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02x06 - A Lad in a Lamp

Posted: 03/25/24 20:11
by bunniefuu

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case
too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

the payment.

Do you have
the artifact?

Yes. You're getting
quite a bargain, you know.

Smuggling such
a priceless treasure
is not easy.


My money!

Don't bother.
They're all phonies.

You're busted.

Thanks for joining me,

There's nothing like

A midnight snack
of limburger cheese.

[Sniff] ahh.

Fresh off the boat.

Oh, yecch.

Here now, mate,
it's mine.

You'll have to get
your own stash.

Do you see him?

Do you see him?

Uh-uh. This fog is
as thick as a brick.

Unfortunately, mole,
so are you.

This way, you
feeble-sighted dolt.

This thing must be pretty
important to you, fat cat.

Important? Ha ha.

Much more than that.

I've been tracking it
for years,

Through rumors, myths,
paid informers.

Getting closer
all the time until...

There he is!

At's mine.

Well, I got it
for you.

Now I want
what's coming to me.

Oh...most certainly.

Just send us your bill.

I'll show them scatter-gagging

Homeward, men,
where we can explore

The possibilities
of world domination.

Sorry, fatso,
it's cash on delivery

Or no sale.

Stop him!
Bring him down!

But, boss, we don't have
anything to throw at him.




Where is it?

I can't see.
The fog's too thick.

Into the boat!

Keep rowing.
We have to find it
before it drifts too far.

That's fat cat, all right.

Wonder what
he's looking for?

Bonzer jobsit!
Wonder what it is?

Whatever it is,
if fat cat wants it,

It probably means
trouble for us.

Let's have a gander.


A lamp right out of
the arabian nights,

Just like the one
aladdin kept his genie in!

Ha ha ha!

Think that's silly,

Well, you'll see.

I'll just give it a rub,

And we'll be up
to our whiskers
in wishes.

Oh! Someone has my lamp!

Over there. Quick!

Who has summoned
the spirit of the lamp?

I come to offer him
three wishes.

I await his command.

Strike me till I'm
blue in the morning!

I'm rich!

I can't lose it, not now!

Who has my...aaah!

It's the rescue ranger!

Crikey! I wish the others
could see this. They--


Oh, no, no, no, no!

-What was that?
-What was that?

Are you ok,

What is that thing?

What's it look like?

It's a magic lamp with
a blinking live genie in it!

A magic lamp?

Ha ha! That's silly.

It's true!
Ask zipper.


Finally! Let me make a wish!

Easy there, pally.

Just wait your turn.

I'm not done
with me wishes yet.

Okay. Sure.


You summoned me, master?

Too right, I did.

And now I know what I want.

I want...cheese!

It shall be done.

No, wait! I mean...

Lots of cheese!

But of course!

I mean a great,
heaping bonza pile of cheese!

Is that all?


Monty, are you ok?

Hmm. Where's
the cheese?

What's happening?


Ah ha ha!


Ah ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha!

Golly! It's gonna take
a lot of crackers

To get through this.

Hey, you guys,
help me!

I'm stuck in here!

Hey, where's monterey?

You know, I always thought
I could never get enough cheese,

And I haven't!

[Chomp chomp chomp]

Oh boy, oh boy.
I wonder if the lamp
works with peanuts?

Now, pally, I said not to touch
my lamp until I'm done with it.

Have it your way,
mr. Monterey jack!

Maybe your next wish ought to be
for some new friends!

Come on, guys.

Who cares about
his silly lamp anyway?

I do.

I didn't mean to...

It's only that...

Ah, you blinkin' idiot!

This wishing business
has gone to your head.

Speaking of wishes...


What do you want
for your final one?

Final one?
I just started!

You've had two.

I grant no more
than three.


What do you mean "usually"?

It's been 5,000 years
since I had a day off.


Use your third wish

To give me
the weekend off,

And I'll give you
more wishes

Than you imagine...



You got yourself a deal, mate.

I wish you was
free of the lamp.


Ho ho ho! I'm free!

Ooh. Can't say much
for the wardrobe.

hey! What's going on?

Where am i?

just a detail
I forgot to mention.

The one who wishes
the genie outside

Must take
his place inside.

Ah, no!

See you
in 5,000 years, master.

Ho ho ho hee hee hee!

Well, monty, you really put
the botch on it this time.

Maybe I'll be a mite smarter
in 5,000 years.

Still, if I could get one
of me mates to rub the lamp,

Why, I could wish the genie back
inside here in half a blink.

I just have to get
their attention!


Hello out there!

Hey, i--i heard something.

Do you smell cheese?

Yes. The fat one
with the lamp

Must be close by.

hey, you guys, wait up!


get out here.

Help us look
for the lamp.

Aah! Ooh. What lamp?


-You found it!
-You found it!

I--i did?

Now maybe fat cat
won't k*ll us.

Are you kidding? With this,
he can make us all rich!

The genie of the lamp
will be fat cat's sl*ve!

gosh, I can't believe
monterey would just disappear

And leave all that cheese.

He has the magic lamp.
He can just wish for more.

Hey! What's going on
down there?

that's the genie!

The guy's a nut, I tell ya.

He buys a rug and then wants
his money back

'Cause it don't fly.

You see? Convicted
by his own words.

He admits
his flying carpets
are defective.

How come the genie is dressed
like monterey jack?

And why isn't
he in the lamp?

Look, buddy, move on
or I'll run you in.

Very well,
but your caliph
will hear about this.

He's got to know
where monty is.

Five thousand years later
and they can't get
a throw-rug off the ground.

How can this century
be so backward?


What in the...

Oh, it's you.

All right. What did you do
with monterey jack?

Yeah, hand him over.

Oh, the rotund one
with the cheese obsession.

The, uh... New genie
would know where he is.

-The new genie?
-Where do we find him?

He'd be with the lamp,
of course.

And I have no idea
where that could be.

Just think...

A magic lamp
that gives you gold,



The possibilities
are endless.

What would you
wish for, mole,

If you could have anything
in the whole world?

Uh...a candy bar?

A candy bar! Ha ha.

How stupid
can you be?

This g*ng don't have
the brains of a meat ax.

One little rub
won't hurt.

Fat cat need not know.

Oh, boy! Candy!

Come on, lads,
make up your minds!

Drop the lamp,
or you're all fish bait.

It was
that greedy mole!

He wanted the lamp!

Bad mole, bad!

All I wanted was a candy bar.

Thank goodness
I'm here to rescue it

From you pea-brained,
small-time thinkers

And your puny
little wishes.

But it was going to be
an extra-large candy bar.

I bet mind readers
only charge you half price.

Stand back!

I've waited
a long time for this.

Come to me, genie.

We have history to make.

[Cough cough]

This lamp could use a tuneup.

No! It can't be!

A rescue ranger!

I've been tricked,
thwarted, bamboozled!

I wish I had
something to flatten you!



Guess what.

I got my wish.

Uh, are you ok, boss?

Oh ho ho!

This is just
too delicious.

Don't you see?

this bloated rodent

Has become
the genie of the lamp!

Hey, watch that!

And my sl*ve!

Ho ho hee hee!

Now down to business.

If I'm to rule the world,
I'll need a suitable place

To hang my hat.

I say he's holding out on us.

He's got to know
where the lamp is.

Oh, please!

Yes, that's it!

And a stairway here!

Make it gold.

And fountains.

Lots of fountains!

Yes, that's it!

A living tribute
to my greatness.

Tell me, sl*ve,

What part of the world
shall I dominate first?


You'll have to get past
the rangers first,
fat head.

The rescue rangers.

I'd almost forgotten.

You forgot to untie me.

where are we?

Ho ho ho ha ha ha!

Welcome, rescue rangers.

Your nightmare
has just begun.


I wish the rescue rangers
were turned to dust!

Oh, I can't help myself!


I can't look.

Are we dust yet?

What--what went wrong?

Sorry, fat cat.
You're out of wishes.

Only three
to a customer!

Ah ha ha!

Come out of there,
so I can throttle you!

Come on,
get the lamp!

Not so fast, rangers.

Here, mole, make a wish!

Anything I want?

Just rub it!

All right. Who's next?

Now, wish them
to their doom!

But my c-candy!

What he said.

Fat cat:
goodbye, rescue rangers!

Mole, you surprise me.

You have a definite flair
for the dramatic.

It's getting

What a shame
that my first guests

In my new house
have to split so soon.

It's all me fault!

Me greed's turned
me mates into lunch meat.

Um, next
I wish, uh...

For a can--

That the rangers
were set free.

That the rangers
were set free. No! I mean--




No, you nitwit!

Let's get
to that lamp!

You dummy,
let me rub it.

Hey! I didn't get
my candy bar yet.

Mepps, wish
the rangers destroyed!


You heard him.

Wish for ranger toys.

Yeah. I wish
for ranger toys.


All right, gadget!

Go get him!

Ok, fat cat. Party's over!

Mepps, stop them!

Use a wish!


He wants some fish.

Right. I wish
for fish.

Coming right up!

He wouldn't.

Maybe I overdid this a bit.

Great going, zipper!

Go for the lamp!

Don't let him
get my lamp!

I'll get it.

You had
your turn.

I want it!

Go for it, guys!

Come on out, monty!

It's about time.

Swamp that ranger!

Make a wish!

What do
we wish for?

Don't ask me. I wish none
of this had ever happened.

Sounds good to me!

we wish none of this
ever happened!


the payment.

Do you have
the artifact?

Yes. You're getting
quite a bargain, you know.

Smuggling such
a priceless treasure
is not easy.

Ohh. My money!


Don't bother.
They're all phonies.

You're busted.


Sea air, a crisp night,

And the company
of a good friend.

Couldn't wish for
anything more. Hey, zipper?


Unless it's
a bite of cheese.

Come on, pally. There's a hint
of limburger in the air.