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01x02 - Treasure of the Golden Suns (Part 2): Wronguay in Ronguay

Posted: 03/26/24 14:07
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales


After a raid on
zillionaire Scrooge McDuck's

candy factory, the Beagle Boys have
once again been captured

and brought to justice.

Hey, this little bonbon's
going to Sing Sing.

Does anyone have a glass of milk?

A small wooden ship, the valuable
objet d'art the villains were after,

is safely back in the hands
of its wealthy owner.

Hah! That mess ought to cost
that scrounging McDuck a pretty penny.

Tally it up.
Money, bucks, cold, hard cash.

If this keeps up,
I, Flintheart Glomgold,

will be the filthiest,
richest duck in the world!

I'm gainin' on ya, Scrooge.


- The phone, Mr. Glomgold.
- Money talks, I listen. Speak.

Mr. Glomgold, how would you
like to be...

...the richest duck in the world?

Did ya say richest?

I just won't take that sand sucker
on my treasure hunt.

Oh? Then you still plan to go hunt for
that sunken gold, sir?

Of course, Duckworth.
I didn't get to be number one

by backing away from a challenge.

But first, I've got to solve
the mystery of the model ship.

That's the answer!

I've figured it out. There's no such word as
"gannaw ondat" in Spanish.


Well, if this name
doesn't mean anything,

then it must be a code.

- Oh, like the letter "a" equals a 1.
- Right.

- Then the name is really numbers.
- Double right.

- And latitude and longitude?
- Triple right.

- And they lead us to...
- The gold!

We found the gold!

Where is it? Where is it?

- We get to go along?
- No.

- You kids belong here with Duckworth.
- I'd rather be plucked, sir.

- Now, where's the treasure?
- Gee, Uncle Scrooge, we forget.


Who's that?

- Where's Scrooge?
- Sorry, no riffraff, save by appointment.

I see you're still too cheap
to send out your laundry.

What do you want, Flintheart?

I want to buy your messed-up
candy factory.

Sure. Just name the price,
double it, and... Wait.

- What do you want it for?
- Oh, about $2 million.

Deal. Hah! It'll cost you
that much just to clean it up.

Ya always were
a poor businessman, Flinty.

Oh? Why, I've got more
money-making ability in my pinky

than you have
in your whole soggy body.

That's not true.

The day I canna run golden rings
around you, I'll eat your stupid hat.

Why don't you put your money
where your beak is?

- I triple dare ya.
- You're on.

- What are the rules?
- Rules? No rules.

Whoever makes the most money from
scratch in two weeks wins.

- Whoever loses eats my hat.
- Deal.

Two weeks, then.

I got Scroogey this time, partner.

Then let us go, señor.

With my treasure map,
I'll k*ll two birds with one stone.

Find the treasure and win the bet.
Ahh, my treasure map.

Boys, you've got to tell me
where the treasure is.

- Well...
- Please. I'll-I'll...

I'll let you go along, just this once.

- Woodchucks honor?
- Woodchucks honor.

Pack your swim fins, lads.
We're going for sunken treasure.


That's where we're goin' -
South America.

The tiny country of Ranguay.

Are you sure this was the only airline
that flies to Ranguay?

Don't worry, lads. Why, when I scouted
copper down in the outback,

we'd have called this baby
a luxury liner.

Well, I don't like this baby's hiccups.

That's odd. Hey, I thought we were
going to South America.

- We are.
- Well, look at the sun.

- The plane's heading north.
- Uncle Scrooge!

Sell all my soybean futures.

Wake up, Uncle Scrooge.

The plane's going
the wrong way to Ranguay.

Twist me tartan.
I'll see about this.

- Hey, you, let me in.
- Try the intercom.

Welcome to Wrongway Airlines'
usually nonstop flight to Ranguay -

Stand aside.

He's out for the count.

Listen, mister, you better turn
this plane around right now.

It's a robot!

- We wanna go the other way.
- Let go!

Welcome to Wrongway -

- Not again!
- Look, a power cord.

Unplug it. Unplug it!

It's all in the wrist... action!

Try the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook.

- Wake up! Wake up!
- Here it is. Flying.

- Hurry! I can't control her.
- "How to fly a jet, a space shuttle,

an aerostatic helium-filled blimp."

Nothing about an ordinary airplane!

Hold your Shetland ponies, lads.
I'll handle this.

- Yay!
- The controls look simple enough.

- I think I can get it to Ranguay.
- Hey, look at this label.

The robot was made by
the Flintheart Glomgold Company.

Hmm, looks fishy.

Prepare for a rough landing, boys.
We're coming into Ranguay.

Look, the locals
are coming to welcome us.

Nice laidback country.

Come on, let's go into town, get some
transportation, and find my treasure.

¡Andale! ¡Andale!

Everyone seems to be leaving the country.
Wonder what's going on.

Excuse me, my good man.
We need some transportation to...

No. All out. Done. Monsapi soon.

Monsapis. Must be some sort
of local festival.

- Uh, a horse or a mule is...
- All gone.

Some rich Yankee bought the last mule,
last ice-cream cart.

- I go now.
- But there must be something we can use.

You see what a wee bit
of persistence will do, boys?

According to your calculations
and this compass, we're there.

But this is all sand,
Uncle Scrooge.

How can a ship be sunk in the desert?

So where's the water?

Maybe this is just the beach.

Sorry, Uncle Scrooge. We blew it.

Nonsense. Real treasure hunters
don't quit searching.

Let's look at that map again, Huey.
Look here, lads.

Hey, that anchor hole
looks like a compass point.

Right as rain, Louie.
Now, if that's north,

then I guess we go in this direction.

- Finally.
- Don't hog it all.

Aren't you tired, Uncle Scrooge?

Ach, I never get tired
when I'm hunting for gold.

A lot of good this stuff
will do me in the desert.

How do you say "cool your jets"
in Spanish?

Don't know, but here's monsapi.

Oh, no, the monsapis aren't a festival.

- Well, what are they?
- They're torrential rains.

"Horrendous downpours that come once
every hundred years.

They flood the whole desert."
And what's worse... Ahh, Uncle Scrooge!

You're in quicksand!

Oh, good. I thought I was getting weak.

Hang on! Louie, check
the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook.

"Quills, quinine, quilting."

- Forget that. Get a rope!
- Oh, yeah.


Ahh... Uncle Scrooge!

Uncle Scrooge!

Wait, Huey.
You'll fall in, too.

Well, we gotta do somethin'.

What the...?

Uncle Scrooge, you're safe.

I knew this underwater gear
would come in handy.

Nothing can keep Uncle Scrooge down.

That's why I always come out on top.
It looks like sabotage, lads.

Someone's trying
to beat us to the gold.

But that's impossible.
We got the only map.

Oh, duck pajamas, he's escaped.

Leave him, you fool.
Let's get the gold.

The gold is everything.

Ah, you don't know Scrooge.
He's like a money magnet.

- He'll find the gold for sure.
- I say we just beat him to the treasure.

We have our own map
made out of Scrooge's chocolate.

And it's my map, so we'll wait here
and stop him first...

dead in his tracks.

Estúpido. After I get my gold...

Catch him!
He's got our supplies!

I'll head him off.

He's coming your way, Uncle Scrooge!


This is how we used to do it
on my cattle ranch in Wyoming.

- Ride 'em, Llama Boy.
- Whoa! Oof.

- Are you all right?
- Fortunately, I landed on my wallet.

- This ought to bury Scrooge.
- Forget him. On to the gold.

No. Better safe than sorry.

Besides, the treasure boat's
been sunk for 400 years.

- It can wait a little longer.
- But I can't.


Now Scrooge has the only map.
I've got to save him.

Whew, just in the nick of time.

Oh, it was only lightning.

So that's the monsapis.

You idiot. If you've lost me the gold...

Don't worry, partner.
We'll simply follow them.

Yes, and then we'll
take the map from them.

I learned how to make these
while hunting uranium in Borneo.

It's called a Malaysian umbrella.

Oh, no. A dead end.
No one can sail a ship uphill.

I've been fooling myself.

You can't give up, Uncle Scrooge.

Maybe if we searched
one of these mountains.

- Which one?
- The map'll say.

We've been over it a million times.
I'm finished.

- But how can you just...?
- You don't understand.

My whole life, I've worked and sweated

to stay one step ahead
of wolves like Glomgold.

Deep in my bones, I guess I've always
feared that one day I'd lose my touch,

and the wolves would get the better of me.

And now that day has finally come.

Well, real treasure hunters
don't quit searching.

I mean, well, look...

Why is this man upside down, huh?
Maybe that's a clue.

Wait. Louie, you're right.
They match.

Why else would you use
a boat for a map?

Ahh, hey, I think I see a cave,
and it's big enough for...

A ship!
Follow me.

Gold! Lots of gold!

Scads of gold!

Tons of gold!

Come on!

Oh, it's empty.


Lost the Midas touch.

Aw, poor Uncle Scrooge.
We can't let him give up.

We'll search some more
in the morning.

Right. Now let's get some rest.

Anyone got some string?

- There they are. Sound asleep.
- Good. We've got them now.

And then...

...the gold.

There's Scrooge McDuck.

- But where's the boat?
- Señor, I told you, the boat's not here.

How would you know?
Now just be quiet.

Our Junior Woodchuck alarm!

Quick, in here.

Robbers, thieves, politicians!

Come on, boys!

This way.

That way.

- Scrooge!
- Glomgold!

- Los niños.
- That guy!

We'll do lunch sometime.

I'll feed you a knuckle sandwich.

- Ach, where'd he go?
- Oh, Scroogey!

Nice try, Mr. Second Best.

We've got to find another exit.

For more than one reason.
The water's rising!

We're trapped like rats
in a goldfish bowl.

Come on, we're not waterlogged yet.

Uncle Scrooge, that prune-faced guy
with Glomgold

was the guy who tried to steal
your model boat back home.

Come on, boys,
I think we're almost... Oww-ooh!

Uncle Scrooge!


Hang on, Uncle Scrooge!
We got ya!

Ahh, look, the treasure ship!

There's gold in them there hulls.

I did it, boys.
I'm still number one.

Now let's see our prize.

Bless me kilts,
there's at least 3 tons of gold.

I won, Flintheart, you old has-been.

But how are we gonna get
all this gold home, Uncle Scrooge?

How? By helping you earn your
Junior Woodchuck seamanship badges.

Hurry, the monsapis have stopped.

Any minute, all this water's
going to drain into the sea.

Almost finished, Uncle Scrooge.

Hah, that Flintheart's probably
still running around in those tunnels

like a rat in a maze.
All hands on deck!

- Is the ship seaworthy, men?
- Aye, aye, Captain Uncle, sir.

- Gold patch, gold ropes...
- And gold sail.

Good lads. Then set sail.


Look, all the mountains
are islands.

No wonder we didn't recognize
anything on the map.

It must've been made
when the desert was flooded.

Hold her steady, boys,
and we'll make it through these rapids.

Oh, no. Uncle Scrooge, look.
We're gonna crash into the rock!

Hurry, lads.
Get me a cannonball.

Yay! We made it!
We made it!

We may need it again.

The people are coming back to Ranguay.
There's the airport.

We're almost out to sea.

I'll have my gold home in no time.

Correction. My gold.

My gold.
My gold!

Nice of ya to go through all the trouble

of fixing this ship and sailing
my treasure out.

And just in time.

In another ten minutes,
I'll have won our bet, too.


I found it. My logbook.

of gold cloth. Check.

Boy, that guy acts like
he used to own this ship.

It's been fun, Scroogey,
but it's time we parted ways.

One golden helmet. Check.

I'll get even with you, Glomgold.

Now that I'm the richest duck
in the world, you're welcome to try.

But I don't want ya
to go away empty-handed.

Here. Don't say I'm not a good winner.

Hey, my gold!
You threw away my gold!

Swim out there and toss it back.
Your usefulness is at an end.

So, you want to play rough.

Unh. Hah!
Got you, you old wheezer.

No, I've waited too long. Unh.

Give up!

No, no! The gold.
It is my life.


Uncle Scrooge, look.

You idiot. We're over
the deepest trench in the ocean.

Not again.

I can't lose my gold again.

We better pick up the survivors.

You'd make a great sailor, Flintheart,
on a submarine.

- Uncle Scrooge, where's the old stranger?
- No sign of him.

He's gone.
Gone to the bottom with his gold.

Gee, I wonder who he was.

Well, it looks like I
won the bet, Flintheart.

How? The gold all went to the bottom.

Not all of it.

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. How do you want it -
with or without mustard?


I'll get you...
so help me,

I'll get you and my gold.