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02x33 - Gadget Goes Hawaiian

Posted: 03/25/24 20:28
by bunniefuu



♪ Sometimes some crimes

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks

♪ But these two gumshoes

♪ Are pickin' up the slack

♪ There's no case too big,
no case too small

♪ When you need help,
just call

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale's

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ 'Cause once
they're involved

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ No, no, it never fails

♪ They'll take the clues

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ Rescue Rangers

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale

♪ When there's danger

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip 'n Dale ♪

-He's getting closer.

MONTEREY: Hang on, mates.

We'll give that squid
the slip,

just as soon
as we figure out how.

Well, we could use
that beach blanket
as a rope.

Good idea. Grab on.



This suntan lotion
would make
a neat anti-abrasive.



Nice idea, Gadget, love.

Thanks, Monty. Which one?

The one you're gonna
come up with next.




Okay, the suntan oil
worked, considering...

Considerin' that
we nearly got ourselves
squished by a squid.

Yeah, we were almost
a Squid McNugget.

Gosh, guys,
I-- I thought I was helping.

You were, Gadget.

Just, sometimes,
maybe you could help
a little faster.

You know,
just figure out a way,
one way, and stick with it.

But I don't think
I can think that way.

Sure you can, Gadget.

Just don't think so hard.

That's how I do it.

MONTEREY: Well, now that
this case is closed,

why don't we catch a few rays
before the big luau tonight?

Yeah, let's go to the beach.

You can't.
We're going sightseeing.

I don't feel
like running around anymore.

Uh, Chip, maybe we should
catch some rays.

It's been
a vigorous few days,
you know.

Let's leave it up to Gadget.

Your call, Gadget,
do we go to the beach
or sightsee?

Well, how about
if we wear our swimsuits
while we go sightseeing?

Or we could look at maps
while we lie on the beach.

Uh, how about
if we just sightsee?

No! Beach!

Sightseers, follow me!

Thisaway to the beach!

Hey, pally, wait up.


Or if we sightsee on stilts,
we'll be that much closer
to the sun.



Or I can learn to just
come up with a solution
and go with it.


What's wrong?

Why won't
my incredibly expensive
ACME Majestic,

ultra-light, all-weather,
fiberglass volcano
erupt on cue?

Uh, well,
there's your problem.

Must be a short.

You'll be short
in your payment

until that thing
works correctly.

-GIRL: Lawhinie, help!
Please, Lawhinie,

make happy
the huhu volcano gods.

Oh, great volcano gods...

Oh, great. I broke a nail.

Please, hear us!

Come on, turn already.

I, Lawhinie,
ask you, spare us.

If this thing jams,
they'll never make me queen.




"Queen Lawhinie."
I love the sound of that.


For long time now,
we needed queen to lead us.

Lawhinie is only one
what makes volcano gods
no huhu.


So now we crown you queenie
for real.

If you insist.

Right after the test, eh?

Test? What test?

I never heard
about any test.

Test to crown you queenie.
You know, survival test.

Survival test?

No one told me
about any test.

We've never even
had a queen before.

No one ever survive before.

-First, you must cross
the Lobster t*nk of Terror.
-ALL: Ooh!

-Then, pass over
the Coals of Catastrophe.
-ALL: Aah!

ride the Waves of Doom.
-ALL: Ooh!

Oh, is that all?

The test begin at sundown.

If you survive,
we crown you queenie.

ALL: Queen Lawhinie!
Queen Lawhinie!

Tomorrow, we get new queen
or extra hut.

How am I gonna
pull this one off?

I want that crown.

Yo, your royal highnosity.

Who'd have thunk it?
Me, boyfriend to a queen.

I don't get to be queen

unless I survive
that stupid obstacle course.

So, fake 'em out, babe.

I mean,
you've conned the whole tribe

with this switch
on the volcano.

How hard
can a crummy obstacle course
be to fake?

What did you say, Shakabaka?

Uh, nothing.

Oh, please don't
scratch the finish.

No, really, what did you say?

Um... But I promised
I'd never tell.

No, don't you see?

If I can con the whole tribe
with this volcano scam,

maybe I can con them
if I rig
the obstacle course, too.

Shakabaka, you're a genius.

Have to hurry. Toodles.

I'm a genius? Whoa!
Who'd have thunk it?

GADGET: So what if the others
wanna do something different?

I can work on my inventions
all by myself.

Hubba-Hubba's crazy

if he thinks
I'll be able to swim
across that lobster t*nk.

How am I gonna fake this?

Maybe I won't have to.

Lawhinie, you're a genius.

Now, I just
have to con her...

Uh, convince her
to take my place.

Oh, yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!

Oh, hello.
Um, is it okay that I'm here?

I mean, I'm not trespassing
or anything?

No, honey,
I'd say you were in
exactly the right place.

By the way,
my name's Lawhinie.

Mine's Gadget.

You know,
you remind me of someone.

What an intriguing name!

just like those gadgets
on your feet.

My feet?
I mean, gosh, I'm sinking!

I bet you'd have
all kinds of gadgets

to get across
this lobster t*nk.

That is, assuming
you wanted to get across.

That's the trouble.
I can never decide
on just one.

But that's fabulous.

Really? My friends
don't always think
it's so wonderful.

You've already figured out
how to get across
the lobster t*nk.

And if you had to,
say, oh, I don't know,

maybe walk across a tightrope
over coals...

Well, once I calculated out
the center of gravity...

You'd figure out
a dozen ways to do it.

And I'll bet an ocean wave
wouldn't even slow you down.

Oh, gosh,
there are lots of ways
to handle that.

You know,
you're just the person
to help me.

I am?

I have this little, uh, test
I have to run tonight.

It's just
a tiny survival test,
no big deal.

And I thought maybe you,
with all those
wonderful ideas,

could run the test
instead of me.


Gosh, you look just like me.

Just like sisters.

And I'd do anything
for a sister.

But--But I don't want to hog
all the fun.

Oh, honey,
you'd be doing me a favor,
swear to Pele.

Now, uh,
my friends'll be here soon.

Oh, but my friends
are meeting me here soon
for the luau.

Your friends are my friends,
right, honey?

I'll take care of yours
and you let mine
take care of you.

Good luck with the test.

Uh, I mean, have fun.


Let the test begin.

Gadget! Gadget!

We're supposed
to all meet back here
for the luau.

I hope she's not late.

Looks like
she's right on time, Chip.

are you all right, love?

I--I'm fine, honey,
absolutely fine.

Thanks to you,
huh, Chop?


DALE: Uh, maybe you need
to sit down, Gadget.

Uh, sure, sweetie.

Thank you so much
for caring.

Hey, I was the one
who caught you, remember?

Of course,
I remember, Chirp.

Let's go to the luau.

Oh, but you go on ahead.
I forgot my-- my purse.

When did you start
carryin' a purse?

Uh, my makeup bag?

you don't wear makeup.

You're kidding!

Uh, my metal thingy
used to tighten doodads?

Your wrench?

Yeah, yeah,
I forgot my wrench.

I'll meet you at the luau.


Oh, Lawhinie, help!

Of course, honey,
just as soon as you get
to the other side of the t*nk.


But I'll never make it.

But of course you can.

You'll think of something.
I have complete faith in you.

-Oh, dear, how clumsy of me.

Hon, this'll be a snap.

Trust me.

Lawhinie get very high score
on test.



Hey, way to wail,

Uh, excuse me,
but there's a problem here.

That's right.
She have two more to go.

-Two more what?
-Chill, Lawhinie.

You know, two more parts
to this survival test.

But I'm not...

Done yet? We know.

But hang tight, babe,

and you'll soon be
head queen-type person.

To next test.
To the barbecue pit.





Dig in, boys. It's okay.

(LAUGHS) They're boneless.

We're full, Monty.

But we're sure having fun.

Yes, aren't we
all having fun?

Well, at that rate, sure.

Oh, excuse me, I have to
get that thing you pound
pointy things in with.

You mean "hammer"?

Yeah, that's it.

Back in a flash.

Gadget forgettin' her tools?
Something's up.


Oh, surf's up. Gotta go.

Hey, Lawhinie.

Whoa! I thought
you were still in the sock.

I am.

Uh, okay.

Shakabaka, baby,
this next test has me
pretty nervous.

I may say
or do strange things,
even pretend I'm not me.

but if you're not you...

But I am. I mean, I will be.

And whatever I do or say,
make me finish this test.

Got you, doll.

Okay, baby,
I gotta get back
in the sock now.

See you in a second.

Deal, dudette.

But I'm not Lawhinie!

Listen to me,
there's been a mistake.

Hey, we got you, Lawhinie.
No lo problemo.

No, please, hey!

Go, Lawhinie! Go!

Okay, if I can adjust
my center of gravity...

How about...
Come on, Gadget,

(SCREAMING) decide!


Well, wasn't that
floorshow fun?
Time to go, boys.


Hey, whoever that is
may be hurt.

Oh, Chap,
you're so compassionate.

I just adore that about you.

ALL: Lawhinie! Lawhinie!

Lawhinie! Lawhinie!

Coast clear.
Uh, I mean, thanks, dear.

Down, boy. Down.

That babe's gonna bolt on me
first chance she gets,

and there's still
one more test to go.

How can I force her?

Of course.

I'll control her
by controlling them.

Have you found my things
I make stuff with, yet?

You mean, your tools?

-No, not yet.
-Still looking.

Now, hang on
a minute there, pallies,
somethin' ain't right here.


Sorry about that, guys.
The rope slipped.

-Not a problem.
-Accidents happen.

Lads, something's wrong here
with our little Gadget.

Why, thank you,
how convenient.


Hey, watch it up there,
you two.

Zipper? Gadget?


-CHIP: Uh-oh.
-DALE: Uh-oh.


Just in time
for the nightly eruption.

Time for final test.

If Lawhinie survives surf
by time sand in glass
runs out,

then she is our true leader.

Let the waves begin.

For the last time,
I am not Lawhinie!

And I am through
with these silly tests!


Lawhinie! Boy,
am I glad to see you.

Are you crazy?
There's sharks out there.

But... But...

But you better
finish this test for me

or your friends'll
have a hotter time in Hawaii
than they planned on.

What do you mean?
What have you done
to my friends?

They got a little too close
to the volcano and fell in.

I don't believe you.

I thought you wouldn't
so I brought proof.


I control the gas jets
that make the volcano erupt.

Finish this test
or I'll finish your friends.


Almost got it.

I don't like
the smell of this at all.

Something's seriously wrong
with Gadget,

providin' she
really is Gadget.


Time for plan B.

I've got to save the others
from that mechanical volcano.
But how?

Come on, Gadget,
make me queen.

I could always
rewire the circuitry
on that volcano.

ALL: Lawhinie! Lawhinie!

Or maybe pump salt water
into the pipes

to create
an electrical current.

Hurry up, Gadget, or I'll...



Help! Help! Help! Help!

-Oh, golly,
I have to help that child.
-Help! Help!

I could calculate the angle
of the riptide or...

Come on, Gadget, just do it.

You're going the wrong way!

Oh, she not make it now.


Hang on!

No! No! Don't stop!



You did it! You did it!
I mean, I did it.

Come on, Zipper.
We've got to save the others.


Whoa, Lawhinie,
we gotta crown you queen.

You mean, crown me queen.

Sorry, lady,
you not Lawhinie.

No, really, she is,
but she really
isn't very nice.


I'm the only one
the volcano gods listen to,
nice or not.

Crown me.

But you not run test.

All I had to do
was survive till morning,
and I did.

SHAKABAKA: But... But...

Fine. Why don't we
just ask the volcano gods

who they want
for their queen?

I gotta hurry.

No go when volcano gods angry.

And she'll make 'em
plenty angry now.

Come on!
There's more than one way
to stop an angry volcano god.

Okay, volcano gods,
do your stuff.

Okay, looks like
plan Q may work here.


CHIP: Uh, okay,
time for plan R.




If I don't get the crown,

the volcano gods
will destroy the village.

Hey, man, no way.
It's about to blow.

We're gonna stop
this volcano now.

Where's the main pipe?

I need something
to pop this line.


(GASPING) Not my board!

It's the only way
to save the village
and my friends.

But I just had it polished.

Jump on three.
One, two, three!



Why, that little...



Way to go,
Your Lawhinie-likeness.

I'm not through, yet.

ALL: Ooh! Aah!


Like I said,
must be a short.

Now, what happened
to my pipe wrench?


They'll be sorry.
I'll turn it up full blast.

I think
I may have just solved
our problem, boys.

What'd you do, Gadget?

Oh, I just chose one thing
and stuck with it.

You can all start packing
because this village
is history.





It's rainin' marshmallows.

Yeah, I stuffed
all the extra ones inside.

You save our village.

Don't thank us.
Thank Gadget.

She's the one
who did it.

Golly, thanks, guys.


Now, that's my Gadget.