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02x44 - A Lean on the Property

Posted: 03/25/24 20:37
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two
gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no, it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

Crikey! Look at the size
of that sea gull, dale.

Where? Where? Darn,
missed it again.

Let me hold
that basket, dale.

I'm not so

Monterey jack,
those were
for your mom.

Mmm! Mmm!
She'll like them,

But you mateys didn't have
to go to all this fuss.

It's only me mum.

Only your mom?

Why, camembert kate!
They broke the mold with her.

What a gal!

Zipper's right!
She is one of a kind.

She's a legend.

She's a pain
in the outback.

What ship is
she coming in on?

Better check her letter again.

"Dear cheeser"--
my nickname--

"This is to inform you
on the q.t.

"That I'll be arriving
next week on the t.q.

Don't go to any fuss,
but clean your room.
Love, mumsy."

The t.q.,
Which ship is that?

That must be it,
the tuna queen.

tuna queen? Crikey,

Where there's tuna,
there's c-c-cats.


Cheeser precious, is that you?

I'll be there faster
then you can slide down
a rainbow.

Stay put, mum.
There's c-c-cats!

Cats, shmats!



Now that I've got their
attention-- din-din time!


Chip, dale, gadget,
how are you?

Where's my bundle
of joy, cheeser--

He, uh, went fishing.

That's my baby.

Oh, for me?
Oh, lovely bouquet, dear,

And useful, too.


Golly, you really
are something, kate.

What a plan!

Why, that's nothing.
You should've seen
how I handle

A mean herd of camels once

When I went around
the world in 80 crates.

I'll claw your
eyes out, cats.

Monterey jack,
you're just like your father,

Always rushing in without
using your head.

Here, let me take
a look at you, boy.

Looks like you've put on
20 or 30 ounces.

You've got
a cheese wheel
for a spare tire.

How kind
to remind me, mum.

Give your mumsy
a kiss.

I'm too big for that.

Pshaw! You're never
too old to plant one
on your old lady.

Eww! But first, you're going
to take a bath.

You smell as bad
as your uncle limburger.

Isn't life wonderful?

A heavy experience,

Whoa! Stop, k*ller!


What in the world...

[All] whoa!

I hate dogs.

I hate the way they sniff.
I hate the way they slobber.

I hate the fact they exist,

And I'm going to see
to it those flea-mongers
flee the city.

[All] whoa!

Here's cheeser when
he was just a titmouse.

Aw, he sure was cute.

yeah, what happened?

Oh, mum!
Not the family album.

Here he is playing
rough and tumble
with his cousin velveeta.

Mum, please, this is
downright embarrassing.

The rangers are getting
a kick out of 'em.

Mum, enough.
Put the album away.

Cheeser, be a sport
or go to your room.

I'm too old
for those threats.

I've tamed
wilder critters
than you, youngin', now git!

Yes, mumsy.

Now, where were we?

Ah, yes,
here's a good one of cheeser
with his aunt mozzarella

Before he left home.

Why he left so young,
I'll never know.

So, there I was,
bareback riding
that whale to safety.

Few knew it,
but if it weren't for me,

Humphrey would
still be going the wrong way.

what a story!

what a gal!

What about me?
Can I come out now?

Yes, dear,
if you promise
to behave.

I promise, and I got
a bonzer idea, mum.

-How'd you like
a tour of the city?
-Aw, you mean it?

Good idea, cheeser--
er, monterey.

I want mum to experience
the highlights--

The parks, museums,
the cheese cellars.

Have fun. Throw an extra
shrimp on the barbie for me.

Whew! Peace at last.

[Pounding on door]

For once, be
a fuller brush mouse.

And why aren't you coming?

I've seen the sights.

Didn't I knock
better manners into you?

I don't want to go.
You can't make me go.

I don't want to!
Can't make me! Aah!


Ladies and gentlemoles,
we have a common enemy,

And do you know
who that is?

Duh, frogs?

No, dogs! Dogs who dig
into your tunnels.

To bury
their filthy bones.

-Yeah, they're disgusting.
-That's true.

I hate them.

They chase us mercilessly.


Who brought dogs
into our lives?

Humans! And if we get rid
of humans,

They'll take their
mangy mutts with them.

But how can
we do that, boss?

What do moles
do best, mole?

Chase frogs.

No, moles dig, stupid--

Most moles anyway.

And that's what I need
you and your noble kind to do.

Dig out the foundations
of the city's buildings.

When the structures tilt,
the humans will flee

-And take those
flea-mongers with them.

So, do you
dig my plan?

We dig it!

When the doggone dogs
are gone,

I alone will
rule the city.

Nothing like
a good art gallery, kids.

So, what sites
do we see next?

How about
the leaning tower?

Dale, the leaning tower
is in pisa, italy.

Then what's it
doing over there?

Crikey! This looks like
a job got the rescue rangers.

Hold it, monterey.
Looks like the police
have it covered.

Yeah, but not them.

Then I better do
something about it.
Out of my way.

Mom, please,
I'm the rescue ranger.

Yeah, but this
isn't kid stuff, kiddo.
Step aside.

I said I'll do it,
and that means
I'll do it.

He was too big
for his britches
before he was wearing 'em.

Come here, birdies.
Monterey's come
to save you.

Well, that's gratitude.

-[All gasp]


grab a hold.



Wow! Way to go, kate.

Yeah, thanks, mum.

Cheeser, don't you ever
pull a stun like that again.

It wasn't my fault.
The blooming building
did the watusi on me.

He's right. I wonder what made
the building lean like that.

It's not the only one.
Look over there.

We interrupt this program
for a special interruption.

Buildings all over town
are being undermined.

Scientists and government
officials are unable to explain
the sudden movement.

and natural erosion

Have bee ruled out
by experts.

Stay tuned to this station
for further developments.

I suppose this is a case
for you rescue rangers?

I don't think so, mum.
We should let the experts

Handle this one
while we finish sightseeing.

Now, I'm here
for some excitement,

And I say we look into this.

Don't slouch, cheeser.
And buckle your seat belt.

-Yes, mum.
-See anything, cheeser?

Call me that name again,
and you're street pizza.

What's the matter?
You've been acting different
ever since your mom arrived.

How'd you like
to be treated
like a little kid?

Crikey, I'm not
a baby anymore.

Well, then maybe
you have to show her
that you're not a kid.

Too right, chipper.
Maybe this case will give me
a chance to do just that.

Hey, look!
There's the happy tom
cat food factory

Where fat cat hangs out.

[Gadget] it's the only
building in the area
that's not leaning.

The building
may not be crooked,

But the occupant
certainly is.

Let's look
into it, gadget.

Now you're going
to see your son,
the rescue ranger, in action.

I hope this turns out
better than your bird rescue.

Hup, 2, 3, 5.

2, 3, 5.

Hup, 2, 3, 7.

Hup, 2, 3, 5.
Hup, 2, 3, 5.

How do we get
past that cat?

I know!
We'll have zipper distract him,

And when
he's away from the door,
we'll sneak inside.

And how will
we get back out
once we're in there?

By crossing that bridge
when we come to it.

Well, that's a bridge
over troubled waters.

Now, let's just go inside
through the air conditioner.

Isn't that a cool idea?

But my idea's a good one, too.
I wanna do it my way.

-I want to!
I want to! I want to!

Cheeser, you'll do it my way
or you'll go home.

I never get
to do anything.

It's ok, monterey.

You and your
near-sighted friends

Aren't digging
nearly fast enough.

I want them to dig more,
better, and faster!

But fat cat, we've been
working for days.
We need sleep.

You can catnap
after the dogs
and humans are gone.

Now, I want you to accelerate
your digging in this area.

And I want it done soon,

Yes, boss.

Sheesh, what a crabby tabby.

I knew fat cat had something
to do with this.

The way to stop fat cat
is to stop the moles.

But how do we find them?

I know how. Come on!

I hear something.
Sounds like digging.

Hold it, monty.
They're right below us.

So, how are
we gonna stop 'em?

I've got it!
We'll flood them out.

Sorry, cheeser,
bad idea.

Why? What's wrong
with my idea this time?

I have a better one.
That's what's wrong with it.

Can't you ever let me
have an idea? Just once?

You're not the only one
with ideas, you know.

All right.
You wanna have one, have one.

Let's see you
stop those moles.

Fine, just watch me in action.
You'll see.

This'll do the trick.

Thar she blows!

Sorry about that,

But my idea is
working perfectly. Watch.


-What's that?
-Oh, no, the water is
eroding the ground.


Gee, monty's
tilting buildings

than the moles.

Any more bright ideas,

-No, mom.
-Now let's try mine.

Follow me,
boys and girls.


Listen up, guys.
Fat cat says no breaks
until we finish,

So move it.

-What? You're kidding me!

What are you doing, kate?

Creating a little

I'm going to remodel
tubby tabby's

What happens now?

A little
change in plans.

Oh, no! We're digging
the wrong way!

Reverse ho!

[Laughs] come on.
Let's go watch those dupes
lean on mr. Fat cat.

[Man on tv]
half the city has
been evacuated

As the mysterious
earth movements continue.

As yet, no cause
of this disaster
has yet been found.

Ha! Soon this city
will be mine.

I'll be mayor fat cat.

No, no, no, no,
make that king fat cat!

Those idiot moles are digging
in the wrong place.

It worked!

Well, look
who dropped in.

If it isn't
maxi mouse.

Be it ever so crumbled,
there's no place like home,
eh, clab cat?

It's no matter.
When the humans have all fled,

I'll have my choice
of any building to live in.

My son and the rescue
rangers will stop you.

Not as long as I have you.

I do hope these
accommodations suit you.

I assure you
they're only temporary.

We've got to help.

Come on.




Fat cat's gone.

Quick, search for clues.

No clues here.

Hey, over here!
I think I know where mum is!


Right there,
the umpire crate building.

There's no time to lose.

Now, it's time to topple
the tallest building
in the city.

And when it falls
it will crumble
dozens of buildings in its path.

Then, when those
rescue rodents

Arrive to save you,

They'll go down
with it.

Raise the mouse, and
see who salutes her.

Ha ha!

Holy moley!

You mean
moley hole-ys!

I hope we're
not too late.



It's time I did something.


Me mum! I got
to do something.

You stop those moles.
While I save her.

-Excuse me,

Do carrier pigeons
carry mice?

Come on, we've got to convince
those moles to stop digging.

Did you ever
have one of those days

When everything
goes your way?

You'll never
get away with this, fat cat.

Of course I will,
and you'll help
me do it.

Bring them along, boys.

I'm putting them
to work.

I brought you
myopic miners some help.

Now everybody
back to work!

It's about time
you got here.

I'm doing
the best I can, mum.

No, no, save me
later, cheeser.

Stop the moles first.

Don't tell me
how to do my job.

I'm the rescue ranger here.

I'm grown mouse.
I'm a full three inches tall!

And stop
calling me cheeser.

What's gotten into you?

You never
talked to me this way.

Well, I wouldn't have to
if you didn't talk to me
the way you do.

"Cheeser, do this.
Cheeser, do that.

Go to your room, cheeser!"

It's enough to make a grown man
want to run away from home.

Cheeser, is that why
you left home years ago?

To get away from me?

I thought you just
wanted to see the world.

You thought
I was too young
and would get into trouble.

Well, I've done all right
for myself.

Yeah, I've noticed.

My friends look up to me
and treat me with respect.

I noticed that, too, son.

So rescue me already.
I know you can do it.

You bet, mum.

Let's try a little
reverse psychology.

Won't it be great

When all the dogs
and humans are gone?

Yeah, then
we can rest.
We're pooped.

And just think--
the whole city
will be ours,

And fat cat will
take good care of us.

Are you guys talking
about the same fat cat?

He's a sl*ve driver.

Naa, that's
the old fat cat.

I'm sure with all the dogs
and humans gone,
he'll be different.

Yeah, a bigger
sl*ve driver than ever.

He's got big plans to be
king fat cat

And make everyone
his subject.

Yeah, I don't like
the sound of this.

He didn't say anything
about being king.

Maybe it's time we lowered
his highness a notch or two.

[Moles] yeah!

Let's get to a safe location
and enjoy the show.


-[Mole] pardon me.

[Fat cat]
no! No! Stop! Stop! Help!


It's times like this
that I'm proud you became
a rescue ranger

Instead of
going into medicine
like I wanted you to.

I'm just not cut out
to be a lab rat.

Well, I had
a wonderful time, kids.

I just hope there's
a little more excitement
on the next visit.

Think I'm too big
to give you a kiss?

You're never too big
for that. Plant one.

[Boat horn blowing]

Got to go, g*ng.

Bye... Monterey.

Call me cheeser.

-Goodbye, mum.

Don't forget to write!

It must be great
having a mom like kate.

You bet it is, boyo.
You bet it is.

-Goodbye, mum!

Don't forget to write!