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01x13 - The Third Mouse/The Visit

Posted: 03/27/24 12:47
by bunniefuu
Gee, brain,

What do you wanna
do tonight?

The same thing
we do every night,

Try to take over
the world.

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Yes, pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ One is a genius

♪ The other's insane ♪

♪ They're
laboratory mice ♪

♪ Their genes
have been spliced ♪

♪ They're dinky ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Brain, brain, brain

♪ Brain, brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪

♪ Before each night
is done ♪

♪ Their plan
will be unfurled ♪

♪ By the dawning
of the sun ♪

♪ They'll take over
the world ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Yes, pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Their twilight campaign

♪ Is easy to explain

♪ To prove
their mousy worth ♪

♪ They'll overthrow
the earth ♪

♪ They're dinky ♪

♪ They're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ Brain, brain, brain

♪ Brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪


Pinky: narf! It was right
after the w*r, in vienna.

I don't remember which w*r,
but it was right after it.

I had lost track of brain
until he sent me a tellygram.

It said...



It took me longer
than I expected,

What with all those stops
and all.

It had been
a very long trip,

And I was lookin' forward
to a nice bath.

Oh, I do hope they have
indoor plumbing.

I beg your pardon.
Uh, you wouldn't be

The international
plumbing expert
I've been waiting for,

Would you?

I showered once.

I'd like you

To speak to our
local civic group.

Tell no one.

Excuse me.
I'm looking
for the brain.

Herr brain?

Oh, I am so sorry.

You are too late.

He hates it
when I'm late!

Can I see him?

No, no. I am sorry.

Perhaps my english
is not so good.

You see,
herr brain met with
an unfortunate accident.

I am afraid
he is quite dead.

that's all right.
He's expecting me.

You misunderstand.

He, uh, how you say...
Sleeps among the angels.

He is dead
as a doornail.

Will he be
coming here soon?

No! He is a stiff!

A corpse! A goner!

Poit. Just let him
know I'm here.

He's kaput!
He bought the farm!
Kicked the bucket!

Went to the great
lab cage in the sky!

So can I use his bathtub
until he comes back?


[Imitating peter lorre]
excuse me. Perhaps we
can be of assistance?

Oh. Well...i usually
bathe alone.

You are looking
for the late herr brain?

He's late? Narf!
I thought
I was late.

You will come
with us.

It happened
right about here.

It was quite sudden.

The expl*si*n went,
how you say?

Oh, yes--boom.

It was most unfortunate.

His head--

Is quite large,

He was dashed
to a millions of pieces!

Torn from the limbs
to the limbs!

Blown up
to kingdom coming!

Narf! Too bad
brain wasn't here.

He always knows
what to do.

Mmm! We are talking
about brain!

Egad, so am i.

That sort of makes
for a conversation,
doesn't it?

We were the only mice
to see the accident.

Ja. Just us.

The 2 of us. 2.

Psst! There was
a third mouse.

Poit! Would that be
more than 2, then?

Oh! Aah!

Do not trust anyone
in vienna, herr pinky,

Except us two.

Ja. We were
herr brain's
best friends.


Ha. You must be,
if he let's you
call him "hair brain."


By the way,
where is brain?
He's expecting me.



Zere is only one way
to convince you.

it is so sad.

Herr brain's passing.


I give up.

Poor brain.
He loved rainy days so.

He would laugh and say
the sky was crying.

Yes, and then he'd
hit you on the head
with a pencil.

those were the days.

Have you seen him

Why, no.
Why do you ask?

Why would I see him?

What are you suggesting?

What do you know?

The lyrics to
yakko's world.

Please, no!

You must stop looking
for the brain.

He wants--

I mean, he would have
wanted to be left alone.

Pinky: something very strange
was definitely going on.

For one thing, everyone was
talking with funny accents.

Then, something happened
that changed everything.

Well, not everything.

I mean, everyone was still
talking with funny accents--

[German accent]
come mit me!


Dah! No!


Where are
you taking me?

You will find out in time.

[Tires squeal]

[Trolley bell rings]





It is ze time!

it's our honored guest,

The international
plumbing expert.


Oh! You mean, me?

What do you zink of our
interconnected plumbing
system in vienna?

Poit! I'm just lookin'
for the brain.

Yes, ze drain!
Of course!

Ve must be concerned
with proper drainage.

I have some questions
for you.

Will you come with me,

Ooh. That is
a hard one.


All right! Poit.

I think you should know
a little about your
late friend, the brain.

Yes, he is late,
very late.

We believe
this is evidence

That he was planning
to take over the world.

Well, that's pretty much
what he does, you see.

I'll have to give them
to him when I see him.

Then you admit
they're his?

Except for this one.
It's mine.


My girlfriend.

You're a mouse.
This is a horse.

Tsk tsk tsk.
People are so intolerant.

Now, look,
how much did this brain
confide in you?

Were you in
on his plans?

What are you planning
to do in his absence?

Uh...i was planning
to take a bath.

Bah! Throw him out!

But I warn you,
I'll be watching.

Well, that would
be very rude!



Hmm. Something tells me

That this pinky fellow
knows more

Than he lets on.

Well, he'd almost have to,
wouldn't he?

[Cat meows]





Hello! Who's there?



Brain, is that you?

Come back, brain!


Hide and go seek! Ha ha!

I love games, brain.

Brain: I don't.


Ha ha!

Oh, I love zither music,
don't you, brain?

Narf! Hello, brain.


Pinky, you've found me out.

You've discovered
my great, dark secret.

What, you mean
the liposuction?

Hah! I knew about
that for years.

No, not that, pinky.

I'm in love.


I was planning
to take over the world.

That's why I sent
for you, pinky.

But that was before
I met...trudy.

Now, all I want
is to settle down
with the one I love.

But, brain...

I'm leaving it all
behind, pinky.

Look at those people
down there.

They don't appreciate

They're just
a lot of little dots.

Poit! One of those dots
is waving at us.

Maybe she appreciates
greatness, brain.

As usual, pinky,
you miss the point.

In italy under the borgias,
they had 30 years of m*rder,
bloodshed, and warfare,

And they produced
indigestible noodles,
boring operas, and the fiat.

In switzerland, they had
brotherly love, 500 years
of democracy and peace,

And what did they produce?

The swiss bank account,
the best cheese in the world,
and heidi!


Precisely, pinky.

No, I have no desire
for world domination.

Besides, there is no plan
that could possibly match
trudy's tender touch.



I'm truly moved, brain.

And to think
when I chased you
through those pipes,

I thought this was all
some elaborate plan
of yours

To use the plumbing
system of vienna
to take over the world,

Seeing that the plumbing
system here is all
interconnected, you see.

I don't care, pinky!

I promised trudy
I'd never try to take over
the world again.

I understand, brain.

Narf! And besides,
I guess you couldn't

Really take over
the world

Just by turning on
all the valves
in vienna at once.

Even if it would probably
drain the blue danube.

That's brilliant,

Are you pondering
what I'm pondering?

Um, I think so, brain,

But what if the chicken
won't wear the nylons?

If we drain
the blue danube,

It would bring shipping
to a standstill,

And I could rise
to power in
the ensuing chaos.

Come, pinky!
To the sewers--


Egad, brain!


Ha ha ha! Whoa ha ho!

pinky, according
to my research,

These are
the water mains
for the entire city.


The valves
must all be opened
in a specific sequence,

Or the result
will be catastrophic.

Um, that would be bad,
wouldn't it?

Yes, pinky, the exact
opposite of good.

Just one mistake,
and the water pressure

Will build

Ha ha! Don't worry, brain.
I never make just one mistake.

Just remember to
follow my instructions
exactly, pinky.

Don't turn
that main valve

Until I say the word,

The major: brain, stop!

Give yourself up!

Sorry, major. Nothing
can stop me n-n-n...

at the present moment.

Trudy: brain, darling!
You promised!


Stop this foolishness!
Run away with me!

I'm sorry, trudy my dear,
but not n-n-n...

Uh, at this point in time.

Not when, darling?

Not currently...

Uh, or immediately.

Uh, that is to say,
not, uh, not at
this stage in events.

What was that,
brain darling?

I couldn't hear you
over the water.

Can you hear me now?

Oh, no.

Pinky, stop!

[Pinky and brain screaming]


Pinky, quick!
Grab onto my feet!

[Toilet flushes]

[Pinky and brain screaming]

Narf! Hah!
At least I finally
got to take a bath.

My joy for you
is unbounded.

It's all your fault,

If you hadn't given me
that ridiculous idea,

I'd be with
my little fraulein.

I'd be happy, contented.


Exactly, pinky.

That's why I never want
to speak to you again.

I never want to speak
to you again!

But, trudy, dearest...

You promised!

You--you're in love
with her, aren't you?


Ze world!



[Gasps] brain?

Come, pinky.

We must return
to the lab to prepare
for tomorrow night.

Narf! What are we going
to do tomorrow night,

Take a wild guess.

♪ Zey're dinky,
zey're pinky ♪

♪ And ze brain, brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪

Brain: pinky?


What are you hiding there?

What have you got there,


I'm going
to count to 3.

Oh, I'm sorry, brain.

It's just that--narf!

Cheese! I mean,
I didn't wanna--

Whaa hoo! Whaa hoo!
I want to live!

Pinky! Do you
want a time-out?


The normal field mice
that we capture

Will bring
a very special talent

To our plan
of global domination.

Do you know
what it is, pinky?

Um, being able
to shred paper
into little, tiny bits?

Oh, yes, pinky.

Then we can fire spitballs
at al gore and get him
all confused.

Oh, goody!
This is a fun-fun,
silly-willy plan!

Whoo ha ha ha ha!

Don't make me
separate you.

Field mice are
instinctual experts
in nighttime navigation.

Once captured, we will
unlock and clone their
dna code of night vision

And give ourselves
a super ability
to see in the dark.

Then we will cause
a worldwide power outage

And seize control
in the darkness.

[Mice squeaking]


Pinky: ♪ we're going
to catch us some mice ♪

Silence, pinky.

Grab the rope.


Oh! This reminds me
of when charlton heston

Gets captured in that net
in planet of the apes.

[Imitating charlton heston]
you crazy baboons!


The dna of these mice...

What, brain?

There's something odd
about it.

It's sort of...familiar.

These patterns...

What is it, brain?

Pinky, these 2 mice.
It can't be.


These mice
are my parents.



[Both grunting]



Welcome to my home.

This is where I do
my important thinking,

Planning for--well,
I'm trying to take over
the world, you see.

Yes, and he's going
to do it, too.

Yes. Thank you, pinky.

Uh, this is pinky,
my, um, friend.



He bit my leg!

He bit my leg!

Actually, brain,
I think that's the girl,

Um, your, um, mummy.

Brain: d-ooh!

This is pathetic,

I can't communicate
with them.

I-i don't even
remember them.

And I've
changed so much,
they don't know me.

Because you've matured.

No, because my brain
has been altered

By electrochemical

What are they thinking?

What stories
do they have to tell?

I must do something,

I want to connect
with them.

I want them
to talk to me.

The electrodes, pinky.

Behold, pinky--
the pensamplivox!

Ooh. Nice name, brain.

"Pensa" from
the latin "thoughts,"

to make loud,

And "vox,"
meaning voice.


Hmm. That kind of
wrecked it for me.

When worn by
a normal mouse,

The pensamplivox
will give them
the gift of speech,

Direct access
to their thoughts.

Brain: on.

[Both coughing]
mother? Father?



Look at you!

Look at you.

Look at you.

Look at your head--

All big and puffy,
like a marshmallow.

I'm extremely
intelligent. I--

Oh, you are?
Well, would a smarty
keep his cage

All messy like this?

It's not messy.

Don't talk back
to your mother.

I'm not
talking back!

Is there a broom
around here?

Or are you waiting
for a hurricane
to come through?

I'd say one did.

Mother, it's--
it's fine.

Cou--couldn't we
just talk?

A broom?

But we've never even
spoken before.

I'm gonna count to 3.

Son, where's
your 3-in-1 oil?

You got a squeak here
that would wake up
broderick crawford.

Father, there's so much
I want to know.

Just stop.
Let's just talk.

Can you--stop doing that!
Come on! I-i--

You want a time-out?


Son, why don't
you be a good boy

And go gather
some berries
and bits of wheat?

Well, i-i've got
some food pellets
right here.

Hah! Food pellets?

Ho ho!
He's got food pellets!

Food pellets?

Very uptown,
mr. Wolfgang puck


Don't make me
separate you, boy!

Pinky, my parents...

Oh, I know, brain!

They're super! Narf!

Nyah ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

That's funny,

Ha ha ha ha ha!
We like your friend, son.


All: narf!

[Laughing and narfing]

Now, that's a wheel.

Brain: mother, father,
I'm going out this evening.

A date?

Ya know, son,
your father and I

Are the only ones
of our friends
with no grandchildren.

Hmm. Well, uh, actually,
I'm going out tonight

To try and take over
the world.

And that's what
you're wearing?

Shouldn't you have
a cape or something?

Pinky, my parents,
they're driving me

Egad, brain.

Ooh. Well, that kinda
leaves me without
much to do.

Uh, why don't you take
those speech gizmos
away from them?

I tried.


My father threatened
to cut off my allowance.

Well, brain,

I think you'll just
have to accept them
the way they are.

You're right, pinky,

And then, get them really
far away from here.

[Brain reading]

And I thought,
what would you enjoy more

Than a trip to...florida.

You leave tonight.


That was nice, brain.

Thank you, pinky.

And thank you
for your help.

Here. This is for you.

What is it?

A dinosaur sticker.


Oh, thank you, brain!
Ah ho ho! Hold me!

Please, pinky, come!

We've got to get back
to the cage to plan
for tomorrow night.

Why, brain?
What are we going
to do tomorrow night?

Try to take over
the world?

No. My parents
have invited us
for thanksgiving dinner.

♪ They're dinky,
they're pinky ♪

♪ And the brain, brain,
brain, brain, brain ♪