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01x20 - Superdoo!

Posted: 03/26/24 15:50
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Racecars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day they're
out there making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab on to some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales


Hey, ho,
where are we going?

Nobody knows
but we're willing to go!

Hey, ho, where we been?

Nobody knows if we'll
come back again!

Keep in step, Junior Woodchucks,
and follow me.


- Oops!
- Oops!

- Oops!
- Oops!


Hey, fellow Junior Woodchucks,

...wait up!


Our troop earns more merit badges!

That's because we are
the baddest!

- What are we?
- The baddest!

What are we gonna do?

Earn our geology merit badges!


Thanks for waiting up, guys.

Let's make camp. Set up your tents,
Junior Woodchucks.

Doofus, why don't you go gather some
firewood and get dinner started?

Will do, Woodchuck leader!

That Doofus - he's never gonna
win a merit badge,

unless they start giving them out
for messing up!

I may not be very good
at hiking and marching

and setting up tents, but I sure know
how to gather firewood.



We're gonna win a tent-raising
merit badge for sure this year.

I'm starving! When do we eat?

Doofus should be back
with the firewood any minute.

Oh, no!

- Look out!
- Yikes!


Can I gather firewood, or what?

Well, Junior Woodchucks, looks like
we sleep under the stars tonight.

Star Police still gaining on us.

We can defeat them with powers of
stolen energy crystal.

How much longer before it activates?

Too long. Hide, we must,
the energy crystal.

Yeah, this puny planet,
good as any is.

If Star Police search us,
clean we will be.

Return we will
when Star Police gone.

It's gold, isn't it, Launchpad?

No, it's listed in the Junior
Woodchuck Guidebook, Huey.

But it isn't gold.
It's pyrite. Fool's gold.

Fool's gold. Doofus should have
been the one to find it!

Where is Doofus?

Golly, if I don't find
something soon,

I won't get my geology
merit badge, either.

Ouch! Ooh! Ooh!
Hot! Ooh.

Gee, this looks like geology to me.

That ought to cool it off.

Wow! A diamond doughnut!

No, it's not a diamond.
Or a doughnut, either.

I'm afraid it's not listed in the
Junior Woodchuck Guidebook anywhere.

I'm sorry, Doofus.

I can't give you
your geology merit badge.

I'll keep looking.

Gee, little buddy,
we have to get going

if we wanna get back
to Camp Woodchuck before dark.

Oh, well. I'll just
keep it for good luck.

It sure has been
lucky for him so far.

Everybody got a geology
merit badge but him.

- Star Police fooled, we have.
- Yes. Return to puny planet, we can.

Recover stolen energy crystal,
we will.

When crystal activates,
powerful we will become.

"We"? "We"?

Only the one who holds the crystal,
powerful becomes.

Cannot both of us
hold crystal at same time?

"Both"? "Both"?

I will hold the crystal!
I will rule the puny planet

and rest of this puny galaxy.

Hey, ho,
where are we going?

Nobody knows
but we're willing to go!

Hey, ho, where have we been?

Nobody knows,
but we've come back again!

Last one in the showers
is a rotten Woodchuck.

Should we wait for Doofus,
or do you wanna take a shower

and get a good night's sleep first?

Here he comes!

He keeps up pretty well when he's not
carrying all our food.

He's still carrying most of it.

Sorry I'm so slow.

Just one of the many reasons why
I'm never gonna win a merit badge.

Ah, come on, little buddy,
you got to believe in yourself.

Keep telling yourself
you can do it until you believe it.

Is that how you won all your
merit badges, Launchpad?

Uh-huh. It's a very scientific
principle called

"thinking positive."

Gee, Launchpad,
you sure are smart!

Are you positive?

Just look at it this way.
Tomorrow is another day.

- See you in the morning!
- Good night!

Thanks for the advice.

The energy crystal, gone it is!

Our stolen crystal has been stolen!

Soon energy crystal will activate.

Follow, we must, this thief.

Cosmic tracking light
straight to him will lead us.

Come on, Doofus,
put out the light, will you?

I'm studying for tomorrow's
merit badge test.

Doofus, go to sleep!

All right, all right!

Doofus, put out that light!

Oh, gee, Mom,
this new bed sure is soft.

Huh? Huh?
Oh, wow! What a dream!


Oh, help me!


Whoa, how'd I do that?

My lucky doughnut! It's glowing!

Yikes! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa! I can run faster than

My lucky doughnut
must be magic!

Ha-ha! I'm super-strong, too!

I wonder.


Wait till the guys see this!

Hey, guys, guess what.
I have super powers!

I can fly!

Good, Doofus, then either
go to sleep or go to Mars!

- No, really -
- Doofus, go to sleep!

But... hm.

Maybe it's better if nobody knows
I have super powers just yet.

I could win
every merit badge there is

if I keep it a secret.

I can't run too fast
or show them how strong I really am.

Better not fly right away, either.

Doofus, put out that light!

What's the matter, Doofus?

Aren't you even going to try for
your knot-tying merit badge?

Just waiting my turn,
fellow Woodchucks.

Hah, big man! Come on, fellow
Woodchump, show us your stuff.

I dare you.

Hey, what are you...? Huh?

Watch it! Hey!


Wow, I didn't know you could
tie knots like that, Doofus.

It's all in the wrists -
and thinking positively, of course.

Well, you got your knot-tying
merit badge, little buddy.

Wanna go for your
knot-untying merit badge?

I'm going to sew my merit badges

on this Junior Woodchuck
merit-badge sash.

There won't be enough
room for them all on my shirt!

That's thinking positive,
little buddy.


OK, hotshot, let's see you do it!

I guess you guys just don't know
how to think positive.

I'm really proud of you,
little buddy.

So am I, big buddy.

Gee, Doofus is gonna win every
merit badge there is.

Yeah, so why aren't we
happier for him?

'Cause something
weird is going on,

and I think it's Doofus.

We better keep an eye on him.

Thinking positive sure works,
fellow Woodchucks.

One more, and I become the all-time
Woodchuck merit-badge champion!

Uh, all right, Junior Woodchucks,
let's, uh, break for lunch.

Oh, boy! One of my three
favorite meals!

See, the crystal in that structure
is. Fire-devastator m*ssile.

All but crystal will be destroyed.

- Oops. Ha-ha. Backwards was.
- "Oops"? "Oops"?

Uh-huh? Ya-ha-ha!

What merit badge are we going for
next, Woodchuck leader?


We did that one already, big buddy.

Forest fire! It's heading
straight for Camp Woodchuck!

Gee, I could save Camp Woodchuck.

But if Launchpad finds out
I have super powers,

he might take away
all my merit badges.

I know what I need!
A disguise!

A superhero disguise!

Faster than a flying saucer!

Stronger than 100 gorillas!

Able to jump over
mountains on one foot!

It's Superdoo!

Everybody, line up for
a Woodchuck bucket brigade!

There's only one problem, Launchpad.

No buckets!

Hey! Who-who-who's that?

Lucky for you, it's Superdoo!


He's lifting
the water tower!

But not the water!

No danger too big,
no disaster too small

for the one,
the only Superdoo!

Gosh, a real superhero.

With a pot belly and glasses?

- He reminds me of Doofus.
- Say, where is Doofus?

Ah, he's probably
just off somewhere

practicing snide remarks.

Come on, let's find the little
merit-badge champion.


New plan, we need.


New plan, I have!

Huey, I know Doofus has been
acting strange lately,

but a superhero?

Well, then where is he?

Hello, fellow Woodchucks.
What's been going on?

Dinoblast charge set.

Good. Entire alien settlement
will be destroyed

by wave of crushing liquid.

Energy crystal soon will be ours.

And we will become most powerful
criminals in universe.

- How long before dinoblast?
- Ten phlarns.

Ten phlarns?

Maybe nine.

Boy, the basket-weaving merit badge
must be the hardest one there is.

I thought it was a little
too easy, actually.

Why, you overstuffed...

The dam!

It must have busted!
We got to warn the camp!

Looks like another job
for Superdoo!

Everybody get
to higher ground! Hurry!

Where's that superhero
when you need him?


And now to make good use of
my pottery merit badge know-how!

Ha-ha! It's stronger than it ever
was, thanks to... Superdoo!


Well, so much for Superdoo's
secret identity.

Uh, alien settlement is undamaged.

How about you?


But what difference does it make?

Woodchucks are supposed to earn
their merit badges

with practice and hard work.

With super powers, hard work is easy.

That lucky doughnut of yours sure has
changed you, Doofus.

No foolin'!

Ever since you became super,

you've been making fun of everybody!

Like you are better than the rest of
us or something.

I am!

Sure, Doofus.
Anything you say.

Aw, you guys are just jealous,
that's it!

You're jealous!

You liked me better when I was slow
and clumsy.

- You're right!
- Oh, who needs you guys?

A superhero can make
all the friends he wants.

Hi. You guys want
to be my friends?

After all, I saved your lives.

Aw, get lost, showoff!

Yeah, find somebody else
to make fun of.

There's nothing that says you
can't be a superhero

and a Junior Woodchuck. I guess
you're the new merit-badge champion.

Great! Who was the old
merit-badge champion, anyway?

I was.

Gee, sorry, big buddy,
but you know how it is.

I'm a superhero, and you...
well, you're just a hero.

But we can still be friends.
Wanna arm-wrestle?

- Huh? Uh, no, thanks, Doofus.
- Superdoo.

Ah, Superdoo.
I'd, uh, rather be alone.

Being a superhero isn't so super.

And making fun of others
wasn't as much fun

as I thought it would be, either.

I wish I'd never found
this stupid thing!


New plan, we need.
Use head, we must.

Well, that's the end of the short,
unhappy career of Superdoo.

- Feel anything?
- No.


- Hello, big buddy.
- Oh, uh, hi there, Superdoo.

Well, I've been thinking.

I didn't earn these merit badges,
the doughnut did.

I want to give them back.

You know, it takes more than super
power to make a decision like that.

I'm proud of you, little buddy.

Hello, fellow Woodchucks.

Doofus! Where's your magic doughnut?

Threw it away.

Gee, you mean you gave up
being Superdoo?

Yeah. I gave back
all my merit badges, too.

Gee, we're really glad to hear it,

But what if there's another disaster
or something?

Aw, how often does that happen?

Timber wolves!

- Doofus, run!
- What's he doing?

You did it, Doofus!

And you did it without your
magic doughnut, fellow Woodchuck.

The children
were never seen again,

and the lost mine was never found.

But on still nights like this,

people swear they've heard
the old ghost miner

walking these very woods,

rattling the pans
he used for panning gold.


Thought you might like me to pop you
some popcorn, fellow Woodchucks.

Well, looks like the old Doofus
is back for good.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Weird thing is, neither would he.