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01x56 - Duck in the Iron Mask

Posted: 03/26/24 16:53
by bunniefuu
- Life is like a hurricane

- Here in Duckburg

- Race cars, lasers, airplanes

- it's a duck-blur

- Might solve a mystery

- Or rewrite history

- DuckTales

- Every day they're out there making

- DuckTales

- Tales of derring-do
Bad and good luck tales

- D-d-d-danger

- Watch behind you

- There's a stranger out to find you

- What to do?
Just grab on to some

- DuckTales

- Every day they're out there making

- DuckTales

- Tales of derring-do
Bad and good luck tales

- Ooh-woo-ooh
Not pony tales or cotton tales, no

- DuckTales

Tying runs are on base,

but the Junior Woodchucks
are down to their final out.

At bat for the Junior Woodchucks,
Huey Duck.

Huey? I'm not Huey.

Strike one!

- He's not Huey!
- Louie! Louie! Louie!

No, no, no, I'm Dewey! Dewey! Dewey!

The one in blue-y, blue-y, bl...!

Strike two!

Time out, ump.

- Something's wrong with Dewey.
- Oh, no!

Which one is Dewey?

What's wrong with you?

I'm sick of people
getting us mixed up all the time.

- Aw, Don't let it bother you, Huey.
- I'm Huey!

I know. I couldn't resist.

- Listen Dewey, we're a team.
- I know, I know.

We can still win this game,
so snap out of it.


- Say, I hear Becky Waddle likes you.
- Really?

Yeah, I heard her talking
about you in school.

No kiddin'!
What'd she say? What'd she say?

Well, for one thing,
she thinks you're much cuter than Dewey.

But I am Dewey!

Strike three!

It just isn't fair.

Three strikes and you're out is pretty
much a standard rule of baseball, Dewey.

You know what I mean. It isn't fair
we have to look exactly alike.

We can't help it.
The three of us are twins.

Oh, well.

At least Uncle Scrooge
can tell us apart.

Look closely, Launchpad.

The place is so tiny,
it doesn't even appear on most maps.

I see what you mean, Mr. McD. Or
should I say I can't see what you mean.

Hi, Uncle Scrooge.

Ah, boys.


Lost the game, did you?

It shows, huh?

Plain as the beak
on your face, Dewey, lad.

But cheer up.
We're all going to Montedumas.

- Montedumas?
- Where's that?

Good question.

It's a tiny mountain kingdom
ruled by my friend, Count Roy.

What a pair we made in the old days.

Two swashbucklers
with nary a worry in the world.

He taught me how to handle a sword.

Our fencing matches sometimes
went on for hours.

i was good,
but Count Roy was a wee bit better.

Touche, Scrooge.

Excellent match as usual.

You've won this one, Roy, my boy.

We even had our own special way
of congratulating each other.

Ah yes, we were the best of friends.

And Count Roy was the best
of young rulers too.

Kind, just and loved by his people.

I can't wait to see him again
and his charming little kingdom.

And his great big treasury,
just sitting there gathering dust,

when it should be invested
in McDuck Industries, of course.

Of course.

What's keeping Dewey?

Here he comes.

- That's not Dewey.
- Sure it is.

No, it isn't. Is it?

Wow, it really is!

Hello. What do you think?

Speechless, huh?

Nobody will ever mistake me
for one of you guys.

Thank goodness.

We're almost there, Launchpad.
But be careful.

Montedumas is so small,
you might miss it.

Don't worry, Mr McD.
If I miss it, it won't be by much.

What's he got against
looking like us, anyhow?

How would I know?

Curse me kilts! What's wrong?

Fuel line's clogged.

We're losing altitude!

- Do something!
- I am doing something. I'm crashing!

Life preserve us! What is that?

A horrible flying dragon!

Everybody, run for your lives!

We can land right on
the street. It's completely clear.

Except for that wagon full of chickens.

Which one of you scoundrels
is the driver of this contraption?


My airplane is not a...

- This is for you.
- What? A ticket?

"Disturbing the peace,
operating an illegal contraption,

crashing in a no-crashing zone,

And another 500 for squawking
in a no-squawking zone.

I demand to see Count Roy, immediately!

Count Roy?
Why should he see you?

Because, you blackguard,
I happen to be a close, personal friend

of the count of Montedumas.

Roy, me boy! So good to see you again.

Captain Pietro,
get this lunatic away from me.

Roy, it's me, your old friend Scrooge.
Don't you remember me?

Uh... uh... yes...
but I don't like you anymore.

Captain Pietro, what are these strangely
dressed criminals charged with?

- Criminals?
- Just about everything, sire.

Including being cheap
in a no-cheapskate zone.

And now that you mention it, sire,

dressing weird
in a no-dressing-weird zone.

Here's what I think
of your so-called charges.

- Will you take a check?
- All right, Captain Pietro.

Lock these two knaves in the tower.

Knaves? Knaves? Hey,
you can call us idiots or fools,

- but I draw the line at "knaves. "
- All right.

Lock these idiotic fools
in the tower.

That's better.

- And the little rug rats, sire?
- I can't put children in prison.

Think of my image.

Put them in the uninvited guestroom.

Captain Pietro said to keep
a close eye on you three look-alikes.

So no funny business, now!


That must be the prison tower.

And that's where they've taken
Launchpad and Uncle Scrooge.


You'll hear from my lawyers
when I get out of here.

Ha! Just be happy you didn't end
up like the Duck in the Iron Mask.

He's the most horrible creature
in the kingdom.

That's him now.

Compared to him,
you two are on a vacation!

I don't like the sound of that,
Mr. McD.

Montedumas has become a horrible place.

When did my good old friend
become such a bad old friend?

- What's that?
- The wall.

- It's closing in on us.
- Nonsense. Only one block is moving.

Someone's pushing it through
from the next cell.

- Bless me bagpipes, it's...
- Don't tell me, Mr. McD. Let me guess.

The Duck in the Iron Mask!

You can't scare me with that metal mask
and that infernal wailing.

- Me either.
- Stay back.

Scrooge? Yes, it is you.

- Don't you recognize me?
- Well, I don't know.

Have you always worn that mask?

- I'm Count Roy.
- Nonsense. He just threw us in here.

That was my evil twin brother, Ray.

Ha! A likely story.

If you really are Count Roy,

then you'll know how we finished
our fencing matches in the old days.

Roy, it is you!

Careful with that iron beak, laddie.

How did you come to wear
that terrible thing?

It was my own brother
that locked me in this evil device.

- Sure is horrible looking.
- You ought to see it from this side.

Why did you never tell me
about this twin brother of yours?

Because I thought it was my fault
he was lost as a child.

We were playing hide and seek.

He hid, but i never found him.

It seems he had fallen in the river
and was swept out of the kingdom.

He grew up in France.

That would explain the French

Ray returned a few years ago
under cover of darkness.

He wasn't alone. He'd bought the
services of notorious Captain Pietro.

Aye, we met.
And the pleasure wasn't mine.

To make sure no one found out
he'd taken my place,

Ray put me in prison and locked my face
behind this ghastly mask.

The only key hangs around
the neck of my brother.

- He ever come to visit?
- Quiet, Launchpad.

And thus did Montedumas
become a terrible place to live.

Especially for me.

- Now, now, don't hang your head.
- I can't help it. This thing is heavy.

- Have they been fed?
- No, Captain Pietro.


Hey, let us out of here,
you big bully!

Oh, I will,

as soon as you're old enough
to be put in a proper prison.

We gotta get out of here!

Come on, Dewey, you're the best
at coming up with escape plans.

- Got any ideas?
- As a matter of fact, I do.

- First, I gotta get rid of this outfit.
- Good idea!

You guys gotta
take off your hats too.

There, now we really look alike.

OK, now.

Hurry, you guys!

What if the guard notices
we're all wearing blue shirts, Dewey?

He's been on duty all night.
He won't care what we're wearing,

as long as there's three of us.
Now get going!

Here goes.


I don't know how Santa Claus does it.


It's Captain Pietro!
Quick, hide!

Collecting taxes is kind of fun.
I don't even mind the night shift.

They're gone. We're safe.

I'm never gonna feel safe
until we're out of this place.

Hey, let go!

Hey, watch it!

Hey, nobody's
putting up a fight but us.

They're costumes on dummies,
and we're the dummies.

Your mind can play
funny tricks on you.

I don't think it's very funny,
no matter what my mind thinks.

Hey, this is just what we need.

We can get to the prison tower easier
if we're disguised as Montedumians.

I don't know.
They look a little big for us.


More taxes.
You already collected this week.

New tax reform.
Now we collect two times a week.

It's twice the bother for us too.

Count Roy is getting
more greedy every day.

Not every day. Just twice a week!

Look, woodcutter, pay your taxes,

or you'll be locked in the tower
with the Duck in the Iron Mask.

I'll pay. I'll pay. But the people
can't stand much more of this.

Duck in the Iron Mask.
Who would wear an iron mask?

Someone who needed a disguise
even more than we did.

All clear. Let's find Uncle Scrooge.

If we could get out and get
that key from your brother's neck,

- we could...
- Psst. Uncle Scrooge?

Louie. Huey! Where's Dewey?

Still locked in the castle.

What do we do, Uncle Scrooge? Without
Dewey, we can't come up with a plan.

Well, see if you boys can find
something soft we can land in,

and we'll see about removing
these window bars.

- How're we gonna do that, Mr. McD?
- The cement is old.

- We can chip it away.
- But we need tools...

Use your iron beak, Roy, my boy.
You know, like a woodpecker.

Hey, yes. It might work.

- That's using your head.
- See? It's going to work.

Yes, but it's also going
to give me a terrible headache.

Whoa, old girl. Whoa!

- Uncle Scrooge?
- Hold it right there, boys.

Easier than diving into my money bin.

Really? You gotta let me
try that sometime, Mr. McD.

- No.
- Right.

Jump, Roy. You can do it.
Just like in the old days.


Make for the castle, boys.


Oh, no! The Duck in the Iron Mask!

- Is Dewey in there?
- Oh, is he ever.

Sire, awake!


The outsiders, sire.

And my idiot brother.

Give up, knaves. You haven't
a chance against the greatest swordsmen

in the world.

He's right, Mr. McD, especially
since we don't have any swords.

Uncle Scrooge! Count Roy!

- Catch!
- Catch!

- Catch!
- We have swords now, Launchpad.

It would help if I knew how to use one.

- All for one...
... and one for all!

And four against three!

En garde!

Ooh! Ah! Hey! Watch it!

Ooh! Whoa!

- You're very good, my friend.
- I learned from the best.

- And who might the best be?
- Why, the Duck in the Iron Mask. Ha ha!

Take this, knave!

Huh? Whoa!

I yield, brother. I yield.

Easy now. Watch it. Hey! Careful.

Whoa! Yow!

- Look out!
- Now!

Thanks for shedding a little light
on the subjects.

Our pleasure, Launchpad.

At last,
free of this horrible iron mask.

- Must be a load off your mind.
- Hooray for the Count of Montedumas!


And never again return to Montedumas,
evil brother,

or I will see that you become
the Duck in the Iron Pants.

That glorious sound.
It's making me homesick.

Have heart, Scrooge. I have filled
your flying contraption with treasure

to be invested at a nice profit, I hope,
in McDuck Industries.

Couldn't have done it
without your escape plan, Dewey.

Aw, thanks.
Hey, these costumes are great.

Yeah, we're just like
the Three Musketeers.

All for one, and one for all!

You said it, Dewey.

Dewey, you're one of a kind.

Aw, so are you two.