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01x01 - Treasure of the Golden Suns (Part 1): Don't Give Up the Ship

Posted: 03/26/24 14:05
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Racecars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history


Every day they're out there making


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good luck tales

Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab on to some DuckTales


Every day they're out there making


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails, no


Scrooge McDuck,
he had a vault


And in his vault, he had some dough


There's only one thing better
than owning a vault full of cold, hard cash,

and that's swimming in it.

I love to dive around in it like a porpoise
and burrow through it like a gopher

and toss it up and let it hit me on the head.

Curse me kilts, I'm late.

Penny for the poor?

They're not worth it.

Would you care for a sample,
Mr. McDuck?


They're free.

- Can I have more than one?
- Of course. Take as many as you... Ooh!

Be back tomorrow.

Ech, I'll never make it unless I...

...spend money on a taxi. Ech!


Now, while I'm in the navy, boys,
you mind your Uncle Scrooge.

- But he's so cheap.
- Yeah.

But he's family. OK, Huey?

Yes, Uncle Donald.

- No back talk, Louie.
- No, Uncle Donald.

Dewey, be good.

- And no spitballs.
- Aw...

Yes and no, Uncle Donald.

Oh, and one more thing. Give me a hug!

Ah, we're really gonna miss you,
Uncle Donald.

Aw. And I'm gonna miss you, too.

There's the old spendthrift now.

There's your $2, you mercenary.

Hey, what about my tip?

- Here, chew on this.
- Ugh.

Donald, you can't be serious about
this crazy idea. There's no profit in it.

But I've already enlisted, Uncle Scrooge.
I wanna see the world.

So, I'll buy you a globe.

I gotta go. Take care of my nephews.


But what have I done to deserve
being saddled with these... juveniles?

You're the only one I trust, Uncle Scrooge.

Lucky me.

Lucky us.

- Well, I suppose we should head for home.
- All right. I'll get a taxi.

Ach, no need for that.
It's only a brisk three-mile walk.

And after that, we'll have
a nutritious lunch of cheese.

Well, here we are - home, sweet home.

Ah, Duckworth. Carry the suitcases
up to the room we prepared.

Of course, sir.

Wow. A palace.

- And a butler.
- And our own room!

You know, living here might not be so bad
after all.

This is the pits.

Correction: The mega-pits!
Three boring days.

We haven't been allowed
to do a single thing in this whole house.

and he sticks us in the attic.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

- Hey, Duckworth, where's Uncle Scrooge?
- We haven't seen him for days.

Oh, he's a very busy man, Master, uh, uh...

- Dewey.
- Of course.

As you know,
Mr. McDuck put me in charge of you.

Well, whoop-dee-do.

Exactly. I have something for you.

If those are more cheese samples,
we're gonna riot.

Pray, do not get your knickers
in a proverbial twist.

It's simply a letter from your Uncle Donald.

- Let me have it!
- Open it up!

What's it say? Where is he?

I'm surprised the urchins know
how to read.

"Dear boys...

"The navy sure is exciting.

"And things are really beginning
to look up for me.

"In fact, Admiral Clemens has taken
a personal interest in me

and has assigned me
to do some dangerous jet-fighter work.

"I hope you are all well.
I will write again soon.

Love, Uncle Donald."

Wow! An aircraft carrier!

And fighter jets!

Duck leader, clear to land.

No, vear off! You're coming in too fast!


Oh, it must be those nephews.
I don't want to get involved.

I'm going to the office,
where I can work in peace.

I know what we need - landing cables.

Hey! There goes Uncle Scrooge.

Now's our chance to talk to him.

I'm sorry, gentlemen,
but Mr. McDuck left strict orders.

You! There'll be no whistling
while you work.

But-but-but, Mr. McDuck, I wasn't working.
I-I mean...


Ah, lighten up, Uncle Scrooge.

- What are you doing here?
- We missed ya, Uncle Scrooge.

Missed me? What did you throw at me?

No, we missed seeing you.

Did you, lads? Yech!

- What happened to Duckworth?
- Uh...

He got tied up.

This is definitely going to delay dinner.

Well, since you're here,
you may as well look around.

Oh, boy!

But don't touch anything!

I got another one!
It's a greenback snapper.

Aw, it's only a 50. Throw it back.

- What do you think you're doing?
- We weren't gonna keep it.

We were just playing.

Money is to be taken seriously. Didn't
your Uncle Donald teach you anything?

- Sure. How to play ball.
- How to cross the street.

And how to avoid strangers.
Come on.

I'd rather face all the Beagle Boys
than those three.

As near as I can figure,
we've hit Scrooge's money bin 299 times.

- Well, 300's the charm.
- Yeah, but first we gotta get out of here.

Here you go, boys. Someone's trying
to sweeten your disposition. Enjoy.

Oh, boy! Bonbons!


Uh, thanks.

Those aren't bonbons, Burger.
They're boom-booms.

Look, Big Time, a note.

"Use these to escape tonight.
Then meet me at the L'Orange Theater."

Signed, El Capitan.

I don't know who this El Capitan is,
but I sure like his style.

If only boarding schools weren't
so expensive.

Ech! I need to cheer up.

Send in the solicitors.

Mr. McDuck, would you care to contribute
to the Retired Panhandlers of America?




Um, can you spare a...

I can do this all day! Next!

Sir, the Junior Woodchucks are devoted to,

to keeping boys so busy collecting
merit badges, they can't get into trouble.

Tell me more.

Museum. Let's check it out.

Aw, just more of Uncle Scrooge's junk.

Hey, look!

Uncle Donald would love that!

Let's take a closer look.

And finally, that famous fountain
of knowledge,

the Junior Woodchucks Guidebook.

My museum!

Bill me.

Thank you!



I told you, no touching!

We were gonna send that junky old boat
to Uncle Donald.

Junky? It's a priceless artifact!

- But...
- Until further notice, you are grounded.

- Can't I have just one?
- Shh! Now, get down.

Big Time, this place gives me the creeps.

So, where's this El Capitan character?

Right here, caballeros.

Pleased to meet ya.
So, why did you spring us, anyway?

You are all experts
on Scrooge McDuck's money bin.

I want you to steal something from it for me.


No, hombres.

Something much more valuable.

What's more valuable
than three cubic acres of cash?

A small wooden ship.

Donald dumped them in my lap,
so now they're my responsibility.

But curse their feathers,
they're such troublesome little brats.

Indubitably, sir.

How did I let Donald talk me
into taking care of those little beasts?

I told you he didn't want us.

Right. Let's get out of here.

The worst thing about it is

the little nose-punchers remind me
of myself at that age -

cunning, sharp, resourceful.

Don't go soft, sir.

No, Duckworth. I've been wrong. I'm going
to make it up to them in the morning.

Uncle Donald'll take us back. You'll see.

Hey, who's that?

- Looks suspicious.
- What's he staring at?

Someone's in Uncle Scrooge's money bin.

Let's check it out.


How do I know
where the little wooden ship is?

What do I look like - a little wooden sailor?
Just look everywhere.

Here, take the map, Burger.

We gotta get help.

Some kids! Grab 'em!

Run for it!

Don't let them get away!

Hey, a landing cable!

Hey, come back, you rug rats!

A perfect three-punk landing!

Head for the museum! I got an idea.

Dash-blast the gosh-darn blankety-hack!

Quick, a human ladder!


My money bin!
Duckworth, get the limo!

Hey, that's the ship.

OK, twerp, hand it over.

No way, Beagle bum!

- Got it, Big Time.
- Great. Now let's get outta here.

- Beagle Boys!
- Hurry quick! Beagle Boys!


Running away from home,
breaking and entering,

lying about the Beagle Boys.

But they were there!

And didn't touch a single coin? Right.

No, Uncle Scrooge.
They were after the boat.

As I recall, the only thieves interested
in that old relic were you three!

- But we found a map.
- Enough!

It's late, and I have an important interview
in the morning at my candy factory.

Boarding school's not looking so expensive
after all.

We were only trying to help.

Hey, look what's on the other side of this.
An old theatrical flyer.

But the L'Orange Theater's
been closed for years.

You don't suppose...

The Beagle Boys' hideout!

We can get the ship back and show Uncle
Scrooge we're not as rotten as he thinks.

You know, this Junior Woodchucks
Guidebook's full of great ideas.

Rats! Duckworth's still guarding the stairs.

That's OK.
This way will be quicker anyway.

Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

I mean, what do Woodchucks
really know about flying anyway?

There's only one way to find out.


- It works, just like the book said!
- Now how do we land?


Oh, I forgot to read that chapter.




It may be quicker...

...but it sure is wetter.

Sure, you sent us the expl*sives,
but now that we have the ship...

Look! There's that suspicious guy
we saw on the street.

Let's get a closer look.

Señor, the agreement was
your freedom for the ship.

I have kept my part of the bargain,
so hand it over.

Hey, not so fast, Grandpa.
First we wanna know why it's so valuable.

A priceless antique?
An expensive work of art?

Not talking, eh?

All right, I'll tell you! It's a map.

It leads to a sunken treasure -
a ship full of oro...


But it is in code. Without me to interpret it
for you mental midgets, it is worthless.

OK, Capitan. Maybe we can talk a deal.

Let's get outta here!

Give me the ship, niños,

or I'll play castanets
with your empty little heads!

Give the ship to me, niño,

Rush 'em!

What in the...

Don't just stand there. Help me!

- It's gotta be around here someplace.
- What does?

A trapdoor. Ohh!

How did you know
there was a trapdoor there, Dewey?

I didn't.

They're getting away!

Get them, you barnacles!
No! No, no!

I can't lose it now! Not again! Not again!


I wish Uncle Scrooge was here.
He's beat these turkeys dozens of times.

Uncle Scrooge! That's it!
He's at his candy factory right now.

Let's go.

Why, this vat alone holds
enough chocolate

to make a candy bar
the size of my money bin.

And how do you explain
your phenomenal wealth, Mr. McDuck?

Simple. I made it by being smarter than the
smarties and tougher than the toughies.

And I deserve every penny
because I made it square.

They're going to get away.
They're going to get away.

Well, Mr. McDuck, your family
must be very proud of you.

- My what?
- Family. The people you love.

Well, I-I never really... That is, I-I-I...

Surely there must be someone
you spend your time with?

After all, money isn't everything.

I'm very busy, you see.
And, well, no time for...

To tell the truth, my life is pretty lonely.
If it weren't for those pesky nephews, I...

Yes! My nephews!

Oh-ho-ho! They're grand lads.
Quick, feisty, just like me.

Heh-heh. We're all change
out of the same dollar,

if you know what I mean.


Ach, I wish they were here
so you could meet them.

Uncle Scrooge! We got your ship!

Keep rolling, keep rolling!

They are!

- What's going on here?
- It's a treasure map, Uncle Scrooge.

And they want it!

Get out of here, boys. I'll handle this.

No, sir, Uncle Scrooge.

- We're all in this...
- Together.

Good lads.

Yoo-hoo! I've not yet begun to fight.

Fire, Dewey!

Bon appétit!


- Where did he go, Uncle Scrooge?
- To a t*nk of caramel.


Hot caramel. Come on, lads. One to go.

- Are you getting all this?
- I'm trying, I'm trying.

Hey, McDuck, look what I got.

I want my boys in the boat now, or else.

Oh, no, Uncle Scrooge! He's got Huey!

Don't give up the ship, boys.
We're not through yet.

All right, Big Time, it's a deal.
We're releasing the others.

Just don't harm the boy.

What do you know, boys?
Scrooge is an old softy after all.

It's a pleasure doing business with youse,


Sorry, Uncle Scrooge.

Never mind. Just walk faster.

What a sweet deal.

Sweeter than you think.
Now, boys.


Now, that's what I call sweet revenge.

This eyewitness coverage
of the capture of the nefarious Beagle Boys

was brought to you live and exclusive
by this station.

So, lads, you weren't lying about
the Beagle Boys. I should have trusted you.

Aw, that's OK, Uncle Scrooge.

No. You deserve a reward.

I know! I'll move you from the attic to...
to the garage.

I saw it all on television.
It was incredible.

No Woodchuck ever won so many
merit badges in such a short time.

Citizenship, urban survival,
law enforcement, circus arts...

Now, which badge will you go for next?

How about treasure-hunting,
Uncle Scrooge?

Who knows? We make a great team,
don't we, lads? Give me four.

Aw, Uncle Scrooge!

Ech, what a family.

You haven't won the treasure yet, McDuck.
