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02x19 - The Big Picture

Posted: 03/28/24 17:23
by bunniefuu


- Whatcha doing?
- I'm planning dinner tonight.

The menu is pan
-roasted chicken breast with orzo in a red wine sauce.

Are we celebrating me doing something great? 'Cause I do great things all the time, and nothing.

Rick and his fiancée are in town to sign the lease on their new apartment, and Val has invited them for dinner.

Isn't that going to be awkward? You loving Rick right in front of his fiancée? Stop it.

Rick and Julie don't know a lot of people, so I want to
- Just see if she has a big ass, right? Speaking of fiancés, have you guys seen my engagement ring today? Hello, Lisa.

Good morning.

You named your diamond Lisa? That's right.

Lisa was this girl in school who told me I was fat and would never get married.

cr*ck ho.

Hey, did you, uh, read my essay? Oh, no, not yet, but it is so on my list.

Did you fill out your application for the NYU summer program? Not yet, but it's so on my list.

I know what you're doing.

You're procrastinating until it's too late.

I know what you're doing.

You haven't read my essay because you don't even want to think about me going to Paris for the summer.



You're so obvious.

- You're more obvious.

- Well, you're little.

You're untidy.

I don't understand why you're not being supportive.

Not supportive? Wait a second.

You decided you didn't want to go to Columbia, and I wasn't happy, but I supported it.

And then you got accepted to NYU, and I wept with support.

And now I want to go to Paris.

And I don't think it's a good idea.

You were doing so well.

Holly, do you realize if you do this summer program, you could get your math and science requirements out of the way? Or I could sew my face to the carpet.

Come on, I did it, and I got out in 3 1/2 years.

Haven't you always told me that college is the most fun experience of your life? Yes! Yes.

Then why do you want me to get out so fast? It's so much fun to tell people you graduated in 3 1/2 years.

I'm talking about Paris.

I mean, why do you think I spent four years studying French? Don't make me waste it on some French

You're going to be a tour guide.

In Paris.

I'll be surrounded by French culture.

I'll be learning about art, history, and cowardice.

I just think that there are more productive ways to spend your summer than fooling around in Paris.

It's not fooling around.

It's an official internship.

You know what? I'm taking my essay back.

You don't even get to read it.


Turn it in.

Good luck.

Well, I don't need your luck, because my essay's kick

Good for you.

And I'm going to get that internship.

I hope you do, and if you do, I will not fight you on it.

Oh, my God.

You don't think I can get it, do you? I just want what's best for you.

What a horrible thing to say.

You really know how to dance When you go up, down, jump around Talk about true romance Yeah Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear 'Cause it's true What I like That's what I like about you What I like That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about Hey Uh
-huh Uh
-huh That's what I like about you So what do you think? I think you're going to Paris.

- Really?
- Yeah, the internship people will love this essay.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that.

I value your opinion so much.

As soon as I was finished writing it, I was like, "I have got to get this to Tina.

She is so smart.

She's, like, the smartest person I know.

" Hey, hey, ladies.

Oh, hey, Henry, thank you so much for coming.

Yeah, no problem.

Where's the essay? Right here.

I didn't let anybody else read it.

You're the smartest person I know.

Let's be real.

Okay, I have a deadline.

It has to be postmarked by tomorrow.

Okay, that's okay.

Yeah, Kate's out of town.

I'll read it tonight.

So tell them.

Tell them what you told me outside.

No, no, no.

It's no big deal.

- No big deal? Man, it's huge.

- What's huge? Henry won the smartest guy ever in New York award.

That's not the exact title.

- I was selected as a National Merit Scholar.

And tell them the best part.

Oh, I get to meet Bill Joy.

No, about the cashish.

They're going to give him, like, $1 million.


Ooh, come to Tina.


Bill Joy, Henry? Bill Joy? Yeah, I know.

How awesome is that? Okay, who's Bill Joy? He's, like, the Thomas Edison of the internet, and Henry's hero.

Oh, you remember that? Did you think I was just hot for your body? So when are you guys actually moving to New York? Right after the honeymoon.

I'm so dreading it.

The honeymoon? No, it's just that moving is so stressful.

Oh, it is stressful.

They say that moving is one of the most stressful times in your life, second only to marrying someone.

I meant burying someone.

Yeah, there's nothing more stressful than covering up a m*rder.

More coffee? So, Jules, how many carats in that little bauble? Lauren, some people don't feel the need
- Holy moley.

Hey, um, do you want to try on mine, and I can try on yours? No.

[knock on door]

Don't you want to get that? Yeah, I thought maybe you could get it on your way out.

Oh, hey, Henry.


Hey, congratulations.

I heard you got engaged.

You didn't finish.

To a doctor.

Hey, Henry, did you meet everybody? Everybody, this is Henry.


He came over to read my essay 'cause he's supportive of me going to Paris.

See you guys.


This ice cream is great.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Don't eat it.

Oh, God.

Is it from a mad cow? No, no.

I forgot this.

Magic chocolate.


I thought you'd like it.

It's crazy how much he loves that stuff.

What is it? Magic chocolate.

It's regular gooey chocolate at first, and then, two seconds later, a hard candy shell.


I guess they don't have that in Houston.

What are you talking about? They have it everywhere.

I once had it in Chile.

So why don't you ever have it at home? Because you don't allow ice cream around the house, and without the ice cream, it can't make the shell.

You don't like ice cream? What is the matter with you? I don't want to get fat.

You know, I couldn't even look at magic chocolate for, like, two years after the "Giant
-Size X
-Men" incident.

Oh, yeah, that was a bad day.

I dripped some magic chocolate on his comic books.

You should have seen his face.

I mean, I'm sure you've seen it.

God forbid you touch his comic books, right? Oh, you collected comic books? I collect comic books.

You never told me that.

Well, yeah, I think I did.

Ha ha.

Well, then, why don't I remember it? Well, you know, sometimes you get kind of caught up in not listening to me.

Ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

So what'd you think? Did you like my essay? It's good.

It's really good.

I mean, really, really good.

There's a lot of good stuff in here.

Five pages of really good, good stuff.

Good job, Holly.

Hey, listen, this is really important.

You have to be honest, and if you didn't like it, I need to know.

Well, it's not that I didn't like it.

It's just I didn't really get a sense of
- of, um okay, these people are probably going to want to get an idea of who you are, you know, and this could be anybody.

Can you be more specific? Where doesn't it sound like me? Could you at least give me a page? Uh one through five.

You know what? You don't know what you're talking about.

You've changed since you got that smart award.

Okay, well, I'm going to get going.

Wait, where are you going? You read this crap.

Can't you see I'm desperate?! Okay.

Okay, I think I would have remembered if you told me you still have one baby tooth.

You know, Julie, it's just that we went to high school together, and I don't forget anything.

I'm like an elephant.

Ha ha.


You're, like, the furthest thing from an elephant, which I know you didn't tell me.

Thanks again for dinner.

And thanks for remembering to leave the cilantro out.

Since when don't you like cilantro?! She is lovely.

Okay, I'm coming to the last paragraph.

Are you bored yet? I'm not bored at all.

It's great.

Keep going.


"And finally, I guess my biggest selling point "for being a tour guide is that I'm loud.

I can out
-loud those loud American tourists.

" Ha ha.

That's funny.

It's honest.

It totally sounds like you.

You don't think it's too jokey, like I'm not taking it seriously? No, it's great.

Don't touch it.

Don't do anything else to it.

- Really?
- Really.

Thank you so much.

I couldn't have done this without you.

You did it without me.

I know, but you told me all the stuff that was great about me.

I mean, I had no idea I did so many cute things.


: Knock, knock.

Oh, okay.

Well, thanks again.

You're the best.


Oh, is that my linge? Oh, I'm sorry.

Did you not understand that? I said "laundry" in French, the language spoken in Paris, where I'll be spending the summer.

Ha ha.

You know, they don't have "Fear Factor" there.

What? Ha ha.

God, I'm going to miss your playful sense of humor when I'm in the city of lights.

Oh, if you're wondering who I was just on the phone with, it was one of the number one scholars in the nation, who loved my essay.


I never said I didn't want you to go to Paris, I said
- That you want me to hurry up and go to college so I can hurry up and get out.

Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hurry up and print out my 5
-page ticket to Paree.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

What happened? Where is it? Where is it? It's gone! It disappeared! My essay's gone.

- No, it can't be.

- It's gone! What did you do?! Here, man.

This is for you.

What's this for?
- Well, you got your award thing this afternoon, right?
- Yeah.

And there are going to be people there
- taking pictures of you for the paper.

- Yeah.

Well, we just got these new jackets in at the store.

I wanted my boy to look sharp.

Hey, that's really
- that's really cool, man.

How much do I owe you? Oh, my treat.

Well, thanks, man.

- No problem.

Hey, and maybe after you pick up your $10,000, you can thank old Gary with one of those George Foreman grills.

Ha ha ha.


[cellular phone rings]


: I'm screwed, Henry! Lost my essay, and I don't know where it went! Tell Holly I said hi.

Wait, wait, wait.

What do you mean, you lost it? Didn't you back it up? Of course I backed it up! What do you think I am, stupid?! Okay, okay, calm down, calm down.

I'm going to walk you through it, okay? You need to press option
-"F" and type in the name of your file.

I don't know the name of the file! How can you not know the name of your file?
[yelling unintelligibly]

I'm going to have to go over there.

But what about your thing? What about your award thing? I still got an hour.

I'm sure she just saved it to another file.

I'll find it.

Oh, thanks again for the jacket, man.

Hey, you're my friend, and I'm real proud of you.

Just don't sweat in it, and you might want to leave on those tags.


No, come on up.

That was Rick.

He's on his way up.

He said he wants to talk to me about something.

He sounded kind of weird.

I know what he wants to talk about.

He realized his fiancée is gross, and he wants to be engaged to you.

Okay, first of all, his fiancée is not gross.

She's under a lot of stress right now.

She's moving, she's planning a wedding, she just met her fiancé's old girlfriend, so, you know, she snapped like a psycho.

[knock on door]



Hope you don't mind me dropping by.

No, no.

Come on in.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I was just up all night.

Can I talk to you? Oh, yeah.

Why don't we go outside? Okay.

Just let me get my jacket.

Do you want to sit down? No, it won't take that long.

Julie's actually waiting for me.

Oh, why didn't you have her come up? Well, that's kind of the thing.

She hates me.

No, she doesn't hate you.

She's just
- she's
- she's just kind of
- she's just a big baby is what she is.

- and she's wrong.

About what? She doesn't want us to have any more contact with each other.


What? Well, last night she said she was picking up some vibe.

Vibe? What kind of vibe? A vibe between
- Us?
- You know.

There's no vibe between us.

I know.

That's what I told her, you know? Over and over again last night.

You know, I said we were just friends.

That is
- we are just friends.

Yeah, and whatever vibe she was picking up was just, you know, two old friends who were really comfortable with each other.

Yeah, that's all it was.

Yeah, that's all it was.

We have a history.

- We have a past.

- We know things about each other that no one else would know.

It's just crazy that she sensed something.

It's insane.

- It's ridiculous.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I think I've been wanting to do that since the day I ran into you at the diner.

- you
- that was
- we would
- Oh, I'm getting married in a month.

Yeah, you know what this was? This was the goodbye kiss that we never had.

Yes, yes.

Yeah, when we were in high school and we broke up, you know, it was never really official.

We just sort of faded out.

But now it's official.

We can just both move on.

And that is what I think we should both do.

We should just move on and never have any contact with each other.


- the thing is, you know, Julie can be sometimes a little insecure, but II do love her.

Of course you do.

And I hope that you and Julie have a great everything.

I'm never going to find it.

We're running out of time! It's got to be postmarked today! Stop it.

You're being very negative.

You can't say that until we've tried everything possible.

We've now tried everything possible.

It's not there.

I knew it.

No, no, no! I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I think your hard drive crashed.

It's really bizarre.

I don't know if it was a virus
- I have my old essay.

It wasn't that bad, was it? There was some really good stuff in there.

Really, really good, Holly.

Oh, crap.

Well, what if you write it again? No, I'll never be able to remember everything.

Plus, I had it perfect, and if I write it now, it'll be all filled with hatred and bitterness.

But you heard it.

You can help me.

Uh, no, no, I can't.

Yeah, I read the whole thing to you.

You can help me remember the things I forgot.

No, really, Holly, II can't.

Please, Henry, I really, really want this.

I know, but I can't.

Listen, it's the biggest thing I've ever had the chance to do.

Before I start four years of college, I want to go.

I want to see what's out there.

I want to see if I can do it on my own.

But I can't do it on my own without you.

Please, Henry.

I need you.

Are you going to help me? Yeah, I'm going to help you.

Oh, Henry, thank you so much.

You have no idea how much this means to me.

- Really, thank you.

- Yeah.

Well, it's almost 5:00.

- I know what time it is.

- It's got to be postmarked today, and the post office closes
- Don't worry about it.

We'll make it.

Oh, you forgot to take the tags out.


- Hi.

- Hello.

I got you a little something.

- For what?
- Open it.

Oh, I guess mine is coming tomorrow.

Paris? No, that one is for me.

This one's for you.

New York? Yeah, it's for you to look at when you're missing me in Paris, and this is for me to look at when I'm missing you here.


Thank you, but I didn't get accepted yet.

You will.

I read the essay you accidentally left on my pillow.


Thank you, Val.

[knock on door]

Hey, ready to go? Yes, let's go.

Where are you guys going? To the diner to meet Henry.

I'm going to buy him anything he wants after what he did for me yesterday.

Yeah, I knew he'd find your file.

The guy's a genius.

No, he didn't find it.

My computer crashed, so he helped me recite the whole thing, and then he went with me to the post office to mail it.

How great is he?
- Wait, what about his scholar award thing?
- What about it? Well, his appointment was 5:00 yesterday.

No way.

He was with me at 5:00.

He didn't say anything about
- Oh, my God.

I have to go.

Can you believe he did that? Especially after I bought him that gorgeous brown suede jacket.

"Gorgeous"? Gay.


What did you do? I don't know.

I'm going to need a little bit more data.

Was your awards dinner yesterday at 5:00?
- Okay, look
- How could you do that? You were going to get your picture in the paper, and you were going to meet your idol.

- Yeah, but you
- Why didn't you tell me? You know, it's not like I gave up the award I'm still going to get the money, and one of these days, I'll meet Bill Joy.

Yeah, but it was such a big deal, and I know how important it was to you.

Yeah, but so are you.

You know, just 'cause we're not together doesn't mean I don't want good things to happen for you.

You know what, Henry? You're incredible.

Sometimes I wonder
- Kate?
- Hey.

- Oh, my gosh.

You weren't supposed to be back till tomorrow.

Well, I couldn't wait.

I missed you too much.

I missed you, too.

Come on.

Are you hungry? Mm, not really.

Me neither.

Hey, Holly.

Oh, uh, we're cool, right, Holly? Oh, yeah.


Where's he going? Somewhere with Kate.

That was really awesome what he did for you.

I know.

He's unbelievable, isn't he? Oh, my God.

Tell me you're not
- Gary!