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02x07 - I'm Sorry, So Sorry

Posted: 03/28/24 17:14
by bunniefuu

Morning, sis.


Oh, how's my beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sister doing? Okay, I'm scared.

Which makes you even more beautiful
- and happy that I get to go away this weekend with all of my friends.

Yay! Whoo
-hoo! Parental supervision will be provided.

Parents! Whoo
-hoo! OhmyGod! Did something happen, Lauren? Something so huge that I am trembling.

The gorgeous lawyer from my yoga class finally asked me out.

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God! Well, tell us
- how did it happen? Tell us
- tell us everything.

Oh, well, it was so romantic.

We were both in the "up dog" position.

Our breathing
- as one.

Our eyes met, and I kind of gave him one of these And then he returned with one of these And then I said, "If you wanted to ask me out, I wouldn't say no.

" And then totally out of the blue he asked me out!

: Oh, my God! I need you to help me.



What do you want me to do? Okay, well, normally when I go out with a guy, the minute there is an awkward silence, I usually go to that place.

What place? My place.

So, I just need you to help me fill in those awkward silences.

So would you mind if I had the date here? You really like this guy, don't you? So much.



Bring him on over.

We will talk, talk, talk all night long.


Well, what do we say? Well, he's a lawyer, right? Uh, we'll talk about books and, um, politics, current events.

Ick! Got anything else? Oh, wait a minute.

What am I saying? You know what you're doing.

I mean, you are the expert at not sleeping with guys.

You could go months and months and months
- Okay.

Why don't we just play it by ear? Okay, thank you.

Hey, Lauren, have you had breakfast yet? Oh, God, no.

I have to lose seven pounds in nine hours.

Too bad.

We're having chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.


All right, well, no bacon.

You look thinner already.

So I just talked to my parents.

They said they got a foot of fresh powder last night.

Yeah! Oh, how much do we love my boyfriend? I'll love him more if his cabin has a jacuzzi.

Seats 12.

Give me some love! Jacuzzi.

Give me some love! What's up, guys?
- Vince!
- What's up, Vince?
- What's going on, man?
- Here you go, dude.

Don't lose 'em.

Those are my lucky gloves.

They, uh, touched many slopes.

Ew! Where you guys gonna ski? Hunter Mountain.

Cal's parents have a cabin over there.

Really? I used to teach snowboarding up there.

Are you kidding? I've been dying to learn how to snowboard.

Dude, you wanna go? There's plenty of room.

You serious? Sure.

You guys cool with that?
- Yeah.


- Yeah, man, come on, let's go.


Okay, well, I'm going to get a drink.

Um, anyone want anything else?
- Cheese fries.

- Cheeseburger.

Coke, no ice.

So, nothing? Yeah, I'm coming with you.

I'm gonna need that back, dude.

So, who are you going to jacuzzi with, Henry or Vince? Shh! Don't even make jokes about that.

- Oh, my God.

You invited him.

- No, I did not invite him.

Okay, what was this? "I'm dying to learn to snowboard.

" Okay, Vince and I hung out once.

You know, I wish I didn't even tell you.

Okay, fine, so no more Vince feelings? No, none.


End of story.



- Tina?
- Todd, how are you?
- I'm good, I'm good.

- You look great.

So do you.

Come here.

I want you to meet my friends.

Okay, Todd, this is Holly Hey.

Henry, Gary, Vince, and my friend Cal.

- What's up, guys?
- How you doing? What's up, Todd? Look, I got to get going, but it was great to see you again.

You too.



: Nice meeting you.

What? Your "friend" Cal? You introduced me as your friend?
- Ooh
- Sookie
-sookie now.


No, no.

No, you know what I meant.

He didn't.

I'm your boyfriend.

No, he saw how I touched you and went like this.


This freakin' sucks.

I'm taking your friends to go skiing, and you treat me like dirt? Oh, God, you are so overreacting.

Oh, fine, walk away.

And, you know, you don't have to do me and my friends any favors.

Nobody wants to go skiing with a crybaby.

No, I want to ski with a crybaby.

Sorry, guys.

I wanted to go skiing with my girlfriend, but apparently I don't have one.

Trip's off.

She's sorry!
- No, I'm not!
- Shut up, girl! Cal, come back! Can you believe him? What, what do you want me to do, run after him and say "I'm sorry"?
- Yes.

- Yes.

Hey, look, Gary brought him back.


: I bet you he wants to make up! Yeah, forget it.

Tina, Cal loves you so much, and you love him.


Hey, we spent 150 bucks on lift tickets.

Go talk to him.

All right.

It's gonna be fine, you guys.

I've seen them fight a million times.

Two seconds, it'll be all over.


: Uh

It's okay.

Calm down.

I've seen this, too.

It gets all heated up and, uh, all hell breaks loose, and then
- That I haven't seen.

Okay, so the guy says to the librarian,

Can I get a double cheeseburger, large fries, and a small coke? More! More! No, no, I can't.

Come on.

You're really funny.

Well, I am kind of on fire.

Oh, man, I got to get going.

I have to be at court in the morning.

What did you do? See? I'm funny, too, huh? You're great.

You are all great.

I have had such a fantastic time.

Come on.

I'd better get you home.


Oh, or, uh, you could just stay the night here, Lauren.

Oh, no.

It's okay.

We're in a relationship.

Really, it's not a problem at all.

Uh, Lauren, I thought you were going to help me with my homework.


Do you want her to grow up stupid? Come on.

I'll walk you to the door.

And then I'll go help dummy with her homework.


Thank you.


Hey, that's my wine! I'm just saying, it's not too late.

If you apologize to Cal, we can all go skiing.

Well, I did, but he wouldn't accept it.

Did you actually say "I'm sorry"? He wouldn't even let me get that far.

I said, "Why are you being such an idiot?" And he like totally lost it.

So, you're saying he took "You're an idiot" as a negative thing? You know, I don't even want to go on this stupid trip.

I hate skiing.

You get cold and wet, and your nose gets all red, and stuff drips out.

It's disgusting.

Then why were you even going? To be with my boyfriend.

That! That! How hard is that to say? "Boyfriend.

" Oh, my God.



Where have you guys been? Actually, we were talking to Cal.

He's still going, and he said we can all go with him.




I don't care.

I Uh.

Umokay, could you just, uh, excuse us for just a second? Come here.

Come here.

Okay, you have to go.

I want to, but Tina
- Tina is being stubborn.

Why should we let that ruin our weekend? I know, and I wanted to go away with you.

And you still can.

She just had a fight with her boyfriend, and she feels really bad.

And it's heart
-wrenching, but these things happen.

Look, if you don't come, then who is going to wear this? Huh? She's going to be all alone.

That is her choice.

This is horrible.

Well, you can wear mine.

It has antlers.

No! I feel like I shouldn't
- oh, God, I don't know.

Holly, Holly, it's simple.

Okay, do you think she was right? No.

And do you think she should apologize? Yeah.

And do you like jacuzzis? Mm

Okay, that's it.

I'm going.

- Okay.

- I just have to go tell her.


Hey, Tina, so, um, Henry and I
- You're going?! I didn't say that.

- Are you?
- A little.

I can't believe you would do that.

Okay, just let me explain.

No, you know what? I think I've heard enough.

And cute hat! Move! Girl, you don't know me like that! Hey.

Good morning.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

You did such a good job last night.

There was not one awkward pause.

Oh, you're welcome.

He was easy to talk to.

He comes from such an interesting family.

Can you imagine
- six brothers? He has brothers? You didn't hear him say that? We talked about it for like an hour.


But he called me great and thought I was funny.

Did you hear that? Yeah, well, you were great.

You were funny.

Then why hasn't he called me?! Why?! Was I too funny? Was I too great? Lauren, calm down, okay? Guys like to wait a day or two before they call, you know, so they don't seem desperate.


[telephone rings]

Hello? Oh, um, can you hold on one second? It's him! Oh! Thank God! He's as desperate as me! Shh! I have a boyfriend! Shh! Sorry about that, Greg.

Oh, yeah, it was great meeting you, too.

Lots of fun.

Um, so I guess you want to talk to Lauren.


Uh, about what? No, I don't think that would be a very good idea, Greg.

I have to go.


Well, what did he say? I am so sorry.

Is he dying? Oh, my God.

My soul mate is dying.

No, he's not dying.


Okay, well, then what is it? He asked me to go out for drinks with him tonight.

I am so, so sorry.

Ohthat is the lowest thing a man can do.

But, hey, don't you think it's a good thing he showed you his true colors now before you got involved and got your heart broken? Huh? Don't you? You stole my boyfriend! Will you stop? I just want to go away with my boyfriend for the weekend, and you're making me feel all guilty about it.

Oh, well, maybe you feel guilty because you're guilty about something.

What am I guilty about? You betrayed me! You betrayed me! I tried to help you.

Help me? Ha! By cuddling up to him and whispering little jokes in his ear? Okay, I didn't cuddle up to him, and that joke called for whispering.

It was a whisper joke! I had a fight with my boyfriend, and as my friend, you should be on my side! But even if you were kind of wrong? I was not wrong.

Oh, come on.

Maybe you didn't introduce Cal as your boyfriend because you were leaving the door open for that Todd guy.

You are doing the exact same thing!
- What?
- You know, I think the reason you wanted to go skiing so much wasn't to be with Henry.

It was to be with Vince.


You know what I think? I think you tried to steal Greg because you couldn't stand the thought of me being in a relationship, and you being all alone.


I tell you what.

I will apologize to Cal if you apologize to Henry.

- For what?
- For looking at Vince the way you do.

Okay, you know what? I used to think you were crazy when it came to boys, but you're just crazy! Oh, I'm crazy? Hi, Vince.

- Ha!
- Aah! Hi, Holly! Hi, Lauren! God, what is with people? I don't know! I hate 'em! Tina's mad because I wouldn't let her wreck my ski trip! Lauren thinks I stole her boyfriend.

- She doesn't even like to ski.

- I don't even like defense attorneys.

God, women are nuts! Yeah.

Well, except for us.

- Yeah, we're the best.

- Yeah.


Hi, this is Lauren.

If this is one of my friends, please leave a message.

If it's Val, and you're looking for your Kn*fe, it's in my frickin' heart! Lauren, I'm sensing you're still mad at me.

But when you're ready to talk, I made your favorite
- peanut butter brownies.

Just messenger them over.



You talk to Tina yet? No, and I'm not going to.

Until she apologizes to me, I don't need to talk to her.


Maybe she'll calm down.

No, she won't.

She's like a wild animal.

You have no idea how frustrating it is to have a friend who's insane.

Maybe I do.

[knock on door]

One sec.

- Hey!
- Hey!

: Hi! Hey, Val.

Cal's waiting for us downstairs.

He's got a Hummer.


: Upper middle class is the best! Bye, Val.

Have a good weekend.

I'll see you soon.

Have fun.

- All right.

- Oh, and remember, if you do something before you're ready, you'll get worms.

Oh, here, I'll get that for you.

Thank you.

Got it, got it.

Okay, you got everything?
- You okay?
- You okay? Yeah.

Yeah, everything's okay.

Bye, Val.




Hi, this is Lauren.

If this is one of my friends, please leave a message.

And if this is Val, those pants you were wearing last night made you look fat! Ha ha ha ha ha!
[knock on door]


Oh, hello.

I brought you your brownies.

- Let me in!
- No!
- Come on, let me in!
- No! I guess you don't want hot fudge for your brownies.


Ha ha.

I didn't bring any.

Another betrayal.

So, how you doing? I don't know.

How would you feel if you found out I was having an affair with your soul mate? Okay, you know I didn't have an affair with your boyfriend, right? Mm.

Look, Lauren, what that guy did was horrible.

Okay, but when you think about it, what did I really do? Well you were funny.

Lauren, what did I do? You tried to help me.

That's right.

You tried to stop me from being loose with boys.

And what did you do? I took out my heartbreak and pain on you.

I'm afraid so.

I'm really sorry about Greg.

Well, you know, it's okay.

I was probably just too much woman for him.

Some guys can't handle my heat.

I'm sure that is what happened.

Yeah, and he probably only asked you out because I'm not as hot.

Look, I didn't mean those things I said, okay? I just took the breakup really hard, and then I lashed out at you.

Well, you and Greg had something very special.

I know.

Was it Greg or Craig? Can I sit down for a second? I don't care.

I thought you guys already left.

I didn't go.


I'm sorry.

Me too.

You know, I don't have a right to tell you what to do.

It's your life.

They're your boyfriends.

You know, actually, you were right.

I wasn't being fair to Cal.

I wanted to leave my options open.

So, when Cal gets back, I'm going to break up with him.

- No, you can't break up with Cal.

- Why not? Because then you won't be as screwed up as I am.

You were right.

I'm so confused about Henry and Vince, and the only thing that made me feel better was knowing that you were as messed up as I am.

Oh, don't worry about it.

You know that guy Todd? He has a girlfriend.

So when I hook up with him, it's going to be a huge mess.

Here's hoping.

Oh what are you going to do? I have no idea.

I mean, I care about Henry so much, but when I'm around Vince I don't know.

What would you do? Yeah, I'd live in denial and hope that my feelings for Vince went away or I'll make out with Vince and hope that my feelings for Henry went away.

See how screwed up I am? We'd be perfect together.

Why don't we just date each other? Mm.

Oh, let's hold off.

That way, we have something to look forward to in college.