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02x01 - Marking Time

Posted: 03/26/24 17:54
by bunniefuu
- Life is like a hurricane

- Here in Duckburg

- Racecars, lasers, airplanes

- it's a duck-blur

- Might solve a mystery

- Or rewrite history

- DuckTales

- Every day they're out there making

- DuckTales

- Tales of derring-do
Bad and good luck tales

- D-d-d-danger

- Watch behind you

- There's a stranger out to find you

- What to do?
Just grab onto some

- DuckTales

- Every day they're out there making

- DuckTales

- Tales of derring-do
Bad and good luck tales

- Ooh-woo-ooh
Not pony tales or cotton tales, no

- DuckTales
Ooh-woo-ooh -

[narrator] Last time on DuckTales:

[Narrator] Last time on DuckTales:

Scrooge accidentally brought Bubba,
the cave-duck, back to the present.

- Hello.
- [Gasps]

Soon Scrooge was convinced
that Bubba was bad luck.

Oh, bye-bye.

Help! Save me, hide me!
Don't let him near me!

Even Scrooge's conscience
was embarrassed by his behavior.

The minute you stop blaming the boy,
your troubles will be over.

But Scrooge's troubles
were just beginning...

- Help Bubba?
- Certainly!

Silly old me.
Afraid I was gonna lose my money-bin.

- Imagine that.
- Yeah, imagine that!


[Big Time] Go!

[Burger] And, you guys,
have a nice trip.

[Both screaming]

Hey, don't worry, Scrooge.
We'll take good care of your cash!

I cannot believe it!
The Beagle Boys in my money-bin!

It's a disaster!
It's a catastrophe! It's... It's...

Oh, and thanks for letting us in, Bubba!

It's you!

- Bubba trubba?
- You Neanderthal nitwit!

You've been nothing but trouble
since the moment I laid eyes on you!

You've ruined me, ruined me!

Get out of my sight! Go! Scat!


I swear, I'll get those Beagle Boys
out of my money-bin

if it takes my last dime!

Which, unfortunately, they've got.

Brothers, we have waited our entire
lives for this auspicious occasion.

So it's only fitting that we conduct
ourselves in the proper manner.



Surfs up!

Hey! Anybody got an extra pocket?



And one for me!

[Laughing] And one for you!

[Burger] Thank you.

Well, dear brothers.
We've finally hit the jackpot!

You said it, Big Time. This is the life.

Yeah! No more jewelry heists.

No more bank jobs. And no more
working for Flintheart Glomgold.

Hey! What say we
give him a call and rub it in?

[Flintheart] Blast your luck, McDuck!

I'll get that diamond mine back,

once and for all,
and cut you off without a cent!


- Big Time!
- Hiya, Flinty, baby.

Don't baby me, you booby!

Have you kidnapped that cave-duck yet?

Nah, we isn't gonna do that now.

Then ya isn't gonna get paid.

Ah, keep your cash, we don't need it!

- Don't need it?
- That's right!

Because we are inside...
Scrooge's money-bin!


Is that so?

Yup! Bing! The kid lets us in.

Bang! We give Scrooge the boot.

And, boom! We're in the money!

This fits into my plan perfectly.

Uh, sorry, we've got our own plan.

And what, pray tell, is that?

Simplicity itself.
We take all the moolah and split.

Split? With 6,000 tons of cash?

How are you going to carry it out?

In your wallet?

Uh, we didn't really think, uh...

Exactly... You didn't think!

By now, Scrooge has
every lawman in the state

surrounding the place.

- We're trapped!
- Yikes!

Help us out of this, Mr. G!
We'll do anything you say.

Good. Then just stay put.

Scrooge owes me
ten million bucks tomorrow.

And he can't pay me
if you're holed up in his bin.

But he's got an army out there!

So? You control
Scrooge's security system.

Hey, that's right! This is gonna be fun!

[Chuckles] I've got to see this
for myself.

Men. I want you to go and smash through

the finest security system
money can buy!

But try not to break anything.

- Oh, hello, Scrooge.
- Why are you here?

What happened?
Did you lose your key?

Has anyone ever told you
you're a despicable, conniving vulture?

[Chuckles] Now you'll make me blush.

But time's a wasting.
Because at noon tomorrow

you have to fork over
ten million smackers,

or you can kiss
your diamond mine goodbye!

[Groans] You! You!

- Charge!
- [Clamoring]

My only hope is that the Beagle Boys

are not smart enough
to operate the defense system.


So much for my only hope.

Nice try, Scroogie! Real slick.

OK. Blue Squad, go!

Uh-oh! More drop-ins!

- [Whistling drop]
- [Screams]

Blast open that door!

Yes, sir!

Great! No more Mr. Nice Duck!

This calls for extreme measures.


All right, lads. If anybody
can get those crooks, you can!



There's got to be a way
to stop those Beagle Boys, Mr. McDuck.

But darned if I know what it is.

- Retreat!
- [Groans] Looks like I'm on my own.

Own? That's it.
I own half the banks in Duckburg.

I'll get the cash
I owe Glomgold from one of them.

Good thinking, McDuck!

Ha ha! But, as usual,
I'm one step ahead of you.

Big Time? Glomgold again.
I've got another idea.

Oh, my goodness, are you sure
it's Scrooge McDuck?

Well, he's calling
on the direct line from the money-bin.

Eh... Hello. Is that you, Mr. McDuck?

[Imitates Scrooge] Aye! You bet your
bagpipes. I've got a bonnie emergency!

Bless me kilts.

Someone's going around town
impersonating me.

- [Man] No!
- Aye!

That's why I'm giving all my banks
and businesses a special password.

If you see someone who looks like me,
you say, "i've got fish in me pockets."

If he shakes your hand, it's me.

If he doesn't, ah,
throw the bum in jail!

Fish, pockets... Got it!

There's a laddie!

What's the next bank on the list?

Nobody like Bubba. [sniffles, sobs]

Except for Tootsie.

[Kids yelling and laughing]

Ooh! We make new friends!

Hi. Would you spin us?

- Spin?
- Yeah, spin.

Oh! Spin!

Hmm. Friends go bye-bye.

Hey, dude. Fetch!

Wow! Way to go.

Oh, fun!

Tootsie, fetch!

Oh, way to go.

Who do they think they are?
Thinking I'm not me.

Boys, I need your help!

- Golly, Uncle Scrooge.
- What happened to you?

I've just been thrown out
of three of my own banks!

But... But why?

I don't know! Something to do
with fish in their pockets.

All I know is,
I need ten million dollars immediately.

You boys look down here
for loose change, I'll check upstairs.


[Notes playing]

That's all we could find, Uncle Scrooge.

[Groans] We're still
eight million short.

Looks like
I'll have to try another bank.


Where's the manager?

Yes? Oh, it's you, Mr. McDuck.

- I got your call.
- What call?

You know... ahem...

I have fish in my pockets. [chuckles]

I don't care if you've got
bats in your belfry!

I'm tired of this runaround!
This is my bank!

I want ten million dollars,
and I want it right now!


It's the imposter! Call the police!

The police? Fine, call the police.

And then we'll see who's in charge here!

[Siren blaring]


- [Door opens]
- Get in there, you imposter!

I'm Scrooge McDuck, I tell you!

[Man] Right, and I'm Quacky Onassis!

Ach! This is all Bubba's fault!

[Conscience] Don't start that again.

That's you! You lied to me,
you fictitious flack-doodle!

Hold on! Wait! Desist!

- You said I was going to be OK!
- But you are!

No. I'm jinxed.
A victim of destiny!

I gambled with time and lost.


Oh, grow up.
Everybody has problems.

Not like mine!

I need ten million bucks,
I'm stuck in jail

and nobody believes I'm Scrooge McDuck!

Maybe you're not.
You don't act like him.

What do you mean?

The Scrooge McDuck I know
doesn't blame his mistakes on luck,

or destiny or a certain little boy.

- I'm ashamed to be your conscience.
- Wait. Give me another chance!

Tell me what to do.

Take control of your life.
You need money? Find it!

You always have before.

But I'm locked-out of all my businesses!

All of them, except for...

Except for... my diamond mine!

There's nobody there to throw me out.

- Bingo!
- You're a lifesaver. Thank you!

Don't mention it!

Now, all I've got to do is figure
a way out of this Beagle Boy bunkhouse.

Bubba. I cannot think
with Tootsie bellowing like that!

- [Bubba] Sorry, Scooge.
- It's all right.

- Bubba?
- Scooge?

- What are you doing here, son?
- Scooge yell at Bubba.

Bubba leave.
No home, no friends.

[Sniffles] Scooge hate Bubba.

No, Bubba. I was just angry
because I lost all my money, my shinies.

Bubba find shiny, give to Scooge.

Great Scott! Nobody's ever
given me all their money before.

Thank you, Bubba.

If it's the last thing I do, I'm going
to see you get back home safely.


Now how in the Dow Jones
am I going to get out of here?

Scooge want out?


Rock and roll!

[Engines revving]

Bubba? I've got to find a phone.

- Phone?
- Ring, ring. Hello?


Never mind, just turn here.

I could have sworn they ducked in here.
They must be further down the street.

Let's go!

Fooled them. All right, Bubba.
Stay here while I call.

[Bubba] Ooka.

- [Flintheart] A-ha!
- Aaah!

Looks like I snared the jailbird.

Hello, police? This is
a concerned citizen with a hot tip.

- Tootsie, Scooge in trouble!
- That's right, officer.

I've got Scrooge McDuck...
er, I mean his imposter,

trapped at Yuri's Market.
See you soon.

Concerned citizen, my foot!

I'll bet diamonds to donuts you're
behind all this imposter business.

[Chuckles] Right!
You'll win the donut,

but with you back in jail,
I win the diamond mine.

[Tarzan yell]

Bless his primitive little heart.

Don't let him get away!

- Go, Scooge!
- Thank you...

Get that Neander-platt!

Missed it by that much.

Ooga-nooga nooga!

I'll get you, laddie.
And your little dinosaur, too!

[Huey] We got to figure out a way
to get Uncle Scrooge out of jail.

Yeah. Then, maybe,
we can track down Bubba.

- [Phone ringing]
- I'll get it!

- Hello?
- Hello?

- Hello?
- Louie? Is that you?

- No.
- No.

- Yeah!
- Make up your mind, laddie!

- Where are you?
- [Trash cans crashing]

You wouldn't believe me if I told you!
I haven't much time, so listen up.

- OK.
- OK.


- Tell Launchpad to get the plane ready.
- Roger!

[Siren blaring]

My phone! You're gonna
pay for this call, Scrooge!

One more thing.
Have Gyro bring his time machine over.

I'll be there in just a few minutes.

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

Yes, sir!

Thanks, Louie.
And try not to repeat yourself, lad.

- Stop the car!
- [Tires screeching]

Reach out and touch someone!

Next time, keep you eyes...

That's using your head, Flinty!

We rolling, now!

Now, which plane
should I take this time?

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

[Owl hoots in distance]


Well, there she is. Where's Mr. McDuck?

- He said he'd be here soon...
- And there he is!




- [Coughing]
- [Rooster crowing]

Don't hurt him, Uncle Scrooge!
Bubba didn't mean it!

Hurt him? [laughs]

Boys, I wouldn't harm
a hair on his shiny wee head.

I don't get it, Uncle Scrooge.
He lost you your fortune!

Well, yes.
But he gave me his in return.

Hurry, everyone! We haven't much time!

Are you sure you want to use
the time machine again, Mr. McDuck?

Remember the trouble
we caused last time.

It's not for me, Gyro. It's for Bubba!

- He's finally going home.
- No!

Bubba, listen.
I was wrong to bring you here.

You should be in your own home.

Not in this crazy place full of sirens,

and flashbulbs
and thoughtless old misers.

Bubba miss Scooge.

And Scooge miss Bubba.

- [Sirens approaching]
- Now get in there, son.

Well, so long, Bubba.
Give us a call sometime.


Oh, yeah. Well, then, uh,
send us a postcard.


- Your club, sir.
- A pleasure.

[Sirens blaring]

Get going, Bubba!
We'll hold them off!

I've set the controls
for Duckbill Island, one million B.C.

But it's gonna take
the last bar of bombastium.

It doesn't matter,
a promise is a promise.

Put her on a*t*matic and let her fly.

[Engine revving]

- Bye, Bubba.
- Good luck!

[Bubba] Bye-bye.

- What now, Uncle Scrooge?
- Into the plane, boys.

We're off to Duckbill Island!

- Yippee!
- Yippee!

Halt! Hold it right there!

You just let that imposter
escape in Mr. McDuck's plane!

Gentlemen, there's only one
Scrooge McDuck. And that was he.

- You sure?
- Absolutely.

And. Therefore, in the words
of the immortal Shakespeare,

"Hit the road, Jack."

Good luck, sir.

In our next DuckTales...

- [screaming]
- [Snarling]

[Sniffles] Bubba lost forever.

