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02x17 - Robocat

Posted: 03/25/24 20:21
by bunniefuu

♪ Sometimes some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

Entering maze six ...

I'll never know what's
in the sixth maze.

Hmm. Looks like
a couple of loose wires.

Some Rescue Rangers.
Instead of helping
the helpless,

we're fixing video games.

What if this Mr. Stanislavsky
sees us takin' his things?

Don't worry, Monty.
This is the stuff he's
thrown out.

Try it now, Dale.

You did it, Gadget!

Hooray! Now maybe
we can get something
useful accomplished.

If you build
a better mousetrap,

the world will beat it up
the path to your door.

That's what they say.

And I, Ignat Stanislavsky,
after many attempts,

have built
the best mousetrap there is.

It's incredible!

What is it?

It looks like...
a robot cat!

Now, Tom, if you catch mice,
I will give to you a fur coat

just like a real cat.

Now find a mouse
and catch him!

I think it's time
we headed back home, mates.


Good work, Tom!
Don't let him get away!

Wh-wh-what sharp teeth
ya got there, Ma.

Thanks, ol' mate.

Chew on this for a while,
ya clockwork kitty.

We gotta
put that switch off!

Uh-oh... missed!

Tom! Come back here!

Dale! Where are you? Help!

Dale! Give us a hand!

Congratulations, you have
completed maze seven.




Go! Get out,
you little pests!

Oh, another failure.

What good is a cat
that can't catch mice?

Yah! Keep it
away from me!

Relax! It's turned off.

That's no way
to treat an invention.

Poor little thing.

Have you gone bonzo loco?

That thing just
tried to eat us!

I bet with a few
adjustments he could be
a very nice cat.

No such animal.

I could reprogram him.

With what?

Oh, say...
Dale's video game.

Hey, yeah! It's called
"Dogs and Cats".

And the cat in this game
is a hero.

Eh, sort of.

Listen, Gadget.
That thing's a k*ller.
You can't change that.

I know you can do it, Gadget.
I believe in ya,

even if he doesn't.


Help me get him
back to Ranger headquarters.

I know I'm gonna
regret this.

Boss! This ain't
gonna work! The place
is too well guarded!

We tried to nab her
at the docks when she
came off the boat.

And we tried to grab her
off the transport truck.

Nevertheless, you failed.

Which is why I'm personally
devoting my valuable time
and attention

to make sure
you don't fail again.

I have a date with
the rarest and most expensive
tropical fish in the world!

Now, Freddy,
the subject is closed.

But, Dad...

We have fish.
Fish are decorative.

You can't cuddle a fish.

We have Butch.

You can't cuddle
him, either.

Cats eat fish.

You want my lovely
and very expensive fish
to be eaten?

If I had a cat,
I'd train him not to.

Well, you couldn't
train him not to shed.

All my expensive furniture
would be ruined.

Besides, you know
how allergic I am.

As soon as I get near a cat,
my doze stuffs up,

and by eyes get watery,
and-- ah-choo!

And I start steezing--
Butch? There's a cat in here!

Get him!

Oh, Mepps?


(Butch growling)

Oh, poor little Luna.
Did the big bad kitty
scare you?

Now do you see
why you can't have a cat?

Yes, sir.

Okay, Dale,
give me the cartridge.

Okay, here goes nothin'.

(electronic voice)
Hi! Let's be friends.

Eh, what are your
feelings about mice?

I don't know.
What are they?

You're lookin'
at one, mate.

Well, I like you,
so I guess I like mice.


Phooey! The instant
one of his circuits
gets scrambled,

he'll be after us again.

No, I won't. Honest!
I just wanna be friends.

All I want is somebody
to take me in,

and pet me, and love me
like a real cat.

We can find him a home.

Who's gonna pet a tin can?

He's right.
I won't be a real cat
until I have some fur.

Come on, Tom!
We're Rescue Rangers!
We'll find ya some fur!

This is ridiculous.

Tom needs our help.
Please, Chip!

Well, I suppose somebody
has to keep an eye on him.

Dale: We'll check
all the trash cans.

Something will turn up
that'll make you a nice
fur coat.

Boy, you guys are
the best friends
a cat could ever have.


A fine bunch
of henchmen you are.

Can't even steal
a stupid fish!

What I need is a fearless cat,

a dog-proof cat,
a mechanical cat!

A mechanical cat?

Hi, there!

Hello, my galvanized
feline friend.

That sure is a nice coat.

Oh, you like it?
It's tailor-made.

I had-- oh.
You mean this coat.

Wish I had one like it.

Hmm. Whoever made you
didn't give you fur, eh?

Come with me...
and I'll see to it
you get properly... fleeced.

-Hey, boss!
-Slow down!

Wait for us!

In order to give you
your very own coat of fur,

I'm going to have to
shut you down for a moment.

You don't mind, do you?

Now, to find out
what makes this
clockwork cat tick!

A video game cartridge!
Of course!

With a different cartridge,
he could be very useful to me.

Mepps! Wart! All of you!

Go to the nearest toy store
and get me another
game cartridge.

A really violent one.

Oh, goodie!
I like video games.

And no playing
in the store!

Now, to turn this
simpering little tin toy

into a w*apon
of total destruction.

We won't need
this off switch anymore.

(sinister mechanical voice)
Hello... (growling)

What are
your orders, commander?

This is the enemy.


Ooh... effective.

Now, for your mission.

Not a sign of him anywhere.

We've got to find him.

We've got to keep looking.
He may be in trouble.

Or making trouble,
more likely.

Hmm. I'm not
expecting visitors.

I have come for the fish.

Stand aside
or prepare to be destroyed.

A robot cat.
I don't believe it.

I have come for the fish.

Get out of my way,
or I will attack.

Sic him, Butch!

I had a feelin'
he was gonna say that.

Give me the fish.

You'll have to
get past me first, pal.

Hey, don't look
to me for help.

Get him!

Enemy forces engaged.
Entering destruction mode.

Attack. Attack.

You are my prisoner.
You will come with me.

(gasp) He's got Luna!

Don't just
stand there, get him!

I'm workin' awful hard
for a guy who gets paid
in dog food.

Did you see him?
Any clues?

Nothing. This is all
a complete waste of time!

Climb aboard, guys!

We thought we'd
get the Ranger plane
to help us in our search.

Listen, Gadget.
This is ridiculous.

We'll never find him.

I'm not so sure
we should even try.

But, Chip, we rescued him
from the junk pile.

We're responsible for him.

She's right,
we can't just abandon
the little bloke now.

But he's just a machine.

(sigh) All right,
keep looking.

What a night!

Robot cats, fishnappers,
and me, beaten in a fight!

Nothin' would surprise me
at this point.

a squirrel-powered zeppelin.

A squirrel-powered zeppelin!


What's he
barkin' about?

Maybe he saw Tom!
Let's question him!

Hey, pal! We're lookin'
for a friend of ours.

Maybe you've seen him.

Yeah, he's a robot.

Are you in with him?
If you are, so help me
I'll pound ya.

Take it easy!
We don't know
what you're talkin' about.

I'm talkin' about
that metal cat that just
trashed my master's house!

Did you say "metal cat"?

That's right,
and he took my master's
new pet fish.

Ya see? I told you!
I knew you couldn't
change his instincts!

I don't believe it!

He coudn'ta done it!

Well, he did!
And he was the second one
to try it this evenin'!

Somebody else
tried to take the fish?

Who? Who?

I never saw him before,
some big cat
in a business suit.

Sounds like Fat Cat!

How much you wanna bet
Fat Cat got his hands on Tom?

We gotta find him!
We gotta save him!

Listen! We may know
where your master's fish is!

No way I'm tanglin'
with that mechanized
maniac again!

Then get your master!
Bring him to the cat food
cannery at the edge of town.

We'll meet ya there!

Rescue Rangers away!

At last, Luna,
the world's rarest
tropical fish!

Such beauty,
such delicacy,
such priceless rarity.

Truly, this unique pinnacle
of Mother Nature's handiwork

will make a superb addition
to my renowned collection
of fine dinners!

The marinade's
almost done, boss.

But this recipe says
she's gotta soak in it
for half an hour.

Put her in!


Nothing must disturb
my enjoyment of this meal.

Go outside and stand watch.
Let no one enter!

I obey!

craft approaching.

It's him!

Hey, Tom! It's us!

Are you okay?


I told you
he couldn't be trusted.

Something's wrong.

I've gotta find out
what's wrong with him.


Take us down.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna
switch him off.

I'm going with you!


Over here,
ya big bag of bolts!


Enemy soldiers. Destroy.

Don't worry, Dale.
I'll have him turned off
in a second.

The switch! It's gone!

Now ya tell me!

Enemy soldiers. Destroy.

I can't shut him off!

Enemy soldiers. Destroy.

Leave him alone, Tom!

You big bully!

What's the matter with you?
Why are you trying to hurt us?

You are the enemy.
You must be destroyed.


Just like huntin' shark
off the Sydney coast!


Help me untie it!

That's it!
Someone replaced
Dale's cartridge

with this w*r game!

And I'd wager
that someone is
Fat Cat himself!

He's got Luna,
and we have to
get her back!

And help Tom!

He's been an awful lot
of trouble, Gadget.

Maybe we should just
leave him the way he is.

I know he has
good in him, Chip.

You can't blame him
for what Fat Cat did.

All right,
but we help the fish first.

Oh, my prize fish stolen,
my house wrecked--

what more
can happen to me?


You stupid dog,
have you gone nuts?

Stop that!

Wait, Dad.
I think Butch is trying
to tell us something.


Maybe he's found Luna!

Well, don't just stand there.
Lead the way!

I don't get it.
It says separate two eggs,

but it doesn't say
how far apart to separate 'em.

Let me see that,
you pinheads!

Take one cup flour,
two cups milk,
one pinch salt.

Don't tell me
you pinched the salt!

Of course not!
Mepps pinched it.

While they're not looking.

Stop them!

We gotta find
where that drain lets out!

Uh, what about them?

We'll give them
their just desserts!

Jump, Monterey!

Move it!

My million-dollar dinner
gone down the drain!

Are you gonna eat that cherry?

Look! I found my old game!

Once we fix Tom,
he can help us find the fish!

He's done enough already!
Come on!

I don't care what you say.
Tom deserves a second chance!

What happened?

It's a long story. Come on!
We gotta save a fish!

Rescue Rangers, away!

Wait for us!

Hey, mate! Follow us!

She'll have to come out
down there in the sewers!


Oh, take a hint, will ya?

Hmm, maybe Luna's
down in the sewer.

And he's supposed to be
the dominant species
on the planet.

Where do you think
she'll come out?

Could be anywhere.

After her, lads!

Well, I don't know
if I can fit through that.

I can, Dad.

Son, no!

It's okay, Dad!

To the rescue!

It's that k*ller cat!

You keep away from my son!

That boy shouldn't
be down here.
It's dangerous!


Oh, no!

Hold it up, Tom.

Hang on, kid!

Climb down, kid.

That cat's attacking him!

No, he's not,
he's savin' him!

You're right!
Who said that?



It's now or never!

What are you doing?

Lower, Gadget!


Freddy! Freddy, are you okay?

I'm fine, Dad.

That's the cat
that trashed our house!

But he saved me.

I don't get it.
Maybe it's a different cat.

And, look, he saved Luna.



You're alive!

Yeah! And I've got
my own fur!

Just like a real cat!

But where did you get it?

Well, at least
I'm not allergic to this cat.

I'd trade all
my expensive things
for a pet like this one.

I gotta
hand it to you, Gadget.

You were right
about Tom after all.

I always
believed in you.

Every cat
should have a home.

Now if we could only
find a good home for Fat Cat.

Yeah, like the state pen!