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01x32 - Micro Ducks from Outer Space

Posted: 03/26/24 16:33
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales

D- d-d-danger

Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Not pony tales orcotton tales,
no, DuckTales


I just love looking through
the business section.

My name's on every page.

"McDuck assets top two hundred bijillion. "

"McDuck stock reaches all-time high. "

"McDuck loses construction bid to
Flintheart Glomgold"... Aah!


Glomgold says he can complete
the new banking complex in six weeks.

That's impossible.
Even if I cut every corner,

I couldn't finish that project for years.

Perhaps that is why you didn't
get the job, sir.

I'm going to find out what
Glomgold's up to.

To begin construction of
the new Duckburg bank complex,

the Mayor will dig the first shovelful.

Hey! You, there.

You can't sell apples, here.

Oh, but, good sir. Each apple
only brings me two cents profit.

Profit? Hm, give me 50 percent
of your profits,

and toss in a free apple
and you can stay.

Very well, sir.

You're rotten to the core,
Flintheart Glomgold,

but so is that apple.

I say if others can
make you money, let 'em.

The Duckburg bank complex will house
the world's second largest money vault.

Now to introduce the building contractor
who won the bid for this project,

Mr. Flintheart Glomgold.

With pictures of the plans,
robbin' this bank complex will be a snap.

Thank you. Thank you.

Ahem, I got this job because I promised
to do it far faster and much cheaper

than Scrooge McDuck could do it.

A lot of people would like to know about
my little secret,

especially Scrooge McDuck.

Well, my little secret isn't so little.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today


Well, if it isn't yesterday's news.

Let me introduce the machines that will put
McDuck Construction out of business.

Hello there, Mr. McDuck.
How do you like my newest invention?

Tha-tha... that voice.

- It's me, Mr. McDuck.
- Gyro!

I thought I told you never to
build another robot.

You told me never to build another robot
for you, Mr. McDuck,

so I built these for Mr. Glomgold.

But, Gyro, the last robot you invented
almost took over the world.

Not to worry, Mr. McDuck,
I've made great improvements.

The last robot had a computer for a brain.
In this model, I'm the brain.

I'm not sure that's an improvement.

The improvement is that my robots
are going to make me a fortune.

- Gyro, start the foundation.
- Let's go, boys.

Hm, those robots give me an idea.

I tell you, Glomgold,
building these robots was a mistake.

Who are you trying to fool?
Passing up the chance to build them

was the mistake, and you made it.

You're going soft, Scrooge, old boy.

You've been on top so long,
you've become too careful,

afraid to take chances.

And, as they say:
"You snooze, you lose. "

Let me show you
our cement-pouring procedure.

I'm not going to stand still
for this, Glom...

Well, Scrooge, you'll have to
stand still for this.

Quick-drying cement.

Gyro, break the old stiff out of this,
will you?

Sure thing, Mr. Glomgold.

With these robots, I'll get all
the construction jobs you used to get.

Why, it'll be like taking candy from a baby.

Come to think of it, I haven't
done that in a while, either.

It... it's Launchpad!

- What is he doing here?
- Advertising.

He's going to circle my
construction site all day.

Whoa, whoa!

Say, Mr. Glomgold, are you payin'
me by the hour or by the circle?

Neither. You're fired.

Gee, Mr. McDee, even you
never fired me that fast.

Is it true?

Has being on top made me
too careful -

made me afraid to take chances?

Say, Mr. McDee, could you
give me a lift home?

Very well, Launchpad.

Only, don't ask to do the driving.

I'll wait until dark.
I'm a night person anyway.

Quitting time, men.

You need a Ph. D. In gizmos
just to get this thing goin'.

Bah! I'll just drive it
by the seat of my dress.

Aha! Nothing to it!

Yikes! The robot's running by itself...
and so am I!

- We gotta get outta here.
- Yeah!

- We gotta get outta here!
- Yeah.

We gotta get outta here
and into Scrooge's Money Bin.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

- I only got one question, Bankjob.
- Yeah?

- How we gonna get out of here?
- How should I... what?

Let's get outta here!

Don't be afraid, boys,
it's your loving mother.

Ma? It's Ma!

We got work to do!

You boys know what to do.

The contraption walked right through
the side of the building.

- Just like that! Whoa!
- Let's get out of here!

The long arm of the law is no match
for the big foot of the Ma.

Come on, kids, let's go paint the town.

- What color we gonna use?
- Any color we want.

Oh, boy. A "light" snack.

Quit clowning around, Burger.

What do you think this is, a cartoon show?

Come on, Ma, let's rip open
Scrooge's money bin. You promised.

All in good time, Babyface.

First, I want to do a little
window shopping.

You're surrounded, you can't escape.
Get your hands up.

Hey, what are we afraid of, boys?

Yeah, the bigger are, the smaller they are.

Come on, let's see who
can catch the most coppers.

- Good idea.
- Fire, men, Fire.

Ooh, that tickles.


Hokey cow!
The robots are out of control!

I've got to tell Mr. McDee.

I knew building those robots was a mistake.

I was right. Glomgold was wrong.

Heh-heh, guess you showed him,
eh, Mr. McDee?

If those robots get to my money bin,
I'll be ruined.

Oh, yeah. I guess he showed you.

Come on. We have to find out why
those robots went wild.

Come in, Gyro, do you read me?

Bah, I can never find that birdbrain
when I need him.

There they are, Mr. McDee.

Gee, rush hour traffic's gonna be
a mess tonight.

Land a few blocks away, Launchpad.
Maybe we can sneak up on them.

Will dee, Mr. McDoo.

Can't hear what they're saying.
We have to get closer without being seen.

This way, Mr. McDee.


Good thinking, Launchpad.

Come on, Ma, when are we gonna tear
apart Scrooge's money bin?

Soon as your mother finishes her
shopping, Babyface.

I should have guessed.
Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys.

I don't believe it.
It's Flintheart Glomgold.

Take that, you robot robber.

Yeow! Ouch!

Hey, nobody can kick our
mom around and get away with it!

Let's teach this punk a lesson, Bankjob.

I know, let's play a little hockey.


Babyface Beagle
crosses the double-yellow line.

He passes to Bankjob. To Burger.
Back to Bankjob.

It's a long pass to a wide-open Burger.

Slap sh*t! Score!

All right!

We're number one! We're number one!

Yeah. I was getting tired of
being treated like number two.

A fine mess this is, Glomgold.
What do you intend to do about it, eh?

Give up hockey.

Say, Mr. McDee, Gyro's last robot
blew its fuses when it got wet, remember?

Of course. All we have to do is find a way
to lure them into the Duckburg reservoir.

And we can do it with your helicopter.

Come on, Flintheart. I don't like it
any better than you do,

but just this once, we must work together.

All right, all right, Scrooge.
Let's get it over with.

Now timing is very important.

Ready? Now.

Na-na-na-na, na! Na-na-na-na, na!

- Huh?
- Hey!

Nobody makes fun of our Ma!

Come on now, let's get 'em!

Boys, wait! Come back!

Come here, you chickens.

- It's a trap!
- Help!


My boys! I gotta save 'em.

Ha-ha! What do you have to say
about that, Glomgold?

All I can say is... what's the name of
your insurance company, McDuck?

What? You expect me to pay
for those robots?

- I do.
- Will not.

- Will too.
- Will not.

Will too!

- Excuse me, Mr. McDee, it's Gyro.
- Hm. Better late than never.

Tell him we didn't need his help after all.

We still might.
He says these robots are waterproof.



You've made fools out of the Beagle
Boys for the last time, Scrooge McDuck.

- Yeah, we'll take over from here.
- Get 'em.

- We made it! Now what?
- We pick up Gyro.

He's the robot expert around here.

I hope you're satisfied, Gyro.

Your robots are destroying my money bin.

- That's good.
- Good?

Yes, the harder they work,
the more energy they use.

Eventually, they'll need to recharge
their batteries.

When they do, we'll be waiting for 'em.

Ha-ha! Time for the grand opening.

Gee, I must be losin' my touch.

Ow! We need some vault tenderizer.

Here's the problem.
Your batteries are running low.

Follow me, boys.

I've channeled all the power in
Duckburg into those switches.

Hopefully it will be enough to overload
the robots and...

Poof! Blow their fuses.

Well, we better get "poofing,"
'cause here they come!

A little "juice" will
pick you boys right up.

We must wait until all four of them
are recharging.

- Mm, I feel stronger, already.
- Here, Burger, I'm full.

Thanks, Ma.

We can't wait any longer.

I can't let go!


Boys! My darling boys! Are you all right?

We're OK, Ma.

But we might glow in the dark for a while.

You boys will have to ride with me.

- We only got three of them.
- Let's get outta here.

- Scrooge, again.
- Get 'em, Ma!

How long before that robot
runs out of gas, again?

Not for 24 hours.

Too bad, 'cause we're gonna
run out of gas in about 24 seconds...

...give or take half a minute.

Launchpad, can you make it to
Flintheart's construction headquarters?

We'll find out soon, Mr. McDee.

- Look, the loading bay doors aren't open.
- That's no problem.

Heh-heh, you do have a certain style,

- There they are.
- The party's over, Scrooge McDuck.

Now, Flintheart.

- What is that stuff, Ma?
- Quick-drying cement. Ugh!

I can't move.

We got them, Flintheart, we got them!

- It's every Beagle for himself!
- No, boys, wait!

Hey, I thought this was
quick-drying cement.


Was that quick enough for you?

Sorry, boys, gotta run.

Promised to visit your Uncle Bobo
in South America. Bye!

With Ma, family always comes first.

Family? What are we?

You! You're under arrest.

Well, Flintheart, working together
wasn't so bad, was it?

Lucky for you, my robots weren't damaged.

Uh, sorry, Mr. Glomgold,

but the mayor ordered me to have your
robots dismantled, permanently.


Here's the bill for the damages
your robots did to the city.

I have to rebuild half the city
and I can't use my robots.

McDuck Construction Company will be
glad to do it for you.

- How much will that cost?
- How much ya got?

Scrooge McDuck, you're a low-down,
ruthless rat.

What can I say, Flintheart?
You bring out the best in me.