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03x01 - Europe Was So Much More Fun

Posted: 03/28/24 17:27
by bunniefuu
- You're going to Paris!
- I'm so going to Paris! If you hadn't helped me with that essay
- It's gonna be kinda weird not having you around.

- I kinda
- I'm sure you'll do fine.

I guess what I'm trying to say is
- I'm just really gonna
- Gonna what? I'm, uh, I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Do I have time to go to the bathroom? Sure.

The ones in the front are open.

Thank you.

The one back here is open.

I'm gonna love you more than anyone I'm gonna love you more than anyone I know.

I'm as shocked as you are.

What I like about you You really know how to dance When you go up, down, jump around Talk about true romance Yeah Keep on whispering in my ear Tell me all the things that I wanna hear 'Cause it's true What I like That's what I like about you What I like That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about you What I like about you That's what I like about Hey Uh
-huh Uh
-huh That's what I like about you Awwlook, there we are, kissing at the Eiffel Tower.

Aww look, there we are kissing at the Louvre.

Aww, and there we are kissing Oh, no, wait, that's me and Henry.


And there we are
- nope, that's me and Vince.


You know, why do we need pictures? We were there.

[British accent]

: Are you sure these chaps are gonna be okay that you're with me? That Vince looked pretty damn happy with his tongue jammed down your throat.

No, it's totally cool.

Yes, they both came to visit me, but the deal was we would leave things open and just see what happens.

I know guys.

Nobody's gonna get over someone like you.

Well, you don't know Vince and Henry like I do.

Believe me, they've moved on.

- She's picking me!
- She's picking me! If by "me," you mean me, then you are correct.

Oh, really, Mr.

"Can't break a buck.

" Well, maybe I don't need to buy Holly's love, muscle man.

It is so unfair.

Okay, this is stupid.

Look, dude, Holly's gonna pick one of us, but I want you to know if it can't be Oh, who am I kidding? It's gonna be me.

That t
-shirt's too tight.

Is there a gym in the airport? Okay, Holly's plane lands in five minutes.

I can't believe how much I've missed my baby sister.

You know, we're not gonna have that big loft all alone to ourselves again for a long time.

And I did see a storage closet in the back of Cinnabon.

Honey, as much as I love Cinnabon sex, she's gonna be here in five minutes.

I can do it in five minutes.

But I would so miss the cuddling afterwards.

You mean the high
-five and "you go, girl"? Okay, uh, the security in airports is getting totally ridiculous.

That guy just did a total body search.

Lauren, he's not security.

Did you get it? Mission accomplished.

Um, honey, you know all that talk about Cinnabon? Yeah? I want one.

Ha ha.

That's my girl.

No, I really want one.


Okay, I cannot believe they sell pregnancy tests in an airport.

Would you believe it's not the first time I've bought one here? Okay.

I'm gonna do this.

I'll be back.

[Man on intercom]

: Flight 117 from Paris now arriving at Gate 7.

Oh, hold your sissy! Your sissy's here.

I can't wait for Val to see the new me.

She always thinks of me as the little kid, but now I come home from the summer abroad all grown
-up with new confidence, a new boyfriend, a fake Prada bag she's gonna be so impressed.

Is Holly here yet? No, not yet.

Oh! There she is! Oh, she looks so French! I have got to get me to Paris.

I'm so glad you're back.

You look so beautiful.

Who's the guy? Oh, I'm so happy you're home.

Your hair's so blond.

Who's the hottie? I missed you so much.

Is he my present? Everybody, I'd like you to meet Ben Sheffield.

We met in London.


How Ewan McGregor is he? And you've got to be Val.

Holly said you were blond and gorgeous.

You are in trouble.

Why am I in trouble? Because that is Val.

Peanuts from the sky? Well, well, well look at all that you didn't write in your postcard.

You were in London when you were supposed to be in France.

And you brought back a boy when I specifically asked for a mini Eiffel Tower.

Well, I was in France, but I had the weekend off.

And being the cosmopolitan woman that I am, I took the chunnel.

That's this really dope tunnel that goes under the ocean.

So there I was in the middle of London desperate for a bathroom, and all of a sudden, I hear this incredible band.


: So, I walked into this pub, and then I saw him, completely forgetting why I went in the first place.

It's like my pee just totally went back up.

Whoo! Thank you.

And you.

You guys were really awesome.

Oh, thanks.

What's your name? I'm in a relationship.

Oh, it's a pleasure.

My name's, uh, I wasn't coming on to you at all.

I'm sorry.

That must've sounded really bad.

I'm just kind of off men right now.

Oh, well, in that case, I have a sister who might turn you on.

But, anyway, you guys were really great.

I'm gonna go.

Hey, uh, don't go.

If you stay for the second set, you get free pudding.

I'm sorry, but I don't let strange men buy me pudding.

Well, if you walk out now, I'll lose half my audience.

Not to mention I'll have to sing my love song to that guy.

Instead of looking at a pair of beautiful eyes.

Is this you not coming on to me again? Oh, I'm definitely not coming on to you.


Because I'm definitely not interested.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go now.

Somebody wants free pudding.

Ha ha ha ha.

Free pudding.


So, uh, you meet a little girl in a bar, and five minutes later, you're on a plane following her to another country.

When did you say you're going back?
- Oh, I didn't.

- Could you? Excuse me.

What are you doing? What are you doing? This is how you solve your problems
- you bring back a new boyfriend? I really like this guy.

What is your problem? What does one do when they fight like this? Uh, one stays quiet so I can listen.

For the first time, I am living my life without having to ask your permission.

You know what? That's what's bugging you.

All right, fine, don't let me stop you from living it any longer.

- Hey, where are you going?
- To pee.

We'll be in the loo.

That's European for

: Lauren!
- Okay, I'm coming.

I'm so sorry.

What is her problem? So I met a guy.

She should be happy for me.

Everyone else is.

Oh, maybe not everyone.

Henry! You're here! Hey, um, you look great.

Did you have a good summer? I saw the, uh, little present you brought home from Paris.

Oh, oh, yeah, we just sort of met.

What about you? Are you seeing anyone?
- Uh, I was.

- Well, good.

Who? You.

Damn it, Holly.

I can't believe that I wasted my whole summer, sitting around waiting for you.

Do you know how many chicks I turned down? None! Because I was so true to you.

I wasn't putting out my vibe.

Henry, Henry, I'm sorry.

I really thought that
- And I am so glad that I am leaving for Princeton tomorrow.

I never want to see you again.

Henry, wait.

I wonder if Vince will handle it as well.

Oh, my God, I totally screwed everything up.

In my head, everybody was so happy to see me and so happy that I met a great guy and so happy that I had such an incredible experience.

I'm starting to think that nobody's going to like the Mona Lisa mousepads that I brought back.

Duane Street in Tribeca, please.

Okay, come on, check the stick.

It's gotta be five minutes.

Why are you guys looking in that cup? Uh, we thought we saw Jesus in the foam, but it wasn't him.

Hey, could you take it easy? We may have a pregnant lady back here! Lauren? What, are you
- Oh, hell, no! Why, do you think I look fat? Val? I'm two weeks late.

I didn't want to say anything until I was sure, but don't worry.

Just 30 more seconds
- Marry me.

- Say what? Rick, we don't even know if I'm pregnant yet.

It doesn't matter.

I don't care.

I love you.

"I love you, too, and, yes, I will marry you!" Val will you marry me? Yes.

Yes, I would love to marry you.

Oh, we're getting married! Hey, come on, buddy, this is a beautiful moment.

Put on some music.

[Indian music playing loudly]

This will always be your song.

You know, it's one thing to lose her to Henry.

I mean, I like Henry.

I could almost deal with that.

But this dude
- oh, with his black hair, blue eyes, that guitar hanging off his bony
-ass shoulder.

He's all Holly's?
[knock on door]



It's black hair bony
-ass's girlfriend.

Damn it.

I can't deal with this now.

- Holly!
- Gary, hey! What's up, girl? What are you doing here? Well, I moved in with Vince over the summer.

Oh, my gosh, are you and Vince dating, because that would make my life so much easier.


You're back.

Gary, why didn't you tell me we had company? I would've put a shirt on.

That is the pinkest boy I've ever seen.

So, um, listen, I just got home, and Henry was waiting for me at the airport.

Henry was at the airport? What a chick.


So, um, listen, Vince, I have to tell you something.

Oh, can I go first? Oh.

Yeah, okay.

Listen, Holly, what we had in Paris was really, really great.

Oh, God, now I'm 3

Holly, you're the most fantastic girl I've ever known.


But I moved on.

What? I'm sorry, but I can't commit to just one girl.

I love all girls.

And why shouldn't you? Girls are great.

Oh, yeah.

Tall ones, short ones, redheads, brunettes.

I can't stop.

They're like freakin' pistachio nuts.

You know, Vince, this is actually fantastic because
- I didn't know how to tell you this.

I met someone in London.

You met someone? Holly, that's awesome! And, Vince, I think you'll really like him.

His name is Ben.

He's sweet and funny Sounds like a keeper.

Wow, okay, um, I hate to cut this short, but I gotta get going.

Oh, okay, well, we should all hang out.

I'd love to, but I've been really busy these days.

Okay, what about next Saturday? I think it's a redhead.

Okay, well, we've gotta find sometime.

I mean, we have so much to catch up on.

You know, Holly, I've got stuff going on.

You've got the boyfriend.

I'll see you around.

- Okay?
- Oh, yeah.


Oh, well, it is great.

[timer dings]

Oh, God, this is it.

Oh, actually, I think that's my fajita.

No, it's all yours.


I'm not pregnant.

You sure? I'm so sorry.

You know what? I think you two need to be alone.

And this is totally for the best.

I mean, a pregnant bride
- a little slutty.

So you okay? Yeah, I really am.

You? Yeah.

Now it'll be a lot easier to carry my bride over the threshold.

You don't still want to get married? Yeah.

Don't you? Hi, it's Holly.

If I ever dated you, then I'm so sorry.

And if you'd like to tell me off, please do so after the beep.


[knock on door]


Um, I'm leaving for Princeton, and I've got a cab waiting downstairs.

You're leaving tonight? Uh, listen, I just came by to, uh Wow, this would be so much easier if you just liked me.

Henry, I am so sorry.

I didn't think about how you'd really feel and I should've.

You know what's gonna happen, don't you? What? Someone awesome is gonna fall in love with you.

Really? Is she gonna be more awesome than you? Way.

Is she gonna want to have sex? Tons.

With me? You know, Henry, there's something you gave me that no one else in my entire life can ever give me.

What's that? I'll never have another first love.

Don't say another word.

I wanna leave with that.

You handled that really well.


But it doesn't make me feel any better.

I made you a welcome back cake.

Aw, did you think about baking it? Yeah, I got a little sidetracked.

What happened? Let's see.

Uh I mixed the batter, thought I was pregnant, Rick proposed, I said yes, the test said no, broke off the engagement, Rick walked out, you walked in, and here we are.

Spoon? Okay, wait, wait, what? Holly, he was only proposing to me because he thought I was pregnant.

He was just trying to be a good guy.

Okay, you're freaking me out.

Start from the beginning.

Oh, come on, can we talk about this later? You're really k*lling my batter buzz.

Val, are you using batter to avoid your feelings again? It's chocolate.

So I guess I didn't make your day any easier.

Yes, you did.

You came home.

Thank you.

Hey, can I have a slice? Sure.



Well, just so you know, when you're ready, I can really help you through this.

I'll be fine.

You know, Val, you could really use a new perspective.

I think you could benefit from a trip to Europe.

I mean, I've really grown up.

When I left for Paris, I was just a kid.

You mean, in June? Mm, I don't think you're taking me seriously.

That's real mature.

You learn that in Europe? Nope, but I learned that.


I am so sorry.

I got that all over your new pretty French blouse.

Mm, well, don't be.

I bought it with your credit card.


Give me that! God bless America.