buttsnack.

- [Eli]

Get out of the way! [Gruesome]


Are you okay? [shudders]

What's that smell? Did it hit you with some kind of paralyzer venom? No! I'm covered in your stupid Last Resort goo! Didn't work on Jim, and now I smell like baby vomit! Could you see that thing? We're totally underprepared! We're gonna die here! We're gonna die! Get a hold of yourself, Steve! We're the Creepslayerz! We gotta slay some creeps! Now, go clean yourself up.

I'll find a way to handle Jim somehow.

- [water running]

- [grunts]

Come on, Steve, get it together.

- [Gruesome grunts]

- [gasps]


No, not again, no.

Not that thing again.

- [bangs]

- [gasps]

- [Jim]

I know you're still here.

- Jim?
- [banging]

- [shrieks]


I know you're hungry, but you have to leave.

I will protect Arcadia.

- [growling]

- [thuds]

- [growling]

- [Jim screams]


For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! [shuddering]

Jim's a good guy?
- [Gruesome grunting]

- [screams]

- Buttsnack.

- [screams]



There's too many bystanders here.

Need to evacuate.

[alarm blares]

- [woman on PA]

This is not a test.

- What was that? Please remain calm and evacuate the building.

Think, Eli.


If the Last Resort didn't get rid of Creeper Jim, how do you stop him? Why are you talking to yourself? You're Elijah Leslie Pepperjack.

You're a Creepslayer.

Act like it.

Sorry, Creeper Jim.

Time to knock you out.

- But Toby will never let us use his baby.

- Don't take this the wrong way.

It's just a bag of flour.

I'm telling you, it's the only way to get rid of that gruesome.

Come on.


To think we were about to take him down Oh, no.


- Tobes, where are you?
- [Toby]

Did you get it? [Eli grunts]


Something happened in the bathroom.

Isn't this something you should keep to yourself? No! I think we got it wrong, Eli.

Jim Lake [retches]

is a [gags]

good guy.

I don't understand.

We saw him with the monsters.

I don't know what's going on, and I don't even know who or what Jim is, but I think it's pretty clear we're in way over our heads here.

Maybe you're right.

Let's get outta here before anything else weird happens.

You know what, Pepperbuddy? From now on, I should probably think a little before I act.

And I should think twice before knocking out a classmate with a medieval mace without knowing all the facts.





Oh, my gosh.

There's no way out.

It's gonna eat our faces.

Why does this keep happening to us? [chomps]

What do we do?
- We need flour.

We need Flip.

- You brought him! You said the assignment was important to you.

- I shouldered the load.

- [Gruesome chewing]

Shall we do this together, partner?
- [Jim]

Tobes, where is he?
- On three.

- One.

- Two.


Three! [groans]

No! Eli, we did it! [laughter]

We did it!
- [sings]

Oh, yeah.

We did it.


- [singsong]

I did it.

I did it.


- Creep
- slayerz.

[both mimic expl*si*n]

I'm Steve.

I did it.

I'm so good.

- Oh, yeah, all right.


- I'm talented, I'm good.

Look at me.

- Thanks for the ride.

- That's what Creepslayerz do.

You know, Steve, no matter what everyone else thinks, you're not a bad guy.

Neither are you Leslie.


I kid.

Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.

And I won't tell anyone about Coach.

I appreciate that.


- So the adventure's over.

- For tonight.

Arcadia is still in danger.

Jim might need us.

I can't wait to rub it in his face! After we figure out what's really going on.

Good idea.

Think before we act, operate from the shadows, and strike when Arcadia needs us.

Like secret superheroes.

I can dig that.


Stay safe, Eli.

Does this mean we're friends and you'll be nice to me at school? [grunts]


Gotta keep our cover.

Later, buttsnack.

You're still a turd! [Mrs.


Eli, were you just on a motorcycle? It's a Vespa, Mom.

Now, go to bed!
- Elijah Leslie Pepperjack!
- I'm sorry, Mom.

- I don't know what got into me.

- Wait a minute.

Eli, where's my car? [Steve]

Slay [Title music]

Creepslayerz Dun dun dun duh Dun dun duh duh [Eli]

- Of the night
- [Steve]

Doo doo doo doo doo doo Goblins and ghoulies And things that go "boo!" We'll pound you into goo We're coming for you, Eli [Eli]

Friendship forever Will stop all the creepers We know all the secrets For we are the keepers [Steve]

Of awesome, yeah Punch all the monsters
- [Eli]

Creepslayerz! Creepslayerz!
- [Steve]

In the face! [Steve]

Dude, you're too close to me right now.

- [Eli]


- [Steve]

What is this music? [Eli]

I can't rap over this.

It has no beat.

- [Steve]

Sounds super serious.

- Hey, look, it's Toby!
- [Steve]

Wait, the dentist gets a picture?
- Hi, Toby! [Steve]

Who's that? Are they even in the show? [Eli]

We're probably next.

- Now! Oh, come on!
- [Steve]

Oh, of course, Claire gets one.


I guess that's how it's gonna be, Steve.

- [Steve]

- Creepslaying's a thankless job.


What a total rip