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01x16 - The Money Vanishes

Posted: 03/26/24 15:47
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails,
no, DuckTales


You sure enjoy your money,
don't you, Uncle Scrooge?

Aye, I love shoveling it around,
swimming in it,

but most of all, I love counting it!

The more I have to count, the more I love it!

Until tomorrow, my beautiful cash,

good night, sleep tight,

and don't let inflation bite!

- We gotta get outta here!
- Yeah!

- We gotta get outta here!
- Yeah!

And go get a hamburger or a doughnut
or something.

Relax, Burger!
Ma's cake should be here any minute.

Say, Big Time, what do ya think
she'll put in her cake this time?

Oh, a file, some dynamite, maybe
a blowtorch, somethin' like that.

Gee, I was hopin' for some
chocolate chips!

Good evening, boys!
Your lovin' mother's done it again.

Ooh! Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!

Be thankful she still loves you,
bad boys that you are.

Yeah! It's not easy being wanted
when you're wanted.

Well, I hope you appreciate it!

We certainly do, Officer Parolski!

This token of Ma's affection
warms our hearts!

And fills our stomachs!

Send her something nice on Mother's Day.

We will, Officer Parolski!


Give me that!
Don't you boys know what this is?

- A shovel!
- Yeah, that's a sh... that's what it is.

This is our ticket outta here!

We'll dig a tunnel, see,
right outta the cell, under the wall,

and by morning, we'll be free as birds!

That's a good idea! Good idea! Yeah!

- What was that?
- Uh, great idea! Great idea!

That's more like it.

It'll take a whole night of back-breakin'
work, aching muscles, dirt and sweat!

You guys better get started.

- Where are we?
- I don't know.

But those pretty red lights
look familiar.

Well, they'll never
think to look for us here.

First thing we gotta do is
find a good hideout.

Preferably, one with a big refrigerator!

This'll do!

Aha! I've done it, Li'l Bulb! I've done it!

My new Furniture-Mover Ray will
make the world a cleaner place to live!

Yes, Li'l Bulb, my place
will be cleaner, too.

All we do is spray our furniture with
this Preparation Spray...

...blast it with my Furniture-Mover Ray...

In the news, tonight...

... and program it to reappear
wherever we want!

The notorious Beagle Boys
have escaped again!

That wasn't my best side.

Now we can dust under our furniture
with the greatest of ease!

Can you imagine what we could do
with that gizmo?



We could use it to vanish Scrooge's
millions out of his money bin

and into our pockets!

Kinda makes me wish I had
bigger pockets!

- Yes?
- Door-to-door doctors!

We're checking everybody on the block.

- And we're real worried about your health.
- Why, how thoughtful!

This won't hurt a bit!

Say cheese!

- He has trouble speaking, Doctor.
- I was afraid of that.

Listen to this.

You're an unhealthy time b*mb
just waiting to go off.

- Look at this.
- It's worse than I expected.

Better give him the spin test.

- You don't feel dizzy, do you?
- Why, uh, yes, I do!

Just as I thought. Inventoritis!

Too much sitting around and thinking.
First the body goes, then the brain.

- Oh, my!
- You need exercise! Fast!

You'd better start joggin' right away,

Keep goin'! A few hundred miles
will do wonders for ya!

Now, all I gotta do is figure out
how to work this thing.

How ya gonna do that, Big Time?

I'm gonna think scientifically.

First thing I need is a guinea pig.

Ooh! Where ya gonna find a pig,
Big Time?

Mm, lemon!

Now I can zap you to any place I want!

Oh! How about a nice restaurant?

One where I don't have to wear a tie.


Next, I just spell out where I want
Burger to appear.

This oughta make him happy!

Attention, shoppers.
Our bakery is featuring

a special on fruitcakes!

Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

Hey! What happened to the cake
I was holding?

It wasn't sprayed with this stuff!

Now all we gotta do is get Scrooge
McDuck to spray that stuff on his money,

and Mr. Moneybags will have to change
his name to Mr. Empty-bags!

No, no! Stay away from me, you...
You wolf!

Dewey, are you scared?

Naw, you?

No, not me!

You scared, Uncle Scrooge?

Of course not.

I am an adventurer, boys.

I've seen every kind of beast, monster
and creature you can imagine.

And now a word from our sponsors.

No television program is gonna
show Scrooge McDuck anything new.

Aah! What's that?

This could happen to your money!

At this very moment, Duckburg is
being invaded by money moths.

But you can protect your money
with Cash Guard, the handy spray

that makes money moths pay.

All you do is spray a little Cash Guard
on your cash, and watch what happens.

One sniff, and money moths bite
the dust, instead of your money!

I need that spray!

Yes, rich folks, you need this spray!

New improved lemon-scented just out
on the market and better than ever!

Cash Guard!

Supplies are limited, so call now.

That's 555...

...5-5-5-5. This is Scrooge McDuck.
Do you deliver?

Urgent delivery for Mr. McDuck.

You are in luck, friend. Only one can left,
and it's on sale for five bucks.

- One buck.
- Four.

- One!
- Three!

- One! One!
- Two!


I just saw a flock of money moths
heading this way.

Better spray all your money right away!

Duckworth, bring the limo around!

There was something fishy about
that salesman!

Pew! I think it was the stuff
he had on had on his hair!

If that was the last can of Cash Guard,

why didn't he spray the dollar
Uncle Scrooge gave him?

And now back to "Monster Ducks."

We better go with Uncle Scrooge!

No mangy money moths are going
to munch my money!

A penny sprayed is a penny saved.

He's been in there long enough
to spray every dime he has!

He-he-he! Here goes nothin'!
Or should I say, here comes everything!

Phew, what a relief!
All my worries have disappeared.

- And that's not all!
- Yeow!

Are you OK, Uncle Scrooge?

Wha... what happened?

- All the money you sprayed disappeared!
- I sprayed it too late!

Those money moths must be
too small to see!

- Uh, wait a minute, Uncle...
- There's no time to wait a minute!

This stuff is a fake!
It doesn't work like it's supposed to!

Quackeroonie! Say, maybe it does work
like it's supposed to!

You're right, Dewey!

Gone! My money is all gone!

There's only one way to catch up
with Uncle Scrooge's money.

I've lost everything I...


There, that should do it.

Now to make Scrooge's money
reappear here in our hideout.

Uh, is hideout one word or two?

- Who knows?
- Yeah, just do it, Boss.

If our friends could see us now!

They'd probably rob us!

Heh-heh, this is sure gonna make
Ma happy!

Yeah, we can bail the whole
family out of jail for Christmas.

Say, what's that?

It's Scrooge's hat, and his nephews!

The Beagle Boys!

This time, you little squirts
are gonna disappear permanently!

We gotta zap 'em before they call the cops!


All right, you little runts!

You've just won a trip to Mars!

I can't see!

Now's our chance!

If they get away, we won't!

Hope you kids like kangaroos, 'cause
I'm sendin' you to the land down under!


Burger, get me outta here!

Baggy, Bouncer, zap those three squirts
off the face of the Earth!

You got it, Boss!


Uh-oh, I'm stuck!

- How do we do this, Bouncer?
- Like Big Time did!

Just sh**t it and punch a bunch of buttons.

Weatherman said it'd be a cloudy day!

- Excuse us!
- Excuse us!

Excuse us!

Are you sure you want to follow 'em
into the zoo, Bouncer?

All these bars make me nervous.

You could use a haircut, dearie.

The wrong floor!

Gee, honey, are you growing
a moustache?

They'll never find us in this crowd!

Gosh! This crowd sure is crowded!

Isn't it exciting, ladies and gentlemen?

The Duckburg Marathon's Fleetest Feet
are approaching the finish line!

- Why, hello, boys! Out for a jog?
- Not exactly!

Oh, no!

And the winner is...

Gyro Gearloose!
Duckburg's favorite inventor!

It's amazing, ladies and gentlemen!

He's so fast, I didn't even see him
till he crossed the finish line!

- Quackaroonie!
- Grab that ray g*n!

Go ahead, Beagle Boys, take my ray.

We gotta get outta here!

Good idea! Uh, great idea!


Gee! Don't you just love that little
jailbird suit in the window?

Oh, yes! It's just ducky!

And what realistic dummies!

Maybe they'd like to try this on for size!


Go directly to J-A-I-L! Jail!

Oh! A welcome-back party!

Well, we've zapped all the animals
back to the zoo. Now what?

We send Uncle Scrooge's money back,
special delivery!

All right!

I wish we could be there to see
the look on his face!

We will!

One for the money, two for my bro,

three for Louie and four to go!

Now that I'm broke, I'd better start
checking the want ads for a job.

I wonder if anyone needs an old duck
to swim through their money?

You do, Uncle Scrooge!

Monstrous moneybags!

Oh, kids, you're the best friends
my money could have!

And the best friends
old Scrooge McDuck ever had!

Hello, Mr. McDuck!

Hello, boys. I wanted to show you
my first place trophy!

Why, what in the world are
you doing with my Furniture-Mover Ray?

Furniture-Mover Ray?

The Beagle Boys stole your

and used it to remove all
Uncle Scrooge's money!

Really? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Well, I've figured out a simpler way to
dust under my furniture.

I'm going to invent
a Furniture-Floatation Ray.

Furniture-Floatation Ray?

We're rich! We're rich!

And you're not!

Come back here, Gyro!

I forbid you to use your brain for
the rest of the year, do you hear me?

Gyro sure is in better shape
since he started jogging.

Yeah! Uncle Scrooge might not
catch him for hours!
