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01x07 - Sphinx for the Memories

Posted: 03/26/24 15:41
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails,
no, DuckTales


Permission to go ashore, sir.

Did you swab the foredeck,
Seaman Duck?

Aye, sir!

- Batten down the aft hatches?
- Aye, aye, sir!

Did you hose down the bridge
and wash the dishes in the galley?

- Aye, aye, aye, sir.
- You may go ashore, Seaman Duck.

Thank you, sir.

Shouldn't Uncle Donald
be here by now?

When he said he'd meet us
in the Bu-gazzi Market,

I should have known it wasn't going
to be a corner grocery store.

While we're lookin' for Uncle Donald,
we can be lookin' for souvenirs.

It's him!
The one wearing the fez!

Those eyes! That beak!

The beak looks familiar,
but I can't place the fez.

Ah, this is more like it.

Of course! The one we've
been searching for.

The Garbled One, reborn!

For generations our people have waited.

We must take him to the palace

Awk! Scrooge and the boys.

A moment, effendi! Wait!

You didn't pay for the...

Huey, Dewey, Louie!

Hail, Garbled One!

We are your followers.
We shall show you to the palace.

A tour?
No, thanks. Maybe some other time.

But the moon is right.
We must leave, immediately.

Hah! You'll have to kidnap me!

Huey, Dewey!

Kidnap you?

Don't! Awk!

Uncle Donald!

What's he gotten himself
into this time?

A big basket!

Uncle Donald's hat and camera!

There they go! Come on!

They're getting away!

Hup! Hup! Hup!

We wouldn't last a day in that desert
without water and supplies.

We must hire some camels and a guide.

Excuse me, effendi.

- Did you say you are looking for a guide?
- Aye, can you help us?

I have camels and I know the desert
like the hot wind that blows across it.

- Good, and, ahem, what's your rate?
- Half the fee of anyone else.

Half? Don't you even want to
haggle over the price?

We're having a sale today.

I see. Well, we'll buy some supplies
and you get your camels ready.

At your service, effendi.

Hup! Hup! Hup!

Be patient, citizens of Garbabble.

Someday, the Garbled One will be
returned to earthly form.

Yes, even if it takes a thousand years.

In the meantime, it is written
the High Priest shall rule Garbabble,

and that's me!

People of Garbabble, we've found him!

The one destined to rule
in the spirit of the Garbled One!

- He certainly sounds garbled.
- Are you sure this one is worthy?

- He must be a perfect match!
- Yes, perfect!

Can there be any doubt?

'Tis him!

Hail, Garbled One!

Bathe him. Feed him.
Prepare him for the ceremony.

The moon will be right at midnight.

Hey, let me go!


Let's go!

Hiya, toots!

Others have tried to remove me
from power.

This new rival will meet
the same fate they did.

We should make camp, effendi.

Nonsense! We'll push on all night,
if necessary.

Aw! Poor Uncle Donald sure loved
to take pictures.

Yeah, and he wore a sailor hat
even before he joined the Navy.


Allow me to take a photo of you
in front of the ruins, little effendis.

It will cheer you up.

Join them, big effendi.

Very well. Heh-heh-heh.

Get a little closer together,
and take a step back.

One more step. That's it.

What's that sound?

Just one more big step backwards...

Ha-ha. Say "goat cheese," effendis!

One last photo to remember you by!

I knew half price was too good to be true!

I want my money back!

We're trapped!

There, there.
Everything's going to be all right, lads.

The the walls are closing in on us!

Hurry, look for a way out! Ah!

- Search the walls! Quick!
- If only we could read hieroglyphics.

One of these words might be "exit."

We can read those hieroglyphics!
The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook!

Hurry, lads! I'm running out of matches!

Here it is! Translated it means
"To enter maze, push belly button."

This must be it!


Uncle Scrooge, where are we?

Don't worry, lads.

We'll be out of here in no time.

And we thought Uncle Donald
was in trouble.

I'm exhausted! I need a little nap.

I'll telephone Scrooge
and the boys tomorrow.

- What did he say?
- Who knows? Come, he must rest.

He'll need all his strength
for tonight's ceremony.

Toe-fu, Ach-mud, Abu-abu.
Mon-due, Kan-ee, La-bu, La-bu!

Toe-fu, Ach-mud, Abu-abu.
Mon-due, Kan-ee, La-bu, La-bu!

Rise, Ka-hoo-fu! Rise and obey
Sarkus, High Priest of Garbabble.

Yes, yes, that's it!

Again, you must remove
a threat to my power!

Obey me, Ka-hoo-fu, or never shall you
be free from the mummy's curse!

Go! Go to the royal chambers.

There you will find the one
who stands in the way of your freedom.

Go! Destroy him!


Forget it, Admiral!
I'm in charge, now!




Ah! It was only a dream.


I was afraid of this, lads.
Our half-priced guide has run off

with our half-priced camels.

Over here, Uncle Scrooge!

His camel tracks are still following
Uncle Donald's camel tracks.

Our only hope is that their
destination is nearby.

Being in charge isn't half-bad.
In fact, it's not bad at all.

Now, what do I do first?
Make a speech to my subjects?

I think a speech is
out of the question, sire.

This can't be possible!

You're right!

It's the best vacation I've ever had.

Admiral Grimitz!

I gotta get back to my ship!

Let me go! Let me go!

Forget your other life.

Once your Earthly spirit is replaced by
the ancient spirit of the Garbled One,

you will rule Garbabble, forever!

And tonight, the moon is right!

Hmm, well, if I'm gonna be your king
forever, I want to see you bow!

- Bow?
- Yes. Let's see it!

- Hail, Garbled One!
- Lower!

Hail, Garbled One!

I mean bow lower.

Touch the floor. That's it!

Hold it, very good.

He's gone! After him!

Let's look down this passageway!

Let's go this way!

Nobody's gonna make a king
outta me and get away with it.

Should we look in here?

He wouldn't be foolish enough
to hide in the jackal pit.

He'd be torn to shreds.

Long live the king!

What is this?


- Where is everybody?
- Probably at that strange ceremony.

- You think Uncle Donald's down there?
- I wouldn't be surprised.

Release the ancient spirit
of the Garbled One!

What are they doing to Uncle Donald?

Whatever it is, it'll be an improvement.

No! I don't know how to be a king!
I can't, I have to...

Our half-price guide must belong to
this bunch.

If I ever get my hands on that ugly,
no-good worm, I'll...

You'll what?

I'll... I'll be surprised.

I am the Garbled One,
King of Garbabble for all time!

All hail the king of Garbabble!

First, all this bowing must cease.

Everyone say, "Aye, aye, sir!"
And salute.

- Salute?
- We must obey.

Intruders, o precious one.
I caught them spying.

- They look familiar.
- They were friends to your Earthly form.

The traditional punishment is in order,
oh, great king.

Feed them to the jackals!

Silence! I give the orders around here!

A thousand pardons, o Garbled One.
Er, I mean... aye, aye, sir.

- Uncle Donald's their king.
- No jackal pit for us, boys.

Tie them down in the desert heat

and let the vultures pick their bones!

Uncle Donald is under
an evil spell or somethin'!

We aren't in such good shape, ourselves!

It was those magical moonbeams
we saw last night.

They let that spirit take over
your Uncle Donald's body.

Say, your... kingship,
isn't there something missing around here?

Missing? What's missing?

A pyramid! Every great pharaoh
had a pyramid.

Why don't I have a pyramid?

I want a pyramid! I want a pyramid!

Why, the boys and I could
build one for you.

It's a trick, sire. You can't trust them!

Guards, release them
and get them started!

This meddler's dynasty is about to end.

The Mummy will walk again, tonight!

Phew! Well, we've finally
made some progress.

Yeah, it'll only take us

Don't worry, boys,

we'll make our break tonight!

All right, enough for today!

We must return to the safety
of the palace before dark.

For the Mummy walks at night.


A covered-with-bandages,

rise-from-the-tomb-type mummy?

- Let's go. Quickly.
- OK!

All right, lads, let me look at you.

Are you sure this is gonna work,
Uncle Scrooge?

We'll find out soon enough.

Guard! Guard! Help!

All right, what's all the...?
Hey! Where'd they go?


The Mummy walks! Aah!

It worked. Come on!

The mummy walks...

...but not very well!

We must find your Uncle Donald
and remove that spell.


This is no time for pranks, boys.

I told you to get out of
that ridiculous disguise.

Uncle Scrooge! It's not us!

Well... excuse me.
I mistook you for...

Oh! Yeow!



Get away from him,
you great big bandaged brute!

Way to go, Uncle Scrooge!

Batten down the hatches!
Hose off the bridge!

Wash all the dishes in the galley!

- Hatches?
- Galley?

That's Navy talk!

Aye, it means your Uncle Donald is still
inside trying to get out.

We must get him back on that throne
by midnight. Come on, lads.

a sailor's life for me

Awk! Hey!

Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream

- We have to get him to stay on the throne!
- I have an idea.

- Seaman Duck, at ease!
- Aye, aye, sir!

We won't have any problems now.

Destroy them, Ka-hoo-fu!


We have to keep him away from
Uncle Donald!

- We need a torch, quick!
- There aren't any!

We're gonna be mummified!

Ka-hoo-fu, my old friend!

You, too, are cursed to
an eternity of unrest.

Come, Ka-hoo-fu. It's time to go.

For centuries, our people have relied
on magic and superstition.

It has made us sheep,
living in the past of our ancestors.

Ah, well, with hard work,
and you as their leader,

I'm confident the people of Garbabble will
find the outside world most rewarding.

Hup-a, camel, hup-a!

Look, Uncle Scrooge,
it's Uncle Donald's aircraft carrier!

Why, so it is!

Gee, I wonder if Admiral Grimitz
got mad at Uncle Donald

for gettin' back two days late?

It wasn't your Uncle Donald's fault,
and I think you'll find people in authority,

really good leaders,
are, well, usually pretty understanding.

You expect me to believe that?

Why, it's the weakest, dumbest,

most ridiculous story I've ever heard,
Seaman Duck!

Now, start swabbing that deck, mister,

and I mean the entire deck!

Aye, aye, sir.

A sailor's life!

Aw, phooey!