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02x03 - Election

Posted: 03/28/24 20:28
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Are you ready?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- Hey, Zoey.
Are you comin' to class?

- Yeah, hang on a sec.

- Okay.

So how's PCA coffee?

- Awesome.
You should get one.

- Yeah?

Ooh, that is good.

- Um, Lola?

[bell rings]

- Hey, where ya been?

- I stopped to buy coffee.

- No, she stopped
to steal my coffee.

- Ooh! You guys,
check out my horoscope.

"All stars point to romance.

"That special someone you've
been hoping to meet

is closer than you think."

Ooh, maybe it's him.

You think it's him?
- Hey.

- Hey.
- How you doin'?

- I'm thinkin' it's not him.

- Ok, this is the horoscope
for a Capricorn.

You're not a Capricorn.

- I know, but I liked this one
better than mine.

Ooh, gimme.

- 'Sup, people?
- Hi.

- Hey, Chase.
- Mornin'.

- 'Sup?

- Hey, did you guys finish the
homework last night?

Because I got up to chapter 7
and completely fell asleep.

- Hello, Chase!
- Um...

oh, hi, Melissa.

- Oh, Chase.

Don't call me Melissa.

Melissa sounds so serious.

Call me Mel.

CHASE: All right. Mel.

MELISSA: I saved you a seat.

- All right,
guess I'll be sitting here.

- Mmmm.
How great is this coffee?

- I wish I knew.

- Good morning, students.

Before we get started,

I've been asked
to read this announcement.

"Elections for ninth grade
class president

"will be held next Friday.

"Students who wish
to run must be nominated

no later than--"
- I nominate Zoey.

ALL: Yeah.
- Huh?!

What makes you think I--
- I second Zoey's nomination.

- Yeah.
- Hold on a second.

- All right, Zoey Brooks is
officially on the ballot.

- Chase!

- Sorry, Zo.
You're on the ballot.

That means you gotta run.

- Ok. Fine.

I nominate Chase.

- I--wait.
Hold up a minute.

- Does anyone second
the nomination for Chase?

- No. No one does.

- I absolutely second
the nomination for Chase.

- Melissa...

- Any more nominations?

Tres bien.

Ok, I'm gonna take these
names to Mr. McClure,

and I'll be back in a sec.

- I don't wanna be
class president.

- I don't either.

- Ohh! Zoey, check out your

It says,

"You will win a major

Is that freaky or what?

- I'm not a Virgo!

- Shh.

Don't tell people.


Can you read my horoscope?

I'm a Sagittarius.

I'm a Sagittarius.

- Of course you are.

Why'd you nominate me?!

- 'Cuz you nominated me!

- Well, I happen to think that
you'd make a great choice

for class president.

- Ok, and I think you would.

- Thanks, but, I mean, I don't
wanna run against you.

- Oh, what's the matter?

Afraid you're gonna lose?

- No, I'm not afraid
I'm gonna lose.

- Ohhh.

So you think
you can beat me.

- No! No.

I mean, I don't
think I can beat--

- Calm down,
I'm just playin' with ya.

- Look, I'm just
worried 'cuz, you know,

we're really good friends,
and I'm afraid that

if we're running against each
other, you know,

the competition might screw up
our friendship.

- Ok. Then let's make a pact.

- What kinda pact?

- That no matter what happens
in this election,

we both promise not to
let it affect our friendship.

- Deal.

Spit shake.

- Gross!

- What, girls don't spit shake?

- Not really!


- Oh, hey, Mr. Edwards.

- I just heard that
both you two are running

for class president.

Zoey, good luck.
- Thanks.

- Chase.

- Uh, you don't wanna--
that's just, uhhh...

- I don't want to know.


MAN: ♪ It's time, it's time,
it's time ♪

- Ok, Zo.

Check this out.

"Yo yo yo-ey,
vote for Zoey."

It's my fault

nothing good
rhymes with your name?

- Hey, what do you guys...

think of this?

ZOEY: Ok, where
did you get a picture

of Chase wearing
a wedding dress?

- I didn't.

I took his head and
photo-docked it

onto some girl's body.
- Why?

- 'Cuz if you want
to win this election,

you need to set yourself
apart from the other candidates,

and the best way to do that
is to make people think

your opponent's a weirdo.

- Thanks, but I really don't
wanna win that way.

- Hello, peers.

- Hey, Quinn.

- Wanna help up us
make some posters?

- Sorry. I can't.

- Why not?

- Because...

my future husband
has entered the race.

- Who's he?

- Mark del Figgalo.

Is this the face
of a born leader or what?

- [chuckles]

- In here, Mark!

- Vote for me.

I'll make things better.

{\an5}Vote for me.

I'll make things better.

Vote for me.

I'll make things better.

- You can't buy
that kind of charisma!

- Mark is running?

- Mark's last name is
del Figgalo?!

- It means "of the figs."

- Hey.

What's up future prez?

Dude, it's gonna be so cool
when you win the election.

- How's that?

- 'Cuz being president
equals power.

And power attracts girls.

- And if Zoey wins?

- Ain't gonna happen.

- What makes you so sure?

- Dude.

She's a girl.

- So?

- So?

PCA's always had
guy presidents.

And that's not gonna change
if I can help it.

- What does that mean?

- It means...

I'm gonna do whatever it takes

to make sure you crush Zoey
in this election.

- Ok, first of all,

I don't wanna "crush" Zoey.

I'm not even sure
if I wanna win.

So don't help me, all right?

- Ok, chill.

If you don't want my help,
I won't help.

- Good.

- Ok, I should not eat this
chocolate cake.

- Then why'd you take it?

- Because I'm weak.
Here, Zoey, you have it.

- No, I'm trying to be good.

Lola, go for it.

- Uh-uh.

There's like a
billion calories in that thing.

- All right, here's a plan.

We all just take
one bite, 'kay?

- Ok.

- Just one.

ALL: Mmm...

- Ok one more.
- Right.

- Just one.

ALL: Mmm...

- Hello.

- What's wrong?

- I've been collecting
polling data for the election.

- Really?
- So how am I doin'?

- You're doing fine.

Here, I'll show you.

Zoey, you're the blue bar,

and Chase is the red bar.

- Wow, so we're
like almost tied?

- Yep, you each have about

- What's that little
green line down there?

- Oh, that's Mark's bar.

He's not doing so well.

Poor, sweet baby.

How can people
not be voting for him?

Look at that face.

- I dunno.

- It's really weird.

- Hey, you guys.

If you go down to the quad,
you can get a free smoothie.

And look, Chase's face
is on the side of the cup.

- What?

- Yeah, all right!

- Awesome!
- Yeah!

- This is rad.
- I want a free smoothie.

- That's right, PCA students!

Free smoothies!

Compliments of Chase Matthews.

Remember: A vote for Chase
is a vote for free smoothies!

[students cheer]

Oh, hey, Zoey.

You votin' for Chase?

- What are you doing?

- Just gettin' out
the message.

Vote for Chase!

[students cheer]

- Hey.

- This is how you plan to win
the election?

By giving out
free smoothies?!

- I just heard about this.
- He just heard.

- Well, I don't think
it's very fair.

- Neither do I,
which is why

I'm gonna go put a stop
to this right now.

- Can I have another one?

- Sure, have as many
as you'd like.

- Um, I--I'm gonna follow him.

- Uh-huh.

- Right here.
- Smoothie, smoothie.

LOGAN: Hey, here's Chase.
[students cheer]

- What are you doing?!

- Helping you get votes.

- You said you weren't
gonna help me.

- I know. I lied.

- You lied?

- Welcome to politics,
my friend.


Have a smoothie.

- I don't want a smoothie!

- It's mango.

- Ooh, mango?

- Gimme it.

- Thanks.

[overlapping chatter]

- Can I get another one?

- Man, this is better--
- Me, me, me, me.

- Oh, right here!
- Come on, right here.

- Listen, Zoey, I promise,
I'll make sure

that Logan stops with
the whole free smoothie thing.

- Whatever.

- Listen, I really had nothing
to do with it.

- Ok, people!

What do you get
with Chase Matthews?!

STUDENTS: Free smoothies!

- And what do you
get with Zoey?!

- Nothin'!
Nothin' at all!

- Right! So who do you want
for class president?!

STUDENTS: Chase! Chase!

Chase! Chase!
Chase! Chase! Chase!

Chase! Chase! Chase!
Chase! Chase!

Chase! Chase!
Chase! Chase! Chase!

Chase! Chase! Chase!
Chase! Chase!

- Um...remember how we said
we wouldn't let

this whole election thing,
you know, affect our friendship?

Remember that?

- Yeah, I remember that.

- All right, I just wanted to
make sure we were cool!

I'll--I'll call ya later!


STUDENTS: Chase! Chase!
Chase! Chase! Chase!

- And she hates me.
STUDENTS: Chase! Chase!

- Zoey hates me.
- Who cares?

- I care.
- What about your little pact?

- Yeah, man,
you said Zoey told you

no matter what
happened in the election,

she'd be cool with it.
I thought you spit shook.

- Wouldn't it be spit shaked?
- It doesn't matter!

Girls think spit's gross,
all right?

The point is, is that
this stupid election

is gonna wreck
my friendship with Zoey.

- She said it wouldn't.
- Were you just born?

Don't you know
that girls don't mean

half the things they say?

Remember that girl you dated
a couple years ago?

- Oh, yeah.
The Karen Franklin incident.

- What happened
with Karen Franklin?

- Her birthday was
comin' up, right?

So I asked her
what she wanted.

And she said "nothing."
So I said, "Nothing?"

She goes, "Yeah, nothing."

So I said, "Are ya sure?"

And she's all, "Yes,
I don't want anything."

So I didn't buy her a present.

- She cried for 3 days,
then moved to Wisconsin.

- Wisconsin?

- It's the Dairy State.

- Oh.

What was the point
of this story?

- That you need to stay out of
my campaign, all right?

I don't wanna win in a way

that's gonna make Zoey
hate my guts.

- All right.

- I don't want you buying me
any more votes

with your
evil smoothies, ok?

- Ok.

That's right!
Vote for chase!

Chase Matthews
for class president!

[excited chatter]

- Vote for Zoey!

Zoey for president.

Hey, vote for Zoey.

Remember to vote.
Zoey for president.

- Remember to vote Tuesday.
- Vote for Chase.

Chase Matthews
for class president!


- Don't forget to vote.
- Thank you.

- That's right,
vote for Chase.

Chase Matthews
for class president.

- Chase!

[excited chatter]

- Now what?

- When you vote
for class president,

make sure it's for Chase!

Yeah! Plenty more
where this came from.

[excited chatter]

- You're unbelievable!
- Thank you.

- You're seriously
giving people money

so they'll vote for Chase?

- No.

These are Chase Bucks.

- Ok, what are "Chase Bucks?"

- Chase Bucks can be redeemed
for merchandise at any store

or cafeteria on campus.

- And how's that different
from handing out cash?

- Simple.

Handing out cash is illegal.

Handing out Chase Bucks
is genius.

- That's still wrong!

- You're just going around
the rules!

- How can you do that?!

- You really don't get
politics, do ya?

- Where ya goin'?!

- Vote for Chase!

- Whoa!
- Chase!

- Oh, man, there's a girl!
- Chase.

- What's she doing in here?

Hey, somebody call the coach.

- Get her out.

- Waaah!

- What is this?!

- Um, this

is the guys'
locker room.

You can't come in here.

You're gonna get in trouble.

- You're in trouble.

- Chase Buck?
What is this?

- They're redeemable
at every store on campus.

- What?

- Yeah, Logan's tossing out
handfuls to every kid

in our class so they'll
all vote for you!

- Aw, man.


Pinky's broken now.

- This isn't funny!

- I know!

Look, Zoey, you promised me
that this election

wouldn't wreck our friendship.
- Well, I didn't know

what kind of campaign
you were gonna run!

- It's not me!

All right, that's it.
You know what?

I'm out.
I'm done.

- What do you mean, done?

- I'm just gonna drop out
of this stupid race.

- Oh, ok, so now you're just
gonna quit and let me win?

- I didn't say that.

- You think the only way I can
win is if you drop out.

- How is this happening?

- You better not quit,
or I'm gonna be really mad.

- Zoey, would ya just--

- I'm outta here.

- Zoey--

- Don't you drop out
of this election.

- Ok, I won't drop out.
- Good.

- So you're not mad at me?
- No, I'm fine.

- You don't sound fine.
- I'm fine!

And I can win this election
without your help!

There's no way I can win this.

I'm depressed.

- Oh, come on.

There's still 2 days
till the election.

You can win.

- And what makes
you say that?

- I don't know.

I'm upbeat.

QUINN: Zoey!

I cannot believe you
made that commercial?

- What commercial?

- The one you made
about Chase.

They keep running it
on the school station.

- What?
- Come look.

CHASE: Chase Matthews wants to
be your class president.

But how well do you really know
Chase Matthews?

For example, did you know
he eats out of garbage cans?

Or that he shaves his legs?

Or that he picks on
little girls?

Is this the kind of guy you
want for class president?


On Tuesday, vote Zoey Brooks
for class president.

She's awesome.

- How could you make a mean
commercial like that about him?

- I didn't!

- Zoey, you have slandered

and desecrated
Chase's reputation.

That's sad, Zoey.

So, so sad.

- All right.
Excuse me.

Have you guys seen Chase?
- No.

- But we saw your commercial.

- That was pretty low.

- Yeah, yeah.


Where's Chase?

- Hey, that commercial
was outta control.

- Where's Chase?!

- He's in his room.

- I didn't do it.

- You mean the commercial?

- Yes! Look, even though I was
kinda mad at you, I swear,

I would never do
anything mean like that.

- I know.

- Because your friendship
means way more to me

than this dumb election.
- I made it.

- And when I find out who
made it, I'm gonna hurt 'em!

- I made the commercial.

- Why?

- Because,

I mean, I never
wanted to be president.

Look, when I nominated you,

it was because I really thought

that you were the best person
for the job.

And I still think that.

But I was gonna win because
Logan was out of control.

And it wasn't right.

You should be president.

That's why I made
the commercial.


What was that?!

- Everybody thinks I made it!

- They do?
- Yes!

Now the whole school feels bad
for you and they hate me.

- I've been punched.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.

- Hey.

- You wanna
go get some dinner?

We can go to Sushi Rox
or somethin'.

- Um...

I don't think I should.

- I didn't make
that commercial.

- I believe you.

But, well, everyone else
thinks you did,

and they kinda
hate you for it,

and if I go hang out with you
in public, they'll hate me too,

and that makes me really
nervous because I do not handle

being hated well at all.

Can we have sushi
together in a closet?

- I'm not eating raw fish
in a closet.

MAN: We interrupt our
usual PCA programming

for this special report.

- I'm Jeremiah Trottman.

It seems that ninth grade
presidential candidate

Chase Matthews has called
a press conference

to make an
important announcement.

We take you now live
to this historic event.

I say, we take you now live
to this historic event.

Cut to the event!


Is it on?

Am I on?
I am?

Ok. Ahem.


My name is Chase Matthews

or most of you may know me

as the guy that eats
out of garbage cans,

shaves his legs,

and picks on little girls.

Now, I know that
most of you thought

that my opponent, Zoey Brooks,
made that commercial,

but she didn't.

I did.

I know that sounds
pretty stupid,

but I did it because
I really think that Zoey

is the best
person for the job,

which is also
why I've decided

to drop out of the race
for class president.

Anyway, I guess that's it.

Is the camera off?


It's not off yet?

Turn it off.

- How cute is he?

- Is it off?

[microphone feedback]

[all laugh]

- Boo.

- Oh.


How'd you find me up here?

- Do you not want me up here?

- No. No.

My roof is your roof.


- Orange wedge?

- Sure.

Mmm...good orange.

- Yeah.

It's sweet.

- Look, I'm sorry.
- Look, I'm really sorry.

Wait, you're sorry?

Why are you sorry?

- 'Cuz this whole week
I've been getting mad at you

for stuff that
was Logan's fault.

And so I'm really sorry.

- No problem.

- So what were you sorry for?

- I dunno.

When a girl gets mad at you,

it just seems like
the smartest thing to say.

- [chuckles] Very true.

- Yeah.

- So why'd ya drop out
of the race?

- Well, after my brilliant
smear campaign

against myself backfired,

I figured getting
out of the race

was the only way
to make sure that you won.

So I dropped out.

- Me too.

- Yeah, I just--

Wait, you dropped out?


- This afternoon.

Right before you did.

- But...but why?

- Same reason as you.

And 'cuz I think
our friendship

is way more important
than a stupid election.

- Whoa.

Wait a second.

If I dropped out
and you dropped out...

- Oh, yeah.

Who's gonna be president?

- Thank you.

Thank you one and all.

I, Mark del Figgalo,

will be the best president

any ninth grade class
has ever known.

I could not have won this

without the support

of each and every one of you.

No, no.


- There's Logan
on his skateboard.

CHASE: Yeah.

On three?
- Count it.

- One...



BOTH: Logan!!!

- Ow!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

WOMAN: ♪ Yeah, yeah you ♪

♪ Have just
gotta let it loose ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪


MAN: Mmm.

NICOLE: Is that freaky or what?