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01x10 - Three Men and a Booby

Posted: 03/26/24 12:14
by bunniefuu

[Theme music playing]

♪ Sometimes
some crimes ♪

♪ Go slippin'
through the cracks ♪

♪ But these two gumshoes ♪

♪ Are pickin' up
the slack ♪

♪ There's no case
too big ♪

♪ No case too small ♪

♪ When you need help,
just call ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ Once they're involved ♪

♪ Somehow whatever's wrong
gets solved ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ No, no,
it never fails ♪

♪ They'll take the clues ♪

♪ And find the wheres
and whys and whos ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale's ♪

♪ Rescue rangers ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

♪ When there's danger ♪

♪ Ch-ch-ch-chip
'n' dale ♪

Now, let me see.



Monterey jack,
what else did gadget say?

A couple of peanuts,
if they's ripe.

Chip said
he'd get them.


Can we hurry this up?

Did you get
the peanuts yet?

darn these nuts.

They never stay put.


Oh, dear.
Where are you, baby doll?

Please, this is no time
for hide and seek.

It's your mama.
Oh, please be here.

What's this?


Have you seen
my baby booby egg?

These are
chicken eggs.

You know.

How'd that bird get in?

Get away from those eggs!


We got to help her.

Milk, yogurt, margarine.

Now, where did they hide
the blooming cheese?

Aah! Aah!

Get out
of my store, bird!

Aah! Aah!


[Man] it fell into
the dairy aisle!

Chase it down to me!


Join me on the
express, mates.


You can't
wreck my store

And think you'll
get away with it.


Aah-- yeow!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

[All] yeow!

this is the last time
I'm flying in the economy seats!

Right down there,
mrs. Booby.

[All scream]

Hi, guys.

Back from shopping
so soon?

Golly. Company.


Can we help you?

What were you doing
with those eggs?

I was searching
for my baby.
He was--


♪ La da da da ♪




They had taken
my precious baby!

I tried to stop them.

All I could do

Was hold on
as long as I could.

It seemed like forever


How terrible.

Well, rangers,
what are we waiting for?

We have an egg to rescue.

[Toots fanfare]

Rescue rangers away!

You sure this
is the direction
they were flying?

Well, yes.
I think so.

Hold on, mates.

Cast your peepers
down there.

That's the thing
that stole my egg!


What is it, zipper?

Goodness! They don't
look friendly at all.

Better not take
any chances.

Hey, cruiser, my bird,

What say we cut the recon

And catch some tunes

Righteous idea, bruiser.

Let's jet.

Are we hot or what?

Ah, they're just a couple
of cocky show-offs.

They won't be
any trouble for us.

looky there!

Must be the egg-grabber-napper.

We've gotta get in there,

But how are we gonna
get past those hawks?

Well, first
a little distraction.

Follow me, mrs. Booby.

False alarm.

Hey, there's the boss.

Welcome home,
mr. Dumpty, sir.

My egg!

Have they delivered
my booby egg yet?

The wait has been
simply egg-scruciating.

Indeed. I believe
they placed it
in the study.

[Gadget] gee, I guess
he's sort of an egg collector.

Look over there.

this is just terrible!

So many babies
taken from their mamas!

Look, there's the place
for your egg.

But where is it?

it's egg-squisite, nog.

Aren't they beautiful, nog?

And they're all mine.


[Laughs] mine!

Come. We must notify
the society of egg holders.

Let's get the egg
and get out of here.

Come to mama.

[Alarm rings]

They have my egg!

Stop them!

Take my baby
and get him out of here!

What are you
going to do?

Don't worry about me.

Save my baby!




Yaah! Ooh!

Egg-scellent, nog.

Now put her
somewhere safe.

But, sir, what about
the stolen egg?

Who cares?

We have a real live
coral-crested booby.

She'll lay
all the eggs I want.

As for those rodent
egg poachers,

The boys will
take care of them.


They're coming back.

Better get
a move on, gadget.

I can't.

We're just not fast enough.

A right bonzer move,

But you better step on it

Before those ostriches
remember that they're hawks.

Don't worry.
We'll take care of you.

No worries, mates.

It's as safe as a joey
in a kangaroo's pouch.

But how are we gonna
get past those hawks again?

Well, I sort of
have an idea.

But, gadget luv,
can you really build a gizmo

That's faster
than those hawks?

It doesn't have to be faster.
Just trickier.

The problem is,
I need time to build it.

So what's the problem?

Who's gonna
look after the egg?

no problem. They will.

Just right.

The first rule
about raising kids

Is keep them clean.


That jack was
a right smart dodger

And shinned that beanstalk
in a blink.

Hand over the lad, boys.

I'm taking him
for fresh morning air.

It's freezing
out there!

We got to keep him

Look, mates, I'm the one
who knows about babies.

I raised a pack
of wild dingo pups

When I was stranded
in the outback.

Well, go back out
to the outback.

And let the baby
get some rest.

aw, you're coddling the lad.

I'll make a real bird
of him.

You stay away
from that... Egg?

-It's gone!


There it is!






You dummy!
You scared him!

He tried to eat me!

I reckon
the little tyke's hungry.

Darned if I know
what do boobies eat, though.


That's it!
Birds eat bugs

Or nice, fat juicy worms.


I got him!

Come and get it.



Good show, mate.

I guess
necessity is the mother
of self-preservation.

See, mates?
Once you get the hang
of this fathering stuff,

Raising a booby's
no problem at all.

you can't hold out
forever, you know!

Sooner or later,

You'll have
to lay an egg.

That's just how things work.

-what is that?

It's someone
after my eggs, isn't it?

Don't scramble
yourself, sir.

It's just
the front gate.

Well, what is it?
What is it?

It appears to be
an easter basket, sir.

How thoughtful!

It must be
from an old friend.

But you haven't
any friends, sir.

Oh, it looks

Sir, you'll
spoil your din-din.

I don't care!
What am I having?

Egg omelets,
egg amandine,

Eggs benedict
with a side order
of deviled eggs.

My favorite! This
will be my dessert.

Let's go.

The coast is clear.

Well, post me to parliament.
It worked.

Of course it worked,
you big goof.

Think the little guy's
all right at headquarters?

Sure. The little nipper
can take care of himself.

How did he get here?

Toot toot
toot toot.



Mama! Mama!

Oh, you precious
darling, you!

You were right, gadget.

Let's go!

Reminds me of when I stormed
the cheese banks of monte carlo

With an armored division
of sicilian hamsters.

Just let me at that cage.


This one's
for the parmesan
we left behind!

Oh, my goodness gracious!

Is this safe?



it's those rodents!

stealing my bird!

Stop them!
Block them!

They have
my booby bird!

Scramble them, nog!

With pleasure, sir.

Here's the first as*ault.

Jelly beans ready!


The rodents!
Nog! Help me up!

They think
they're so smart.

I'll let the boys
handle them.


All right!
Let's hit it!

Those filthy vermin
have stolen my booby bird!

Sic 'em.

Crikey! Guess
who's coming to dinner!

There's no way out!

Then we make one.

Ramming speed!

[Dale] boy, this guy
sure likes eggs.

Looks like
a dead end, chipper me lad.

We'll go back
through the kitchen.

Get away
from those eggs!

Come on, dale!


Oh, those brutes!

I've had it!
I say we take
no prisoners.

Right on, dude.
Waste 'em.

Hey, target coming up.



I don't believe it!
We did it!

I don't care anymore!

I can get
another booby,

But you're not
getting out of
this house alive!

Not this time.

Zipper! Up there!

Turn up the heat.

Why is it
so hot in here?

-I don't know, sir.

Oh, no!
My eggs!

No! Get back!

Get back in there!

No, no.
Get-- go in.

My collection!

It's ruined!


Head for the airport, gadget.

We have a couple of boobies
to get home.

Oh, thank you!

You've been
so good to me and my baby!

[Baby talk]

Say, how do you boys
feel about booby-sitting?

Gadget luv, I think
you better step on it.