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01x18 - Dinosaur Ducks

Posted: 03/26/24 15:49
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Racecars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales



Cool it, booby birdy.

I'm doing you a favor taking you
to Scrooge's zoo.

It's a jungle out here!

Sheesh, that was close.

Relax, bird. You act as if you've
never flown before.


Abandon ship!

How can you leave me,
after all we've been through together?

They're for the birds.

Excuse me. Coming through.

Watch where you're going!
Are you crazy?

Launchpad to see Mr. McDee.

You may crawl in.

You lost a booby bird
because a lizard chased you?

Not a lizard. A big lizard!

We're talking King Kong big!

That bird was the special
attraction I needed to...

How big?

Big! This baby makes Mt. Everest
look like a speed bump.


Launchpad, do you realize
what you've done?

Look, I'm sorry.
I'll find you another booby.

Forget the booby!

You've discovered the Lost World

that explorers have
dreamed of for centuries.

You discovered dinosaurs.

Mrs. Fillerbee,
cancel my appointments.

Launchpad and I
are going to the Lost World.

Is there a number
where you can be reached?

Are you sure this chopper
can carry a dinosaur back?

It can carry the back, the front, the head,
the tail - everything.

Can we go, too,
Uncle Scrooge?

Sorry, boys, not this time.

Why not?

The Lost World is much
too dangerous, lads.

But, Uncle Scrooge!

No! And that's me final word.

Our chance to see real dinosaurs,
and we're stuck here.

Let's go anyway!

But Uncle Scrooge said...

Ah, he'll change his mind
once we're there.

Let's hide in here.

I want to go, too.

No, you can't,
Webby, darling.

How come?

It's too dangerous, lassie.

- But...
- No! And that's me final word!


He-he. I can be sneaky, too.

We're all packed.

Are you sure you can
fly this fancy chopper?

No sweat. I've crashed jet planes
fancier than this.

Is that supposed
to make me feel better?

Sure. It means I'm experienced.

Don't forget the picnic basket
Mrs. Beakley packed for us.


These sandwiches must
have real sand in them.

Are we over the Lost World yet?

- We must be.
- How can you tell?

We're lost.

Aah! Pterodactyl attack!

Aah! It's that overgrown bird again!

I'll blast him to smithereens.

If I can figure out this control panel.

Do something quick!

Now what do we do?

What I always do in a case like this.


What are you looking for?

An aspirin.
I feel a headache coming on.

Forget the headache.
We're going to crash!

That's the headache
I'm talking about.

Forget the aspirin.

We need crash helmets.
Quick, boys. The crash helmets.


Blow me bagpipes!
What are you doing here?

Looks like we're
crash-landing with you!

This should keep you out of trouble.

Ah, it's a good thing Webby isn't here.

Don't just sit there!
Push a button!

The boys!
What have I done?

Learned the hard way
that the eject button works.

Do something, quick!

- Typical Launchpad landing.
- At least they're OK.

They are, but what about us?


We're drifting into the Lost World!


Oh... Where are we?

I don't know, but I don't want to
be here when that hatches!

Or when its mother
comes back to sit on it.

You and your big mouth.


That was the biggest
buzzard I ever saw!

Well, I've seen enough of this Lost World.
How about you?

Let's climb off this mountain
and find Uncle Scrooge.

On a scale of one to ten,
I'd give that crash an eight.

Just get me up on that plateau
before anything happens to my nephews.

No problem, Mr. McDee.

Next to flying, mountain climbing
is my best talent.

- Ready as I'll ever be.
- Me, too.

Maybe we should take lunch.

This is no time to think
about your stomach.

When I get hungry, I get dizzy.

You must be starving.


Only a couple of thousand feet to go.

Louie, Huey, can three ducks
have four shadows?

I don't think so.

Then I think we have company!



Wow, Uncle Scrooge would sure like
one of those for his zoo.

Let's catch it for him.

Why do I come up with ideas like that?

- Youch! My special finger.
- Youch!


Are you sure the Junior Woodchucks'
tiger trap will catch a dinosaur?

Sure. The trap doesn't
know the difference.

All we have to do is make it bigger.

It's coming! Hide!

We got him!


"All we have to do is
make it bigger," he says.

- Sheesh!
- Aah!


See, Mr. McDee? I told you
I'd get you up here safe and sound.

And the sooner we find your nephews,

the sooner we can climb down.

Oh, yep, the worst is behind us.

When that dinosaur
shows up to eat this food,

all we have to do is pull on the line,

and we'll have him on a leash.
Come on, let's hide.

How will we know
when to pull the line?

Shh! Listen.

He just bit into a coconut.

We got him!

We got trouble!

Oh, no!
We got to help him!

Batter up!

This way!

Come on!

Huh. No sign of any dinosaur tracks yet.

But don't worry, we'll find some.

Forget the dinosaur tracks!
Look for nephew tracks!

I know this girl!

Oh, oh, ah-ah oh!

What did he say?

"Oh, oh, ah-ah oh!"

Here, here, here!
Hands off me hat!

Easy there, Mr. McDee.

These are primitive minds here.

Tiny little minds filled with fear
and ignorance.

Brains unable to hold
a single train of thought.

Uh, uh, what was my point?

Curse me kilts!
Let go!

Get your hairy fingers off me!

Keep your mitts off me hat, lad!



Uncle Scrooge?

Huey! Dewey!


Where is everyone?

What's this trap supposed to catch?

More trouble.

Don't worry.
Three is my lucky number.



Three's your lucky number, all right.

At least we didn't catch another
saber-toothed tiger.

Oh, what a cute dinosaur!

Get back, Webby!
That beast will hurt you!

He's no beast.
He's a nice dinosaur.

Yeah, and a nice exhibit for the zoo.

Zoo? You can't!
He's only a baby!

A baby?

Yeah, and he misses Mommy.
So there!

Ah, she's right.
We'd better leave it here.

- Yeah.
- Let's go find Uncle Scrooge.

Uncle Scrooge?

I think some cave ducks got him!

We'd better hurry then!


Uh-oh! Poor Uncle Scrooge.
We gotta do something.

- I have an idea.
- Ah, another one?

OK, climb on.

Wait here, Webby.

We're gonna regret this.

Hyah! Hyah!

We'll have you free
in a sec, Uncle Scrooge.

Hurry, lads. That net won't
hold those cave ducks for long.

Like this.



You lads did a plaid-dandy job.

You mean because we rescued you,
you're not mad at us?

No. You found me a good specimen
for my zoo.

- But he's just a baby.
- Who's lost his mother.

The Lost World is his home.

Nonsense, laddies.

What better home could he have
than my zoo?

There are no predators.
He'll have plenty of food.

Why, I treat my animals
better than a mother.

But it's not fair
to take him from his mother.

Webby said...

- Webby?
- We forgot her!

Webbigail? Here?
Curse me kilts!

We've got to find the wee lassie!

Come on, boy, you can find the scent.


Blow me bagpipes!

And, um, then the three bears said,

"Somebody's been wearing my slippers."

So they tried to see who it would fit,

um, and it was Cinderella!

But the prince came
and kissed her foot,

and her foot woke up,
and lived happily ever after.

Webby, darling, are you all right?

Sure. I was just telling
"Snow White and the Three Bears."

Ah! You can't have her!

After me hat again, are you?

Well... no price is too high to pay
for me darling Webby.

You mad at me, Uncle Scrooge?

Ah, just glad to have you back, lass.

And me nephews were right.

It's not right to split up close kin.

So, let's help this wee dinosaur
find its mother.

Aah! It's Bigfoot again!

We got to help him!

We're no match for that beast, I'm afraid.

You may not believe this,
but I have a brilliant idea.

Well, Mr. McDee, I guess it's back to
Duckburg without a dinosaur.

I still have plans for them.

And on our left
is the hadrosaurus.

We are particularly fortunate
to see one with her wee child.

Got to hand it to you, Mr. McDee.
You came up with a winner this time.

I figured if I couldn't
bring dinosaurs to my zoo,

I'd bring Duckburg to the dinosaurs,

on "McDuck's Dinosafari!"

And you picked the right
tour guide pilot, too.

I also picked a helicopter
with an a*t*matic pilot.