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02x10 - The Reckless Club

Posted: 03/24/24 16:31
by bunniefuu



Can you let the dog in?
- [car engine revving]

- [tires screeching]

I know the allure of operating one of these noble machines, but stop this instant! [chittering]

- Got him?
- Got him.


[tires screeching]

Uh, don't got him.

Then leave it to the professionals.

Yeah! Look at us! Freeze, you pint
-sized punks! [all chittering]

You two take the gnomes back to Trollmarket.

We'll get Señor Uhl's truck back before anyone notices
- [siren wailing]

- Oh, no.

Hands where I can see 'em!
- [Toby gasps]

- [Claire sighs]

Looks like your little prank is gonna get you serving a little time.

You wanna press charges? Hmm.

No, I have something far worse planned for them.

Saturday detention.

[birds chirping]

You never got detention before you met this boy.

Jim had nothing to do with this.

I can screw up on my own, you know.


We'll talk about this later.


I don't get it.

Were you pulling a prank to impress that girl Claire? I don't think Señor Uhl's truck would impress anyone, Dr.


You know, girls don't always fall for the bad boys, Jim.

- Sometimes, they appreciate chivalry.

- Uh, thanks for the dating advice, Mom.


And try not to burgle any cars on your way there.

- [chuckles]

- Catch you on the flip side, Dr.


- [phone clicking]

- [both grunts]

- Hey, ready to get this over with?
- Are you joking? We're spending an entire Saturday without the slightest possibility of almost getting k*lled.

- This is a vacation.

- [car door opens]

- I told you I don't need a ride!
- Yeah, love you too, pal.

- [groans]

- Is that Coach dropping off Steve? Great.

Vacation canceled.

[Señor Uhl]

There are no cell phones allowed.

You can survive without your texts, and your apps and your beepy

- Your facey
-spaces and tweety flaps.

- [chuckling]

- What?
- [both grunting]

Nein! For your transgressions, you are to do homework the entire duration.

- What if I already did my homework?
- You will sit and stare at the wall.

You will not leave this room.

If I find one of you has left without permission, then you will all face punishment.

- Do you understand?
- [all]


What is that, Mr.

Domzalski? Oh, this? Uh, a Diablo Maximus Breakfast Burrito.



Diablo Maximus Breakfast Burrito.

- Smells delicious.

- It's my favorite.

Oh, your favorite, you say? You steal my favorite truck
- Uh
- I steal your favorite burrito.

- [whimpers]

- As they say, fair play is turnabout.

Detention will start now! [sniffs]

- [stomach growls]

- I eat when I'm worried.

Now I can't do that.

Curse you, Señor Uhl.

Diablo Maximus Breakfast Burrito.


[smack lips]

I feel guilty sitting here when there's a chance Gunmar's out.

Look, Blinky and Aaarrrgghh!!! are already looking into it.

Without proof that Gunmar really escaped, there's no point causing a panic in Trollmarket.

- [whimpers]

- [Steve snoring]

- [grunts]

- Mind your own business.

Mind your own face, buttsnack.


Since when are you and Dumbledork such besties? Oh, what? No, we're not besties! Ew! That guy? No! [Eli grunts]

It can't be that spicy.

- [gasps]

It is that spicy!
- [munching]

It took three years to build up the tolerance for a single bite, and he's harfing it down in one go! Hmm.



Das gut.

- [stomach rumbling]




Got a bit of a kick, ja? Ugh.

Good hit, Steve.

Way to protect our cover.

I'm starting to think Jim and the others aren't here on official business.

Wait, are you saying we gave ourselves detention for nothing? Why is everyone gossiping, and not gossiping with me? Oh, my gosh.

Are they gossiping about me?
- I'll gossip with you, Mary.

- Shut up, Shannon.

Stop squabbling! From now on, not another word! [stomach rumbling]

- Oh.

- [farting]

-yi! Oh! [Dictatious]

My Underlord, the Pale Lady has blessed me with another vision.

The surface on fire.

A w*r.

When the flames die out, darkness.

Only you remain.

- And the flesh child?
- He has many friends who protect him.

Before the Trollhunter succumbs, you must lay waste to his guard.

That is exactly the plan that I have set out.

This is not prophecy.

It is plagiarism! How dare you besmirch the Pale Lady's wisdom? Sire, you must be hungry.

We have prepared a feast of Siamese Cats? All you have to offer is cats and empty words.

Wait, My Lord.


You mustn't leave.

Ugh! You may advise me, but I take orders from no one.




Queen Usurna demands to see the Trollhunter.

And I've demanded a pair of reading glasses.

But has anyone dared to craft those? [scoffs]


It has come to her attention that Blood Goblins and gruesomes have been sighted in Arcadia.

What? Why did you tell her, Vendel? I didn't.

I wasn't even aware of these developments.

She also knows that the Bridge was left unguarded during your rescue mission.

She knows a lot.

So, it is true.

Whoever is telling Usurna these things isn't important.


What matters is she's making a case to prove a conspiracy.

- Before this blows up
- [sniffs]

I suggest you retrieve the Trollhunter.

And while you're at it, find my staff.

I shall return to the forest for any evidence of Gunmar I may find.

How ironic.

After all of this, I have become part of a conspiracy.



Ugh! He hasn't been back in a while.

- You think something happened?
- Like what exactly? You know something we don't?
- Where are you going?
- Just to see where he went.

- We're not supposed to leave.

- I'm just peeking my head out.

- [Señor Uhl]

Whoa! Ooh.

Too spicy!
- [stomach grumbling]


- It's like a broken yogurt machine.

- Ew! Sounds like lasagna getting shot out of a T
-shirt cannon.

That burrito had three ghost peppers in it.

Too much spice for his delicate Austrian stomach.

- He could be in there all day.

- All day? [Señor Uhl]

Ugh! [laughing]

[camera shutter clicking]

[both chuckling]

[screams, grunts]



- [burps]

- [laughing]

Yeah! [both laughing]


Set them free.




- So, it is true.

- [screaming in distance]


So, you are out.

And you are a long way from Trollmarket.

- [growls]

- [screams]

[both grunting]

[both grunting]




You should've run.

I do not run.

I am Draal.

Protector of James Lake, the Bular Slayer.

Protector of Jim? Hmm.



[birds squawking]

Who else could have told Queen Usurna of our recent escapades? Listen, Mr.


I ain't no snitch.

If it wasn't you, then how does Usurna have such intimate knowledge of our undoings? Whoa, ixnay on the Queen


Ah, Queen Usurna.

To what do we owe the exquisite pleasure? I demand the Trollhunter.

You cannot hide the human forever.

Master Jim had academic matters of the utmost importance to attend.

The Trollhunter has until sundown to surrender himself to the Tribunal, or we'll have no choice but to issue a warrant for his arrest.

Wow, what cat peed in her corn flakes? [chitters, farts]


Ten seconds.


Clock is ticking.

Uh, dekes left, dekes right.


For the win.

Oh, Jim fouls him! Boo, Jim! Boo! So is it true? Did you guys really steal Señor Uhl's truck? Technically, we didn't steal it.

- We were just, uh uh
- [Claire]


- Uh, we were
- Guys, this town is a snoozefest.

Nothing ever happens here.

What else did they expect us to do? Read a book? [Eli and Mary chuckling]

I mean, come on.

What about you, Mare? My only crime was love.

Miss Janeth caught me making out under the bleachers with Tight Jeans Hank.

Why would you make out with someone from our rival school? He's forbidden fruit.

You wouldn't understand.

[Steve laughs]

- Is there anyone you haven't kissed?
- [scoffs]

Jealous? What freshman did you beat up to wind up here? What? What makes you think I beat someone up, huh? Ever consider maybe I'm not just a bully? That maybe I can be a good guy? Says the student currently serving detention.

- [all laughing]

- Burn! I don't know why we have to be so mean to each other.

You know, everyone goes through stuff.

So we act out.

Only reason we're here is 'cause we weren't smart enough to get away with it.

We should be nicer.

I mean [scoffs]

who are we kidding? None of us are perfect.

The least we can do is to be honest for once.

Maybe then we can help each other out, you know? Make this world tolerable.

What are you in here for? Embezzlement.

Apparently there are limits to my power as Student Body Treasurer.

And the game is over! Jim's booed out of the stadium.

He'll never feel happiness again! Boo
- "Oh, no.

My life is terrible!"
- Ugh.


It's almost 3:00.

We better head back to class before Uhl returns.


"I only know lows.

I don't know highs.

" [Blinky]

Psst, Master Jim.

Uh I'll catch up with you guys.

I just gotta tie my shoes.

Oh! He dunks on Jim! What are you doing here? Usurna plans to interrogate you about inconsistencies in our stories.

Don't worry.

I have a foolproof plan.

We'll lie like the wind.

- No Blood Goblins.

- Exactly.

We'll say the Blood Goblins were of a local variety.

- And the gruesome was a lost
- Tourist.


And as for Draal leaving his post She knows Draal left his post? No, I should just be honest for once.

I need to tell Queen Usurna everything.

I'd rather she hear it from me.

No! We were the ones who plotted this rescue mission.

Which you only had to do because I chose to go into the Darklands alone.

Any consequences should fall on me.

You will be admitting to treason against Trollmarket.

I'm still the Trollhunter.

I stand by my actions even if the Tribunal doesn't understand them.

- Where'd he go?
- Quick.

Back to class! Ouch! [gulping]

Oh, I can't feel my lips.


How are we supposed to get to the classroom now? We can cut through the cafeteria.

- Wait, where's Jim?
- Jim's probably already there.

Come on! Oh! "Jim's already there"? Yeah, right.

- Time for some Creepslayerz recon?
- I'll hunt down Jim.

You keep the plebes in the dark.

Then it's set.

When I get outta here, I'll go straight to Trollmarket to tell Usurna everything.

- [growling]

- [gasps]

- [growls]

- [Blinky]

Draal? You scared the great morkus out of us.

What's Draal doing here? Why is he charging at us? Not Draal anymore! He has been touched by the Decimaar Blade.

The Decimaar Blade? Then Gunmar is out.

For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!
- [Toby]

Get down!
- [clattering]


Milk! Milk! Where do they keep the milk? Ah! [gulping]

- [gasping]

- [loud clattering]

What? No.

They left the room! [sighing]

That was too close.

- Wait.

Now where is Steve?
- Probably back in the room with Jim.

Come on! No time to waste! Draal, you are being controlled.

- [grunts]

- He cannot hear you, Master Jim.

Dark magic too strong! [Señor Uhl]

Steve? Is that you? It's Uhl, the Unforgiving! Eli? Who's behind here? Do I hear fighting? Open these doors!
- Look out!
- [Aaarrrgghh!!!]

Oh, no.

I refuse to fight you! Fight it, Draal.

Fight it! [Señor Uhl]

Open these doors! Hurry! We cannot hold these doors for long.



- [growling]

- [grunts]

Open these doors! Fine.

I'll find another way.


Not another step.

I don't want to have to do this.


I'm not going to fight my friend.

I can't fight my friend.

Your friend is gone.

You fight everyone else.

- Even your Tribunal is against you.

- [groans]

What? I am Gunmar.

These aren't my only eyes.

We'll save him.

And we'll stop you, Gunmar.

You can't even k*ll this broken husk that threatens your life.

k*ll this one
-armed trash, or else it will be used against you again.

What do you want from me? If you want to fight someone, fight me! I'd rather k*ll you with my own hands.

[Jim grunts]

Fight me! Fight me! Not Draal! No, not Draal.

- Are you injured?
- No, I'm fine.

But what do we do? Another Saturday detention will do you no good.

I suggest you collect yourself and get back to class.

Huh? [grumbles]

What is that? Hmm.

Who's that? Who's over there? Where's Lake? Right here, Señor Uhl.

Just needed to sharpen my pencil.



I heard screaming and fighting.

- Which of you left the room?
- We didn't hear anything.

You told us to stay here.

If no one is going to come forward, then all of you will have detention next week! Ah.



Pepperjack, you are a smart young boy with a promising future.

Possibly no detention next week.

Who left the room? [Eli whimpering]

Nobody? You said we weren't supposed to get out of our seats.

So, you think you kids can take me for a fool? Well, you know what? I have proof!
- Come with me.

- [groaning]

Who did this? Looks to me like a prank from our school rivals.

"I hate Arcadia Oaks Academy.

" Probably Tight Jeans Hank.

He was pretty P.


'd when I called it off.


Very well then, you may leave.

[mimics farting sound]

- Who did that?
- [laughter]

I'll find out, if it's the last thing I do!
- [stomach rumbling]

- [groans]


So, Draal is? [Toby]

No, he's not.

We can save him, right, Jimbo? You tell me.

You saw him.

You were in the hall.

That wasn't you in the mole mascot costume?
- What?
- Then who? [gasps]

Steve! He disappeared from class.

Steve saw Jim? [pants]

Are you telling me that that Steve knows? For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! [both growling]

Under the authority of Trollmarket, James Lake Jr.

, you are under arrest for the release of Gunmar, breaking your sacred oath, and treason against trollkind.