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03x15 - The Unbreakable Bin

Posted: 03/26/24 18:11
by bunniefuu
"Life is like
a hurricane"

"Here in duckburg"

"Race cars, lasers,

"It's a duck blur"

"Might solve a mystery"

"Or rewrite history"

"Duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Every day,
- they're out there making"

"Duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Tales of derring-do"

"Bad and good
luck tales"


"Watch behind you"

"There's a stranger
out to find you"

"What to do? Just grab
onto some duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Every day,
- they're out there making"

"Duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Tales of derring-do"

"Bad and good
luck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Not ponytails"

"Or cottontails"

"No, duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

Ha! I was right!
The bank was off by a penny.


What was that?

Hee hee hee!

Ha ha ha!

Look! Those bushwhacking
beagle boys.

Bust me bin!

It's an infestation.

Me money!



You'll never get
in here.

Hee hee!
- Ha ha!

Ah! Safe at last.

Hee hee!
- Ha ha!

Aah! No!

Let go,
you mangy mongrels!

Uncle scrooge,
wake up!

You're having
another nightmare.

Did i? Oh...

This was
the worst one yet.

There were beagles
in my bin.

My bin!

I better make sure
it's all right.

just seeing you

Makes me
feel better.

Not even a sneaky flea
could get past me.


That noise again!

I've heard it
all morning.

Someone's inside,
you idiot.


I let him in

Without my

I've got news that'll set
your spats a-tappin'.

when you complained

About buying
new spectacles

To replace
scratched ones?

What about it?

Here's the most
spectacular spectacles

You'll ever own,

Made from a new substance
called protecto-glass.

It's absolutely

See? Not even a mark.

Well, toss me tams.

Here, gizmoduck.
Do your worst.

My worst
is what I do best.

Nothing withstands
my power-packed,


hand drill

And peach pit


Not even a
microscopic scratch.

Like I said,

Is virtually

What news for my
gizmo buddies

Who can't
play football

they wear glasses!

Thanks to you,

They'll experience getting
pounded on the field.

Don't you realize
what we have?

Protecto-glass is the answer
to my one great dream.

How does it look?

Jeepers, shinier
than a new penny.

An unbreakable bin.

Has there been
a more beautiful sight?

Uh, gosh...

Let's put on our
blowtorch goggles.

Blathering blatherskite!
It's those rapscallions!

And in broad daylight,
no less.

What should we do?

Call the police?

Or mister gizmo?

That's not necessary.
I invited them here.


That's right.
This way, boys.

"Nyah, nyah,
nyah, nyah, nyah"

That's the deal.

If you break
the glass,

You'll get a handful
of my money.

Let me go first.

I love
making messes.


That felt like
an 8.9 tummy temblor.

Quit fooling around.

I want that glass
pulverized now!

That should do it.
Come on.

Hey! It's still
there, ain't it?

Yeah, not even
a singe.

However, you did
get it dusty.

So long, boys.

I won't be seeing
your ugly mugs again.

Our chances of getting his
money are gone forever.

Jumpin' jigs!

I'll never worry
about my money again!

I'll do everything
I've wanted,

Even take that vacation
I've meant to take

For 40 years.

Pack your bags.

Your uncle's showing you
the world.



This protecto-glass
is the greatest thing

Since beak polish.

It will be easy for
gizmoduck to guard the bin.

Aye. Almost too easy.

Telegram for

Telegram for

Yes, I'm gizmoduck.

Huh. Sign here.

I've never received
a telegram before.

It's not a singing
telegram, is it?

Afraid not.
Just a regular one.

Could you make it
a singing one, please?

It would be great.

I'm sorry, but...

You'd make
a lonely hero's day.


Oh, please?

If you insist.

Oh! Goodie! Goodie!

[Blowing starting pitch]

"Me, me, me, me,
me, me, me"


"You're fired"

What? Fired?

A $10 music surcharge,

But mr. Mcduck,
you can't mean this!

I'm afraid I do.

Why should I pay
to guard a building

That's impenetrable?

You'll still work
as my accountant.

I really need
that second paycheck.

Mama and I
have grown accustomed

To our extravagant lower
middle-class lifestyle.

I'm sure a fellow
with your abilities

Can find other work.

Now excuse me.

I've got a boat
to catch.

Hmph! Who needs
his silly job, anyway?

The offers won't stop when
they hear I'm available,

Or my name's not

Wow! An ocean cruise
on a luxury liner!

It's bigger
than I ever expected!

Fortunately, I found
an economy plan.

Of course, we're
bringing our own food.

You lads
like baloney?

In addition
to withstanding

Per square inch,

I carry
sonar equipment

And icbms.

My word, you might be

For the usual security position, mr.

I don't believe it.

There are no openings for
security guards anywhere.

How could this be?

It's that blasted glass.


How about that?

installing it.

There's no security

In the security

What can I do?

We'll go on an
overnight safari.

uncle scrooge?

Think of the money
we'll save on hotel rooms.

Something to drink,
mr. Mcduck?

Bring my boys a soda
and three straws.

Can you make it
a large soda?

We're awful thirsty.

Make that three sodas
and three straws.

Small, of course.

uncle scrooge.

We've never seen you
splurge before.

I don't worry
about my money,

So I'll spend it.

I'll never worry again.

It would take magic
to break into my vault.

That's right,
scroogie, darling.

kind of magic.

By this time

I'll have your
number one dime!

Ha ha ha ha!

One monkey
says to the other,

"Careful, it's
a jungle out there."

Stop the jokes.

We're not here
for laughs.

Yeah. When will we see
some dangerous animals?

I'm one.
Ask my girlfriend.


Ha ha ha!

Hey, look!

A real
native village!

Yeah, beautiful
downtown quackinyika.

This place is dull.

The biggest event is the
annual bamboo convention.


These are
the loveliest feathers

I've ever seen.

Has uncle scrooge

He's taking pleasure
in beautiful things.

He never thinks about
business anymore.

Think how much
a mcduck hat would fetch

With one of these.

hardly ever.

Where do these

Our national bird...

The quackinyikan

Where is one?

Can a tsetse fly?
Ha ha!


Why is gizmoduck acting
like a traffic signal?


Nobody needs him
for anything else.

Gee, that's pathetic.

Sometimes superhearing
can be a curse.

I must not let myself
get depressed.

Serving as a public beacon
has its own rewards.

Move, creep.

Once I arrive at the bin,

Scrooge's dime
is as good as mine.

Halt! Is that
vehicle registered?

Don't stop me, idiot.
Nobody's coming.

I beg to differ,

You stopped me
for mangy alley cats?

We must have

For the city's

See? That didn't
take long.

[Engine starts]

Something tells me
this job won't be

A large part
of my resume.


But not for long.

Looks like I'll have to
turn up the voltage.


I guess I'll have to
go the limit.

Eye of gnat,
hill of beans,

Smash that glass
to smithereens!

Hit it again! Hit it again!
Harder! Harder!

[Birds tweeting]

Oh, no, not even
my magic works.

There must be a way
to break through.

I'll find out how if it's
the last thing I do!

Aah! Ow! Ooh!

Oh! Oh!

When do we see
a quackinyikan yiiker,

Or is this another joke?

[Animal noises]

It's showtime.

Boy, it's pretty!

We don't want
to startle it.

it might sing.


Believe me,
this is no nightingale.


Now you did it.

[Singing horribly]

Oh, no!

My unbreakable glasses.

Looks like

Isn't all it's
cranked up to be.

Think if a yiiker
gets near my bin.

What will you do?

Make sure those birds
never leave quackinyika.

Nobody must know
about them.

You never could keep secrets
from me, scroogie darling.

Ha ha ha ha!

That's right,
a buck a yiiker,

Cash on delivery.

What will you do

After they're
all caught?

Find some earplugs.

Stroke, stroke.

By the time
I reach that village,

Scrooge may have flown
the coop with those birds.

A wisp of wind powder should
make this trip a breeze.

That's it,
uncle scrooge.

The natives caught
all the yiikers.

Can gyro build
a soundproof aviary?

[Motorboat approaches]

What's that?


Well, well, look what
the wind blew in.

It's naptime,

Uncle scrooge!

Ah! Music to my ears!

Save it for the bin,
my pretty ones.

All right, yiikers,
it's duckburg or bust!

Ha ha ha ha!


Wake up, lads.

We've got
to b*at her

to duckburg.

[Horn honks]

Hey, lunch truck's

Come one, come all.

It's gizmoduck's
meal in a wheel!

Two double

I'll have
a pork burrito.

A kielbasa sub.

Whoo! I should have catered
to the yogurt crowd.

A hot cup
of java.

In the back.

[Alarm rings]


I thought I would
decaffeinate myself.

Gyro, your glass
is useless

If magica gets there
before us.

If only I hadn't
fired gizmoduck.

It's him!

The mu shu
looks a little mushy.

I need your help.

Magica despel has broken
the protecto-glass.

She has?

Um, how unfortunate.

It's magica!

You've got
to stop her!

Am I back
on the payroll?

Uh... I guess so.

With a big raise?


We'll let that go
for now.

Trance time is over,

Now sing your
little head off.

Come on, come on.
Snap out of it!


Let go of me,
you techno-twit!

Not until you're away
from mr. Mcduck's safe.

I'll take your bird,
if you don't mind.

Good job,

You haven't stopped me,

One pinch of wind powder

Will blow you and your
tin man back to oz!

Yiik is right!

So long!

Magica always knew
how to make an exit.


That's it.

Lucky they were still
under magica's spell.

Maybe we can
drop them somewhere

Before anyone
knows about them.

Uncle scrooge!

Look what we found.

A yiiker
must have laid it.


Can we keep it,
uncle scrooge?

Just for
a little while?

Gee willikers!

Worry not.

When you hired me back,

You got
a security guard

and a street sweeper!

You and your
big mouth.