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01x14 - Lost Crown of Genghis Khan

Posted: 03/26/24 15:46
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails,
no, DuckTales


Keep moving! We must be out of
Shadow Pass by nightfall.

The Snow Beast!

That was eight centuries ago.

And that was the last anyone ever saw
of the crown of Genghis Kahn.

Until last month, that is, when a friend of
mine, a Sherpa I often use as a guide,

wandered into Shadow Pass and took
shelter in a mysterious ice cave.

It was in this cave that he saw
the lost crown!

So, Lord Battmountan,
is this to be the quest

to determine our Explorer of the Year?

The first to retrieve the crown, wins.

- Oh! Jolly good show! Jolly good!
- I'd say!

Why didn't your friend
bring out the crown?

Ahem, well, he was chased off
by an Abominable Snowman!

A descendant of the very same beast that
caused the crown to be lost.

Oh! That'll add a bit of spice
to our quest, ay, what?

I'd say!

Here are your copies of the map.

I will return to Duckburg
and await the arrival of the winner.

You begin at noon, which is...
right now!

There you are!
I'm already behind schedule.

Where's Launchpad?

La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la, hey!
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la, hey!

La-la-la, la-la...

They can't come with us,
Launchpad, and that's final!

Sorry, girls. I'm the dashing hero,
but he's the boss!

Hurry back, tall one, and be careful!

Careful? I don't know
the meaning of the word!


What better way to reach a snow-covered
mountain pass than by dogsled?


One down and two to go!

I have far more mountain-climbing
experience than the others.

Why? I climb mountains simply because...

...I'm there!


Two down and one to go!

I'll get the jump on the others
by parachuting into Shadow Pass!

You're so smart, Uncle Scrooge!

Thanks, darling.
And wasn't it smart of you to notice?

Why can't we come with you,
Uncle Scrooge?

Shadow Pass is no place for kids.

Now, you look after them till
I get back to the village, Launchpad!

Sure will, Mr. McDee!
You don't have a thing to worry about.

What's going on with this bucket of bolts?

We're out of gas!

But the tanks were full,
and we just took off!

Boy, what terrible gas mileage!

Launchpad, where are
the extra parachutes?

Safely locked up in the shed...

...behind the hangar...

...back at the airport!

Three down and now I'll go!

Why, Percival, old chap.
You had a little accident, too, eh?

This? Oh, it's nothing, really.

But it does put me out of the running
again this year, old bean.

Bad show, old shoe.

- I guess it's McDuck again.
- For the 33rd year in a row.

Phew! That was rough!

Aye, but we managed to come down
in Shadow Pass.

Why do they call it Shadow Pass,
Uncle Scrooge?

Why, I've no idea, Louie.

My kind of landing, Mr. McDee.


I should be able to reach the cave
and be back in a few hours.

Be careful, Uncle Scrooge.

I will, Webby.

- Shadow Pass sure is scary!
- Yeah, I hope it gets dark soon.

Why in the world would you
want it to get dark?

No shadows.

Webby! What is it?

A snowflake just landed on my nose!

How can anyone get so excited over
one little snowflake?

Now, ten bijillion snowflakes, and you
have something to get excited about!

Yeah, you have a blizzard!

I'm worried about Mr. McDee.
I'm gonna take another look.

No, Launchpad! Don't!

Couldn't see a thing!

- I say we go after him!
- We can't!

He's the only one with the right
equipment for being up here!

The rest of us weren't supposed to
come along, remember?

But what if he's lost, or hurt or-or...


Quack! Quack!

Quack! Quack!

Quack! Quack!

Oh! What's that?


It must be the wind.

The wind doesn't "uh-oh!"

Whatever it was, it ran away.

That's what I was about to do!

- I hate to see you give up, Uncle Scrooge.
- We can't risk another blizzard.

How did he get here ahead of me?

This ought to get McDuck out of
the running and into the rolling!

Uncle Scrooge, look!

An avalanche, run!

Uh, Uncle Scrooge!
Is that you?

Where are you, Webby?

Hey, Uncle Scrooge! I found tracks!

Webby's tracks?

Yeah, and the tracks of something else!

Did he say something else?

- They're huge!
- What could it be?

The tracks of
an abominable snowman!

Snowman? Come on, Mr. McDee!
They don't even have feet!

They're just three big snowballs
with lumps of coal for eyes,

and cute little carrot noses, and...

Huh? Hey, wait for me!

I'll be the first to find those ice caves,

now that Scrooge has been scared off
by my little growlzy-wowzy act.


Well, Launchpad, you've seen your
first abominable snowman.

He shoulda been called
"the abominable hair man"!

- Ya-ha-ha-ho-ho-ee!
- Sounds like he's going away.

- Let's go!
- Good idea, Mr. McDee.

This way, Launchpad!

Oh, yeah, of course. That way!

I was afraid of this!
The snowman lives in the ice cave.

Be as quiet as you can, boys.

I've never seen anything like it!

Wow! It's like the inside of
an ice cream truck!

What should we do,
search together or split up?


OK, but should we do it together or...

Whoa! Whoa!


I think the time for being quiet has passed.


Webby! Boys!



Skittle me kilts! It's gold!

I'd recognize gold anywhere.
It's my favorite color!


What a ride!

It's even colder down here than it is
up above...

...and scarier!

Ah, you guys got to think positive.

But, Launchpad, Webby's lost,
Uncle Scrooge is lost, we're lost,

and there's a monster in these caves
trying to get us.

Come on, there must be something
positive about all this.

If we don't keep moving
we're going to freeze to death.

There you go!

Gold, gems, treasure of all kind!

The crown!
The crown of Genghis Khan!

I knew I'd find it, first!

King of the explorers, once again!

Who am I kidding? Webby's gone,
now the boys are missing...

Ugh! We'll never find our way out
of these freezing caves!

You've got to keep a stiff upper lip, Louie.

That's easy! It's frozen!

I can't go on! I'm too tired.

Me, too!

Launchpad! Get up!

Aw, let me sleep in, will ya, Ma?
It's Saturday!

Come on, Launchpad...

...can't go to sleep...

We've got to...

Oh, what's that?

It's... it's Webby!

We're freezing to death,
and she's eating a snow cone!

- Boy, were we glad to see you, Webby!
- Good thing I heard Launchpad snoring.

Will you look at this place!
Everything is made of ice!

Yeow! Even the chairs!

So what happened to you after
the avalanche, Webby?


- My teddy bear saved me!
- Teddy bear?

You don't have a teddy bear!

Oh, yes, she does!

Snowy, have you seen Uncle Scrooge?

Uncle Scrooge!

One good thing about a frozen world,

a snow cone never melts
before you can eat it!

He's waking up!

Have some of this hot soup, Mr. McDee,
and in no time you'll feel fat as a fiddle!

Mm, that's good.

- Where did you get this?
- She made it.

An abominable snow, er, uh, woman!


Oh, but she's really sweet and gentle.

And she makes fantastic snow cones!

I know! She tried to make one
out of me, the blasted beast!

You're hurting her feelings, Uncle Scrooge.

Feelings? She's a dangerous animal!
Get away from us, you monster!

Oh, Uncle Scrooge!
Look what you've done!

Snowy! Come back!

Webby! After her!
We don't want to lose her again.

Ooh, my!

- You're still weak, Uncle Scrooge.
- Don't worry, Mr. McDee, I'll find her.

This is a switch.
It's usually the girls chasing me!

- Where did she go?
- Shh! Listen!

Don't run, Snowy!

Snowy! Look out!
Oh, no!

Hang on, Snowy! You have to save her,
Launchpad, you have to!

Don't you worry, Webby.
I'm not a hero for nothing.

Phew! You've been eating too
many snow cones!

Now, hold on, er, ma'am!

You're her hero, Launchpad!

Aw, but Uncle Scrooge!

No, and that's my final word!

That beast is dangerous.
We are leaving while we can.


That's what we've been trying to tell
you! Snowy put it there!

She did it to make up for snow-coning you.

Eh... Ahem, let's try to catch up
with Launchpad.

Nothing's gonna
catch up with Launchpad!

I can hardly wait to eat
one of Mrs. Beakley's apple pies!

Yeah, one of her hot apple pies!

No way!

What was that?

I don't know. Let's keep moving!

Sir Guy! Oof!

Come back here, you thief!


See you in Duckburg!

What are you gonna do, Uncle Scrooge?

He'll have to take the long way down!
I'll take the short-cut!

Uncle Scrooge!

Take that, you vulture!


Way to go, Uncle Scrooge!

Uh-oh! Whoa!

You finally lose, McDuck!

You're a cheater!
And cheaters never prosper!

...and so, for the first time
in 33 years,

we have a new Explorer of the Year -
Sir Guy Standforth.

Hear, hear.

Stop the ceremony!
I was the one who found the crown!

Rules are rules, Scrooge,
and Sir Guy did bring back the crown.

But he stole it from me!

Now, now, Scrooge, your airplane was
found crashed on the wrong mountain.

You never even reached Shadow Pass!

Oh, I have proof of that.

Oh, hello!

The Snowbeast!

I'd say!


How pretty!


Looks like the lady dumped you,

It only hurts for a little while,
Mr. McDee.
