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01x18 - Dude, Where's Val's Car?

Posted: 03/28/24 17:06
by bunniefuu
Mornin', sweetie.


Look at you, all happy and bouncy, saying "mornin'" with no "g.

" I had my first good night's sleep since Jeff and I broke up.

I think the old wild, carefree Val is back in action.

You know what I want? Eggs, bacon
- a humongous breakfast.

Pancakes the size of your freaking head! Hey, do you want some orange juice? No.

Um, aren't you going to be late for work? Who cares? I'm always the first one there.

Let them wait for me for a change.

What about your perfect record of never being late? Never.

That is really cool.

We'll have pancakes the size of your freaking head tomorrow.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Oh, don't be late for school, okay? Okay, I won't.

Bye! Bye! Hi.


You look pretty.

Your head looks handsome.

Come on in.

I've never ditched school before.

I was kind of nervous about it at first, but now I'm totally onboard with our whole Bonnie and Clyde dynamic.

Having said that, I absolutely have to be home by 10 to 3:00.

What if you're having so much fun that you lose track of time? Okay, so I've got the picnic basket.

I've got my mini CD player.

Hey, does your dad have a blanket in his car? Yes, there is a blanket in my dad's car Okay, good.

Which is parked outside his office in Weehawken.

You couldn't get the car? Sorry.

Maybe we should just go to Central Park.

It's just as romantic, and it's a lot closer.

No, I had my heart set on the beach.

Man, that's where I pictured us.

Ooh! You've been picturing us, huh? In these pictures, do I know what I'm doing, or am I kind of confused? Put it this way.

When I look at the pictures, I blush.

I will carry you to the beach! Val has a car.


But I'm not allowed to use it unless I ask her.

Oh, bummer.

But if she doesn't know I took it, then she wouldn't know I didn't ask her.


No, but I really want to go to the beach with you.

And I really want to go with you.

So if I took the car, I'd be doing it for you.

My reasons would be unselfish, and Val is always telling me to put others first.

She's gonna be so proud of me.

Hey, Holly, when you're picturing us at the beach, can I keep my shirt on? Hey! Uh
-huh What I like about you You really know how to dance When you go up, down, jump around Talk about true romance Yeah Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear 'Cause it's true What I like That's what I like about you What I like That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you Hey! You were really nice to stop for me.

Hey, it's no problem.

It's your picnic, too.

I want you to be happy with the cheese.

Didn't we park here? Yes, we definitely parked here.

There's my gum.

Then where's Val's car? Oh, my God! Val's car's been stolen! Oh! I'll call the cops.

No, no, you can't call the cops.

They'll call Val.

Then what am I supposed to say? "I'm sorry.

I took your car without asking "so me and my boyfriend could ditch school and go to the beach for a picnic"? What? There's just so much going on.

I mean, on one hand, I'm real freaked out, because we are in so much trouble.

But on the other hand, you said "boyfriend"! This is bad, Henry! This is really bad! She's gonna k*ll me! What do I do? Why didn't I just ask her to take the car? Because you were ditching school.


But if I had asked her and then the car got stolen, she'd be all, "Oh, thank God you're okay.

" So that's it.

All I have to do is ask her to borrow the car.

But it's already stolen.

Yeah, but she doesn't know that.

Okay, so tomorrow morning, I'll ask her if I can borrow her car, and then I'll call from a few blocks away, and I'll say
- "Oh, my God, Val, your car has been stolen!" Yes! Yes.

Hey, Jeff.


Listen, um, I just came by to say that I'm really sorry about what happened with you and Val.

Thanks, man, but, you know, it happens.

People break up.

I was just wondering will I still get free food? Sorry, dude, I don't think I can do that anymore.

Ha ha ha! I get it.

You're making jokes so you don't cry.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

No, no, I'm serious, man.

My dad's decided to sell the restaurant.

Now he questions me on every food order, every new hire, every comped meal.

Come on, man.

I just want a sandwich.

I'm not asking for the Ahi Tuna Tower.

Sorry, buddy.

Can't do it.

You know, anyway, once he gets rid of this place, I got to find a new job.

Man, you lose your girlfriend, you lose your job.

Nobody's watching.

You want a hug? Actually, I'm kind of psyched.

I mean, my dad never let me run this place the way I wanted to.

I mean, you think I'd frame grass and hang it by where people sit? So, what, you're looking for another restaurant? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hopefully I'll find an owner who's actually interested in my ideas and doesn't call me a dumbass.

That is the dream.


What were you gonna do, sleep the whole day away? It's 8:00.

It's just, uh, I need to run to the library really quickly, and I need to know if I can borrow your car.

Why don't you take the subway? I can't believe you don't believe me! God, Val! All right, look, I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want you to be disappointed in me.

What is it? Yesterday, I, uh, studied so hard for my biology test that I was totally irresponsible and I forgot to to the library and check out "The Day of the Locust" by Nathanael West.

Okay, what is up with you? It's Saturday morning, and you're worried about schoolwork? I really want to bring up my grades! God, Val! And, uh, possibly meet Henry in the periodical section for some research? Am I that obvious? I've just been around the block a few times.

Well, you were right.

We were gonna meet there.

But I actually do need to get that book, so is it okay if I just take the car? Hey, wait, I've got an idea.

Why don't we go together? And then after the library, you can come with me to Costco.

Um, why don't you give me a list of what you want, and I'll just run out and get it for you? Are you kidding? Nobody comes between me and my chance to buy and a tire.

Yeah, I don't think you're gonna need the tire.

Okay, the thing is, yesterday I did something that was probably not very Where's my car? Yeah, that's the thing I wanted to talk
- Where is it? This is my space! This is my space, right? It is, yeah, but, um Oh, my God, it's gone! Do you think someone someone stole it? I can't believe this.

Someone came into this garage and stole my car! What the hell kind of world do we live in? God, I feel like
- I feel so I feel like how are we gonna get to Costco? I couldn't believe it! It was like the perfect way out just fell into my lap.

I mean, what's the difference between the car getting stolen off the street or out of the parking garage? Well, just that one of them happened, and the other one didn't.

Okay, I screwed up.

I know that.

And I was just about to tell Val, but thenGod intervened.

Do you think God will give her a loaner car until her insurance check comes? Hey, kiddo, how you doing? Hey! Hey.

Hey, Henry.


I made you a CD.

"Henry's Ultimate Breakup Mix.

" Thanks, dude.

Some of those are kind of sad, but it's the good kind of sad.

So, this is where you guys hang out, huh? It's a cool place.

Cool crowd.

Yeah, well, maybe it's the kind of place that can help you start a new chapter in your life.

What? She is the reason I brought you here.

Gary, no.

Forget it.

Cheryl, this is Jeff, the guy I was telling you all about.

I believe he's just what you're looking for.

I hope so.

Have a seat.

So, Gary tells me that you manage that bistro on Second Avenue.

Yeah, yeah, I do.

What else did Gary tell you? Oh, that you're charming, personable, and everyone loves you.


Listen, you seem really sweet, and you're very attractive, but, uh, I just got out of a relationship, and I'm not really ready to start anything right now.

Jeff, I own this restaurant.

Wow! Listen, Cheryl, some guys might be interested in the idea of having a sugar mama, but I'm sort of a pay
-way kind of guy.

And not that it's any of my business, but you are way too hot to be having a high school kid hook you up.

I'm not hitting on you.

I'm interviewing you.

Well, call it what you want.

I need to hire a manager.

Gary's been bending my ear nonstop for the last two days, so I said, "Okay, bring him in.

I'll interview him.

" So? How am I doing? Hi.


Tyler? Hi, I'm Detective Clark.

You reported a stolen car.


Come on in.

Thank you.

Have a seat.


Okay, I wrote down every detail while it was still fresh in my mind.

Well, you don't have to, you see
- Okay, I left my apartment at approximately 8:25.

I exited the elevator and started southbound to my parking space.

My intended destination was Costco.

We then proceeded down
- It's okay.


Tyler, we found the car.

What? Where? Oh, no.

Is it in a chop shop? It's at an impound lot in Queens.

It was towed there yesterday from a loading zone.

An impound lot? Yes.

And there's no evidence that the car was stolen.

I don't understand.

Let me ask you something.

Does anyone besides you drive it? No.

Just me and my sister.

Well, we found a picnic basket and a man's jacket in the car.

There was a label sewn into the collar.

Do you know anyone named Henry? My sister is dating a kid named Henry.


I know this is not a real impressive piece of detective work, but I'm liking your sister as the perp.

Thank you for finding my car.

Here's the address to the impound lot.

Just bring $400, and you can have your car back.


Uh, Detective Clark here found my car.

Good job! I am glad to see my tax dollars at work.

Is this the sister? Yeah.

Good luck, kid.

Yeah, yeah, I know, stay in school.


So, did they find the guy who did it? No.

And the funny thing was, the car turned up in an impound lot.


It had been towed from a loading zone.

They broke into your garage, stole your car, and parked it illegally? My God, it was a crime spree.

Where are you going? Let's celebrate.

I know.

Why don't we have a picnic in the park? Picnic? Yeah.

Why don't you grab the basket? Basket? Yeah, I don't know where that is.

It's where it always is, Holly.

In the impound lot in the back seat of my car next to Henry's jacket! I love you.

You lied to me.

You looked me right in the eye and you lied to me.

You lied to me about driving my car.

You lied to me about "Day of the Locust.

" You lied to me about Costco! I know, I know.

I screwed up.

What were you doing driving around yesterday morning? Weren't you supposed to be in school? I ditched.

I cannot believe this.

You lied to me
- to me! I know.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, Val.

I just panicked, and I just didn't want you to get mad at me.

You skipped school, you took my car
- which is gonna cost $400 to get back.

You let me call the police knowing that the car wasn't stolen.

Technically, at the time I did think the car was stolen.

Okay, Holly, stop it.

Do you know how serious this is? Yes, I screwed up on so many levels.

I'm sorry! Do you want to ground me? Two weeks? Two months? Two years? I understand.


I'm not gonna ground you.

That's too easy.

I'm just not gonna trust you anymore.

Oh, no, Val, don't say that.

You can trust me.

You know that.

From now on, I'll tell you everything.

It's too late.

I mean, when you leave in the morning, I'm gonna wonder, are you really going to school? When you say you're with Gary, are you really gonna be with Gary? I'm not gonna know when to believe you anymore, Holly.

I hate that.

I'm sorry.

I know I keep saying that, but I just don't know what else I can say.

I don't either.

You could have live music or an open mic night.

I'd expand the menu.

I mean, this place has a lot of possibilities.

I agree.

Well, anyway, thanks for giving me the opportunity to be charming and personable.


When can you start? I got the job? No.

When can you start being charming and personable? Ha ha ha ha! Good one.


You have a good sense of humor.

I did do some checking on you.

Turns out that people do think you're charming and personable.

And people love me.

That's pretty cocky.

No, I was just repeating what Gary said about
- I like cocky.

You want to start next week? I'll start when I want.

You like cocky, right? I'll see you next week.

So, how'd it go? I got it! Up top! Yeah! Listen, man, thanks for, you know it was a really great thing that you did, and I appreciate it.

Well, all righty.

Let's get this over with.

Make it quick.

[clears throat]

Hey, Jeff.


Gary told me about the whole car thing.

Stupid, huh? Not the brightest.

Listen, just lay low for a little while.

Val will calm down, and then everything will be back to normal.

I don't know.

She said she doesn't trust me anymore.

And I still have to come up with that $400 to pay her back for that towing fee.

Well, why don't you just ask Val if you can take it out of your account? My savings account? No, there's only like 8 bucks in there.

No, no, the dough that she sets aside from the money your dad sends you.

There should be a lot of money in there by now.

Val takes $20 a week out of my allowance? Ohyou didn't
- oh, man, Val's gonna k*ll
- wait a second.

What's she gonna do, break up with me again? She keeps the bankbook in her underwear drawer.

Yeah, I've been in there.

You can tell her that, too.

Food's here.


So, I was thinking about how I was gonna pay off that $400, and I think I should start taking $20 out of my allowance every week.

Do you think that's a good amount to take out of my allowance every week? $20? You know, I was thinking, it could be $10 or $15, but $20 is just such a nice round number to take out of my allowance every week.

Holly, are you trying to tell me something? Jeff told me that you skim money off my allowance every week.

That's my money, and you took it without telling me!
- That's a lie!
- Holly, it's not a lie.

Dad sends me $60 every week, and you only give me $40? That's $20 of lie every week.

I don't know if I can trust you anymore.

Holly, do you honestly think that what you did and what I'm doing are the same thing? I put that money aside each week for you
- in your account.

You know why I didn't tell you? So when you get to college, you'll have a nice surprise, and you'll have money in the bank.

Dad puts money away for college.

Yeah, for tuition, just like he did for me.

But I still had to work in a shoe store so I'd have spending money.

The reason I've been putting that $50 away
- It was $50? $20 from Dad, and $30 from me.

What? I want college to be a good experience for you.

I don't want you to have to worry about money.

So I've been putting in a little each week, too.

Oh, my God.

What? You are so good! You're, like, perfect.

I'm not perfect.

Yes, you are.

Even saying you're not perfect makes you perfect.

Oh, my God, I'm horrible.

I'm a liar.

I'm a bad seed.

You are not a bad seed.

Yes, I am.

I should be put on an island where I can do no harm.

Holly, you're a good person.

You just made a mistake
- a huge one.

But everybody makes them.

Not you.

You're not bad.

You never get into trouble.

I'm bad.


What have you ever done? Um Oh, I know! No.

Oh, my God! You're right I'm so good.

I know.

And that's why I'm sorry.

What do you mean? Out of all the people in the world to lie to, it should never be you.

I promise you, I will never, ever lie to you about anything ever again.

No matter how big it is, okay? I want you to trust me with anything.

I do, and I will.

I swear.


What if we do this? You keep putting money into my secret account, and I'll pay you back out of the money that Nana gives me that you don't know about.


When I was your age, Nana used to give me It was 50?! You hungry? Yeah, I'm starving.

Oh, look at this.

They gave us an extra order of french fries.

I'm not telling.

Who's the bad seed now?