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02x02 - Attack of the Mutant

Posted: 03/29/24 15:03
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Man ♪1 ]
You're old, Gazelle.

You're over the hill.

It's time to retire...


[ Cackling Laughter ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Gazelle ] I have a few years left.
Thanks for dropping by, Mutant.

Another victory over evil
for the League of Good Guys!

[ Grunting ]

[ Sinister Laughter ]

I'll try not to leave any squid marks.

[ Sinister Laughter ]

[ Door Opens, Closes ]

Skipper, Dad's home.

Oh, I don't think you want him
to see you reading that.

But, Mom, the Masked Mutant
mutated into a giant squid.

Look, he has the Galloping Gazelle
in a death grip!

Oh, dear.

- Just let me finish it. Okay?
- Well, um-- Oh.

Skipper. What did I say
about those comic books?

No reading comic books till
all your homework is finished.

- Is all his homework finished?
- Hello, dear.

Is all your homework finished?

Well, not all of it.

Why do you think
your grades are so poor?

- Why do you think his grades are so poor?
- Well--

Because he spends all his time
buried in a comic book.

But, Dad, I don't just read them,
I collect them.

See, like this Silver Swan.

This is a first edition. Do you
know how much this thing's worth?

- No. How much?
- That is not the point.

Your obsession with these things--
It's unhealthy.

You don't pay attention
to anything else.

He doesn't pay attention
to anything else.

Oh, Skipper, try to pay
attention to something else.

- You see? Skipper!
- Yeah?

- Dinnertime.
- Oh, yes!

Jumpin' jellybeans. I tell you,
those things are gonna ruin that kid.

Oh, hush.
It's only a comic book.


[ School Bell Rings ]

Hey, Wilson,
you have to check this out. Look.

It's the first time they've shown

the secret headquarters
of the Masked Mutant.

Oh, great.

In issue 12, page 4, panel 3,

he talked about his headquarters,
but they never showed it.

Which one is he again?

[ Sighs ]
"Which one is he again?"

Man, Wilson,
I don't believe you! Come on!

The Masked Mutant is the most
evil comic book villain there is.

Hey, wait until you see
this new rock I found. Look.

What's so great about that?

Well, if you hold it like this,
it looks like a duck.

- It does?
- Well, it did this morning.

Hey, I'm going to look for
some more rocks after school.

- Do you want to come?
- Nah, I gotta catch a bus.

I got another
orthodontist appointment.

Why do you collect rocks anyway?

I don't know.
They're easy to find.

No matter where you are,
you're always near a rock.

I don't get what the big deal
about comic books is.

Well, I don't get you and your rocks.

[ Breathing ]

Hey. What'd you get?

- Uh, tuna.
- Yeah, me too. Wanna trade?

What for?

- I don't know.
- Yeah, okay.

[ Breathing ]

Hey, what are you looking at?

I don't know. I just--

It feels like
someone is watching me.

I still don't see anyone.

Hey, do you want to see
a piece of striated quartz?

[ Cackling ]

Hey, do you go to Franklin?

Huh? Who? Me?

I wasn't talking to the empty seat.

- Yeah, I go there.
- How is it?

I don't know.
It's an okay school.

I didn't mean to
interrupt your reading.

Oh, that's okay.
I've read it four times.

- My name's Libby.
- I'm Skipper.

Do you collect comic books?

- Yeah.
- So do I.

- What kind?
- High School Harry and Beanhead.

- Ah, man! Those are the worst!
- I think they're very well written.

- And they're funny.
- Yeah, right.

High School Harry
with those stupid

little tic-tac-toe checkmarks
all over his temples?

And that guy Beanhead--
so nauseating.

What do you collect? All that superhero
junk like The Masked Mutant?

Yeah. I know everything
about the Mutant.

He's the most evil
super villain of them all.

I mean, look at this artwork.

It's way better than the High School
Harry comics. There's no contest.

See, the Mutant's
been battling the Gazelle--

- The Galloping Gazelle.
- Galloping Gazelle?

- Talk about dumb.
- It's not dumb, Libby.

The Gazelle's
at the end of his career.

He has to battle the Mutant
for the fate of the planet.

- What's so dumb about that?
- Are all the boys at Franklin like you?

Nah, I'm the coolest.

Aw, man!
I missed my stop.

- [ Bell Dings ]
- Nice meeting you.

[ Libby ]
See you again sometime.

[ Gasps ]

The Mutant's headquarters!

It can't be.



I'm telling you,
it was that exact same building!

- Huh.
- But that's impossible.

It's from a comic book.

Got it!
Solved the mystery.

Who draws The Masked Mutant?

Who's the artist?

Wilson, it's Ernie Atwater.

Come on.
Everybody knows that.

Well, I'll bet that guy Atwater
was here one day.

Ernie Atwater
coming to Tarrington?


Let's say he's here.

He's driving down the street
and he sees this weird building,

and he thinks,
"What a great building.

It'd be perfect for the secret
headquarters of the Masked Mutant."

So he copied it for the comic book.

Yeah, I guess that's possible.

What, did you think it was
the Mutant's headquarters?

- He's a comic book character, remember?
- Yeah, I guess you're right.

Okeydokey, Wilson. I think
you should probably go home.

Skipper's gotta
get to his homework.

- Ooh!
- You need two hands.


Want a rock?

- Not really.
- Later.

See ya, Wilson.


- Okay, out with the comic books.
- [ Claps Hands ]

- Time for homework.
- Okay, Dad.

[ Door Closes ]

[ Hinges Creaking ]

- [ Screams ]
- Caught ya!

[ Panting ]

I'm sorry, Dad.
I know I should be sleeping.

- I just couldn't put this down.
- [ Stammering ]

You weren't reading a comic book?

- No.
- [ Laughing ]

Oh, gee--

Oh, Skipper,
I can't tell you how happy I am...

to see that you're interested

in something besides
t-t-that Masked Mutant guy.

Well, good night, Dad.

Y-You know, I was starting
to worry about you, Son.

Okay, Dad.
Well, good night.

Yeah, you gotta get to sleep

'cause you got that early
follow-up appointment...

with your orthodontist
tomorrow morning.

Gotta be on the bus by 6:30.
[ Clicks Tongue ]

Even earlier, if I want to see
the headquarters-- [ Gasps ]

- I mean, uh--
- What headquarters?

- What are you talkin' about?
- I--

Dad, were you ever good at algebra?

Uh, me? Uh--

Oh, golly, no.

- Nope. No.
- Okay.

But I'm glad to see that you're
finding it interesting though.


- Good night.
- Good night, Dad.


I just gotta see this place again.


That's weird.
It was right there. I know it was.

Did you see a building there?

Building? Where?

Right there. Yesterday.
It was right on that spot.

It looked like this.

No wonder you're seeing things.

This stuff will rot your mind.

- [ Door Slams ]
- Ohh!

- Oh! Hello, sweetie.
- Hi, Mom.

[ Sighs ] Um, there was
some mail for you, Skipper.

I wasn't expecting anything.

Well, it says "Special Edition."

They've never done that before.

It can't be.

It's not possible.

- [ Students Chattering, Shouting ]
- It's not possible. No way.

Well, Wilson, look what
the Mutant's saying.

"I'm tracking each one of them.
They'll never find me.

I've thrown an invisibility curtain
around my entire headquarters!"

I know,
but it's a comic book, Skipper.

But I saw this building myself!

And then the next day
it was gone!

And now this! What if there
really is an invisibility curtain?

- There's no such thing.
- Then what happened?

I don't know, but there's
gotta be a logical explanation.

I'm gonna find out what it is.

[ Grunts ]

Attack of the Mutant!

Are you jumpy or what?

That's not funny! Look.
The building was there yesterday.

It was?
I've never seen it.

- You haven't?
- I don't think so.

Well, I have. Here.
Take a look at this.

[ Libby ]
An invisibility curtain?

Now I know why
they call you Skipper.

When they handed out brains,
you got skipped.

Well, you have to admit
this is weird.

I'll admit that you're weird.

In the comic book, people can walk
right through the invisibility curtain.

They couldn't feel it or anything.

It's was kinda like walking
through a smoke screen.

Once you walk through the curtain,
you can see the building.

Let's get this over with.

Then when you see that you're nuts,
we can have a normal conversation.

Come on.

We are now stepping through
the invisibility curtain.

- Very funny.
- [ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]

You were right!

Now what?

Let's get out of here.

No way. Come on.
Let's go in.

Go in?
Are you crazy?

No. Don't even stop to
think about it. Just go.


- Where is everyone?
- I don't know.

[ Zapping ]

What was that?

- What was what?
- Didn't you feel that?

I didn't feel anything. Are you
trying to scare me or something?

There was an electrical beam.

I-It shined on me
when I stepped forward.

Let's get out of here.
It's so quiet, it's creepy.

Well, there was a beam sort
of like that

in one of the Avenging Eagle comics.

I think it was issue 4.

It was a beam that led to a parallel
dimension, but it wasn't like that.

I feel like I'm standing
in a giant box of crayons.

I think it's awesome!

[ Skipper ]

Is anybody here?

I know what you're thinking.

You think this is the secret
headquarters of the Mighty Mutator.

It's the Masked Mutant.
Can we please get that straight?

And what if it is? How else could
you explain the invisibility curtain?

I can't explain it.
It's weird. It's too weird.

Well, there's only one way
to find out the truth. Right?

No way!

[ Tapping ]

[ Whirring ]

Okay, Libby. Let's go.

You really think a comic book
character can come to life?

That's sad.
That's really sad.

Don't make me cry.
Come on. Let's go.

Okay, but if this Mutant creep
shows up, I'm out of here.

- Thought you didn't believe it.
- I don't.

Okay, top floor.

What's going on?

- Hey, we're going down.
- [ Rattling ]

This is going too fast.
Hang on to something!

We're gonna crash!

[ Grunting ]

- [ Screams ]
- [ Grunts ] Ow!

Oh, man.

- Are you okay?
- I think so.

I pushed "up."
We should have gone up.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing. I just--

[ Exhales ]
I feel funny. Kind of tingly.

I'll be okay.

Why doesn't the door open?


- We're trapped in here.
- Don't worry.

They're just slow.
It'll open. Watch.

We'll be trapped in here forever!

The air will run out!
We'll suffocate!

I can't breathe, Skipper!

I can't breathe!


Where are we?

The basement, I guess.

What's down here?

Let's go back up.

Hang on.

Come on, Skipper.
Let's go back up. Now!

Okay. Calm down.

Hit "emergency."

I don't believe this!

Let's find another elevator.


Oh, man!

Just great.

Do you see any elevators?

I don't see anything.

Maybe the other elevators
don't even come down this far.

- [ Loud Clanking ]
- What's that?

It was the furnace.
It was just the furnace.

Come on,
let's find some stairs.

There's got to be
a way out of this place.


- [ Door Closes ]
- Libby?

Libby, is that you?



Libby, are you down here?

The Masked Mutant!


[ Breathing ]

The League of Good Guys!

This must be where
they make the comic books.

It's me.

Why are there pictures of me?

[ Breathing ]

- Who's there?
- [ Footsteps ]

Libby? Libby? Is that you?


Are you down here?

[ Screaming ]