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03x03 - Bubbeo & Juliet

Posted: 03/26/24 18:16
by bunniefuu
"Life is like
a hurricane"

"Here in duckburg"

"Race cars, lasers,

"It's a duck blur"

"Might solve a mystery"

"Or rewrite history"

"Duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Every day they're out there
making duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Tales of derring-do"

"Bad and good
luck tales"


"Watch behind you"

"There's a stranger
out to find you"

"What to do? Just grab
onto some duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Every day they're out there
making duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Tales of derring-do"

"Bad and good
luck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

"Not ponytails"

"Or cottontails"

"No, duck tales"

"Ooh ooh ooh"

Do we have to go to school
again, mrs. Beakley?

Yeah. We just went to
school last year.

Now, boys, you had a
whole summer off.

Time to start

Bubba find clubba.

Bubba, you won't need
your club at school.

You'll discover other
kinds of clubs there...

There's pep club,
drama club,


Club club.

There you are,
my darlings.

Looking forward to your
first day at school?

Yes, uncle scrooge.

Bubba be good student.

I'm sure you
will, lad.

You'll meet lots of people
different from yourself.

Just be patience
with them

And I'm sure you'll
get along.

Go school. Go school.

It's going to be so peaceful
with them gone all day.

[ Buzzing ]

What is that?!


What are they
doing over there?!


What in the world...

Oh, how tacky!

This was the handsomest
yard in the neighborhood.

Now look at it...
Instant eyesore.

Well, melt my butter.

Scrooge mcduck,
how fabulous.

I'm cookie and this is
my sweet little pickles.

I've seen you on tv

And in the duckburg

And now you're our neighbor.

Come on and meet my hubby.

Honey, get over here.

Look who's come visiting.

Well, scrooge mcduck.
How're you doing, fella?

Tylie bluff. What an honor
to shake your acquaintance.

Are you my new neighbor?

Guilty as charged.

We never dreamed
we'd live next door

To someone with pockets
as deep as yours,

But then we just
got lucky.

Yeah, we bought this lottery
ticket and poof...

Ten million frog skins
fell in our lap.

You won $10,000,000 gambling?

You did not work for it?

Just stopped at the mini-mart and
grabbed me a lottery ticket.

And wait till you hear how
we're gonna fix up this place.

It's gonna be slicker
than a greased pig.

Why are you cutting down all
these beautiful trees?

Let me show you.

Ain't he cute?

Just like a big kid.

The trees gotta go

'Cause I'm putting in my
mini racing track.

A what?!

Oh, mr. Mcduck!

This is all too
much for him.

I guess having neighbors like
us is just too good to be true.

I better get mr. Mcduck away
from all this excitement.

Excuse us.

C'mon back now, ya hear?

Mr. Mcduck, wake up. Wake up.

Oh, there's no
home like this.

There's no home like this.

Was I sleeping? Was
it a bad dream?

I'm afraid not, mr. Mcduck.

This is worse than having
the beagle boys next door.

Call a contractor to
fix this wall.

And while he's at it,
build it two feet taller.

Right... Left... Right...

And open.

Bubba, it's not
hard. You try it.

Well, yeah, that works too.

I hope bubba does
better in gym class

Than he did opening lockers.

Come on, cave duck.

Let's see if your slow ball
is as slow as your brain.

Bubba not slow.

Wow! What a fast ball!

Nobody's ever gotten a strike
against whizzer before.

Bubba do good?

All right, I dare you to
do that to me twice.


Look at me.

Look what you did!

Bubba sorry.

I'm so embarrassed.

Bubba, are you all right?

Bubba fi-yi-yi-yiii.


Bubba, what's the
matter with you?

Did that baseball
scramble your brains?

Bubba clubba! Bubba clubba!

Get girl.

You mean you
like her?

Uuh! You're
mushing out.

I don't get it.

If he likes her, why does
he want to club her?

'Cause cave ducks club
their girlfriends

And drag them back
to their caves.

Bubba, we don't do
that stuff anymore.

If you like her, do
something nice...

Like give her flowers.



He's gonna need a
lot of help.

Mrs. Beakley made your
favorite lunch, sir...

Scottish haggis.

Good. I need
something delightful

To take my mind off
those vile neighbors.

[ Coughing ]

Egads, what a stink!

What are they
burning over there?

Old raincoats?

What are you

Hey, neighbors.

Ain't my new bar-b-que
pit splendifferous?

I can roast a whole herd
of cows on this sucker.

What's that slop?

My grandifferous
bar-b-que sauce.

It's got garlic,
horseradish, sauerkraut,

And just a dash
of rubber cement

To make it stick
to your ribs.

I tell ya, this new
pit's so great,

I expect I'll use
it every day.

Very good, sir.

You showed the
restraint of a saint.

Thanks. Call someone about
odor-proofing the house.

And let's add five feet
to that new wall.

Do you see her?


Oh, I met her
in gym class.

Her name's

Oh, julie.

Now's your
chance, bubba.

She's all alone.

Go join her
for lunch.

Yeah, bubba go.

Hello. Me bubba. Sit here?

Oh, ok.

Julie want
red stuff?

Oh, my blouse!

Oh, bubba sorry.
Bubba fix.

Ha ha ha ha!

Bubba flubba again.

Ok, so your table manners
didn't win her over,

But you got art
class next, right?


Well, paint a
picture of julie.

She'll be flattered.

Julie, look!

This you.

Ahhh, how could you?


Come back!

I don't know why you're
making fun of me,

But you can just cut it out!

Bubba not make
fun, julie.

Oh sure, after you drew
that ugly picture

And knocked me in the mud

And threw food on me.

Just cause I'm a
new kid in school

Doesn't mean you
can make fun of me.

Bubba new too.


Well then, why'd you do
all those things to me?

Want you like bubba.

But bubba dumb.

Oh, you're
not dumb.


You like bubba?

Well, let's
find out.

Let's go back to art class
and I'll paint your picture.

I've got to forget
about those bluffs,

And get my mind
back on business.


What is it, sir?

Have all the windows facing the
bluff's home bricked up.

And make that new
wall ten feet taller!

Yes, sir.

And may I say I'm
most impressed

With how calmly you've dealt
with the new neighbors.

Thanks. What?!

Why those... I'm going
to show that bluff

The underside of the
welcome wagon!

Bluff, I've kept my mouth shut
while you ruined my garden,

My air, and my view.

But this is too much!

Well, what shucked your
corn before the harvest?

I got a letter from the
real estate broker.

He says the horrible things
you've done to your house

Have dropped the
value of my house

One million dollars!

After all we did to make this
eyesore a glitter palace?

It's a front
yard freak show.

Put everything back!

The trees and the lawn

And cover up that
crummy paint job!

Are you looking for a
shuck on the snoot?

Thanks for carrying
my books home.

But you should have taken
them out of my locker.

Oh, no!

Daddy's in a fight.

Get your clod knockers
off my property.

You can't tell
us how to live.

You're aiming for a

Daddy, what's wrong?

Scooge, bubba
clobber bad man?

Stay out of this.
- Stay out of this.

Is he your kid?
Is she your kid?

Stay away from him.
Stay away from her.

Bye, bubba.


How can we get back
at those people?

We could bombard them with water
balloons filled with paint.

Or detour city buses
through their backyard.

Or dump a few thousand
fleas down their chimney.

Gee, I never knew
welcoming new neighbors

Could be so much fun.

Right, bubba?

Hey, where's bubba?

Golly, bubba,
what's going on?

Party for julie.

Hey, it's a costume party.

Say, bubba, would you like
to see julie tonight?

Cousin wilford, glad
you could make it.

Hold it. Who're you?

Ah, cousin bruiser.

I don't recall you.

Must be a runt from cookie's
side of the litter.

Go on in and have yourself a
rootin' tootin' good time.

Where's julie?







What are you
doing here?

Bubba miss julie.

Oh, I missed you too.

It's just no fun having to
sneak to see each other.

I'm gonna tell my
daddy it's time

He made up to your
uncle scrooge.

Daddy, can we talk?

In a minute, darling.

Hey, what am I paying you for?

Turn up the volume.

That's the way we're
playing it, eh, bluff?

This means scottish warfare.

[ Bagpipes playing ]

Excuse me, folks.

Louder, sir.

Mcduck, what are you doing?

Giving you a bit of tit for tat.

Oh yeah? I didn't
start this, mcduck,

But I'm gonna finish it.

Swallow this, mcduck.

This is w*r, bluff!

Whatever it takes, I'm gonna get
you out of my neighborhood.

Oh, yeah?

Well, before I'm through,

You're gonna want to move to
the other side of the planet.

That's still not far
enough away.

Oh, bubba, our families are
never gonna make peace now.

Welcome home,
mr. Mcduck.

I trust you had a pleasant
stay in jail, sir.

Come on, kids. We have
w*r plans to make.


Wait for sergeant beakley.

Daddy, please don't so this.

You'll understand when
you're older, princess.

This is how grownups
solve problems.


Come over to surrender, mcduck?

Not quite. Look.

Hey! You can't do that!

Yes they can.

The duckburg
city planner

Has declared your front
yard a disaster area.

Have a nice day,

Today I think I'll
swim in the pool

Rather than the money
bin, duckworth.

Swimming in water. Oh, dear.

What will you ducks
think of next?


Who filled me pool with those
cantankerous crustaceans?

One guess, sir.

I don't care about the cost.

I'll spend whatever it takes

To spite old mcduck.


What's the
matter, cookie?


That makes my
bacon sizzle.

What? That mcduck
could be so cruel?

No. That I didn't
think of it first.

Now for a peaceful evening.

This carnival ought to grate
whatever nerves mcduck has left.

What the...

Fire stink bombs!

Ok, mcduck, you
asked for it.

More paint bombs. Fire!



Our families have
both gone crazy.

We gotta do something.

Yeah. Make 'em be nice.

No. Let's leave a note and
then run away together.

All right!

But, grammy, listen. Bubba...

It cost me $250 to get
out of jail this time.

That bluff's costing
me a fortune.

What's this?

"Dear scooge, bubba go
bye-bye with julie.

Don't worry. Be happy."

It's signed bubba and julie.

Mcduck, this is
all your fault!

My fault? Your kid
talked my bubba

Into some crazy stunt.

Who started this
feud, huh?

You did by moving
in next door.


We can decide who's
to blame later.

The important thing now is
to find the children.

But where do we
start looking?

I've been trying to tell you.

I saw them sneaking
into the carnival.

Come on.

This fun.

Yeah. It is.

I just hope our
running away

Makes our families forget
about their stupid fight.


They must be in that booth.

They found us already.

Make getaway.

Julie, come back here.

Need getaway car.

Bubba, no!

Don't worry, princess.

Daddy's a-coming.

No. Scooge is coming.

I mean, scrooge.

I'll save you kids.



Which one's the brake?

Pull 'em all.

Hey! Whatcha do?

They're gonna crash!

Oh, wouldn't you know...
It's the one that's stuck.



Daddy, are you
all right?

I'm fine, princess,

But why did you run
away from home?

That was very childish.

Oh, right.

I guess we should've
stayed home

And acted grownup like
you and mr. Mcduck.

She's right,
you know.

We've behaved terribly.

Yeah, like two hogs
fighting over the trough.

Truce, neighbor?


Bubba do good?

Bubba do real good.

What happening?

Oh, bubba, we're moving
back to our old house.

Why julie leave?

Daddy spent so much
money on the feud

That we can't afford to
live here anymore.

Don't be sad.

I'll still see you
every day at school.

That's my folks.
I gotta go.

Julie. Gift.

Oh, you melt my butter.

Neighbors go bye-bye.

I know, and look what they left
as a going-away present.