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01x03 - Treasure of the Golden Suns (Part 3): Three Ducks of the Condor

Posted: 03/26/24 14:08
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales


I'm next.

No. I was here first.

I beg your pardon?

Ladies, ladies, please.

Oh, thank you. Now, who's next
for the position of nanny?

I am.
Miss Pecktronella Bruce.

Mr. McDuck's nephews

are just finishing with
the previous applicant.

Help! Help! Ohh!

They are a trifle high-spirited.

Oh. Next.

Shouldn't we barricade
the door, Mr. McDuck?

Ha-ha-ha, no. My nephews
are just choosing a governess.

The tykes are not very keen
on the idea.

Ah, I see.

Well, Mr. Changemaker, as a coin expert,
what do you think of my collection?

Most impressive, Mr. McDuck.

One seldom sees a Zatslovian
seven-cent piece.

But that's not why I asked ya here.

Have ya ever seen anything
like this before?

No, it can't be.

It's a coin from the treasure
of the Golden Suns.

Impossible. That treasure's
only a legend, isn't it?

It must be real.
This is the second coin to come to light.

Not two days ago, I saw a whole
bonny boatload of these.

If the legend's true, then that gold was
only the tip of the iceberg.

Where's the other coin?

It's hidden in a fortress
high in the Andes mountains,

and the owner hates visitors.

Aye, but he's never reckoned
with Scrooge McDuck.

- Ah... I got ya.
- Don't move a feather.

Now, where are all these governesses
I'm supposed to choose from?

Right here, Mr. McDuck.
I'm Betina Beakley.

- You don't look tough enough for the job.
- She's not, Uncle Scrooge.

Then why am I the only applicant
still here, Master Huey?

He's not Huey. I am.

Now, that's a fib,
Master Louie, isn't it?

Rats, how'd she tell us apart?

Well, Beakley, I'm impressed.
OK, what are your credentials?

- I'll work for nothing.
- That's my favorite price.

- You're hired.
- What?

Nothing except room and board for me
and my granddaughter Webbigail.

- Well, I don't know.
- Oh, please, Mr. McDuck?

Well, you don't look like you eat a lot.

Ahem. And these monsters
might learn some manners

wi' a bonny wee lass around.

- Yuck!
- Double yuck!

Yeah, like they said.

Fine, fine.

Now I can relax knowing the boys
will be in good hands while I'm gone.

- Gone?
- Where you goin', Uncle Scrooge?

To the Andes. And I need you,
Gyro Gearloose, to invent me an airship,

something that handles well
in steep mountains.

An airship, huh?
Well, let me think about that a minute.

The problem is landing this plane.

It's gotta be able to fasten to rockface.

- Eureka, I've got it!
- Will the ship take very long to build?

Yep, it's a toughy, Mr. McDuck.
You'll have to wait till after lunch.

I call her the Golden Condor,

'cause she'll soar through the Andes
like a mountain bird.

Great Scott, look at all these gadgets.

Who am I gonna get
to fly this monstrosity?

Well, there is one pilot stupid...

I mean, capable enough
to handle this new aircraft.

Oh, no, not...

Launchpad McQuack.

Mayday. Mayday!
I'm losin' control!

Bail out, McQuack, bail out!
You don't have a chance.

Launchpad McQuack bail out? Never!

Parachutes make me airsick.

Gyro, this guy's in big trouble.

You know, he really wasn't a bad guy.

- A bad pilot, yes, but not a bad guy.
- Gyro, look!

Big rubble, no trouble.

Gyro tells me you need a pilot
for an experimental plane.

- What I need is my head examined.
- Don't worry, Mr. McD.

If it's got wings,
I can crash it. Heh-heh-heh.

I hope my medical insurance is paid up.

I'm sorry, boys, but a venture like
this is no place for children.

But we could help, Uncle Scrooge.

Ahem. Telegram, sir.

Look, boys, we make a great team,
but I owe it to your Uncle Donald

not to have you gallivanting around
the world with me.

But you're gonna need someone
besides Launchpad.

And it looks like I found him.

Your uncle has a three-day pass
while his ship is in Panama.

Oh, treasure hunting
and a visit with Uncle Donald?

It's not fair.

Sorry, boys, but I have to do
what's best.

Do I get a hug goodbye?

All right, but I'll miss ya.

- Take good care of them, Mrs. Beakley.
- Oh, I will, Mr. McDuck.

If we don't take care of her first.

- That's Panama dead ahead.
- And there's Donald's aircraft carrier.

He should be checking out soon.
Ah, there he is now.

Smile, Lieutenant.

- Aah!
- Uh-oh. Sorry, sir.

Oh, what? Oops.

Aye, that's Donald. Looks like we can
pick him up soon and be on our way.

If you say so, Mr. McD.

Not like this!

I've just about had it
with you, Seaman Duck.

Yes, sir.

You make sure you're back here
in 72 hours, Duck,

or you're gonna be in hot water.
Get it?

Boy, that sailor was in a hurry.

Hey, let me down, let me down.

What's the big idea?
Put me down.

- Hello, nephew.
- Uncle Scrooge?

What's the big idea, you stupid hotshot?

What's the matter with his voice?
Did I grab him by the neck or something?

Easy, Donald, easy.
This is Launchpad, my pilot.

- Now buckle up.
- Aw, phooey.


Talk about a coupla quarts low.

I think we're here, Mr. McD.

Aye, it's the only mountain we've seen
with a fortress on it.

Let's get closer and look for
a place to land.

- What? What's happening?
- What'd he say?

- He wants to know what's happening.
- It's these freakish mountain winds. Whoa!

I can't control it!

- I can't watch.
- Me, neither.

Me, neither.

- We made it!
- Well, of course.

You're flying with the king of wings.

Oh... whoa.

You know, I just don't feel right
unless I bring 'em in for

a real Launchpad McQuack landing.

- Huh, now I feel better.
- Well, I don't.

Here, take this homing device
and find the plane.

I have to climb all the way down there?

- There's a quicker way down.
- I'm going, boss, I'm going.

Come on, let's pay them a visit.

- Look at that!
- Shh.

Behold as our father
the sun looks down upon his children

and blesses his golden coin once more.

Gold sun!
Gold sun! Gold sun...

Look, Uncle Scrooge.
That's just like yours.

- I gotta get a picture of this.
- Donald, no.


Gotta run.

By the power of the coin,
I command you to destroy them.

Curse me kilts, we're trapped.

Come on, you won't find Scrooge McDuck
so easy to take.

Come on, you haggis-faced galoots.
The two of us are ready for ya.



Gold sun!
Gold sun! Gold sun!

Gold sun! Gold sun! Gold sun!

Well, pop me plaids, they think
I'm a high priest, too.

What happened?

I finally found some people
who appreciate money as much as I do.

At least this money.

Why are you just kneeling here?
I order you to get them.

No, it can't be.
Another coin.

Gold sun! Gold sun! Gold sun!

But, my children, he is an enemy.

It appears they're my children, too.

So it would seem... for now.

Welcome, fellow sun priests.

I am Joaquin Slowly,
your honored host.

Well, I'll be. South American condos.

Certainly not rush hour.

That plane's gotta be
around here someplace.

I'm gettin' warm.

Whew, he'll never play
the violin again.

Boy, somebody's gonna be teed off.

I sure am lucky nobody's home. Ha-ha-ha.


All right, you interfering old duck,

I want that coin before you ruin my hold
over these backward savages.

- You can't talk to my uncle like that.
- What did he say?

I said you can't talk
to my uncle like that.

I'll handle this, Donald.

Before we start negotiating, sonny,
I have a few questions.

I don't answer to peasants.

Look, Walkin', you and I
are both used to getting our own way,

only this time, it's my way or no coin.

Very well.
What do you wish to know, señor?


My family has lived here for 400 years.

It all began when my ancestor
Marching Slowly and his companion

stole a boatload of treasure
from the Valley of the Golden Suns.

But the ship captain sailed away
with the treasure

and left Marching and his partner behind
with only this one gold coin.

- So you know where the valley is.
- Not really.

Marching and his partner Juan Tanamera
made a map and tore it in two

before they went
their separate ways.

Juan sailed away on an ocean current
from Rioeo, never to be seen again.

My ancestor stumbled onto
these cliff-dwelling sun worshippers.

Do you still have
your half of the map?

Of course.
But this is what's truly valuable.

This is total power.

With the sun coin, I can make
these superstitious peasants

do whatever I want.
Not now!

- Hey, watch it.
- You're nothing but a petty tyrant.

- You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
- I'll handle this.

Ow, ow, ow, ow.

¡Ai yi yi!

Donald, go help Launchpad
before you blow this deal.

- But I wanna...
- Now, Donald.

Hah! You're as bossy as he is.

You will pay for this, duck!

I have every intention of paying with
this if the price includes the map.

That map has been in
my family for...

Too long.
You'll never use it. I will.

But this'll make you twice as powerful
as you are now.

Think about, Slowly,
just think about it.

Do this, Donald.
Do that, Donald. Aw, nuts!

There's the plane.
Where's Launchpad?

What's going on?

You anger children of sun.
You fly or bye-bye.

Uh, actually, Chief, I don't think
I can flap my arms fast enough.

You no fly you. You fly him.

Gee, I've never flown a live one.

Boy, that's bad.

Let test begin. Fly.


Whoa, man, whoa!


- Hold on, Launchpad.
- I hate flying coach.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

I'll fix him.

Thanks, pal. Time to show this overgrown
budgie who's the pilot around here.

Attaboy, Launchpad.

Easier to steer than a kite.

Come on, Polly, let's gain some altitude.

Birdman! Birdman! Birdman!

I tell you, hoggin' the map
isn't doing either of us any good.

No. It is a matter of honor.

Mayday! Mayday! Uh-oh...

This doesn't look promising.


I told you, if it has wings,
I can crash it.

I have had enough!

I am going to smack you
into ancient history.

Birdman! Birdman! Birdman!

Birdman! Birdman! Birdman!

Birdman! Birdman! Birdman!

Hey, uh, I'll take a raincheck, amigo.

All right, señor. I'll trade.

Just take your friends and go away!

You two almost goofed up my deal,

but the trade takes place tomorrow at noon.

I don't trust Slowly. That's why you
have to fix the plane by tomorrow.

Me fix it?
But I'm a flyer, not a plier.

And I gotta get back tomorrow, or...

- What'd he say?
- Never mind.

You guys just get the plane fixed.

Well, the engines are busted.
Those condors gave me an idea.

Trouble is, I don't know how
to get her off the ground.

- You leave that to me.
- Great. You handle the takeoff.


Things must be worse than I thought.
I'm beginning to understand him.

Gold sun! Gold sun! Gold sun!

Gold sun! Gold sun!

A deal is a deal.

Behold, children of the sun,

I am not the only true priest.
That intruder was a fake.

He has offended the sun coins.

Gold sun! Gold sun! Gold sun!

Do as I say. Mount your condors
and destroy the evil ones.

Slowly's double-crossed us.
We've got to beat it.

Now, when we get airborne,
row like crazy.

OK, Launchpad, ready for takeoff.

- What'd he say?
- He says we're ready for takeoff.

Hang on.
Let 'er rip!

You forgot Donald.

If you'll start rowin',
I'll go back and get him.

Hurry! Come on, Launchpad.

Hey, what's the big idea?

That wasn't according to plan.


Uh-oh. Donald'll have to wait.

No, no! Stop them!
Knock them out of the sky!




Better row faster, Mr. McD.
We just lost some baggage.


I hope this baby can handle a u-turn.


You idiots! Get them!
I command you to destroy...

No, go back! Back, I say.



Climb down there, you peasants.
I command you to get me my coins.

Listen to me.
I am your master.

No gold sun! No gold sun!
No gold sun!

My coins!

My coins!

Hey, look, Mr. McD.
Rioeo at 12:00 low.

Speaking of clocks,
Donald's gotta get back to his ship.

Yeah, or else...

Don't worry, Donald.
Launchpad will get you back on time.

But first, I'm going to find
the other half of that map.

But how, Uncle Scrooge?

By following the ocean currents just like
Juan Tanamera did 400 years ago.

Wish I could go, too, Uncle Scrooge.

So do I, Donald.
And the next time, we'll bring the boys.


Just follow the homing device when you
return with the supply plane, Launchpad.

- Right-o, Mr. McD.
- See ya soon, lads.

- Goodbye.
- Good luck.

Hey, he made it!
Now, let's get you back to your ship.

Two more minutes, and that duck
is gonna be on kitchen duty

for the rest of his life.

I'm gonna be late.
I'm gonna be late.

Here's your ship.
Faster, faster.

What in the world is that?

Donald, quit rowin'.

I'm back, sir.

Don't you usually salute
a superior officer, Duck?

Ease up, Lieutenant.

Can't you see he just flew in
from the Andes?

And, boy, are my arms tired.