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03x21 - Operation: Sea Lion/You Said a Mouseful

Posted: 03/27/24 16:18
by bunniefuu
Gee, brain,

What do you
want to do tonight?

The same thing
we do every night,

Try to take over
the world.

♪ they're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ yes, pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ one is a genius ♪

♪ the other's insane ♪

♪ they're
laboratory mice ♪

♪ their genes
have been spliced ♪

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ brain, brain, brain ♪

♪ brain, brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪

♪ before each night
is done ♪

♪ their plan
will be unfurled ♪

♪ by the dawning
of the sun ♪

♪ they'll take over
the world ♪

♪ they're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ yes, pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ their twilight campaign ♪

♪ is easy to explain ♪

♪ to prove
their mousey worth ♪

♪ they'll overthrow
the earth ♪

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ brain, brain, brain ♪

♪ brain, brain,
brain, brain ♪


Sea lion barking]

Oh, listen
to winnie, brain.

Isn't sea lion
the most romantic

You've ever heard?

What's she saying now?

She's saying,
"i'm very bored.

"I want a fish."

Now be quiet,

I must finish this
sea lion dictionary.

It's our key
to world domination.

Using winnie
and my command

Of the sea lion

We shall recruit
a vast army
of aquatic mammals.

Since most of the world's
oil travels by sea,

We shall blockade
all harbors and ports

And disable oil tankers

By tangling their
propellers with seaweed.

No one will be able
to attack our sea army

Because they look
so darn cute.

Energy supplies
will be disrupted,

And i shall be
absolute ruler.

My first act
will be to free

All aquatic
mammal prisoners.



Oh, um...
just one quick


Do sea lions eat
sea zebras?


You are going
to be a help
this time.

Say it!

"You are going
to be a help
this time."


[Speaking sea lion]

Sea lion barking]

Uh, uh, what
did she say?

about me?

No. Winnie
would be pleased
to help us

And would like
a fish.

Oh, winnie,
my love...

[speaking sea lion]

What are you doing?

I was pledging
my undying affection

For winnie
in sea lion.

You sounded
like a coyote

in quicksand.

Oh! You see,

That is so typical
of you, brain.

Love blooms right
under your nose,

And the first thing
you want to do
is step on it.

You have the i.Q.
Of a golf bag.

Now forget this
hapless romance
and follow me.

We must escape
to the sea.

[Speaking sea lion]

[Sea lion barks]


romeo and juliet plays]


She likes me.

I can tell.


Winnie is taking us
to her old colony,

Where fish
are abundant.

Sea lion has an
awful lot of phrases
with fish.

It is the root word

For all of their
conversational idiom.

I think
i'll ask winnie

If she wants to go
to the movies
with me.

[Speaking sea lion]

[Sea lion barks]

You just said
"fetch me
a big clown hat."

What a good idea.





Hi, brain.

Do you know the lyrics
to muskrat love?

Octopus! Help!

[Muskrat love plays]

♪ octopus help ♪

Hmm. I don't think
that's quite right.

Ha ha.
How did you manage

To get so dirty
in the water?

If i weren't
so fatigued,

I would
lambaste you.


Unh. Unh.

Unh! Unh!


I hate the sea.

Whoo. Aah.

Oh, my love.

This has been
a bizarre day.

[Speaking sea lion]

[Speaking sea lion]

My friends.

My friends,
you are the few,

The proud,

The marine mammals.

Take pride
in the fact

That you give birth
to your young,

Nurture them
with milk,

And have lungs
through which
warm blood courses

Like the--


oh, follow me,
and i'll give you
some fish.


With the sea lions
now on our side,

It should be easy
to recruit other
aquatic mammals.

[Speaking sea lion]


You just told them
a ghost story
in sea lion.

I was helping,

You know, pinky,

A little
ignorance is a
dangerous thing.

May i see
that book?



I feel cleansed.

[Singing to marine corps hymn]
♪ first to fight
for fish and plankton ♪

♪ we eat no seaweed
or salt reed ♪

♪ we are proud
to be a species ♪

♪ of aquatic
mammal marines ♪


[Speaking sea lion]

Conjugate, pinky.

You want
the pluperfect tense

Of the verb--

Pretty soon

I'll be able
to talk to winnie.

A dubious pleasure.

Winnie is only
interested in fish,

Cute playfulness,

And fish.

What are you
trying to say?

May i
sit down?

If you like.

Pinky, do you know
where baby mice
come from?


They come from
a magic factory
on the moon.

Let me start again.

Mice and sea lions
don't mix,

Except, perhaps,
in a disney film.

Oh, brain.
That is so cruel.

I could never say
that to winnie.

Just tell her
there are other fish
in the sea.

Believe me,
she'll understand

Put that sea lion
out of your mind,

For tomorrow,
we begin our
conquest of earth.

Coast guard command.
This is alpha flight.

A vast migration
of sea mammals
is headed for the bay.

Radio: can you
stop them?


They're too
darn cute.

I'm not taking
any chances

On you fouling
things up.

Throw away
that dictionary
right now.



[ Marine corps hymn

Hey, brain.


[Speaking sea lion]


Hi, brain.

Where's winnie?
What's happened
to the army?

I don't know.
All i said
to winnie was...

[speaking sea lion]

You witless sponge.

You told her
there was a school

Of overweight fish
swimming nearby.

No! Return
to your formation.

That's an order.



[Speaking sea lion]

Must get the army
back at once.

There's no time
for me to give you
another fish.

[Speaking sea lion]



Winnie, come back!

i was only trying
to tell her

How much
i like her.

it came out
more like,

"I'm a big
billy goat,

So you'd better
beat it, sister."


I learned sea lion
just so i could
talk to her.

And now
she's gone forever.

All because of me.

my friend.

Your broken heart
will soon mend.


It's all busted
into gooey pieces.

Time will knit them

For i believe that
somewhere out there

Is an addled,

aquatic mammal

Who would be
perfect for you.


Do you think so?

is statistically

Start kicking.

We must return
to the lab

To prepare for
tomorrow night.

Why? What are we
going to do
tomorrow night, brain?

Kiss the dry land
beneath our feet
and then...

try to take
over the world!

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're pinky
and the brain ♪

♪ brain brain
brain brain brain ♪

The recalibration of
the infindibulum capacitor

Is dependent upon--



The ratio of
the formula of h2o,

Plus the square root
of the "n"--

That sound!
It's incessant!



I'll get it.

Bah! What sort
of idiot

Could waste away
his life

On such utter



Ha ha. It's loads
of fun, brain.

And...just a trifle
painful. Ha ha.

Ask a stupid

All right,
brain, um...

why do they
call it lunch?

I have no idea,

Except that you
are out to it.

Now go away
before i am forced

To add the weight
of an eraser
to your head.

That's it.

The weight
of an eraser
subtracted from the--

they're doing
it again.

Announcer: yes, they're
doing it in lapland.

They're doing it
in brazil.

They're even doing it
in washington, d.C.

Everyone's doing it.

Kicky sack!
The sensation
that kicks fun

Into high gear.

Just pump up your

Kicky sack
sack kickers

And kick off.

It's a kick!

Kicky sack sack kickers

And khaki socks
sold separately.

It's my favorite

I like it even better
than that commercial

Where they have
all those bland people

With big, strange hair.

I've told you
before, pinky,

That isn't a commercial.

It's cnn.


Oh, imagine
my chagrin.

This is the axis

A device that will
alter the earth's axis

By one millionth
of a percent,

Causing a shift
in weather patterns,

Resulting in one less
day of rain

in the world,

Except for los angeles.

Even that tiny change
in weather patterns

Will have
a catastrophic effect
on coffee bean crops.

This will force
everyone to switch
to tea drinking.


What do you mean,

Well, "but" or "if"
seemed inappropriate.


And this ray
will destroy every
tea bag in the world,

Except mine.

As the owner
of the world's
only tea bag,

I will rise
to prominence.

That's brilliant,

Oh, you're so amazing.

But, you know,
i tried to move
the earth yesterday,

And it was really,
really heavy.

Actually, pinky,
in your naiveté,

You have stumbled
upon a slight snafu.

The only way
the axis shiftatron

Can successfully
change the earth's

Is if the earth
suddenly loses weight.

Poit! What if everyone
in the world
went on a diet?

Diets don't work.

Even if you call them
a whole new way
of eating?


You might as well
ask everyone on earth

To pump helium
into their shoes

And suspend themselves
in midair

Long enough for me
to implement the axis

Pump helium.

That's it.

Pinky, are you
pondering what
i'm pondering?

I think so, brain.

But then my name
would be fanny.

In a perfect world,
your name would be

We will sneak
into the socko

Kicky sack
sack-Kicker factory,

And alter their
assembly line

So that the air
being pumped

Into the kicky sack

Will be replaced
by helium gas,

Causing millions of
kicky sack sack-Kickers

To rise into the air,

Thus lifting thousands
of people off the earth.

And then--
Tea time!


Brain: i must study
the operation

Of the socko
kicky sack sack-Kicker
factory in detail, pinky.

But, brain,
how will we,

Convince the huge owner

To let us inspect
his enormous factory?

We will introduce
as the only thing

Guaranteed to gain
the respect of any
american businessman,

Japanese industrialists
seeking to buy
the company.

Now remember.
I am mr. Kawasaki,

And you are
mr. Hayasaka.

to the hackensack

Socko kicky sack
sack-Kicker factory.

I'm kurt sacket,
senior supervisor.
Can i help you?

Yes, we are 2
tiny japanese

Seeking to buy
this company.

I am mr. Kawasaki.

And i am mr., uh...



Isn't it mr. Hayasaka?

Where? Poit!

I must
have missed him.

I am honored
by your visit.

Let me show you
our assembly line.

First, sheets
of sheer synthetic

Are slit into
several kicky sack
shoe shapes

And shapely shoe sizes,
by 6 sitting sheet

I only see 5 sitting
sheet slitters.

The sixth sitting
sheet slitter's sick.

His son sammy's subbing

Till the sick sixth
sitting sheet slitter's
back sitting pretty.

You're not
the sheet slitter?

No, i'm the sheet
slitter's son.

Well, you keep
on slitting sheets

Until the sheet slitter

Ha ha ha.

The shoe shaper
then shapes

The slit
synthetic sheepskin sheets

And sh**t out shoes
through the chute.

Now this is
mr. Plunkett, the new
khaki sock plucker.

I had to fire
our previous
sock plucker.

He had a bit
of an attitude.

So you sacked
the cocky khaki
kicky sack sock plucker?

The second cocky khaki
kicky sack sock plucker
i sacked

Since the sixth sitting
sheet slitter got sick.

[Machines shut down]

Don't worry.

Just an electrical

One of the kicky
sack sack-Pickers

Will have to flick
the plug.

Not the khaki
sock plucker?

Oh my, no!

The kicky sack picker's
flick the plug,

The khaki sock
plucker can't reach
the socket

Over the latex child
perambulator fenders

We used to line
the treadmill.

It might
make more sense

To have the sixth
sick sitting sheet
slitter's son

Flick the plug

If the sack pickers
and the sock

Are behind
the rubber baby
buggy bumpers.

[Machines start]

I never thought
of that.

Of course
you didn't.

That is one
smart fellow.

He felt smart.

Ha ha ha.

They felt smart.

And what,
pray tell, is this?

Oh, this is
the toy boat i won
in the sack race

At the hackensack
socko kicky sack sack-Kicker

Khaki sock factory picnic
in secaucus.

And finally
the socko kicky

Are inflated
by our genuine
parker packard

Pewter pressure pump.

Look, brain, i mean,

Mr. Turkey-Lurkey,
it's purple.

I'm kawasaki, pinky.
You're turkey-Lurkey.

Well, i don't think
that's a very nice

To say about
a person. Hueeh!

I've seen all i need to see
of the hackensack socko

Kicky sack
sack-Kicker factory.

We must take our leave

And sneak back
under cover of nightfall.


I see you've met
the hackensack
socko kicky sack

Sack-Kicker factory
security specialist,
peggy babcock.

No one gets past her.

Peggy babcock.
Peggy babcock.

Peggy babcock.

Why does that name
sound familiar?

Oh, i think
i know.

Peggy picked a peck
of pickled peppers.


this is it, pinky.

Our supper, brain?

No, pinky.

This pea contains
a single helium

Once this pea
is added
to the hackensack

Socko kicky sack
sack-Kicker factory
assembly line,

Every socko kicky
sack sack-Kicker

Will fill with helium
the first time
it is inflated.

Now, pinky.
Here is the plan.

Remember, every step
must be performed
with precision.

You must slit
the sixth sick sheet
slitter's son's sheet,

Secure it next
to the toy boat

From the hackensack
socko kicky sack

Sack-Kickers picnic
in secaucus,

Stretch it past
the sack picker's

And the sock
plucker's chute,

And pick a sack,

Pluck a sock,
and flick the plug

So i can put the pea
in the plucked sock,

With the picked sack
for ballast,

And bounce it off
the rubber baby buggy

Into the parker packard
purple pewter pressure

Is that understood?

I understood
"now" and "pinky."

♪ tra-La la la la la ♪

Brain: pinky, quiet!

I must be fooling

This will never work.

Oh, why not,

All i have to do is slit
the sixth sick sheet slitter's
son's sheet

And secure it
next to the toy boat

From the hackensack socko
kicky-Sack sack kicker's
picnic in secaucus,

Speed it past
the sock plucker
and the sack picker

And pick a sack,
pluck a sock,
and flick a plug.

Why, yes, pinky,
that was perfect.

Poit! Yes.
And i have no idea
what it means.

then just listen to me.

I will shout out
each step.

All right, brain.
And i shall watch out
for peggy babcock.

Peggy babcock?

Peggy babcock!





Now, pinky,

Shlit the seet.

Which seat?

The slick shick's
sleet sitter's shleet.

Beg pardon?

Oh, i'll do it.

Troy boyt!

Narf! What's a "boyt"
and where shall i tow it?


Flick the flock.
I mean, flee the flack.

Troz! I wonder
what he means by that?


Ow! Ooh! Ee-Ow! Ooh!

Aah! Unh!


Block the flig.


Are you ok up
there, brain?

Is your plan thingy
going well?

Pig the flick.

I mean, flog the--

I suppose i should
take that as a no. Narf!


Not the rugger booby
biggy boopers!


Unh! Unh! Unh!

Oh, no.

Heavy bagpop.

Aah! Unh!

Poit! Is that gaelic
or something?

Piggy bigbop.

Oh, i know.
It's some sort
of greeting.

Well, piggy bigbop
to you, too.



Oh, no, brain. Troz!

you forgot your pea.

Oh, never mind
about that, pinky.


We must get back
to the lab

To prepare
for tomorrow night.

Poit! What we going
to do tomorrow
night, brain?

Sell sea shells
at the seashore?

No, pinky.

The same thing
we do every night.

Try to wake over
the turld.

♪ they're dinky ♪

♪ they're binky
and the prain ♪

♪ prain-- ♪
woman: no,
wait a second.

Ha ha ha ha!
Man: what?

Woman: wait.
It's prinky and--
No, no.

Second man: no.
I got it. I got it.

Pinky and the bain.

Woman: ha ha ha!
Man: no. No,
that's not right.

We're going with stinky
and the crane.

Second woman: oh, good.

Peggy babcock,
peggy babcock--

Man: rubber--Can you say
rubber baby buggy bumpers?

Second woman: shell she
sells sea shells--

Shell she sells
sea shells--

Second man: stinky and the--

Second woman: shell she
sells seashells--
I did it.

Man: you win.
Second woman: ha ha ha!

Second man:
sick sheet slitter's son.
Am i getting it right?

Man: that's closer.
Woman: oh, man.

Second man: oh, gosh.
How many takes
did that take?

Woman: that's not easy.
Man: i quit.