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02x06 - No More Mr. Nice Guy

Posted: 03/28/24 17:13
by bunniefuu
I can't believe you did that.

It wasn't my fault.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Well, fine, you can ask them.

Ask us what? You guys have to promise not to judge me.

Then I should go.

Look, last night, I'm out at this club, right, and I'm dancing.

Now, next thing I know, this girl
- she starts dancing with me.

Now, now, we were good.

I mean, I was all And she was all All of a sudden, she starts kissing me.

After you danced like that? I mean, I stopped her, you know? I said to her, "Hey, girl, "I've got a girlfriend, and she's in France.

And I do not need this.

" I said that in my head.

But the point is, I stopped her.

But you kissed another girl.

That's disgusting.

You said you wouldn't judge me.

No, I'm judging her.

What Gary wants to know is, was this cheating?
- Now, I personally think
- Ah, let them answer.

Totally cheating.


I don't know what to do.

I mean, Jill and I have always been honest with each other.

Should I tell her? Well, if you can sleep at night knowing that you cheated on your girlfriend of 10 months, then don't tell her, but I personally couldn't live with myself.

Good answer.

- Well, I couldn't.

- Aww You guys make me sick.

Well, what do you think? Hey, I'm still in shock that you even have a girlfriend.


Hey! Hi.

What are you doing here? I just joined.

I figure, I work in the building, I might as well use this gym.

You know, you really should come up to the office and say hi.


That would be kind of weird going back there after I made such a big deal about quitting.

Oh, that's okay.

I told everybody I fired you.

Hey, you went to Columbia? I went to Yale.

-five, okay? Look, I really don't like to talk while I'm working out.

Oh, that's actually really good for you.

It increases your respiratory heart rate.

There is no such thing as a respiratory heart rate.


Maybe I shoulda have went to Columbia.


Look, can you just stop doing that? What? You're looking at me.


Well, I thought you were looking at me.

Why would I be looking at you? Look at me.

I like to come to the gym and have a little time to myself, okay, and it really makes me uncomfortable to have you there watching me.

Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable.

Thank you.

I'm gaining on ya! You laid out all the pieces like the picture in the manual.


You a little obsessive
-compulsive? No.

I just think everyone has more fun when you follow the instructions.

- Hey.

- Hey, you're home early.


Henry had an A.


Physics study group.

On a Friday night? That dude deserves to get into Princeton.

Yeah, he's thinking about Yale, too.

I hope he goes to Princeton.

People from Yale are such jackasses.

Hey, my father went to Yale.


No, I'm sorry.

Uh, Peter was at the gym earlier.

He went to Yale.

I'm sure your father is a very nice man.

My father didn't go to Yale.

He's a loser.

So, Peter goes to your gym? Yes.

How annoying is that? Why don't you go to a new gym? I can't.

The mean membership lady won't let me out of my contract.

She had a lot of attitude for somebody named Becky.

So, are you just going to get fat now? No, that's why I'm going to work out at night.

Hee hee.

He'll never see me.

So it's Friday night, and you're going to the gym.

And you're staying home.

You guys are animals.

Yeah, I guess putting together a barbecue is off the heezie, yo.

I tell you what.

What if I blow this off tonight? Hey.

A friend of mine just opened up a coffee bar in the village, and he said he'd give me free stuff.

You want to go?
- Ooh, sure, sounds fun.

- Wait, wait!

: Cool, let's go.

- What about my barbecue? Take it easy.

I'll set it all on the terrace and put it together tomorrow.

Right after work.

- Hey.

- Yeah.

Are you sure this is such a good idea? What? You and Vince going out.

How do you think Henry's going to feel? Glad that I'm not bored.

He felt pretty bad about abandoning me on a Friday night.

Vince is What? He's a nice guy.

Yeah, no, he is a nice guy, but he's not a nice guy nice guy, you know what I'm saying? He's kind of more of a player.

Okay, Val, I think I can control myself.

We're just friends.


But that's what every girl says until she gets played.

Um, this bolt got separated from the herd.

Do you know which part this is for? What? No.

No, no, I don't see that one anywhere.

Oh, God, how can this be? It's an extra bolt for my bike seat.

How long do you think it'll be till her head explodes? Excuse me, Becky.


I can't let you out of your contract.


Hey, Pete.

Hey, Beck.

Hi, Val.

I thought you worked out in the morning.

Yeah, I do.

I work out in the morning so I can come here and look like this at night.

I'm just going to be completely honest with you.

You must leave my gym.


- Really?
- No.


It's way too convenient for me here.

Come on, why don't you join another gym? I can't.

That mean Becky won't let me out of my contract.

The thing is, this is my place.

My place to come and think.

My place to not have to talk, and you are a distraction.

So I really bother you that much? Yeah.

Well, I think maybe you should examine that.

What? Yeah.

Yeah, I think maybe there are some underlying reasons as to why you might find me such a distraction.

Oh, my God.

Okay, look, maybe there are underlying reasons why you always work out at the same time I do, why you're always working out next to me, hmm, why you're always talk, talk, talking to me.

Yeah, there are.

I like you.

Ah, see? What? I like you.

I know.

I don't really get it, either.

I mean, look at this place.

It's packed with beautiful women in spandex outfits.

And you're here with your hair all stuck to your sweaty forehead, and you're frowning at me all the time, and I can't stop looking at you.

-ha! See, I knew you were looking at me.

Ha ha ha ha.

Oh, my God, I'm, like, up to here in lattes.

You know, just because something's free doesn't mean you have to have 20 of them.

That's so not my philosophy.

Hey, no use wasting my caffeine buzz.

I could put that grill together.

- Got any tools?
- Yes.

Here you go.

Could take a while.

I'll keep you company.


Tools needed baby hammer got it.

Brr, it's freezing out here.

Oh, here, take my jacket.

Oh, aren't you going to be cold?
- Nah, I'm fine.

- Thank you.


So let's put the body together first.

Hand me that shelf.


- Ow!
- What? What? Ooh, a splinter.

- Let me see it.

- No, it hurts Come here.

What are those tweezers for? To clean your eyebrows up a little.

To take your splinter out.

Oh, no, it'll dissolve.

Come here.

You're unbelievable.

You want to see pain? Huh? You like that? Gross.

How did you get that? Weirdest day of my life
- I get this call for a bike run to some lawyer's office.

They tell me I got 15 minutes to deliver this envelope.

Matter of life and death, they say which, obviously, I'm all over.

So, traffic's, like, bumper to bumper.

- I'm weaving in and out
- You got hit by a car? Damn, you're sucking the drama right out of this.


Okay, go.

So I get to the lawyer's office, I haul ass into the building, and there's, like, 9,000 people waiting for the elevator.

So I think
- stairs.

So the clock's ticking.

I got I hit the eighth floor landing, and there's this huge dude just standing there, and he's, like, "Give me the envelope.

" And I'm, like, "Dude, take it up with the lawyer guy.

I got a job to do.

" So I make a move, and the guy puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a freakin' g*n.

- Oh, my God!
- I know! So
- so I blow past him and run up the stairs as fast as I can.

- And?
- He shot me.


Oh, my God.

In the knee? No.

In the neck.

The b*llet traveled down my neck, through my heart, out my lung, around my six
-pack, down the leg, out the knee.

You're the biggest liar.


But you didn't feel a thing, did you? Now, come on, I'm going to need another hand.

So, how'd you really get that scar? Naked grilled cheese accident.




? It's crisp outside today.

Nothing happened.

Did I say anything? I know what you're thinking.

I'm not thinking anything.

I got up this morning, got dressed for the gym, took my cup of coffee out to the terrace and saw my little sister sleeping with Vince.

Typical morning.

Okay, look, we came home last night.

We were wide awake from coffee.

He put the grill together, we talked, we fell asleep, and that's it.

- Okay.

- Nothing happened.

You know, for somebody who claims nothing happened, you're awfully defensive.

I'm being defensive because I know that you think I fell under his mysterious powers.

And, um, is that his coat? Yes, it's Vincent's coat of love.

Watch how it works.

Henry's my boyfriend.


I love Vince! Henry's my boyfriend.


I love Vince! Oh, God.

What? I saw the sniff.

The sniff? Yes, you sniffed his jacket.

- When?
- And you don't even know you did it.

Oh, my God, you're crazy.

I'm just trying to protect you.

- From what?
- From that! The player! You know what? Maybe I should be the one protecting you.

From what? Is somebody putting on a little extra gloss for the gym, a little rouge for the player? Okay, this has nothing to do with Peter.

I didn't even say Peter.

Ha! Okay.

Look, I'm not going to let you turn this around on me.

For someone who doesn't like Peter, you sure are defensive.

- He's a jerk.

- Cute top.

- But he's not my type.

- Is it new? Fine, don't listen to me.

Excuse me.

- Over there.

- Over there.

Hey, Val.



I love you.

So I've been thinking about the whole thing at the club, about that girl kissing me.

And you're right.

I'm going to tell Jill.

I never met Jill.

But it'll be awesome to watch her break up with you.

You know, I've given some thought to that myself, and, you know, I think Tina might've been right.

Why tell Jill something that might hurt her? I mean, things happen
- things you don't expect or plan on.

It's a crazy, mixed
-up world.

All right, wait, wait.

What's going on? Something happened last night, and I really need to talk to you about it, but you have to promise me you won't tell anybody.

Oh, but, come on, Holly, it's me.

And who's Tina going to tell? She ain't got no friends.


So you know that Henry was studying last night.

- Yeah.

- Well, Vince and I were hanging out
- Oh, God.

- No, it wasn't like that.

He was putting our barbecue together.

It got late, we fell asleep, and I woke up and he was there.

Nothing happened, but I kind of got some feelings that I don't think I should be having when I have a boyfriend.

Oh, my God, how did Vince feel?
- I don't know.

- All right, well, let me ask you this.

Would it make a difference if Vince felt the same way you feel right now? No.

I don't think so.

Well, maybe you should find out, because until you do, you're not being fair to yourself or
- Henry! Okay, you don't need to yell at me about it.

- I feel bad enough already.

- Hey.

- Oh, hey, Henry!
- What's Gary making you feel bad about? Uh pollution and, you know, the hole in the ozone and all that.

You know what? I don't even own a car, so back off! God.

Now look what you did.




Oh, hey.

I got some good news.

Yeah? Yeah.

I, uh, I really heard what you said the other day about needing your space, and I don't want to spoil that for you.

Oh, no, sorry, I was just being
- So you can leave.

What? Huh? Yeah.

I had a few drinks with Becky and talked to her about letting you out of your contract, and she said she'd take care of it.

So you can join another gym.

Why would you do that? I thought you wanted to leave.

Did you read the contract? Because I did, and I am legally bound to this gym for the next 10 months.

Well, I talked to Becky.

Well, there's no wiggle room in the contract, okay? It is the law.

Do you want me to get in trouble? No.

Okay then.

We will both continue working out here, but we don't have to speak to each other and we don't have to look at each other.


[knock on door]

One sec.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Hey, Val said to come by and pick up my 40 bucks for putting the grill together.

Oh, yeah, you know, I thought I heard her say something about you stopping by.

Here you go.


Actually, some of this should go to you.

You helped me.

Oh, no, I didn't do that much.

Yeah, that's true.

Hey, uh, that was fun last night.

You mean, the, uh yeah, I had fun, too.

I usually don't talk that much when I'm with a girl.

It was interesting.


You're pretty gabby.


You know, I
- blah, blah We should hang out again sometime.

Yeah, that would be really cool.

I'm going to this club tonight.

I could totally get you in.

Oh, yeah, um This girl I've been seeing is singing there.

Call Henry.

See if he wants to go.

Oh, no, thanks.

Actually, I I think I'd, you know, love to have some alone time with Henry tonight.


Well, we can all do it some other time then, huh? Sure, yeah, that would be cool.

Hey, give this to Val.

Just tell her to put it in a separate drawer So it doesn't scare all the tiny tools.

Ha ha ha.



What smells so good? Steak.


Who's barbecuing? Is it Henry or It's Henry.

Vince is out on a date with not me.

Everyone's safe.


That is good, right? Yeah, it's good.

So, uh, how was your workout? Oh, it was fine.

Stupid Peter was there.

But you know what? I don't care anymore.

He can stay, I can stay.


What does that mean? It means all I know is I don't know any more than you do.

Ha ha.


I could have told you that.

Hey, tell your boyfriend to grill me up a giant steak, throw in a big fat potato with butter, cheese, sour cream, bacon bits
- Oh, oink.

Hey, I got 10 months left on my gym membership.

I am going to get my money's worth.



Medium rare, except for one little piece at the end that is so burnt I think it's charcoal.

Exactly how I like it.

I know.

Because your dad wasn't paying attention that one time, and he didn't see the little piece of steak at the edge of the grill So the tip of it was totally burnt.

I can't believe that you remember that.

I remember everything you've ever told me about meat.

We're good together, huh? Damn good.

Hey, what happened? Oh, nothing.

Uh, splinter.

Nothing to worry about.

Hey, these are almost done.

Could you, uh, bring me a plate? Oh, yeah, sure.

Ooh, guess what.

I lost 7 pounds! I'm going to have me a cake.