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02x09 - Ghost Beach

Posted: 03/29/24 15:25
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Seagulls Squawking ]


Where'd you go, Terri?


[ Girl ]
Over here!


Oh, man.
You and your dumb hobbies.

Wax rubbings.
Who makes wax rubbings?

I do,
'cause I'm interested in things.

Let's go down to the beach.

We finally get to visit
Brad and Agatha,

and all you wanna do
is rub gravestones all day.

It's cool. See, Jerry?

It's a death's head,
an old Puritan symbol.

- Creepy, huh?
- Right. Let's go to the beach!

Hey, check out the name.

"Harrison Sadler."

- Sadler?
- I know. Look.

He died in 1642.

One of the first guys to come to
America, and he's got our last name.

- Oh.
- Check out the epitaph.

"Though his bones are but dust,
his spirit lives on forever."

Terri, don't you want
to go to the beach?

I love it that everything around
here is so old. [ Screaming ]

[ Gasps ]



[ Grunts ]

- [ Girl Laughing ]
- [ Boy Laughing ] Best one ever!

You've gotta be pretty demented
if you think that was funny.

We've been watching you guys.

We could see you this morning
heading out for the graveyard,

so we thought
we'd give you a little scare.

"Little scare"?
Come on, Terri. Let's go.

- Hey. We're sorry.
- We are. We're really sorry.

- It was just a joke.
- Pretty complicated joke.

I guess it was. My name's
Sam Sadler. This is my sister Louisa.

That's our last name.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I'm Terri Sadler,
and this is my brother Jerry.

We're staying with Brad and Agatha,
our fourth cousins, twice remodeled.

Removed, Jerry.
Twice removed.

- Whatever that means.
- It means they're distant relatives.

- They're Sadlers too.
- There's lots of Sadlers around here.

No kidding.
Even dead ones.

[ Louisa ]
Harrison Sadler is dead,

but he still walks the night.

They're just trying
to scare us again.

Nice try.

Oh, come on.

You don't really believe
in ghosts, do you?

If you go near the cave down
at the beach, you will too.

- That's enough, Sam!
- The cave?

Come on. We need to go.
We'll see you around.

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ] Agatha, give Jerry a
little more of that pot pie.

[ Chuckling ]
Oh, I sure will, Brad.


Everything tastes so much better
cooked on that old wood burner.

They've brought in the power, but
we haven't bothered hooking it up.

- [ Chuckling ]
- Um, I don't think I can eat all this.


Your parents didn't say
you were such little eaters.

- Oh, but it's good.
- It's really good.

Oh, it's so nice having
young folk around the place...

that appreciate our way of life.

So nice your folks
brought you up here...

to be with your old cousins.

Sure is better than spending the
summer in a sweaty apartment.

And Dad told us all kinds of stories
about being here when he was a kid.

And we always wanted
to meet you guys in person.

Well, your dad always cared
about keeping the family together.

- Always made the effort.
- We met some other Sadlers today.

- Kids.
- Sam and Louisa.

They're nice kids.

Are they our relatives too?

- Could be.
- Very, very distant, if they are.

They went on about some--
some ghost in a cave.

[ Chuckles ]
Never heard of it.

Well, I've got some reading to do.

Oh, I'll help.

[ Seagulls Squawking ]

[ Squawking Continues ]

Some kinds of seaweed you can
actually eat. It's full of iodine.

It's full of bugs. Let's go
see if we can find that cave.

- There are no bugs in it.
- Ew.

I wish I had a book on all
the different types of seaweed.

I'll look for the cave myself then.

[ Grunts ]

- [ Screams ]
- What is it?

What's wrong?

- Weird.
- Look at that.

- A perfect skeleton.
- Of what?

A raccoon maybe?

Too small for a raccoon.

- Do you guys always creep up on everyone?
- Sorry.

Well, if it's not a raccoon,
then what is it?

- [ Sam ] Just a dog.
- A dog? What happened to it?

- It got eaten.
- Sam!

Oh, come on.

I mean, the bones are picked clean.

What kind of animal would
do something like this?

I guess if you're going to
be around here, you should know.

It wasn't an animal that
picked those bones clean.

It was the ghost.

- The ghost of Harrison Sadler.
- Oh, come on!

It k*lled and ate it because dogs
can tell if someone's a ghost.

Dogs always bark
to warn about ghosts.

- Oh, give me a break.
- Let's go.

Oh, wait a second.

Have you ever seen it?

Do you see that opening
in those rocks?

The ghost lives up there.

Some people say
for over 300 years.

- [ Terri ] Have you ever seen it?
- [ Louisa ] No one has.

[ Jerry ] If you've never seen him,
how do you know he's up there?

We've seen the skeletons.

And the flickering light
in the mouth of the cave.

It's probably just some
guy with a flashlight.

-[ Gasps ]
- [ Terri ] What?

- You saw the light, didn't you?
- I'm not sure.

This is just another one
of your dumb jokes, isn't it?

Think what you want. Come on, Louisa.
I told you they were nonbelievers.

[ Agatha ]
Some nice beef stew.

[ Jerry ]
Um, I can eat more than that, Agatha.

I just don't know
how to feed you kids.

First of all,
you're not hungry, now you are.

[ Brad ]
So what did you kids do today?

We saw those Sadler kids again.

They said something about a
ghost who lives in this cave.

They said he kills and eats dogs...

and makes this light go off and on.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.
Jerry thinks he saw a ghost.

I did not.
I didn't see a ghost.

Just a light.

Ah, you ever hear
of aurora borealis, Jerry?

- Yeah.
- It happens certain times of the year.

Something electric gets in the air,

and the whole sky
lights up in streamers.

Oh, it was the middle
of the day, and--

Just stay clear of beach's caves,
you hear me?

I don't want you kids comin'
home with any broken bones.

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Barking Continues ]

Shh! It's me.

- What are you doing?
- Listen. You want to check out that cave?

Are you nuts?
It's the middle of the night.

I know, but I can't sleep.

I keep thinking about
that light I saw.

Come on, Terri.
Where's your sense of adventure?

I don't know.
Where's your sense of night and day?

[ Barking, Growls ]

[ Barking Stops ]

- Do you hear that?
- Yeah.

- You think the ghost got it?
- I don't believe in ghosts.

Well, neither do I, but you
know something's going on.

Come on.
You saw Brad and Agatha.

There's something about that
cave that they're hiding.

Don't you want to find out?

Yeah, but I don't know
if we should.

- Oh, come on.
- I'm kind of scared.

Me too.
That's why it's fun.

- [ Squeals ]
- Be careful.

Jerry, what if there really is a ghost?

It's something else.

It's gotta be.

- Look!
- That's no "aurora boring Alice."

- Aurora borealis.
- Whatever.

That's not it.
Come on.

- Did you see that?
- Yes.

Oh, man!
This is amazing!

- It's taking us somewhere.
- [ Squeaking ]

You hear that?

[ Squeaking Continues ]

- [ Wings Flapping ]
- [ Screams ]

Are they gone?

I think so.

Whoa! Terri!

I don't think we should be here.

- You're right. You shouldn't.
- [ Terri Gasps ]

You're right.
You shouldn't.

You are both in serious trouble.

It's dangerous to get
involved with ghosts.

- We didn't mean any harm.
- No?

You're trying to trap me,
aren't ya?

- Admit it.
- We were just looking around.

- Honest.
- Silence!

You think I'm a ghost,
don't you?

I'm not a ghost.

My name is Harrison Sadler.

I journeyed here from England
a number of years ago.

I saw your gravestone.

An ancestor's, not mine.

I'm going to tell you a story, and
I want you to listen very carefully.

[ Terri Screams ]

In the year 1641,

a group of pilgrims
sailed from England...

to begin a new life here.

But when they arrived,

they faced the most
horrible winter imaginable.

No proper shelter,
not enough food.

There was no time to prepare
for any of that.

So cold, so hungry.

Their blood froze in their veins.

One by one, they perished.

Their deaths were
so awful, so painful,

that some refused to go to
their final resting place,

and so they lingered on.

- Like you?
- I told you.

I study ghosts.
I'm not a ghost.

- But your two young friends are.
- Sam and Louisa?

for three centuries.

I've studied them.
I've seen their evil.

You're the ghost,
shut up in this dark, old cave!

My sanctuary.

They know I'm watching,
but here, I'm safe.

- But I dare not leave.
- No!

Sam and Louisa are just kids--
kids like us.

They're not evil.

- What are you gonna do?
- Let you go.


Because you won't listen to me.

He's gonna eat us, Jerry.

Go to the graveyard,
to the northeastern corner.

You'll find your answer there.

To the graveyard! Now!

- Terri, slow down!
- I don't know what to believe.

- Oh, man. Me neither.
- So do you think he's a ghost?

- He said Sam and Louisa were the ghosts.
- But maybe he's lying.

- Look, we gotta go to the graveyard.
- I don't want to.

We gotta check it out. The northeastern
corner. That's what he said, right?

- [ Dog Barking ]
- [ Gasps ]


[ Thunder Rumbling ]

The ocean's behind us,
so... it's this way.

- [ Growling ]
- What was that?

I don't know.

Let's keep going.

[ Jerry ]
"Louisa Sadler."

"Samuel Sadler."

Louisa and Sam.

- This is getting weirder all the time.
- [ Sam ] Hey!

[ Gasps ]

- I'm glad you guys are okay.
- We've been looking for you.

- What are you doing here?
- Are you all right?

- We saw him.
- Who?

The ghost.

- Oh, no.
- In the cave.

He really lives in there.

We've been here all our lives
and never seen him.

- Well, we did.
- Did he see you?


[ Sighs ]
That's not good.

How did you get away?

He let us go.
He said he's not a ghost.

He told us to come here
to look for something.

- To look for what?
- Your gravestones.

[ Sighs ]

That ghost is clever-- making
you think we're the ghosts.

[ Louisa ] And you believe it.
You do! I can tell by your faces.

If you're not ghosts,
then where did these come from?

Our ancestors. We just got
named after them, that's all.

Now we're gonna show you something.
This is why we were looking for you.

Let me show you what the ghost of
Harrison Sadler is planning for you.

- [ Jerry ] What is it?
- You need to see it.

- We need you to believe us.
- [ Terri ] Believe what?

Here it is.
See for yourself.

[ Terri ]
"Jerry Sadler"...

and "Terri Sadler."

Our graves?

Freshly placed gravestones
for you and your sister.

- This is what the ghost didn't want you to see.
- What does he want?

What do you think? To eat you
and bury your bones right here.

He saw you, Jerry. He'll come
out of the cave and find you.

- No, he won't.
- [ Sam ] Yes, he will!

He won't stop till he gets you.

[ Louisa ]
Your lives are in danger!

[ Terri ]
So what do you think we should do?

Get rid of the ghost.
Stop this evil once and for all.

[ Terri ]
How are we supposed to do that?

- Seal him up in his cave with rocks.
- Rocks? But he's a ghost!

Can't he float through that stuff?

The legend says
the cave is a sanctuary.

If something evil gets trapped inside,
it can't get out.

So that's what you have to do--
trap the ghost.

Remember, Jerry?

That's what he thought
you were trying to do-- trap him.

You're right.

You have to attack him
before he att*cks you.

But... if he's evil,
why haven't you done it already?

We live here. If we mess up,
the ghost won't stop at k*lling us.

He'll haunt our house,
our family,

get revenge forever.

[ Louisa ] You saw your graves.
You want to live, don't you?

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

- We'll keep watch.
- No. You'll come with us!

I can't, Jerry. I'm scared.

Here. Just use it as a lever.

- [ Jerry Grunting ]
- That's it! Do it!

- [ Grunts ]
- [ Sam ] Just a little more.

- [ Thunderclap ]
- [ Louisa Screams ]

Well, well, well.
Here we all are.

You've done well,
bringing the ghosts to me.

Ghosts? Us?

- [ Louisa ] You're the ghost!
- Jerry, the rocks!

You've terrified people long enough.

- Liar!
- [ Whistling ]

- [ Growling, Barking ]
- [ Sam Gasps ]

- Get away!
- [ Jerry ] The dogs!

Remember, Louisa?

You said it yourself--
Dogs recognize ghosts!

- [ Barking Continues ]
- Dogs bark at ghosts.

Bring them to me.

We never had a chance to live!

The first winter!
It wasn't fair!

We never had a life at all!

We all died in the cold.

[ Barking Continues ]
- Hungry! We were so hungry!

- [ Screams ]
- Stay with us, Cousins!

Join us!
We dug such nice graves for you!

Stay with us, please!

[ Screams ]

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

Jerry, next time you see me
sleeping, don't wake me up.

[ Thunder Continues ]

They were always popping up out
of nowhere, freaking us out.

But Louisa seemed so nice.
That's what's so scary.

Well, that's quite the story, kids.

We didn't know where you'd gone.

Well, I'd say you've had
quite the fright.

Quite the fright. But it's all
over now and best forgotten.

[ Dog Barking ]

Harrison Sadler's dog.

- [ Barking Continues ]
- It must've gotten out of the cave.

[ Growling, Barks ]

Easy, boy. Easy.

[ Thunderclap ]

Bad dog, giving away
our little secret like that.

Maybe he's not such a bad dog, Brad.

Maybe he's quite a good dog.

[ Barking Continues ]

Maybe you're right.
It's a little early for breakfast.

Terri, Jerry, why don't you
kids go and set the table...

while Agatha gets busy in the kitchen.

[ Thunderclap ]

And don't say you're not hungry.

[ Dog Growls, Barks ]