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02x04 - The Great Barrier Reef

Posted: 03/25/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

Hey, everybody!

Let's G-O go!

♪ With ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi ♪

♪ There's endless people and places to see ♪

♪ From the classroom they can search and explore ♪

♪ With every adventure you learn more ♪

♪ They visit countries near and far ♪

♪ They love to learn wherever they are ♪

♪ They see the world in a brand-new way ♪

♪ They make great new friends every day ♪

♪ ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi ♪

♪ Come along and you will see ♪

♪ The more they travel, the more you know ♪

♪ Get ready, let's G-O go! ♪

ABC said to meet us at the fish t*nk.

Hmm. I wonder where he is.

Maybe he's late.

ABC is never late.

Well, where else could he be?

[both cry out]



[chuckles] Bye!

Boy, he sure loves swimming with these fish.

Hey! Remember that picture

the teacher showed the class?

The place with all those beautiful fish?

Yes! They were every color you could imagine.

Oh, I bet ABC would love to swim with those fish.

I bet you're right!

Hmm. What was that place called?

Oh, it was the Great Something.

Sounds like we need to...

[both] it!

[tapping glass]

Come on!

Hmm. There are lots of places in the world

where there are plenty of colorful fish.

[Do-Re-Mi] This says the Great Barrier Reef

is a giant protected park in the Coral Sea

near the continent of Australia.

That's it! The Great Barrier Reef!

It's more than , miles long.

[Do-Re-Mi] And has over , different kinds of fish.

One thousand, five hundred kinds of fish? Where?

There-- the Great Barrier Reef.

It's made up of more than islands

and nearly , smaller reefs.

What's a reef?

[ABC] It's something that's underwater

that a ship can run into.

It can be made of rocks, sand, or something called coral.

This says the Great Barrier Reef Park

is the biggest coral reef in the world.

Coral reef? I wonder what that is.

I know how we can find out.

Me too.

Great Barrier Reef, here we come!

Let's G-O go!

[Do-Re-Mi] That's the world-famous Opera House

in the city of Sydney.

That's in Australia. We must be close.

Look! A Great Barrier Reef boat tour!

[cell phone rings]

ABC, --, and Do-Re-Mi.

G'day, mates!

Hello! We've come to explore the Great Barrier Reef.

Well, you're in the right place.

Welcome aboard Aanjay and Becky's tour boat.

Aw! Look at that animal. It's so cute.

That's a dugong.

They're friendly, naturally curious mammals--

and so are we! Heh heh!

So we thought it was the perfect picture

to put on our boat.

Oh! I'd sure love to see a real, live dugong.

We aren't officially open for tours until tomorrow.

[disappointedly] Ohh.

But we've been doing some practice tours

so we can make a map of this part

of the Great Barrier Reef.

Well, do you need any practice passengers?

Well, yes, actually, we do.

-Yes! -Yay!

We just finished mapping an underwater meadow

of sea grass we found over there,

where the dugongs like to graze.

Dugongs eat grass?

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Some people even call dugongs "the cows of the sea."

That meadow of sea grass is protected from the waves

by the coral reef here.

Ooh, the coral reef.

What exactly is coral?

Well, corals are small animals

that live in parts of the ocean that aren't very deep.

They have a hard covering on the outside of their bodies,

and they can attach themselves to rocks

and to other corals.


[Becky] Well, these little critters poke out

and grab tiny bits of food floating by.

When a coral dies, its hard covering is left behind,

and a new coral attaches to it.

Over time, so many corals pile on top of each other

that they make a reef that goes from the bottom

of the ocean up towards the surface.

-[ABC] That's amazing! -[Becky] Mm-hmm.

[Aanjay] Yes, and scientists think that the corals

here in the Great Barrier Reef

first started growing about , years ago.

No wonder it's the biggest coral reef in the world.

[gasps] Look, over there!

[ABC] Wait, come back!

I just wanted to say hello.


Let's see if we can get us a closer look.

I like how you think, Aanjay.

[ABC] Uh... could we go just a little bit faster?

I'm afraid we can't go too fast, ABC.

There could be jagged coral ledges right under us.

This is our first time through this part of the coral reef,

so we need to be careful.

I like how you think, Aanjay.

[all laugh]

So, there's a coral reef right below us?

With lots of fish?

Yes, lots of 'em!

Oh, that sounds amazing. I've got to dive in!

He really likes to swim with fish.

The coral reefs provide protection from ocean waves

so eggs can hatch, and the youngsters

can hide from big predators.

Big predators?

[chuckling] Like sharks.

Uh... ABC,

did you miss the part about the sharks?


No worries, mate.

You don't need to go into the water

to see what's below us.

-He doesn't? -He doesn't?

I don't?

Aanjay built a surprise into our boat.

-Whoa! -Cool!

[Do-Re-Mi] A glass-bottomed boat!

It's so beautiful!

Those are anemone fish.

Oh, here's a fun fact:

They're also called clown fish.

Clown fish! That's more like a funny fact!


-Look! -[Becky] Ahh.

We're over the sea grass meadow now.

Time for another surprise.


Our boat has an underwater microphone

so we can hear the sounds of the Great Barrier Reef

from below the surface.

[dolphins clicking]

Best. Boat. Ever.

[Aanjay] Those clicking sounds the dolphins are making

bounce off of things around them

to let them know if they're about to run

into something dangerous, like a shark...

Or something friendly, like a dugong!

[Do-Re-Mi] Aw, look! A baby dugong!

It's coming right towards us.

Well, I told you they were curious.

Well, I'm curious about them, too.

Hi, baby dugong.

[Becky] The mom is protecting her baby.

From what?

From that!

[Do-Re-Mi] Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Whoa!

[ABC] Look at the size of that crocodile!

It's almost feet long!

How do you like the tour so far?

It's great!

And filled with lots of surprises!


[Do-Re-Mi] I thought the crocodile was big!

Oh, my goodness!

That whale looks about feet long.

[Becky] That's a minke whale.

They're very friendly and very intelligent.

It sounds like it's talking to us.

[Becky] I wish I knew what it was saying.

I bet it's saying, "Hello, my new little friends!"



[--] Whoops!

[laughs] Another surprise?

We seem to be caught on something.

Aah. We're officially stuck.

Oh, we're so sorry this is happening on your tour.

No worries, mate! We love a good adventure!


[ABC] Wow! It's a sunken fishing boat!

[--] It looks like we're caught in a fishing net!

If we get unhooked, we can be on our way.

We'd better hurry, though.

If we don't get free soon,

we'll be stuck here all night.

Ooh, yay! Sleepover!

[water splashes]

We couldn't reach to untangle the net.

The space between our boat

and the reef we've drifted over is too small.

Hey, I'm small. Maybe I can help!

I'll be right back!

Good luck!

I got it!

[all cheering]

You give the best Great Barrier- dugong-minke-whale-

crocodile-boat-stuck-on-a-net tour ever!


Yes, it was full of surprises!

So many fish!

So much fun!

And now I believe this adventure is done.


[ABC] Now it's time to sing along.