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01x63 - All Ducks On Deck

Posted: 03/26/24 16:59
by bunniefuu
- Life is like a hurricane

- Here in Duckburg

- Race cars, lasers, airplanes

- it's a duck-blur

- Might solve a mystery

- Or rewrite history

- DuckTales

- Every day they're out there making

- DuckTales

- Tales of derring-do
Bad and good luck tales

- D-d-d-danger

- Watch behind you

- There's a stranger out to find you

- What to do?
Just grab on to some

- DuckTales

- Every day they're out there making

- DuckTales

- Tales of derring-do
Bad and good luck tales

- Ooh-woo-ooh
Not pony tales or cotton tales, no

- DuckTales
Ooh-woo-ooh -

Our steering is damaged,
our radar is out.

And the storm is carrying us
into Pinball Reef.

Oh, where is Seaman Donald Duck
when we need him?

- Wrestling the giant octopus, sir.
- Giant octopus?

Come on!

Wait a minute, break it up.



We're in Pinball Reef.

Tilt! I mean, abandon ship!

You can't steer it like that,
Admiral Grimitz.

I'll take over from here.

Seaman Donald Duck, for gallantry
above and beyond the call of duty,

I award you the distinguished
purple silver service heart star...

...with peanut cluster.

Then Admiral Grimitz said,
"I salute you, Seaman Duck. "

And I saluted him right back.

Quackaroonie, you're a hero!

We sure are proud of you, Uncle Donald.

Yeah! We sure are.

You're not the only ones.

Why, just the other day
Admiral Grimitz turned to me and said...

get your big feet off my desk!

Uncle Donald was just using your desk
as an aircraft carrier, Uncle Scrooge.

Nah, an aircraft carrier
is much bigger.

Even I couldn't land a plane
on a flight deck this small.

Well, maybe a real little plane.


Come along, Donald.
You're late already.

- Can we go too, Uncle Scrooge?
- Not this time, lads.

Launchpad and I have some
important business to take care of

after we drop off your Uncle Donald.

See you around Christmas, boys.

- Goodbye, Uncle Donald.
- Goodbye, boys.

Aww... Guess we won't get to see
Uncle Donald's medals till Christmas.

Uh-oh! He's gonna have to come back
before then. He forgot his duffel bag.

Wait a minute.

I forgot my duffel bag!

He'd forget his brain,
if it wasn't in his duffel bag.

I've been thinking
about getting one myself.

A duffel bag, not a brain.

Of course, Launchpad. Why get
something you'd never use?

Boy, is this heavy.

Mrs. Beakley baked you
one of her fruitcakes, didn't she?

Hope we can get off the ground
with that kind of weight aboard.

All present and accounted for,
Admiral Grimitz.

Except for, would you care
to take a guess, sir?


Aye, sir. Seaman Donald Duck
is late... as usual.

We just received special orders.

We have to put to sea immediately.

Admiral Grimitz,
unidentified aircraft approaching.

One of ours or one of theirs?

- One of theirs.
- Civilians.

It's a lot bigger
than your desk, Mr. McD.

I can set us down with my eyes closed.


Nothing wrong with
a little double parking.

Phantom Blot calling Agent X.

Our Cat Island headquarters is secure.

The villagers are cooperating fully.

After all, if one expects
to take over the world,

one must know how to handle people.

Proceed with Operation Aardvark
as planned, Agent X.

I know Operation Aardvark
is a silly name for it.

We're going alphabetically.

Besides, if I were you,

I wouldn't make fun
of silly names, Agent X.

Just do as you're told.
And remember, I am the Phantom Blot.

I make Darth Vader look about as scary

as a hood ornament of a '53 Buick.

Compared to me, Dr. Doom is a wimp!

And Captain Hook is about as dangerous
as a plastic coat hangar!

I'm mean, I'm mean!

Know what I mean?
Have a nice day.

Goodbye, Donald, my boy.

Sorry we landed
on your airplane, Admiral Grimitz.

So am I.

Goodbye, Uncle Scrooge. Goodbye!

- Civilians.
- Yeah.

I used to be one.

Well, you're in the Navy now, mister.

Ensign Plover, what assignments
do we have for late arrivals?

Well, let's see.
There's swabbing the deck,

peeling potatoes, laundry detail.

We could keep him busy
till his hitch is up.

Well, then get him started, Plover.

With pleasure, sir.

Seaman Duck, march!
Hup, two, three, four...

Golly, either Admiral Grimitz
doesn't like heroes or...

Or Uncle Donald isn't one.

Uncle Donald must've
made up all those stories.

Guess he just wanted us
to be proud of him.

Well, I'm still proud of him.

I just wish he'd quit
forgetting his duffel bag.

What a sunset. Have to get
up early in the morning to find better.

Cat Island should be coming up
on your left, Launchpad.

Cat Island?

Where'd they come up
with a name like that?

- Uh... Never mind.
- I own that fishing fleet,

but we haven't been able
to contact the island for weeks.

I have a funny feeling
something weird has happened here.

Who does he think he is,
making me do all the work around here.

I did not go back in the Navy
to swab the deck.

I can sign aboard a ship
with a much smaller deck.

This is great.

All we wanted to do
was see Uncle Donald's medals,

and now we're probably
going to a w*r or something.

How were we supposed to know
his ship was gonna leave early?

Poor Uncle Donald,
he probably doesn't have a single medal.

He could be a hero, easy.
He probably just never got the chance.

Say, that's not a bad idea.
We'll use our secret w*apon.

The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook.

Fishermen wouldn't just go off
and leave their boats.

I have a funny feeling your
funny feeling was right, Mr. McD.

Something weird is going on here.

What in blazes...

A net!
And I don't mean Funicello!

Yes. Something weird is going on here.

And that something weird is me!

I'm mean!

Now hear this, now hear this!

Admiral Grimitz has an announcement.

Men, we've been ordered
to take part in a top-secret mission.

Oh, boy!

A new experimental jet is going to try
its first carrier landing.

We're the carrier it's landing on.

There are bad guys who'd like
to get a hold of that plane,

so i want the whole ship
to act like we don't know a thing.

m*ssile exercises and lifeboat drills
are the order of the day.

That is all for now.

This is our chance
to help Uncle Donald win some medals.

First thing we gotta do
is find another place to hide.

Especially during lifeboat drills.

Very well, Agent X.

All we can do now is wait.

One must be patient
if one wants to take over the world.

Soon, the world will tremble
at the mere sight of...

No! The mere mention of... No, no, no!

The mere thought of... the Phantom Blot.

- Who does he think he is?
- The Phantom Blot.

And who is this mysterious Agent X?

Now that's a tough one, Mr. McD.

This will be perfect.
It has everything we need.

Electronics, computer parts, batteries.

This airplane wing tip
is just about the right shape.

Now all we need is something
to use as propellers and some string.

We're gonna give the admiral
the lifeboat drill of his life.

Gently, men, gently.

Sometimes the
Junior Woodchuck Guidebook

even amazes a Junior Woodchuck.

Let's just hope it
never falls into the wrong hands.

Operation Uncle Hero is underway!

Well done, men.
Let's get back up on deck.

Aye-aye, sir!

Not without me, Ensign Plover!

Shark, uh, sir!

Shark? Shark!

Come on, Uncle Donald. Show the admiral
what kind of hero you are.

Don't worry, admiral. I'll save us.

Oh, no! He's knocked out
the remote control.

Our fish got away.

Here it comes again!

- Yow!
- Ow.

Don't worry, fellas. Uncle Donald will
do much better during m*ssile exercises.

Launch target drone!

I just love making things go "kablooey. "

It's in your blood, sir.

I'm sure our Junior Woodchuck
homing device

will work better
than our remote control shark.

It'd be impossible not to.

Shh. Someone's coming.

Plover, this baby looks ready to fly.
At least until it goes kablooey.

Ha, ha.

Uncle Donald's m*ssile will seek out
that homing device no matter what.

Hey, what's this little radio
doing here?

That deck crew listening to
rock and roll on duty again, no doubt?

Put them on report.

- Yes, sir!
- Now, who's up next?

Seaman Donald Duck, sir.

Well, at least he'll be sh**ting at this
target drone instead of me.

Launch target drone!

Intercept this at 15 degrees to port.

Nineteen degrees to starboard.

What did he say?

Launch 32, elevation 65,
distance 2,000 yards.

What did he say?
What did he say?

m*ssile locked on target.


- Did he say "fire?"
- That's the only word I understood.

Once I push this button, that m*ssile's
gonna head for our homing device.

This will really get
the admiral's attention.

Are you all right?

Ensign Plover, I love it
when things go kablooey,

but not when it's me!

Well, how did I do? Uh-oh.

The only thing worse
than swabbing decks

is peeling potatoes
and swabbing decks.

Aww... We're really sorry, Uncle Donald.

Yeah, it was all our fault.

That's OK, boys.
You didn't... Aah!

Experimental aircraft
continuing landing approach.

Three thousand yards and closing.

You should be able
to see it by now, admiral.

Not this aircraft, Ensign Plover.

You see, it's invisible.

You aren't serious, sir?

Look for yourself, Plover.
You won't see a thing.

The pilot's flight suit
makes him invisible, too.

Think I'll get one for my wife.

Well done, mister.

Ensign Plover will show you
to your quarters.

Thanks for helping out
with the potatoes, boys.

It was the least we could do after
messing up your m*ssile practice.

- And your lifeboat drill.
- Not to mention your life.

Well, it was my fault, too.

If I hadn't told you
all those tall stories,

you wouldn't have tried
to make them come true.

Ohh... Now I'd better
take you to Admiral Grimitz.

I'd rather peel
another pile of potatoes.

Agent X calling Phantom Blot.

Operation Aardvark is underway.

What am I gonna do with you,
Seaman Duck?

How about giving him a medal?

Only kidding!

Nothing busts my rudder
more than stowaways!

Someone's stealing the jet!

Except maybe that.

It was Ensign Plover.

He bumped me on the head
and took my flight suit.

Agent X to Phantom Blot.
Operation Aardvark may be a silly name,

but it's a complete success!

This Blot guy is serious.

Aye. It's that third lever
I'm interested in.

That's the one that opens this cell.

Sir! We've lost the invisible jet!

Why, it's a disaster!

At least it wasn't our fault
for a change.

Well done, Agent X.

Now we can build our air force
of invisible jets!

I will rule the world with an
iron hand that shows no mercy!

I'm still gonna be a general, right?

What?! Oh, of course.

A promise is a promise.

Ensign Plover! Why, that traitor.

Quick, empty your pockets. Maybe there's
something we can use to escape.

Let's see. I have a bubblegum card,
a broken rubber band,

my lucky marble, this wing nut!

It's a souvenir from my favorite crash.

In fact, it was about all that was left.

I have some sinkers, Mr. McDuck.

And here's a bit of fishing line.

Good! Give them to me.

Call me sentimental,

but taking over the world
is a dream come true.

Nice cast, Mr. McDuck.


Stop! Stop or I'll blow us all sky high!

Wait! He's desperate enough
to do anything.

So am I.

It's nice to be fishing again.

Aye. And these fish
deserve to be caught.

Hurry up. We have to find
Donald's aircraft carrier before dark.

This should close the canopy, I think.

And this button...

...starts the engine.

Say, this is some fancy jet.

Wonder what this button does.

Launchpad, press that button again!

I can't, it's invisible!

Look, dear, that must be
one of those "no frills" airlines.

Scrooge McDuck
calling Admiral Grimitz.

We have your stolen plane,
but we're running out of fuel.

Light up your flight deck for us.

It's Uncle Scrooge!

Order the landing lights on, full power.

Aye-aye, sir!

It's the m*ssile damage, sir.

Your m*ssile damage, Seaman Duck!
They can't see to land.

They're gonna crash into the sea.

Oh, no!

Wait a minute! I have an idea.
The flare g*ns on the lifeboats.

- What did he say?
- What did he say?

Aw, forget it.
Follow me, boys.

- There it is!
- Hang on, Mr. McD.

I'm going in!

This time I'm the one
who is going to close his eyes.

I can't find the brakes!

We did it, admiral! We did it!

Well, what do you want? A medal?

- Yeah!
- Don't worry, Uncle Donald.

We made you a medal.

Out of electronic parts
from the supply room.

Not only does it look great,
it gets 15 TV channels.

Aww, you're the best nephews
I could ever have.

Uh, open up the canopy,
will you, Launchpad?

You got it, Mr. McD.

- Invisible ejection seats.
- Ohh...