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03x13 - Yuppy Ducks

Posted: 03/26/24 18:09
by bunniefuu
"Life is like
a hurricane"

"Here in duckburg"

"Race cars, lasers,

"It's a duck blur"

"Might solve a mystery"

"Or rewrite history"

"Duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Every day they're out there
making duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Tales of derring-do"

"Bad and good
luck tales"


"Watch behind you"

"There's a stranger
out to find you"

"What to do? Just grab
onto some duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Every day they're out there
making duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Tales of derring-do"

"Bad and good
luck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Not ponytails"

"Or cottontails"

"No, duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

A round of milk shakes.

What flavors do you have?

The same flavors I had
yesterday when you asked...

strawberry, and vanilla.

We're tired of
the same flavors.

Why can't you have
something different,

Like peanut butter
and jelly shakes?


I've sold chocolate,
strawberry, and vanilla

For 30 years,
and I've done fine.

I'm not changing.

If we had
our own malt shop,

It'll be better.


Hey! Maybe we can have
our own malt shop.


We're the nephews of the
world's richest duck.

A malt shop.
Will you help us?

I admire your ambition,

But you're
- too young for business.

No, we're not.

We're 10.

You can be yuppie ducks
when you grow up.

Oh, uncle scrooge.

Later. I've work to do.

Imagine those silly lads...

Itchin' to get
into business.

Scratch me scots.

I'm itching, too,

And I'm already
in business.

Me dander's
in an uproar.

Ooh ooh ah!

Ooh ooh ooh.

Mr. Mcduck!

You use that moose's
head as a backscratcher?

Quit asking
silly questions.

Call duckworth.
Get me to the doctor.

Stop the car!

the hospital.

Back up
to that clinic.

The doctor
will see you now.

guten morgen.

I am dr. Von swine.

And who are you?

Scrooge mcduck.

Scrooge mcduck!

The richest guy
in duckburg?

I see.

This is
the wrong place.

The mental health clinic
is down the street.

I am not
a screwball!

You are if you
enter this clinic

Thinking you're rich.

That's how I got rich.
What's wrong with me?

Looks like
capiscular distortion

Causing an astic
medic libertude

In the myopic

Sounds serious.

Not really. It means I got
sauerkraut on my monocle.

Now for a closer look.

Ahh! Guten strudel.

The worst case of
loot lice I ever seen!

Loot lice?
What's that?

A rare malady affecting
bankers, cashiers,

And millionaires
with money bins.

This is the first
in a penniless psychotic.

I am not penniless.

I'm scrooge mcduck.

You're psychotic.

Yeah. Sure. Whoever you are,
there's only one cure...

Immediate ovaltine.


How will cocoa
cure me?

Did I say ovaltine?

I meant quarantine.

I get so confused...

You know.

No kidding.

Where are you taking me?

To the isolation t*nk.


How long do I stay
in this bubble?

The loot lice
will die in one week,

Provided you have
no contact with money.

No contact?

I might not survive.

Doctor's orders.

I suggest you fumigate
your money bin.

Now, I must go.

I've a 1:00
beak transplant.

I can't keep
the patient waiting,

Or she won't
pay for her bill.

Get it?

Evidently not.

We should operate
on the funny bone.

Get out of here,
you quack!

Oww. Oooh.

Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

You don't sound so good.

What's ailing you?

Food poisoning.

I ate a six-day-old peanut
butter and meatball sandwich.


It hurts.

You sound
very familiar.

Hiya, scroogie.

What a small world.

As if being stuck here
wasn't bad enough.

Now I'm sharing a room
with a beagle boy, too.


I don't care
- when visiting hours ended.

I'm seeing my boy.

Ma beagle!

Stop that racket!

This is
a hospital zone.

Scrooge mcduck!

What are
you doing here?

What's this
funny beach ball?

Says scroogie's
got loot lice.

Has to be
here a week.

That's right.
We's roomies.

Now can I have
the pie, ma?

Later, we got to go.

Visiting hours are over.

We haven't visited yet.

And I'm hungry.

I'm so hungry!

Well, here, stupid.

Eat yourself sick again.

Come on, boys.
Let's go.

Get well slow, scroogie.

What's the big hurry, ma?

We got to visit
another lonely friend...

Scroogie's money bin.

Ha ha ha ha!



Oh, scrooge no home.

Bubba miss scrooge.

Scrooge phone home.


Good morning,
mr. Mcduck.

This is mallard lynch.

About that
hamburger stock,

Do you want
to buy or sell?

Scrooge go bye-bye.

What was that, sir?


We'll buy the company
right away, mr. Mcduck.

Bubba, that's uncle
scrooge's business line.

We're never
suppose to answer.

somebody has to.


This is charlie
at the sow jones.

What would you
like to trade?

Well, uh, mr. Jones...

Let's trade, uh,
trade baseball cards.

Uh, baseball cards, sir?

All the kids love 'em,

Especially if you get the
entire calizota steelers, team.

Trade for the calizota
steelers, right.

There's nothing
to this big business.

I've one question...
What did I do?


Where is mr. Mcduck?

We must talk to
him about those deals.

Well, he's sick.

He can't see
or talk to anybody.

Who made those deals?

We'll tell you,

But only if
you won't ground us.

Ok. Who?

We did!

We're sorry
if we did wrong.

Wrong? You've
done everything right.

We did? Like what?

Like buying the calizota
steelers baseball team.

And trading for
baseball card stocks.

The merchandise tie-in
with the steelers

Will make us millions.

No kidding?

That's right.

Would you make other
business decisions

While scrooge is away.

We can't do that.

Uncle scrooge
would be...

We'll prove what great
business ducks we are.

At mcduck enterprises?

What could go wrong?

We have the business
idea of the century!

Well? Well?

Boys, the future is...

Milk shakes!

Of milk shakes!


The watermelon
shake is delicious.

This little shop
will make big money.

Yeah. Think big.

Like uncle scrooge.

Open a chain of mcduck milk
shake shops nationwide.

- Right! - Right!


Here, here!

These are
the prototypes

For the new
mcduck cars.

What do you think?

Yuck city!

If we had our way,
we'd design neat cars.

Be our guests.

All right!

It should
resemble a rocket.

Yeah, with tail fins.

And bright colors.

Now that's a car
I'd like to own.

Build hundreds
of 'em.



Here we are, burger.

Ready to go home?

Soon as I finish
this yummy hospital food.

I got a hot
meatball pie for you.

What are
we waiting for?

Give me a doggie bag

And let's blow
this joint.

Get over
your breakdown, mcduck!

I didn't have
a breakdown.

You will next time
you see your money bin.

Come on, boys.

Help! Nurse! Somebody!

Anybody! Get me
out of here!


How much longer?

Patience, please.

The junior executives
will be with you shortly.

If those earrings
have the mcduck name,

Then they
got to be special.

They are special.

They're zircons!

They're engraved.

A big snore!

How about
am/fm earrings?

Ladies can both listen to
the radio and look good.

Now that's special.

Right, yes-man bubba?

Yes, man!

Bubba, show this gentleman
to scrooge's special door.



hyphenate hifalutin

From mcduck
educational tv is next.

Send her in!

Good day, gentlemen.

I'm here to pitch my
new television series,

the making of
webster's dictionary.

Pitch it out
the window. It stinks!

We want cartoons.

Yes, man!


The basa brothers are
here about the takeover.

Sorry. No more
appointments today.

What should
I tell them?

Tell them we'll
be back after recess.


Let's have some fun.

Time to boogie!

Rock 'n' roll.


Some bushes look like
the beagle's family tree.

Let's play keepaway.

At a time like this.

Keeping uncle scrooge's
money from the beagle boys.

With scrooge away,

This will be like taking
candy from three babies.

Uh, yeah.
Huey, dewey, and, uh...

What's his... Louie.

Let's roll out uncle scrooge's
secret welcome mat.

I just remembered,

I left a cake
in the oven.

Let's get home
before it burns.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Things couldn't
be better

If uncle scrooge
was here.

You are so beautiful,
my little bon-bon.

Whenever I see you,

I hear music.

the market
jumped 7 points

as sow jones
surged ahead.

in the news...

If you're looking
for a new car,

Then you've got
to see the hdl-500.

A 10-year-old
could design better.

Would you believe
three 10-year-olds?

Mcduck jewelers
lost millions

On those am/fm earrings.

educational tv

Is the laughingstock
of the industry.

There's nothing funny
about those cars.

Mcduck enterprises
is going to be bankrupt,

Unless you
get some cash.

Cash? Uh, no problem.

Here's our

We'll need a bigger
bank than that.

How much bigger?

How much
did they take

From the big
piggy bank?

Let's see.


Something tells me

Uncle scrooge is
going to be real mad.

What are we gonna do?

Uncle scrooge
we be home tomorrow.

We can tell him
the truth

Or try to fill it.

Don't stand there.

We've got lots
of filling to do.



Dinosaur rides.

Only 25 cents.

Here's a quarter
for your help.

Gee, thanks.

Take me back.

I didn't want
to cross the street.

Have you ever seen
so much money in your life?

I don't think

Uncle scrooge
will notice the difference.

Well, there's only
one thing to do.

Not the honest
junior woodchuck bit.

Do whatever to keep
uncle scrooge out of here.

Hurry, duckworth.

We're glad you
feel better now.

I'll feel better
once I see my money bin.

No! No!

Don't go.

No! No!
- Don't go.

Why not?

Uh, you might get
loot lice again!

I've taken
care of that.

Shouldn't you visit
mrs. Beakley first?

I'll visit soon enough.


What's the matter?

Louie's tummy hurts.

Better go back
to the hospital.

I have tummy medicine.

We didn't
want to say,

But louie's a vampire.

Say, what a nice
neck you have.



Stop fooling
around, lads.

Faster, duckworth.

No! No!
Please, don't go!


Boys, let me go!



Oh, ohhh.

Me money!

It's gone!



Ah... Ah... Ah... Ahh.

Didn't he
take it well?

It's back
to the hospital.

Ok, boys, this is it!

Storm the bin
and take no hostages.

Got it?

- Yeah.

I think so.


Last one in
is a good egg.


Hmmm. Talk about
strange bedfellows.

If only we listened

When uncle scrooge
said we were too young.

Then we wouldn't
have to run away.

Hey! Wait!
That's it!

Maybe we're too young.

Excuse us.

Is it illegal for kids
to run a business?

Yes. Haven't you heard
of child labor laws?

Thanks a lot, officer.

That's what
I wanted to hear.

We broke the law!


Ok, listen, guys.

If we don't get
uncle scrooge's money,

We'll be in trouble.

We think we know
how to save our necks.

Since we're only 10,

All the deals
were a big no-no.

All transactions
we made were invalid?

Great news, huh?

We have to stop
those deals,

Put everything back
the way it was.

Cancel all contracts.

Rescind every deal.

Return all the checks.

Get a refund.


Uncle scrooge,

Are you all right?

That was awful.

I saw me bin bone dry.

It was a nightmare.

Was I hallucinating?

If you were,
it's contagious.

I saw the same thing.

You really must have been
sick, uncle scrooge.

How could anything
happen to your money?

See, uncle scrooge?

It's all here.

Wait. Something is wrong.


I'm missing a nickel.

I can feel it.

That's more like it.


Why don't
we celebrate?

With some good old

Chocolate, strawberry,
and vanilla milk shakes?