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02x04 - Bad Hare Day

Posted: 03/29/24 15:05
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Door Opens ]

- Be safe.
- Bye.

Come on, Foz.
Pick a card. Any card.

Oh, come on, Tim.
That trick is so old.

Come on. Just pick a card.
I need you to pick a card.

What you need is some
new tricks, like Amazo.

But they're so expensive.

If you had some of his tricks,
you could be The Great Timothini.

[ Ringing ]

- Hey, Mr. Malik.
- Hey, what's new, Magoo?

- This stuff by Amazo-- it's so cool.
- [ Door Closes ]

Yeah. He was just in here
himself this morning.

Ah, man!

- Hey, what's this do?
- Hey, get in. I'll show you.

I saw Amazo do it on TV last week.

Don't touch that, okay?

You can't just walk up to an
illusion and start playing around.

- You gotta practice.
- Well, I was just gonna show Foz.

I've got something to show you.
Come on over here.

- Hey, is that a--
- Guillotine.

That's right. [ Chuckles ]
Ooh. You see,

about 200 years ago in France, this was
the equivalent to the electric chair.

See, they would take
your head-- head--

put your head in here
like so, and then--

[ Laughing ]

Yeah. Now, what do you think
of that? Care for a banana?

- Cool!
- Tell you what. You can help me.

Here's what we're gonna do.

Now, I just can't quite
reach with my hand,

so if you could just move
that lever over there,

that'll lock the blade in place.

- No, not that one!
- [ Gasps ]

- [ Screaming ]
- [ All Screaming ]

- [ Screaming Continues ]
- [ Shouting, Indistinct ]

- Oh! My arm!
- Mr. Malik-- Mr. Malik, I'm so sorry!

I didn't mean to! I just pushed
the lever like you told me to!

Hurry! Hurry!

- I didn't--
- What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?

What am I gonna do?

This hand is still attached.

How do you like that?
Good trick?

- Wow!
- It's the best. How much is it?

- 250.
- Two-fifty? Really?

I'll never be able
to afford any good tricks.

Well, there's something maybe
you can afford right behind the ear.

Two free tickets.

To Amazo's performance tonight.

My pleasure.
You enjoy yourself, boys.

Not me.
It doesn't start till 10:00.

On a school night? My mom would
never let me go! Neither will yours.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime

Amazo is the greatest
magician alive.

You'll have to be the greatest
magician alive to get out of the house.

[ Clock Chiming ]

- [ Creaks ]
- [ Gasps ]

[ Chiming Continues ]

[ Chiming Stops ]

[ Siren Wailing In Distance ]

[ Siren Approaching ]

- [ Gasps ]
- Where are you going?

I'm going out to the garage
to practice a new trick.

Oh, really?

- [ Siren Passes ]
- Okay, okay.

I'm going to the Midnight Mansion
to see Amazo.

- I'm gonna tell!
- No, Ginny, please!

All right, I won't.

[ Sighs ]


you take me with you.

No way!
Besides, you hate magic.

Whatever. Mom!

- [ Muffled Screaming ]
- Shh!

[ Drumroll ]

This Amazo guy better be good.

- You better be good.
- [ Man ] Ladies and gentlemen,

the Midnight Mansion is proud
to present live on our stage...

the prince of prestidigitation,
the master of magic,

the wizard of wonder, Amazo!

[ Cheering, Applause ]
- [ Fanfare ]

[ Crowd Gasps ]

This is so great.

Maybe he'll pick me
to be a volunteer!

[ Crowd Gasps ]

[ Continues ]

[ Crowd Gasps ]

[ Cooing ]

[ Drumroll ]

[ Crowd Gasps ]

- Did you see that? Did you see that?
- Yeah!

Thank you, and good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

What's the matter, buddy?
Having a bad "hare" day?

[ Crowd Laughing ]

That's the one thing they don't
teach you in magician school--

Rabbits have no sense of humor.

- I love you when you're angry.
- [ Laughter ]

Now, then, ladies and gentlemen,
I need a volunteer--

someone from our audience.

Ah. Perhaps you, son.
Would you like to come up?

He picked me!
I'm going up! I'm going up!

Let's give him
a big hand, everyone.

- [ Drumroll ]
- [ Applause ]

I need someone small enough
to fit into this box.

And you look just about
the right size.

But we better check
just to be sure.

Mm-hmm. 'Kay.


Oh, I've got some bad news
for you, I'm afraid.

- You're an inch too tall.
- [ Crowd Groaning, Murmuring ]

But wait. Maybe...

- this will do the trick.
- [ Laughing ]

[ Fanfare ]

- Now, what is your name?
- Tim.

Tim. Tim, I have to be honest
with you. It's a brand-new trick.

I haven't quite perfected it yet.
It doesn't always work.

But you look like a bit of a risk-taker.
Hop inside.

You see, it's easy enough
to make someone disappear,

but they don't always come back.

Oh, by the way, if you meet a
redheaded boy with a Hawaiian shirt,

tell him he got an "A" in science
class, and his cat had kittens.

- [ Rim Shot ]
- [ Laughs ]

- Bye-bye.
- Here we go. One,

two, three,

- four--
- [ Gasps ]

When I open the trunk,
Tim will be no more!

- [ Crowd Gasps ]
- Cool.

So far, so good.

[ Crowd Laughing, Applauding ]

[ Amazo ]



- Help!
- [ Crowd Shouting, Cheering ]

Anyone there?

[ Crowd Laughing,
Applauding, Faint ]

[ Crowd Cheering, Whistling ]

[ Whistling Continues ]

[ Amazo ] Well, thank you.
That's our show for tonight.

So much for seeing it.

[ Applause ]

Hey, kid.

The exit's down that way.

[ Thumping ]

[ Clicking ]

[ Thumping Continues ]

Uh, Mr. Amazo?

It's me-- Tim.
From the disappearing act?

Um, hello?

[ Man's Voive ]
Beat it, kid.

Mr. Amazo? Well, um--

I-I thought that you--
that you might want to know...

they left me locked up
in that room for the whole--

What do I care?

You know how many kids would give
their right arm to be in my show?

- Now get out of here, you little brat.
- Uh--

Are you calling me a-- a brat?

What's the matter? Are you
deaf or just stupid? Beat it.

[ Sighs ]

Amazo's magic kit.

Close the door on your way out.

- [ Growling ]
- [ Screams ]

- Where have you been?
- Shh! Ginny!

You were leaving without me?
I'm telling Mom!

Look, I'm sorry. Amazo, that jerk,
kept me locked up in a room.

I can't believe it.
My idol's nothing but a creep.

- What's that?
- It's Amazo's magic bag.

You stole it?

I took it from his dressing room.

We'll see how amazing
he is without it.

- I want to see!
- No! No! We gotta go!

I want to see it now!

No! I'll let you see it tomorrow--
first thing. I promise.

Let's go.

- [ Whooshing, Deflating Noise ]
- [ Gasping ]

What was that?

He booby-trapped it.

I think it's a computer chip
or something.

Hey, be careful.

Where are the instructions?

There are no instructions.
This isn't a toy, you know?

This is Amazo's private kit.

- It doesn't need instructions.
- [ Screams ]

It's-- It's fake.

But look at it though.
It's so real.

[ Gasps ]
This stuff is the best.

What's this?

Ah. You stand behind it.

Magicians use it
to make things disappear.

- Neat.
- Leave it alone though.

Ginny, I said leave it alone.

You don't know
what you're doing.


[ Gasps ]


Oh-- Oh, no.

Oh, no.

I've turned my sister into a rabbit!

Ginny? Ginny?

If it's you, give me a sign.

[ Man's Voice ] You want a sign?
Go to the corner. It says "stop."

- [ Gasps ]
- Oh!

- [ Gasps ]
- What are you looking around for?

There's nobody here but you and me.

- But-But--
- "But, but, but."

What are you, a motorboat?
Talk to me man to man.

- But you're a rabbit.
- And you're a kid.

It's a figure of speech!

Besides, I am only
a rabbit on the outside.

Inside, I am El Sydney, wizard
extraordinaire. You know my act.

- If you're Sydney, then--
- El Sydney.

If you're El Sydney,

then where's my sister?

- Where's Ginny?
- Hey! Watch the foot.

She's gone, disappeared.
You can blame Amazo.

He has all these evil tricks.
You should have left his stuff alone.

Oh, man. I knew I never should
have taken that magic case.

I have to get my sister back.
If I don't, my parents will k*ll me.

"Me, me, me."
What about me?

You know how long I've been a rabbit?
The humiliation I've endured?

I met Amazo when I was just a young
boy starting out in the world of magic.

- He was my hero.
- Mine too!

That severed head routine
with the guillotine--

A terrific gag.

- It should be. I invented it.
- Really? So what happened?

I got to meet him backstage one time,
and he encouraged me.

Before you know it,
I was on my way to being a star.

Then one night I run into Amazo.

I had this magic wand I wanted to
show him-- hundreds of years old.

It was real magic,
not some tricked-up prop.

Amazo went nuts.

He stole the wand.
In fact, he stole my entire act.

And if that wasn't enough,
he turned me into a "wabbit."

- And now he uses me in his show.
- But what about my sister?

Yeah, I can get her back.
But I need your help.

I'm not too handy these days.

- Well, what do I have to do?
- There's only one thing to do.

We have to steal back
my magic wand.

Hey, don't get nervous, kid.

You're making me twitch.

[ Door Closes ]

Shh! Amazo catches you, you'll
spend your whole magic career...

as Timothy, the dancing chicken.

Come on! He keeps the wand
with his props on stage.

Hey, kid, get the light.
It's behind the curtain.

[ Switch Clicks ]

Stop fooling around with
this stuff. We got work to do.


Close your mouth, kid.
You're catching flies.

We gotta find the magic wand before
Amazo comes back to rehearse.

What's it look like?

Duh! How about black,
about two feet long with white tips?

- Try the cupboard.
- You're awfully grouchy.

I'm under a lot of stress!

And I have fleas.

Well, that's just wonderful.

- Which one's the right one?
- Pretend you are a magician.

Better yet, abracadabra!
You're a magician.

Now, say the magic words.

Abra... cadabra!

- Cool.
- Wrong. Wrong wand.

- Try the next one.
- [ Wand Clatters ]

Ala... kazam!

Oh, boy. Here we go.

- Rigatoni!
- It's about time!

Hey, this one didn't do anything.
It's busted.

I'll show you what it can do.
Put me in the coffin.

Hey, wait a minute. You said
you'd bring my sister back first.

Hurry. Bring me back, and I
can bring back your kid sister.

We had a deal.
What about our deal?

- All right, all right. Stop wasting time.
- Yeah.

Go get that drape.

All right.
Hold it up.

Wave that magic wand
for all it's worth.

Say the magic words, and--
poof-- you get your sister back.

- What magic words?
- Do I have to do everything?

You want to be a magician,
or what?

Okay. Alakazam,

Ginny, come back from
wherever you are!

[ Screams ]

I'm telling Mom!

- But, Ginny, wait!
- [ Door Opens ]

- I didn't do anything!
- [ Door Closes ]

Bet you're glad she's back.
Now, come on.

- Pick me up. We don't have much time.
- But she--

Forget about her
telling your parents.

With your talent,
I could use you in the act.

- Really?
- Of course!

Kiddo, the way you did that
"alakazam"-- you're a natural.

Really? You mean it?
On stage in your act?

And two shows on Saturday.

But, quick, before Amazo shows up.
Into the coffin.

Hey! Watch it!
That's my lucky foot.

- Sorry. You all right?
- It's all right.

Alakazam, alakazar.

This could get to be a habit.

Free El Sydney from
the skin of a rabbit.

- [ Thumping ]
- [ El Sydney Grunting ]

Who's there?

Hey, it's you-- the kid from
the disappearing act last night.

What happened to you?
Where did you go?

Well, I waited, and then you
told me to beat it, remember?

I did?
I never said that.

Ah! You found my magic kit.

Well, uh-- I tried a few of your tricks.
I-I hope you don't mind.

Oh, that's fine, as long as--
Hey, where's the rabbit?

You didn't let him out, did you?
He's very dangerous, very tricky.

He used to be an evil magician,

but I changed him into
a rabbit for everyone's good.

He said you were the evil one.

Yeah, he would say that.

- You talked to him?
- [ Rumbling ]

[ Rumbling Continues ]


I'm home!

Looking for... this?

[ Laughs ]

You know what it's like having to
eat nothing but lettuce and carrots?

No dressing, nothing!
Just lettuce and carrots!

You know what it's like
calling a hat your home?

You know what it's like having
your ears tugged and twisted?

All right. I'm bitter. I was
a bitter bunny! But no longer.

- [ Grunts ]
- You think you could trap...

the great El Sydney in the
body of a rabbit forever?

Forget it. You're not good enough.
You never were!

[ Exhales ]

it's my turn.
[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

[ El Sydney ]
Behold! Amazo, El Rabbito!

[ Laughing ]

- [ Laughing Continues ]
- Uh, Mr. Sydney,

I think I have a dentist's appointment
or something. So I'm just--

What do you mean?
Aren't we having fun yet?

The Great Timothini
is far too valuable to lose.

Besides, we had a deal,

I need you in my act.

- Really?
- Absolutely.

Isn't that what you wanted?

Well, yeah.

Then... hold on.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Man ]
Midnight Mansion is proud to present,

for a return engagement,
El Sydney!


I only use uno "rabbito,"

but this trick doesn't
always work so well.

I guess I'm a little rusty.

Rusty blade. Get it?
[ Chuckles ]

Now, ladies, and gentlemen,
I need a volunteer from the audience,

someone who's not afraid
to "split hares."

- [ Groaning ]
- [ Laughing ]

[ Amazo's Voice ] Don't worry, Tim.
I'll think of something.

I'll get us out of this.

- What? And quit show business?
- [ Rim Shot ]