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01x12 - School Dance

Posted: 03/28/24 20:55
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ If you wanna play ♪

♪ Come and play today ♪

♪ Let's just get away, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- Ok, now we're going
to talk about

Now I know it sounds

but it's really not.

Y'see, sometimes a company
wants to sell a product

to men,
sometimes to women.

Or sometimes age is an issue
if they want to just

[computer beeps]

- You're supposed to keep
your sound off!

- [groans]

- Zoey?
- Um, yes, sir?

- You know there's
a rule against

instant messaging in class.

Were you?
- Maybe.

- Well,
if your IM is so important,

then why don't you read it
out loud to the class?

- Um, I don't think you want
me to do that.

- Read the message.

- "Hey Zo, you think

Mr. Bender knows
his zipper's down?"

[students laugh]

- Oh, boy,
that's stuck.

does anyone have pliers?

- Excuse us, Mr. Bender?

- Hey, Todd.

- Can Debra and I make
an announcement to the class?

- Yes.
- Thanks!

Hey, fellow PCA students!

- What's up, Stingrays!

- Now, I know we
don't have to remind you

that the PCA school dance
is coming up.

- And I'm sure some of you
have thought about

who you'd like to ask.

DEBRA: Now, asking someone
to a dance can be

a little awkward.

- So this year,
you don't have to!

- Why not?

- 'Cause we thought it
would be so much funner

if we all took
personality tests

and then had a computer
match us up

based on how compatible
our personalities are.

- Personality tests rock!

- Any questions?

- Yeah, how do we get out
of doing this?

- Oh, c'mon,
it's gonna be super fun.

- You'll all get to meet
a new person

who shares the same
interests as you.

- Your perfect match!

- So just go online

fill out your
personality test...

- Then e-mail it in,
the computer

will do its thing,
and poof!

- You've got a date
to the dance!

- Yeah!

[zipper zips up]

MR. BENDER: Got it!


got my zipper up.

- Ok, I cannot wait
to go back

to our dorm and take my
personality test.

- I can rate your
personality right now.

- Dana.
- Whatever.

All I know is this school
is 90% guys.

- So?

- So, we're girls.

- Oh, so that's why
I have those bras in my drawer.

- What I mean is,
there's way more boys

here at PCA,
so we're bound to get

matched up
with some awesome guys.

Think about it.

ALL: Yeah.

- This dance
is gonna be awesome.

[all laugh]

- This dance
is gonna be lame.

- So lame.
- Way lame.

I don't wanna meet new people.
It was hard enough meeting

the people I already met.

- Yeah, besides,
we could be in big trouble

with this whole computer
match-up thing.

- How so?
- Think about it.

PCA is only 10% girls.

That's not a lot to choose from.

- He's right.
Think of the girls

we could get matched up with.

ALL: Yeah.

- Aw, man. I gotta run.
- Yo, where to?

- Well, I signed up
to be a campus guide

for a foreign exchange student.

- you're gonna baby-sit
some foreign guy?

- No, I'm gonna baby-sit
some foreign girl.

- Ahh.

- See ya.

- Good luck.

You know, Michael's right.

This whole dance,
this computer match-up thing,

it's a big problem.

- Yeah? I know what your
problem is.

- What do you mean?

- You don't wanna get
matched up with someone

'cause you want to ask Zoey.

- Dude, when are you gonna
get it through your head

that I just like Zoey
as a friend?

- Fine.
Then I won't tell you

how you could take Zoey
to the dance.

- Well, you know,
just out of curiosity, uh,

how could I take her?

- Ok,

the computer matches you up
with someone based on

the answers you give on
your compatibility test, right?

- Yeah. So?

- Then all you gotta do
is answer your questions

the same way Zoey would.

- But I don't know
how Zoey's gonna answer

the questions.

- Well, then you'd better
find out.

'Cause if you can
match her answers,

then you get
matched up with Zoey.

- Oh, come on, that's--
that's brilliant.

- Hey, some guys
are brilliant,

some guys are great looking,

I just happen to be both.

Later, man.
- Later.

- Uh, Allie?

- No, I'm not Allie.

- Uh, are you sure?
Why don't I just give you

a couple of minutes,
think about it,

please say yes.

- No, sorry.

- Excuse, please?
You are Michael?

- Yeah. What's up?

- I am Ollie.

The foreign exchange student
for you.


- Ollie?

But you're a guy!

- Yeah,
it is so pleasant to meet you.

- [grunting]

What are you doing?!

- I am sorry.
In my country,

that is how a person
greets a new friend.

- Yeah, well,
in this country,

that's how you get punched
in the head.

- [laughs]

Ahh, good one.

Oh, you make me laugh.

Oh! Ohh!

- [sighs]
Personality test.

Let's see what we got here.

Number one:
"What's your favorite fruit?"

Number 2:
"Are you easily frightened?"


- What was that?

- Nothing.
So, uh...

whatcha eating there?

An apple?

- Mm-hmm.

- Cool.
So, uh...

would you say that apples
are your favorite fruit?

- Uh, yeah, I guess.

- Cool.

- Number 7:

"What is your
favorite activity?"




Next question:

"What is your number one
pet peeve?"





- Hey, Zo.
- Oh, hi.

- Hey, look what I got.

- What?

- It's the Gummy Zoo

They got every animal in here
you can think of,

in gummy form.

Ooh, an octopus.

Mm. You want one?

- Sure.
- Which one?

Which one do you want?

- I don't care.
Don't they all taste the same?

- Well, yeah, I guess.

I mean,
but if you're gonna have one,

it might as well be
an animal you like.

Perhaps your favorite.

So, uh, which one might
that be?

- I don't know,
a giraffe?

- Giraffe, got it.

- Ok.

What is your best quality?

- Just one?
That's insane.

I have like nine hundred
amazing qualities.

- Logan,
what are you doing?

- I'm answering my questions for
the dance match-up thing.

Patrick's typing for me.

- Why?

- He gave me $9.00.

- Can't you type
your own answers?

- Not while I'm tanning.

Hey, hand me that lotion,
would you?

- All right, so,
I need your best quality.

- Just put...

"All of them."

- Hey, Zoey, guys.
- Hey.

- Hey, Chase.

[country music playing]

MAN: ♪ Well, she took
my dog, Bubba ♪

♪ And I'm lost
in the fog ♪

- Uh, Chase?

- Oh, what,
you don't like country music?

Well, what kind of music
would you like to hear?

- I don't know.

- Hip-hop, got it.

- Ok, settle down,
settle down.

The computer has
tabulated the results

of your
personality tests.

- And we've posted your
matches for the dance

on the board behind us.

- So, if you'll just form
an orderly line--

[students clamoring]

Ow. Ow. Ow.

- So let's see here,
who's my lucky girl?

Who's Olivary Biallo?

- Michael!

So we go
to dance together, yeah?

- Wait.

You're Olivary Biallo?!

- Yeah!

Ollie is short for Olivary.

- Lord, what did I do?


- He better be cute.
He better be cute.

He better be cute.

He better be cute.
He--Nicholas Webber.

Hmmm. I wonder who he is.
- Hey, are you Nicole?

'Cause you look like a Nicole!
- I know! Don't I?!

Wait, are you Nicholas?!
You look like a Nicholas!

- Yeah!

- We're going to
the dance together!

- Yeah!
- Whoo!

- Oh, man.


- Logan?

No way.

- C'mon Zoey. C'mon Zoey.

C'mon Zoey. C'mon Zoey.

C'mon Zoey...Zoey! Yes! Ha!

- Hey, Chase,
what's up?

- Hh, hey, Zoey.
Get this:

we got paired up
to go to the dance together.

- Really? That's great.

- Yeah, go figure.

- Huh. That's weird.

- What? What's weird?

- It says I got matched up
with some guy

named Glen Davis.

- What?!
No, no, no, no, no.

Look, here's my name,
Chase Matthews.

Dot dot dot...Zoey Brooks.

- Yeah, but here's my name,
Zoey Brooks,

dot dot dot...
Glen Davis.

- Glen Davis?
Who is Glen Davis?

- I am.

- Oh. Well, uh,
sorry, dude,

but I got matched up
with Zoey.

- Uh, according to
the board, so did I.

- I see.
Well, let's just settle this

right now.
Come on, Zoey.

- You hooked me up
with a guy!

- Hello.

- But I don't see
the problem.

- Um, excuse us...

- Hey!
Everybody having fun?

- Actually, we have
a little problem.

- Ohh,
problems don't rock.

- Yeah, see,
I got matched up with Zoey--

- So did I.

- Which is obviously
a mistake.

Would you tell this Glen guy
it's a mistake?

- Huh. Yep.

Looks like there was a tie.

- That is a problem.

- No,
this is the problem!

- Oh, Michael,

your fingernails are so filthy.

- Give me that!

- No!

[Zoey sighs]

- Look, Glen,
I got matched up with Zoey

so I'm taking Zoey
to the dance.

- Well, I also got
matched up with Zoey,

so maybe we should
let her decide

who she wants to go with.

Ok. Sure. Zoey?

This would be
the perfect time to tell Glen

that you're going to
the dance with me.

- Listen, Zoey,
I know this puts you

in an awkward position.

So, whoever you choose,
it's cool with me.

- Oh, aren't you sensitive?

- Look, I'm just trying to
make things--

- Guys, I'm not gonna
decide right here, right now.

I mean,
I need to figure this out.

- You take your time.

- Yeah. No rush.
Just let us know.

- I will.
Well, later.

- I wouldn't start shining
your dancing shoes yet, Glen.

- I don't have
dancing shoes.

I don't think
anyone does anymore.

- I know that.
I'm just saying.

I've been friends with Zoey
ever since her first day

here at PCA,
so I think it's very clear

who she's gonna pick.

You picked Glen?!

- Well, yeah.

- Why?

- 'Cause the whole point
of the dance

is to meet new people
and, you and me,

we're already friends.

- Yeah, but there's
a lot of stuff

you don't know about me.

I'm a very complex person.

Like, did you know that I can
whistle through my nose?

[nose whistles]

- Yeah.
Remember you whistled

happy birthday through your nose
to me last month?

- Oh, yeah.
Well, did you know

my favorite band of all
time is--

- The Beatles.
- Favorite cereal?

- Puffin Munch.
- My greatest fear?

- Raccoons.

- They'll bite ya.

It's happened to people.

- Look,
I gotta go to class.

We'll talk later.

Don't be sad!

- Did you know
that when I was little,

I thought that babies came from
outer space?

- Well, don't they?

- Run along.

- Ok, we ready?

- Mirror check.

- What do you think?

- Hmm, I think our hair
looks a little too "done."

- yeah.

[dance music playing]

- Hey, Chase.

- Oh, hey, Zoey.


- Isn't this dance awesome?

I love this whole tiki theme.

- Oh, yeah.

It's great.

- Hey, Chase, you know,
if you want,

you can hang out with
me and Zoey

on the dance floor.

- Nah, it's cool.

I think I'll just stay here

with my punch bowl
and my buds.

My punch bowl buds.

[dance music playing]

♪ ♪

- Oh, my God!
I love this song!

- I love this song, too!
Don't you just love this song?

- Yeah. That's why
I just said "I love this song."

- Oh, my God!
I love it, too!

- Yeah.
I'm gonna go get some punch.

- All right.

- I am having
the worst time.

- No,
I think that'd be me.

- Man, is that all you got?

Why don't you move a little?

- [scoffs]
I got way more moves than you,

pretty boy.
- Oh, really?

- Yeah.
- Observe.

♪ ♪

- Having fun?

- Not at all.
That Nicholas guy

is really starting to bug me.

He's so...
peppy and so talky and so--

- So "you"?

- No! He's not like--

Oh, my God,
he is like me!

Am I that much like me?

- Oh, no.

- Oh, good.

How great is this punch?

Don't you love this punch?
I love this punch.

[rock music playing]

♪ ♪

- What's up, Chase?

- Hey. Punch?

- Sure.

- So,
um, where's Ollie?

- Oh,
I had to ditch him.

I told him I was sick.
- And he bought it?

- Yeah, it's easy
to trick foreign people.

- True.

- Michael!

- No.

- Yep.

- Hey, Ollie.
What are you doing here?

- You are feeling better?

- Yeah, I suppose,

Man, I told you!
In America, we eat corn

you know, side to side!

- [laughs]

So funny.

Come and join me
for der hoppin' flom!

- Hoppin' flom?
What the--

[dance music playing]

♪ ♪

- Hey, I'm gonna go talk
to Nicole for a sec.

- Oh, cool.
I'll go grab us some punch.

Man, I need some help.

- What's up?

- I can't think of anything

to talk about with Zoey.

- You see?
That's what you get

for stealing
her personality test.

- Oh, look,
if you're not gonna help me--

- You stole
Zoey's personality test?

- Oh, hey, Chase.
How's it going?

- You stole it?

Did you?

- Look, I put it back.
- Yeah, sure,

after you copied down
all of Zoey's answers

to make sure you got
matched up with her.

- C'mon, dude,
she's hot.

- So?
That's low, man.

That's really low.

- Oh, don't go acting
all righteous with me,

'cause I hear things.

- What things?
- That you were running

around campus all week

tricking Zoey
into telling you exactly

what she was gonna put down
on her test.

- Well, stealing
is way worse than tricking.

- It is not!
- It is so!

Have you ever heard anyone say
"Thou shalt not trick?"

I don't think so!

- Excuse me?

- Stay outta this, Zoey!

- Hey, Zoey!

Uh, chicken tender?

- They have four different
types of dipping sauces.

It's really cool.

- Glen, you stole my test
and copied the answers

just so you'd get
matched up with me?

That's really pathetic.

- I know.
I was just telling him--

- You be quiet.

What you did was no better,

and you're my friend.

I'm really disappointed.

- Why do I talk out loud?

- Oh!

Excuse me.

- Michael,
I am so sorry, but I must go

pray to the moon.

- Oh.
Well, I understand.

You gotta go pray
to the moon,

you gotta go
pray to the moon.

- Yeah,
but while I was gone,

I was wondering if you
could entertain my sister,

- No, I can't entertain

your sister, man.
Your sister's just not--

You're Farfalla?

Um, don't you have a moon
to go pray to?

- Yeah.
Thank you for respecting that.

- Scucha.

- You know what?
- What?

- Next year,
I say we pick our own dates

for the dance.

- I am so with you
on that.

At least Michael's having
fun with that girl.

♪ ♪

- And it looks like
Logan and Dana

haven't k*lled
each other yet.

♪ ♪

- So, having fun yet?

- Let me think.


- Well, maybe need
a little make out

with the champ
to cheer you up.

- Oh, so, you want
to make out with me?

- Just trying to do
a girl a favor.

- Ok.

Close your eyes.

- [groans]

She so wants me.

- Look, I'm sorry.
What I did was really wrong.

- Yeah, it kinda was.

- I don't know,
I was just being dumb.

- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.

- Why would you
go through all that trouble

just to go with me
to a stupid dance?

- Uh, 'cause I wanted
to protect you.

- Protect me?

- Well, yeah.
I mean, you're my friend

and you're a girl,
and, you know guys,

a lot of guys are jerks
and I just didn't want you

going to the dance
with a jerk.

- So to protect me
from going to the dance

with a jerk--

- I know,
I acted like a jerk.

Oh, the irony.

Guess it wasn't the best plan,

- No.

But it was sweet.

- Sweet?

- Yeah.


- But?

- You're lame
at throwing rocks.

- What?

- Here.

You gotta
snap your wrist and then...

- Nice.

WOMAN: ♪ I know you see me
standing here ♪

♪ Do I look good,
my dear? ♪

♪ Do I look good today? ♪

♪ Today, today ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I'm just another
kind of girl ♪

♪ And you want
to see my world ♪

♪ So come and run away ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I will make you see ♪

♪ All of the things ♪

♪ That you can be ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Come follow me ♪


MAN: Mmm.

- Lord, what did I do?

[electricity buzzing]