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02x14 - Scarecrow Walks at Midnight

Posted: 03/29/24 15:28
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Horn Honks ]

[ Honking Continues ]

- Hi, Grandpa!
- [ Both Chuckling ]

Oh! There he is!
Hey, Jodie, darlin'.

- It's good to see you both.
- Hi, Grandma.

Hey, Dad, you want me
to come back for those?

Go ahead.
I can get the rest.

I cannot tell ya
how much we've missed you.

- Oh, we're gonna have a great summer.
- We missed you too.

Hey, Grandpa Kurt, can we
go catch some frogs tonight?

We're supposed to get some rain
later on. We'll do it another time.

You got the whole summer
for frog catchin'.

I like those frogs.
You shouldn't catch 'em.

'Cause if you do, the scarecrows
might just end up catching you.

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

What's with Stanley?

Come on. Let's get inside
before the rain starts.

- Everyone in.
- Yeah, come on.

Here we go.

[ Thunderclap ]

Why does it have to pour
the first day we get here?

- I wanted to get some frogs.
- Go to sleep.

The rain should be gone by morning.

I'm not tired.

Well, the sooner you get to bed, the
sooner you get to wake up for breakfast.

And you know what that means.

Chocolate chip pancakes.

Are you sure? Are you
sure you locked the doors?

- I told you, they're locked.
- The windows--

- Did you bolt them shut?
- Yes, the windows too.

Come on now.
It's just the wind.

That's the only reason
it's not out there.

It's just been blown off its post.

Come on.

[ Rattling ]

[ Rattling ]

- [ Rooster Crowing ]
- Good morning.

- Good morning, everybody.
- Morning, Jodie.

- How'd you two sleep?
- Fine.

I hope you're both hungry.

Corn flakes?

What about your famous pancakes?

I'm-I'm afraid--

I'm afraid I forgot
to buy chocolate chips.

[ Jodie ]
Come on, Mark. Throw it harder.

Not that hard.

[ Mark ]
Come on, Jodie!

- Come on!
- I can't find it!

I'll get it.

Is this gonna take all day?

I got it.


Wow. Is that neat.

- Whatcha doin'?
- Oh.

Hi, Stanley.

[ Stanley ]
The scarecrow walks at midnight.

Stanley, are you confused again?

No. I'm just tellin' ya.

- I made him walk one time.
- You made him walk?

Sure enough.
I did it once last month,

then again about a week
before you got here.

Stanley, the scarecrow can't walk.

- They're not alive.
- Hey!

[ Laughing ]

You city kids sure scare easy.

- Sticks, that's not funny!
- Jodie? Mark?

Grandma's gonna get lunch on soon.

Ooh! Lunch! You're not
afraid of that too, are ya?

Come on, Jodie.

[ Sighs ] Hey, this isn't
any place for city kids.

You two should've
never come out here.

- Jodie.
- Mm-hmm.

Are things different around here,
or is it just me?

I was thinking the same thing.
What's up with that cereal?

Grandma's never forgotten to
buy chocolate chips before ever.

I'm not even gonna ask Grandpa
if we can ride the thresher.

He'd just say no. And Stanley,
he's acting kind of strange,

even for Stanley.

- Maybe Grandpa's working him too hard.
- Maybe it's just us.

- Ready for lights out?
- Yeah.

Jodie. Jodie!

- What?
- The scarecrows-- They're moving!

- Mark, I'm tired.
- No, seriously.

I'm not lying.

[ Sighs ]

[ Jodie ]
It's just the wind.

- Are you sure?
- You're letting Stanley get to you.

- You heard what he said.
- "The scarecrow walks at midnight."

That makes no more sense
than the time he said,

"Pigeons like
their toenails polished."

Remember that one?

Mark, we both know
Stanley's a little slow.

Sometimes he says things
he doesn't mean--

things that make no sense at all.

Maybe you're right.

Come on out, Mark!

Hide-and-go-seek with
two people is stupid!

Fine! Stay out here!
I'm going in!

[ Bird Squawking ]

[ Rustling ]

[ Rustling ]

[ Rustling ]

[ Rustling ]


- [ Rustling ]
- Grandpa?

Mark, is that you?

We said that the barn
was out of bounds, Mark.

- Hey!
- [ Screams ]

[ Laughs ]

Sticks, you jerk!
What's wrong with you?

Hey, I'm just up here
mindin' my own business.

Yeah, right. I know you're just
trying to scare me, Sticks.

- It's not funny!
- Don't know what you're talkin' about.

You pull this junk every
time we come to visit.

You're always trying to scare us.

I haven't been anywhere near you.
I've been up here workin' all morning.

Well, you're not fooling anyone.

I know it was you out in the
field, okay? Just knock it off!

Hey, I told you this ain't
no place for city kids.

You'd better just turn around
and go home... 'fore it's too late.

That sure was a fine supper.

Better get Grandma to let these trousers
out if I'm gonna keep eatin' like this.

- Everyone, help yourselves.
- Cherry? I don't get it.

- [ Mark ] We always have apple.
- - Yeah, it's Grandpa Kurt's favorite.

Cherry's my favorite.

Well, uh, ch-cherry's, uh--

It's a nice change.

Hey, Grandpa,
how about a story?

Yeah. I've been waiting all year to
hear one of Grandpa Kurt's stories.

- Make it a good, terrifying one.
- [ Mark ] Yeah, real scary.

- All right. Now, let me think.
- [ Stanley ] I don't like those stories!

They make me scared.

[ Grandpa Hurt ]
Sorry. I'm, uh--

I'm all out of stories.

[ Creaking ]

[ Creaking ]



[ Screams ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Creaking ]

[ Rooster Crowing ]

And when I opened the door,
Grandma Miriam was there,

and she was a scarecrow too.

- Then what happened?
- Then I woke up.

Man, your imagination's
working overtime.

I guess.

Race to the stream!

What's the matter? You're not
gonna let a girl beat you, are you?

I'm gonna win!
I'm gonna!

[ Screams ]
Mark! Get it off me!

Get it off!
[ Screaming ]

Sticks, where are you?

- Are you all right?
- I'm gonna get Sticks!

- Jodie, that's not very nice.
- He threw a scarecrow at us!

Jodie, he wouldn't
do anything to hurt you.


Wouldn't do anything
to hurt us, huh?

Come on. We'd better get
you back to the house.

Leave the bikes!
I'll get them later.

I'm gonna get you, Sticks!
Nothing personal.

[ Jodie ]
Now, don't just jump out at him.

Play with him for a bit first.

You know, like, rustle your st*lks,
stuff like that.

Okay. I'm gonna go get Sticks.
You stay here.

Get ready and think scary.

[ Chuckling ]

All right, Sticks,
I'm coming to get ya.

[ Knocking ]

Mark, get back there.
You're gonna ruin everything.


[ Screams ]

Go on!

Get out of here!
Go on!

- You okay?
- It was alive.

- How can that be alive?
- My dad did it.

- Stanley?
- Come on, come on. Get inside.

What's going on?
Who was that?

A couple months ago, my dad,
he found this book full of spells.

He thought it'd be cool...

if the scarecrows were alive so they
could keep the birds off the crops.

That way he wouldn't
have to work so hard.

Yeah, well, they came alive,
all right.

Except it wasn't the crows
they wanted to scare.

Well, do my grandparents know?

We all know! Kurt and Miriam begged him
to put them back to sleep. And he did,

only after they agreed to do
things his way for a while.

Stanley did that?

Jodie, you know my dad.
He's not mean. It's just--

Well, it's just he's been
a farmhand his entire life.

He just wanted to see what it was like
to have things done his way for a while.

He loves your grandparents.
You know him. It's just--

just sometimes he's so confused.

If he put them all back to sleep,
how come they're still walking around?

Nearest I can figure out,
not all of 'em went back to sleep.

And I didn't tell Dad though.
He's scared of 'em.

Besides, I don't want him
foolin' with magic no more.

- Dad!
- [ Gasps ]

Dad! You gotta
stop foolin' with magic!

That chant ain't gonna
work no more!

We gotta find a way to get rid
of these things permanently.

Well, how are we gonna do that?

I don't know.
I don't know.

But we'll find a way,
okay, Dad?

- Come on.
- [ Rustling ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Reciting In Foreign Language ]

[ Gasps ]

Oh, no. No, no, Dad,
you read the wrong chant.

This is the one
that makes 'em wake up!

Oh, no! No, no! Run! Run!
Go to the barn! Just go!

- Where's the barn?
- It's too dark. We're lost.

[ Mark ]
Jodie, I'm scared.

This way!

[ Screams ]
Get it off, Mark! Get it off!

You okay?

I hurt my ankle.

[ Screams ]

Shut the door!

[ Sticks ]
Wait! Let us in!


[ Mark ]
Get him, Sticks! Get him! Yeah!

I tried to get them to sleep.
But now they're just all awake again.

- What are we gonna do?
- I don't know! I don't know. I gotta think.

[ Panting ]

[ Sighs ]
Okay, they're gone.

- [ Screaming ]
- [ Mark ] No!

- Get it off of me!
- [ Jodie ] Come on, Sticks!

[ Mark ]
Sticks, run!

We can't stop them!
Is there another way out?

No! We're trapped!

Do something, Stanley!

Dad, say the chant!
Make 'em go back to sleep!

They're all coming!
They're all coming for me!

Make them go away!
Don't let them take me!

[ Engine Running ]

Never again.
Never again.

You did it!

Yeah. I guess I got to
ride the thresher after all.

It sure is nice having things
back to normal around here.

You can say that again.

[ Reading In Foreign Language ]

- [ Engine Running ]
- What was that?

Stanley, what are you reading?