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01x05 - Treasure of the Golden Suns (Part 5): Too Much of a Gold Thing

Posted: 03/26/24 14:10
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales,


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales,


Oh, my gold is close.

I can just feel it.

That madman McDuck
must've figured out

where the Valley
of the Golden Suns is by now.

And when he does, I'll let him lead me
to the treasure,

and then - wham!

Because I, El Capitan,
deserve every bit of it!

Calm down, Uncle Scrooge.

We'll be at the Quackawacka River
in no time.

We'd better be.
After all the trouble I've gone through,

I, Scrooge McDuck,
deserve this treasure.

Wow, I've never seen him
like this before.

I'm afraid, children, that Mr. McDuck
is in the clutches of gold fever.

Gold fever?
What's that?

It's when you itch for wealth
so much, you forget what's important.

Well, Launchpad?

According to this, we land
just past those falls.

Then speed it up.
I want that gold.


It's stuck.

Hey, got it.


- Uncle Scrooge, what happened?
- Oh, Launchpad's seat broke, that's all.

Hah, seat broke my tailfin.

We're caught in the current!

Looks like your runway
is running away with us.

- Let's get back into the sky.
- Don't worry.

When the going gets tough,
the harder they fall.

- Where's our takeoff, McQuack?
- It'll take a minute to restart the engines.

We haven't got a minute.
Look. Uh-oh.

- Get this plane off the ground!
- It's a no-go, Mr. McD.

And if we can't go up,
then we'll just go down.

Oh, the plane's sinking.

Are you sure you and the children want
to come along, Beakley?

Yes. An archeological discovery will be
very educational and drier.

OK, Launchpad, get this plane
floating again.

And when I sh**t a flair up,
you come runnin'.

I'll get there lickety-toot.

Don't just sit there. Paddle.
My treasure's upstream.

Aye, aye, Captain Greed.

Stroke, stroke.
Faster! Stroke.

Drat, I don't have time for detours.

Chew on this, fish breath.

That ought to hold that reject
from a luggage factory.

But what about him?

And him?

And him?

I don't think we have enough paddles,
Uncle Scrooge.

This is all your fault, Mr. McDuck.
You've got to do something.

You're right, Beakley.
I am going to do something.

Mr. McDuck, wait. Don't!

- Wow, some ride, Uncle Scrooge.
- I'm sorry I doubted you, Mr. McDuck.

Forget that.
Let's just find my gold.

Uncle Scrooge, looky here.

An ancient pathway.
It heads right for the valley.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Yes, amigo.

What are we waiting for?

Hey, Dewey, does this road
seem strange to you?

Yeah, not a burger place in sight.

No. I mean, if this valley is supposed to
be a secret, then why build a road to it?

- Right, unless it's...
- A trap!

Uncle Scrooge, wait!

Look out!

Uh, I knew those were there all along.

Sure, Uncle Scrooge.

Now all I gotta do is anchor this baby
to the shore,

shut the doors and pump the water
out of her.

Heh-heh. Voy-là,
instant transportation.

Suddenly I have this craving
for a large cup of coffee.

Gee, an escalator.

No, dear. This is an older model.
We have to walk up these.

And the sooner we get up them,

the sooner we find
the Valley of the Golden Suns.

Come on.

Mrs. Beakley, how come Uncle Scrooge
has that funny twitch?

It's the next symptom
of gold fever, Dewey.

We must be getting very close
to the treasure.

Oh, great, a dead end.

No. I've come too far to quit now.

Ah, a gap.
Hand me that tree limb, boys.

OK, pull.


- Ow, my eyes!
- Oh, what's that?

Follow me.

Ooh, I don't like this.

Row, row, row your hut
gently cross the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily...
Yaah, a snake!

I hate snakes!
No, that's somebody else.

I sorta like snakes.


Now I know how a worm feels.

Behold, the golden suns.

This is it.
I found the treasure.

Those giant disks
go all around the valley.

Wow, they must weigh a ton each.

Hoo-hoo, judging by their size,
I'd say 2.3 tons each.

Why, that's more gold
than I've ever seen.

That's more gold than in Fort Knox.

And it's all mine.

Look, Uncle Scrooge,
there's one right below us.

It looks just like your sun coin,
Uncle Scrooge.

Better than that.
It's made of the same stuff.

Pure gold!

- Uncle Scrooge, what are you doing?
- Help me shake this beauty loose.

Is he nuts? We'll never be able
to carry this back.

The gold fever is getting worse.
Perhaps we'd better...

- Hang on!
- Help!

I've heard of money taking you places,
but this is ridiculous.

- Big hill, dead ahead.
- Prepare to abandon disk.

- I'm not going.
- But we're gonna crash!

- No, it's mine.
- Ducks away!


It can't be.
It just can't be!

- Is it the gold fever, Grammy?
- Yes, Webby. He's getting worse.

Pluck my tail feathers
and call me Baldy.

Those disks are loose change
compared to this.

- What is it, Uncle Scrooge?
- It's gold.

An entire building of gold.

Then this must be
what we've been looking for.

Right. Now help me find
a door to this place.

If I melted this down,

I could remake the Statue of Liberty
out of solid gold.

One for every day of the week.

Uh, shouldn't we signal
Launchpad, Mr. McDuck?

Oh, yeah, good idea, Beakley.

There's no way that idiot can miss that.



Now I hate snakes.

Ahh, I didn't think there was
this much gold in the whole world.

I didn't think there was this much gold
in the whole universe.

This has got to be the treasure,
right, Uncle Scrooge?

Uncle Scrooge?

Are you all right, Uncle Scrooge?

Am I all right?
Am I all right?

Look around, my little doubloon.
I'm in 24-karat paradise.


Let's see what else we can find
in McDuck's new piggy bank.

- Wow, what happened to these guys?
- It was gold fever.

And you better be careful, Mr. McDuck,
or you could end up like them.

Gold... fever?
Me? Bah!

I don't have time for ghost stories.

What do you think this well is for?

It's nothing but a heating duct
or something. We're wasting time.

Come on, lads. Wanna see what's behind
those three doors in the courtyard?


- Gangway!
- Me first.

What'll we do, Grammy?
The gold fever's spreading.

Yes, dear.
That's why we must keep our heads.

Grammy, look at this.

It looks like a warning, Webbigail.
We better translate it.

OK. I'll check
the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook.

Ahh, gold... dust.

Enough for my own beach.

Enough for our own desert.

More, more.
I want to see more!

Yeah, more gold.
Wait up!

I knew these were my kind of people.

Uncle Scrooge, it's just like
your money bin back home.

What are we waiting for?

How does he do that?

All I can make out
is something about greed

and opening all doors and destruction.

That's it. "If you are too greedy
and open all the doors at once..."

It's another trap!

- Mr. McDuck!
- Uncle Scrooge!

Come on, boys.
This is the last one.

- Stop!
- It's a trap!

Ooh-hoo, I can build a new money bin
out of solid-gold... bricks.

Ooh, look at the pretty goldfinches.


Come on, Mr. McDuck.
We have to climb out of here.

None of you will be
climbing anywhere.


At long last, the gold...
is mine.

It's that old man
who hired the Beagle Boys.

And tried to steal our ancient treasure ship.

But you drowned, didn't you?

Hah! Nothing on Earth could stop
El Capitan...

...from finding his gold!

I've waited 400 years for this.

Mad? Heh-heh-heh.
Of course I'm mad!

I'm mad for gold!

But how did you stay alive
for all these years?

Sheer willpower, niño.

Now you have a date
with the lava pit,

and I with my gold!

Ah, it's freezing!

But it's gotta be 150 degrees down here.

It's the final symptom
of the gold fever.

That's odd, I smell gold.

- Aah!
- Uncle Scrooge, are you all right?

Better than all right. Look.

A lake of molten gold!

And we're all about to be boiled in it.

This is the real
Treasure of the Golden Suns.

What was that?

There's more gold...
down here than in all the world.

No! It's my gold.

Mine, mine, mine!


I won't have you tainting
a single drop of my gold.

- No.
- Uncle Scrooge!

I found the missing maps,
I tracked this valley down.

This gold... is mine.

You are wrong, señor.

This says the gold... is mine.

- You want gold? Here!
- Aah!

What's going on?!

Stop this craziness.
The floor is collapsing!

- Uh-oh.
- Truce?


Hurry up, Uncle Scrooge!


What? Stop them, Grammy.
They'll fall.

Mr. McDuck, the walls are moving!

Leave me alone. Can't ya see
the greatest fortune in the world's at stake?

What's better, being a rich duck
or a dead duck?

A dead duck?
Quackawacka, you're right.

We'll settle this once and for all.

- Unh!
- You aren't settling anything, buster!

We can climb out on these.

Whew, what a sweat.
Sweat? No more shivers.

I'm cured of the gold fever.

Mine, all mine!


- What will we do about the wheezer?
- He looks happy.

Look at all the pretty gold!

No, we've got to save him.

My gold.

Leave me with my gold.

- Signal Launchpad again.
- No more flares. We're stuck.

Hey, Mr. McD's rescue flare.
Time to pick him up.

Warp drive, Scotty.

Can't still be flooded.
I dried it.

Look, the wall's getting shorter.

No. The temple's melting.
We're sinking.

Nice engine, nice engine.

Ooh, it's getting so hot.

There, there, dear.
It'll be all right.

Aw, silly me.
I had the choke on. Heh-heh-heh.

Well, Mrs. Beakley, I'm sorry to have gotten
you and the kids into this mess.

That's all right, Mr. McDuck.
You couldn't help yourself.

No, but thank goodness you could.
Goodbye, Beakley.


- Time to go, señor.
- Never!

I'll never leave my gold... again.

Can't maintain altitude, Mr. McD!

- We made it!
- Hooray!

Wait, stop him!

My gold!
My gold!

We've got to stop him.



The gold is buried under
a mountain of dirt.


I will dig up the gold...

...if it's the last thing I do.

- But won't he dig it all up?
- Maybe, in another 400 years.

But, meanwhile, I've got
more important things to look after.

- Welcome back, Uncle Scrooge.
- Right!

Still, I wish I'd been able to carry
something away from that valley.

- Oh, my!
- Gold!

Mother McDuck!

No wonder
the plane flew heavy.

She was covered in gold like
a dipped ice-cream cone. Heh-heh-heh.

And it's all mine.

So, Mr. McD, where's our next
treasure hunt gonna be?

Aw, don't even try
to tempt me, Launchpad.

There will never be another prize
this big again.

I heard there were gold doubloons
off the coast of Java.

I told you, I'm through
with treasure hunts.

Did you say gold?

Uh-oh, here we go again.