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02x39 - Good Times, Bat Times

Posted: 03/25/24 20:32
by bunniefuu

♪ Sometimes, some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip
'N' Dale's ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip
'N' Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip
'N' Dale ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip
'N' Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-Chip
'n' Dale ♪

♪ Rescue Rangers ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip
'N' Dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip
'N' Dale ♪

This was a
wonderful idea, Chip.

Thanks, Gadget.
I thought you might
enjoy a movie.

Hey, Chip!

Dale, what do you want?

You guys want any of this stuff
I got from the snack bar?

Just sit back there
and watch the movie.

If we want something,
we'll send you
a smoke signal.

Now, where were we?

They call this
pizza with the works?

They forgot
the peanut butter.

Maybe the chef
had good taste.

Yeah, but he doesn't know
what tastes good.

Gadget, now that we have
this moment to ourselves,
I'd just like to say--

What's the big idea?

Careful, lad.

Chip, no!

(Dale laughing)

You pop it,
you wear it, mate.

Well, don't just sit there.
Help me out of this.

Hey, what's going
on up there?

Say, I didn't know
this was a monster movie.

I think you'd better
check this out, Zipper.

(squeaks) Aye-aye, Captain.



(squeaks) uh-oh!


Hey, Bud, you think
this is enough
for old Freddy?

Huh? You think? Maybe? Huh?

Uh, let's scrounge her
a couple more

before she gets back,
just in case.

We sure don't want
to get her angry.

Nope, we sure don't
wanna do that, all right.

(Zipper squeaks)

(squeaks) Aah!

So, where's Freddy's
other little helper?

Wasn't she supposed to
assist us on this gig?

That air-head. She probably
got lost in her closet.

We're better off
without her.

Yeah, that's right.
Better off without
that air-head.

Duh, hey,
this one's a dud.


I'll turn that
little ceiling-walker

into wood chip juice.

Never mind him.

What's next
on Freddy's list?

Hmm, let's see,
"lobster lips,
lightning bug bulbs..."

Ah, here we are,
"a chieftain's hair."

Sounds like a pretty
hairy mission to me.


Sorry, Bud.

Let's just grab more bugs
and not worry about it.

Whatever you say, Bud.

I don't think we're going about
this cleanup in the right way.

What was
your first clue?


The little fellow's awfully
excited about something.

We'd better check it out.
Rescue Rangers, away.

Bud, hey, Buddy.

I told you not to bug me
when I'm aiming.


Bug-nappers! Let's go.

Hit the grappler!



I got you, Bud.


-Release the grappler.
-I can't.

The gum's gummed up
the controls.

Look out!

I got you, Bud.
I got you!

Ow, ow, ow!

Bud, speak to me.

Give me a sign
that you're all right, Bud.

Just one little sign.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Here comes Freddy.

About time. Grab
the bulbs, and get
ready to b*at it.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Who was that?

Never mind. Let's get
out of this mess you made.

Golly, Chip.

If it weren't for
Dale's bubble gum,

we'd still be falling.

Too right. It's a lucky thing
old Dale here

has a such fondness
for bubble gum, eh, lad?

Yeah, lucky.
Then again, maybe not.


Gee, thanks.

You're very welcome.

Uh, did you get
something in your eye?

Only you, big boy.

(gulp) You know,
I didn't think
bats could do this.

Do what, darling?

Hang around
in midair like this

when they're carrying
so much weight.


-What's the matter?
-We can't.


Thanks for helping us
get the Ranger Wing down,

I don't think
we're the reason

-she hung around to help.

I wonder what those
characters were up to.

What good are
lightning bug bulbs

to anyone
but a lightning bug?

Smells like
a case to me.


What you got, Zipper?

Hmm, seems to be
some sort of list.

"Elephant earwax,
lobster lips,

Lightning bug bulbs."

And all the items
are crossed off
except the last two.

I bet that means they
haven't collected them yet.

What are they
going after next?

"A chieftain's hair."

Mind if I
have a peek?

What's a chieftain?

I only know
one chief of anything.

You mean stake out
the Chief of Police?

Unless anyone
has a better idea.

Thanks again
for your help,
Miss Foxglove,

But we got
work to do.

Come visit anytime.
We'll all be glad to see you.


This is perfect.

You brought all
the lightning bug bulbs
I need.

For once you three
have done a good job.

But there was
only two of us, Freddy.

I told you
never to call me Freddy!

Oh, rusty buckets.

All those late nights
in the public library

Reading books on magic
instead of cleaning,

and all I have to show for it
are a few lousy sparks.

I'd go back to being
a cleaning woman,

except I was fired
from my job.

But that's why you're
casting this spell,
Fre-- I mean, Winifred.

Yes, once I have
all the ingredients,

and the spell is cast,

I'll show those
cretins who fired me

some real magic.

Give me the list.

Sure thing, Winifred.
Give her the list, Lou.

I can't.
I musta lost it.

Freddy: You what?

Well, it's a good thing
I remember

the final
two ingredients...

or I'd be very angry!

Freddy: You two stay here

while I get
the next ingredient myself.

Ooh, soggy sponges.

Someday I'll have
a real broom

And not this
clunky contraption I ordered
from Fantastic Mechanics.


Monty: This is the life,

a stakeout with
all the comforts of home.

Nice of the Chief to have
the annual police picnic
while we spy on him.


-What are you-- Oh.

Hiya, cute stuff.

Here, Dale, look
after your guest.

I just remembered something
I have to help Gadget with.

Uh... hi, there.

(vacuum cleaner noise)

-I've heard that noise before.
-What is it, Monteray?

Crikey! It looks
like a cleaning lady.

I hate bagpipe music!


It's the machine
from the drive-in.

Get Chip and Gadget.

I'll get the Ranger Wing.

Uh, you had better
stay here, Foxglove,

so I'll-- uh, I mean,
so you'll be safe.

(Freddy laughs)

Eeks! My toupee!

Hair today,
gone tomorrow.

You were right, Chip.
She's got the Chief
of Police's hair.

And hair she comes.

Rangers: Whoa!

It's no use.
We're going to crash!


I can't pull it out.

(imitates trumpet)


What's he doing?

The little blight is trying
to pull us out of this dive.

It's too much for him!

Look, it's Foxglove.

Next time,
I'll take the stairs.

Any landing you can
joke about is a good landing.

Yeah, and that landing
was a joke all right.


Zipper's right. If it wasn't
for Foxglove, here,

all our funny bones
would be broken.

She's always seems to
be around when we need her,
all right.

We just happen to have
the right bat bait. (laughs)


But what about
the loony lady on
the vacuum cleaner?

There's one more
item on the list:
a piece of the Moon.

One of the rocks
brought back from the Moon

is on display at
the local museum.

I think we oughta
stake it out.

In what? It'll take weeks
to fix the Ranger Wing.

I may be able to whip us up
a temporary replacement.

Help me pull
this bagpipe back
to headquarters.

Hey, Buddy!

What is it
this time?


That's the whole idea.
Now hide!

Hey, what the--

-Get him, Lou.
-I got him, Buddy
I got him.

Help! He--

If you can't be helpful,
be quiet!

Straggly scrub brushes,

What's taking
those two so long?

Well, look who's
shown up at last.

It's about time.

I brought you the list
of ingredients, Winifred.

Oh, some helper
you are.

I don't need
this list anymore.

Now get in there
and help the others

before I turn you into
a Louisville Slugger.

Yes, of course, Winifred,
right away.

I thought I told you
to cut the glass.

I did. I did.

You gotta
hit it harder.


Not that hard.

I'll take it
from here, guys.


Just in time
to steal the glory.

Well, well, Foxglove,
you succeeded.

Maybe you'll make
a decent witch's
assistant after all.

Do you really think so?

Once I complete my spell
and become a real witch.

No one will stop me.

Look at that balloon.

Gadget, love,
you've done it again,

Whatever it is.

Golly, thanks, Monty.
I call it the Bagpipe Express.

Looks like we're
almost too late.

There's that crazy
cleaning lady now.

Let's get out
of here, quick.

I'm not afraid of
a bunch of rodents
in a bagpipe.

Hold this until
I tell you different.

What are you
going to doing?

She's coming straight at us.


They didn't do
anything to you.

Why are
you doing this?

Because I enjoy it.

Let's give her a taste
of her own medicine.


Oh, so you want
to play catch, do you?

Catch this!

Rapid fire!

Oh, watch it!

Give me
something to sh**t.

But I don't think--

Give it to me!


This is getting

Now I'll get them
for good.

Give me another one.

But that was
the only rock
in the museum.

My Moon rock!

Those moldy mop-heads
have my Moon rock!

I'll tear them apart.

I'll get it
for you, Winifred.

Just don't
hurt him-- them.

All right, sweetie.
You go get it for me.

I won't fail you.

See that you don't,
or I'll turn you and them

into plant food.

Freddy: It's not that
I don't trust you, sweetie.

I just want to make sure
you're keeping your promise.


My Moon rock!

Looks like I have to
take matters into my own
dishpan hands.

Hello, there! Stop! Before
you run into something-- Hey!

Mmm. Good morning,

Uhh... hi!

What are you
doing here?

(yawns) You might say I was
just hanging around.

I can see that!

What I wanna know is
why you're always
hanging around?

I thought perhaps
a certain chipmunk

might find it in his heart
to invite a girl to breakfast.

Oh, you don't want
to eat breakfast here.

Why not?

Well, it's Gadget's
turn to cook,

and everything tastes
like machine oil.

So when's it
your turn to cook?

Oh, I just eat.

They don't let me cook.

They're afraid I'll
break too many dishes. Whoa!


They think I'm clumsy
or something.

(laughs) I can't imagine
where they got that idea.

I'll watch you
finish your morning

My morning what?

Sure. Weren't you
lifting weights?

Nah, that just got stuck
in the Bagpipe Express.

We-- uh, I spent all night
digging it out.

Come to think of it,
that boulder was plenty heavy.

Oh, do you think I could
keep the rock, Dale?

You know,
as a souvenir?

I don't see why not.

Because it's mine,
you thick-headed little rodent!


I gave it to Foxy,
not you!

Dale! No!

(Dale screams)

Help! Help!

What's all
the commotion out here?

Foxglove: Help! Help!

It's the cleaning lady!


Now that the sun has set,
I can finally cast

the spell that would
make me a real witch.

All right, come on out and
bring my Moon rock with you.


Dale: Dust off, lady.



You want us to
eat him now, Freddy?

No. And don't
call me Freddy!

All right, my dear,
give me my Moon rock.

Don't do it, Foxglove!

Don't be silly,
you little twerp!

Haven't you realized yet
that Foxglove is on my side?

So that's why
you were always around,

when she came over
to clean up.

Dale: It was all a trick
to get us to trust you.

You don't understand.

Winifred was
the only friend I had

until I met you and
the Rescue Rangers.

I'm not sorry,
you dim-witted dust rag.

Just holding this chunk
of Moon enhances my magic.

Watch this!

Aah! Ribbit!

Who said that?

You promised not to hurt him
if you got your old Moon rock.

And I won't hurt him.

All right, boys.
It's dinner time.





I'm coming, Bud!
Lou's coming!


Sorry, ribbit--
I mean, Zipper.

Go get the others, hurry.

(squeaks) Yeah!

Bud, Bud,
speak to me.

Speak to me.

Don't touch the tongue!

I think I'll try turning you
into a jellyfish.

Don't do it, Freddy.

No! Foxglove, don't!

Change Dale back
and promise to let us go,

Or I'll drop this
and ruin your spell.

No! No! Don't drop it!
I promise!

Look! Watch!
Are you watching?

Ah ha!


Foxglove: Run, Dale!
Now's your chance.

You know what
her promises are worth.

Not without you.

Friends just don't
desert friends
when there's trouble.

Dale, will you please!

Foxy! Aah!

I've decided not
to take any more chances.

I'm going to let you
watch me achieve my destiny

before I turn you over
to my loyal pets.

Now is the time for--

All: Rangers away!

My rock!
I must have it back!

Way to go, Zipper.

Broken broom sticks!

You'll pay for that.

Oh, no!

Not now!

-Zipper! Oh boy,
am I glad to see you!

Lou: Me, too.

I've been waiting
to get you,

you miserable

What now, cutie?

I think Zipper
loosened us just enough.


Now it's time
to play hardball.


Now I got you,

You're history,



Chip: Look out, Monty!

Always knew that bloke
was full of hot air.

Hang on!

It's an ill wind

that blows no one
any good. (laughing)

(all screaming)

Farewell, small fry!

Not so fast, Freddy!

It's time we added
a little spice to this spell.


Guard: And when you're done
scrubbing the floors,

you can start
washing the windows.

If I were you,
Freddy, I'd get busy.

Don't call me Freddy!

floor polishers.

Hi, Chip!

Hi, Gadget.
Uh, do you know
where Dale is?

Foxglove's teaching him
to hang glide.

You mean
you and I are alone?

Looks that way.

Gadget, there's something
I've been wanting to tell you--

Dale: Gangway!

Hey! What do you
think you're doing?

Sharing my new hobby
with my best friend.

Dale, remember what
I told you.


The glider won't
carry two passengers.


What a guy!