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01x06 - Send in the Clones

Posted: 03/26/24 15:40
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

- DuckTales
- Ooh-ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do
bad and good luck tales

- D-d-d-danger!
- Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab on to some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do
bad and good luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales


This time,
nothing will stand in the way

of what I want most in the world.

What, to turn me back into a man?

No, Scrooge McDuck's old
number-one dime!

The first dime Scrooge ever made.
It contains the psychic vibrations

of every deal, every decision,
every dollar Scrooge has ever made.

Once I melt that dime
and pour it into my amulet,

I'll be so powerful, not only will
I turn you back into my brother...

but the world will be mine as well!

Sorry. I get carried away.

The Beagle Boys have escaped!
The Beagle Boys have escaped!

Thanks for sneaking us
outta jail, Magica.

We was getting pretty bored waiting
for our time to run out.

- How long was your sentence?
- Life.

Well, I didn't sneak you out
for the exercise.

I need your help. I want you to
steal Scrooge's number-one dime.

No way! We only go after the big stuff.
My name ain't Big Time for nothin'!

Yeah! Make it at least half a dollar
or forget it!

Make it Scrooge's money bin
and you got yourself a deal.

Is deal.

Can we go to a movie today,
Uncle Scrooge?

Sorry, boys. I need you
here and on your best behavior.

A reporter from Duckweek Magazine
is coming by this afternoon

to do a story on our family.

How about if we go to an early matinee?

Yeah! Then we'll be back in time to tell
the reporter how our nice Uncle Scrooge

gave us money to go to the movies.

And enough money for popcorn.

And money for new bicycles
to ride to the theater.

You're pressing your luck, lads.

Yippee! Invasion of the Quacker
Snatchers, here we come!

So what's the plan, toots?

This: From Beagle Boys
I transform thee

to Scrooge's nephews -
one, two, three!

Hey, Babyface,
you got the cutest little baby face.

Hey, what gives?

There's one teensy-weensy little
problem with the spell.

Mirrors will reveal your real identity.

Now go get the dime! And hurry!

- You look perfectly dapper, Mr. McDuck.
- Good. Everything has to be perfect.

I want that reporter to see
I'm a good family man.

A good image is good business, you know.

Back so soon, boys?

Now upstairs and change clothes.
The reporter will be here soon.

I want you to look your best.

Don't worry, Mr. McDuck.
Everything will be perfect.

Now you heard your uncle.
Upstairs and change!

Yeah, yeah, we heard ya.

My, my, I believe Dewey's voice
is changing.

The boys are growing up so fast.

Let's spread out.
Burger, you go that way.

Babyface, you come with me.

Hey, Big Time!
Looks like we found the jackpot!

- Boys! What are you doing?
- Playing doctor?

Hey, that hurts, ya big ninny!

That's "nanny," and you'd better
watch your language.

I told you boys to change clothes.

Here now.

Don't make me angry. Just wear
these suits until the reporter leaves.

Boys, please!

What's gotten into you?
Why won't you put on your good clothes?

The reporter will be here any minute.

Hey, Babyface, get this
crazed dame off of me.

That's the last movie you go to.
The language you come back with.

There now.
Don't you look nice?

Just like the Beagle Boys.

The Beagle Boys! Ohh!

Hey, wanna play with us?

Burger... er... Huey! What ya doin'?

Hey, even thugs deserve a coffee break!

You call yourself a thug?

Let go!

Hey, that's my Quacky Patch doll!

Look what you did!

Let's blast open this safe
and blow this joint

before that nosey nanny comes to.


Hello. Webra Walters,
from Duckweek Magazine.

Miss Walters! How nice to see you.
Won't you come in?

Thank you. My, don't you look spiffy,
Mr. McDuck? Trying to impress me?

Me? In these old things? Never!

Good. Because most interviewees go out
of their way to make a good impression.

I hate that.
My readers deserve the real scoop.

I want to observe Scrooge McDuck
the way he really lives. Understand?

Perfectly. We'll start by meeting
Mrs. Beakley.

She's the salt of the Earth, that woman.
And she loves the children as her own.

They're monsters!
Monsters, I tell you!

You've got to do something.
They're fiends! They're not your nephews!

What are you talking about?
Your nephews are - the Beagle Boys!

And did I mention her wild
sense of humor? Ha, ha, ha!

Mrs. Beakley, perhaps
you've been working too hard. Take a nap.

And get a grip on yourself!

Perhaps we should visit Mrs. Beakley's
darlin' Webbigail, first.

She's probably playing with my nephews.

Dewey pulled the head off
my Quacky Patch doll!

Oh, those nephews, they're so playful!

Why don't I show you my study instead.

You can tell a lot about a man by his study.

Meticulous - study, meticulous
business affairs, I always say.


Forget the study!

You can never tell a thing about a man
by his study, I always say.

Look in here instead.

You boys are grounded
until Miss Walters is gone.

Hey, Magica, help!
We're trapped like rats up here!

You fools!
Do I have to do everything myself?

Potions and powers,
come to me quickly.

Change this Magica into fat old Beakley!

I'm going after that dime.
And nothing will stop me!

I'll watch the boys now.

What are you Beagle bunglers doing in
here? Have you found the dime?

We're lookin! We're lookin'!

Boy, that Invasion of
the Quacker Snatchers

sure was a scary movie!

I hope aliens from space
never take over Duckburg like that.

Yeah! You'd never know who's real
and who's a monster inside.

Usually, the boys are well-behaved.
You just have to tell them once

and they've learned their lesson.

- Hi, Uncle Scrooge. We're back!
- What a great movie!

Aah! The monsters!
They're loose!

Egads! They're everywhere!


Boys! I'm not telling you again,
get to your room and stay there!

What'd we do?


What are you doing in here again?
Get out and get to work!

Huey! I told you to stay in your room!

Sorry, pops, er...

Sorry, Uncle Scrooge,
but I haven't eaten in minutes!

You'll get lunch soon enough.
Now, get back to your room.

Mrs. Beakley, why haven't the boys
had lunch yet?

- I give up, why?
- Are you talking with an accent?

- What accent?
- Never mind.

Maybe you should make lunch
for the boys.

Perhaps they'll behave if they've eaten.

Yes, of course.
I'll whip up something, darlink..., Mr. McDuck.

Back in this room again?

What do you think you are,
homing pigeons?

Here, keep Scrooge happy,
eat, then get back to work.

Well, what are you waiting for?
Eat your soup while it's still alive.

Aah! Something in that soup
snatched a cr*cker!

cr*cker? cr*cker snatched?

- Do you think...?
- Yeah! Mrs. Beakley's been cr*cker,

er, quacker snatched - taken over
by aliens like in that movie.

Excuse me, Mrs. Beakley.
My readers deserve a real scoop.

- What's Scrooge really like?
- He is fool!

- And what about the boys?
- More fools!

And I was a fool for ever
springing them from jail!

Oh, wait, boys. Tell me what you think
of your Uncle Scrooge.

We don't have time!
We've got to stop Mrs. Beakley!

She's been quacker snatched!

Aliens from another planet took
over her body! You might be next!

You've got to warn the world!

We'll split up. Huey, you search downstairs
while Louie and I search upstairs.

Whoever finds Mrs. Beakley,
keep an eye on her.


- How did you get up here?
- And how can you eat that stuff?

Easy. Although, that soup
did put up quite a fight.

- Hey, how come you sound different?
- What? I always burp that way.

Well, c'mon guys, let's get on with the plan.
We've gots a world to take over.

- Oh, no! He's an alien, too!
- We can't let him get away!

Hey! What gives? Help!

Well, did you find it?

- Find what?
- Scrooge's first dime, you fool!

How do you expect me
to take over world without it?

Hi, Mrs. Beakley!




Louie! Dewey!

That dime's gotta be here somewheres.

Duh, it's not over here.

Am I glad to see you guys!

We've gotta get the number-one dime
outta here!

- Burger, ya did it!
- Who? Did what?

Wait till Magica sees this!

What is all the racket in here?

The dime! At last, it is mine!

Come on, Burger. Move it!

Bring chubby chins along.

I don't want her blabbing to Scrooge
until my plan is finished.

Now, back to Mount Vesuvius...

to rule the world!!

Rule the world, evermore! Awk!

Sheesh. She gets so carried away.

You've got to believe me,
this is not a typical day around here.

Why, usually it's so peaceful
you can hear a pin drop.

Ugh! What are you boys
doin' to poor Huey?

- He's not Huey, Uncle Scrooge.
- He's an alien!

I've heard enough of this nonsense!

No, you can't let him go!
He's been quacker snatched!

My nephews and I just love to play
cowboys and Indians!


Hey, toots, hows about zappin' us back
to our handsome selves?

These feathers are beginning to itch.

Potions, elixirs, and bright full moons...

This'll make a nice cover photo for
Duckweek. Scrooge and his nephews...

...turn these ducklings back into
unshaven g*ons!

...playing Beagle Boys and Indians.

Beagle Boys? Burger!
What are you doin' in my mansion?

- And where's Huey?
- My lips are zipped, Scroogie.

Nothing you do will make me
spill the beans.

- Oh, yeah? How about no supper?
- You got me.

OK, this was all Magica De Spell's idea!

She's got big plans for that dime of yours.

My number-one dime?
Come on, kids, we've got to stop her.

Hey, what about supper?

Witches and twitches, zap this little duck,

turn him back into a big, dumb cluck!

How comes you can't change Burger
back from a duck?

Why? Because he is duck, you fool!

Uh-oh! Wait!
My readers deserve the real scoop!

Glad I studied knot-busting
in Junior Woodchucks.

Mrs. Beakley, wake up!

Aah! Get away from me, you...
you, Beagle Boy!

Shh! It's me, Huey. The real Huey.

I'm gonna get us outta here.

We've got to stop her
and get back Uncle Scrooge's dime!

Gracious! How?

Let's fight fire with fire!

Huey, how many times have
I told you, don't play with matches.

No, not real fire. Watch!

Who let him loose?
Get that brat, you g*ons!

Help me, Mrs. Beakley! Help me!

Take that, you bully!


Oh, yeah? Well, take that,
ya little chicken!

Stop it! Give me that
magic dust, you fools!

Quit your squawkin'!

Well, well, how does it feel now?

Oh, dear, let's see...

Hurry, Mrs. Beakley,
before I get a rump roast!

Hocus-pocus, abracadabra, whatever.




Let go, you old witch!

Wait! Let go of my nephew, Magica,

and give me back my dime.
I'm warning you!

No, I'm warning you, evermore!

One more move, Scrooge,

and the Beagle Boys are going to get
very rough with your nephew.

Magica, I'm begging you. Let the lad go,

and I'll give you my number-one dime.

What are you talking about?

You don't think I'd keep
my real number-one dime out

where anyone could steal it, do you?

You mean, this is phony?

I wouldn't give you
a nickel for that dime.

Very well. We will trade.
This kid for that dime.

Well, don't just sit there!
Let's take over the world!

Oh, it's good to have everyone
safe and sound.

- This is my real family, Miss Walters.
- What a story!

"Millionaire gives up most prized
possession to save his family."

Who said I gave up
my most prized possession?

I got my real lucky dime back,
the old switcheroo!

And all it cost me was a dime!

I didn't get rich by being stupid.

- What happened?
- The spell backfired!

That was a phony dime!
My amulet isn't worth ten cents!

You haven't seen the last of me,
Scrooge McDuck!

One way or another, I'll rule the world!

She gets so carried away!