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02x15 - Monster Blood

Posted: 03/29/24 15:29
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Boy Narrating ]
Well, it all started about a week ago...

when my dad's company
transferred him to Atlanta.

So while my parents
went looking for a new house,

they decided to dump me at my
Great Aunt Katherine's place.

[ Stereo: Classical, Dramatic ]

Evan, it's only for a few days.

But Aunt Katherine's so weird.

- Oh, she's not weird.
- No, she's eccentric.

- She smells like mothballs.
- [ Laughs ]

And she's always making those
really gross sugar cookies.

Hey, I thought you liked those.

They taste like kitty litter.

Plus, Trigger has
to stay outside the whole time.

- [ Continues ]
- [ Knocking ]

Katherine can't help it
if she's allergic to animals.

- [ Evan ] I think she's creepy.
- [ Dad ] Evan.

Well, I do. She's always sneaking
around, like she's hiding something.

That's ridiculous. She's a perfectly
nice, slightly eccentric woman.

- And she's very fond of you.
- I still think she's creepy.

[ Lock Clicks ]

- Katherine.
- Nice to see you again, Paul.


Hello, Katherine.

Hello, Evan.

Uh, hi.

Thanks so much for taking Evan in.
He's really looking forward to it.

- Oh, honey, the plane.
- Oh, yeah.

We'll speak when we get back.

Bye, sweetie.

You and Katherine
have a good time now.

Be good.
Thanks again, Katherine.

[ Gasping, Sneezing ]

Before you do anything,
tie that beast up...

in the backyard, and then...

you may come in...

and have a nice sugar cookie.

You may take the room at the end
of the hall on the right, Evan.

And whatever you do,

stay out of the room
across the hall.

Do you understand?

Naughty boy!
This room is forbidden.

- Do you understand? Forbidden.
- I-I'm sorry.

- Sorry. I--
- Never come into this room again.

Never, never, never!

[ Gasps ]

[ Rattling ]

No. No, no. Stay.

[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Footsteps ]


[ Trigger Barking ]

[ Barking Stops ]

[ Door Creaking ]

[ Door Closes ]

[ Barking ]

[ Stammers ] Don't worry.
He's, uh-- He's friendly.

- What's his name?
- Um, Trigger.

- Hi, Trigger.
- Um, I'm Evan.

Hi. I'm Andy.

Uh-- Uh--
[ Chuckles ]

[ Growls ]

- Oh! Trigger!
- Don't worry. I've already read it.

That dumb dog will eat anything.

[ Laughs ]
You don't live here, do you?

No, I'm just staying
with my aunt for a while...

while my parents look
for a new house in Atlanta.

- Is she home?
- Um, no, I think she went out shopping.


So this woman that lives here--

Is she really your aunt?

Well, my great aunt--

Yeah, I know.
She's, uh, pretty weird.

- Kind of creepy.
- Kind of creepy? [ Chuckles ]

Okay, okay.
She's really creepy.

She's always playing
that bizarre music at night.

Everyone in town talks about her.

Well, she's weird, all right.

She also drives that old car.

I know, I know.

My parents think
she's just eccentric,

but I think she's got
all these secrets.

What kind of secrets?

Well, there's this room that
I'm not supposed to go into.

But I did--
just for a couple of seconds--

and, oh, man.

What? What happened?

There was all this
scary-lookin' stuff--

all these burnt-down
candles and things.

- Can I see the room?
- Forget it.

- Come on. She'll never know.
- Well-- No. We better not.

You're just scared.

Not much of
a housekeeper, is she?

Don't touch anything,
or she'll know we were in here.

Look at these books.

"Spell of the Month Club"?

"Curses for All Occasions."
"Revenge Made Easy."

Yeah. Not exactly
your average library, is it?

Oh, weird.

Oh, man. What does she
do with these things?


Oh, and check this out.

"Monster blood."

- [ Hissing ]
- What was that?

[ Andy ]
I don't know.

- What is this stuff?
- I don't know what that is.

It's warm.

Feels like rubber.

[ Laughs ]

[ Both Gasp ]

Half for you.

And half for me.

We'll put the empty bottle back and
she'll never know the difference.

But what if she goes looking for it?

This jar hasn't
been opened in years.

It's not like we're stealing it.

We're just playing with it
and then putting it back.

- I guess.
- [ Car Backfires ]

That's her!
That's Aunt Katherine's car.

[ Backfiring ]

Get that-- Get it!

Look, stall her!

[ Backfires ]

- Hi.
- Who are you?

- Andy. Evan's friend.
- Andy "Evansfriend"--

Are you related to the
Chicago Evansfriends?

Huh? Do you think your aunt
suspected anything?

I hope not.

I wonder why they
call this stuff monster blood.

I don't know.
Maybe to scare people off.

Hey, let's see
how high it'll bounce.

- Okay.
- [ Buzzing ]

Whoa! It went into orbit.

[ Buzzing ]

Trigger, no!

He ate it.
I can't believe it.

[ Andy ]
Do you think it'll hurt him?

[ Evan ]
I don't know. Trigger!


Come here, boy.
Stop foolin' around.

[ Growling, Whimpering ]

No. Trigger--

- Trigger! Trigger.
- [ Whimpering ]

Oh, Trigger,
are you all right, boy?

[ Panting ]

- [ Laughs ]
- Yeah, he's okay.

Oh. You had us scared, Trigger.
Don't do that, boy.

What are you doing?

Um, nothing.

Did you go into that room?
The one I told you not to?

Um, no. Why?

Eat one of these.

A sugar cookie?

Miss Evansfriend?

Um, I already ate.

Aren't you going to eat it?


Um-- It's very good.

[ Trigger Barking ]

[ Bubbling ]

[ Animal Howling ]


- Where's your monster blood?
- I hid it under my bed.

I put mine in my closet,
and when I woke up...

I found this.

Where'd you get all that?

On the floor in my closet. It was
all over my shoes and everything.

There's got to be 10 times as
much as there was last night.

- You mean, it's growing?
- That's exactly what I mean.

[ Classical, Dramatic ]

[ Evan ]
Oh, man.

Quick. There's a bucket
under the bathroom sink.

- [ Bubbling ]
- Oh, no.

Oh, no.
What are we gonna do?

- [ Evan ] Start scooping it up.
- No, I'm not touching that stuff.

[ Continues ]

Scoop it up with this.

[ Meows ]

[ Continues ]

- [ Sneezes ]
- [ Stops ]

[ Exhales ]


Do you have that beast
of yours in here?

- No, ma'am.
- [ Bubbling Continues ]

Oh, uh--

[ Sneezes ]

- [ Evan ] Bless you.
- Something is making my sinuses act up.

[ Sniffles ]


I'll be back in a few minutes.

Let's go.

Better not forget my monster blood.

[ Chuckles ]

It's still growing.

- Wait. Where are you going?
- Trigger-- He ate the stuff, remember?

[ Exhales ]

- [ Evan ] Look at those footprints.
- They're huge.

- You don't think that--
- Yeah, I do.

I think we've got a 10-foot
Trigger running around in the yard.

Should we go look for him?

No. No,
first we contain the monster blood.

[ Evan ]
Oh, God.

[ Growls ]


This stuff's getting worse.

Tell me about it.

[ Growls ]

Well, I guess this
is gonna have to do for now.

- I think it's starting to calm down.
- I hope so.

I wouldn't sit there if I were you.

[ Growls ]

- [ Growling ]
- What--

- [ Gasps ]
- Help!

- Evan! Evan!
- Aah!

Aah! Help! Don't just stand there.
Get me out of here. Help!

- Help!
- Here. Grab this.

[ Grunting ]

It tried to swallow me.

- [ Andy ] That stuff's out of control.
- What are we gonna do?

Let's get out of here, now.

[ Cat Meows ]

Keep looking for stuff to stop it with.

It's no use.
That won't stop it.

I know, but it'll slow it down.

We need more.

I wish we'd never gone
into that stupid room.

I wish we never opened
that stupid jar.

Too late now.

Way too late.

- Stop!
- [ Katherine ] What is going on here?

[ Gasps ]

- Monster blood.
- [ Rumbling ]

Did I not tell you
to stay out of that room?

- [ Cat Meows ]
- You've unleashed her.

[ Meowing ]

Unleashed who?

- Sarabeth.
- [ Evan ] Who's Sarabeth? That cat?

That, child, is no cat.

[ Meows ]

Silence, old woman.

I see you've met my monster blood.

And now my monster blood...

shall meet you.

- You mean, she's the evil one?
- Clever boy.

- What gave you the first clue?
- [ Andy ] Who is she?

- Why is she doing this?
- Tell them--

Tell them why they're going to be--

- [ Imitates Blade Slashing ]
- [ Aunt Katherine Gasps ]

It was almost 30 years ago.

It was about midnight,
and I smelled something...

- [ Thunderclap ]
- coming from her room.

I-I never would have
taken her on a boarder...

if I-- if I'd known she
was practicing dark magic.

I tried to throw her out,
but I couldn't.

She was too strong,
too powerful.

But I was lucky.

Right when she had me she
stepped into the monster blood.

[ Screaming ]

She screamed like a banshee...

as the monster blood
was consuming her.

Screams so savage--

I can still hear it in my mind.

- [ Screaming Continues ]
- I scooped up the monster blood,

put it back in the jar
and sealed it tightly.

Then I locked it up,

and hoped that no one
would ever find it.

Oh, but someone did find it.

Take them, my monster blood,
take them all.

Devour and demolish them.

Crush them and consume them.

Ah, my monster blood.

- [ Rumbling ]
- Heavens! What's that?

- [ Barking ]
- Trigger!

[ Hissing ]

- Get her, Trigger.
- Nice puppy.

- [ Barking ]
- [ Hissing ]

Yes! Get her!

- Shoo! Shoo!
- [ Barking ]

Get yourself a bone or something.
Go on.

- Go on, shoo. Shoo!
- [ Gasping ]


No! Not again!

Oh, no!

[ Rumbling ]


What a relief.

[ Evan ]
Trigger! Oh, you saved us.

[ Evan ] And that was the end
of the wicked Sarabeth.

Now I'm going to Atlanta
to meet up with my parents.

- Is that all true?
- Every word.

- [ Bell Dings ]
- [ Man On PA ] Well, folks, looks like...

we finally got clearance
from the tower.

Flight attendants,
prepare for takeoff.

Well, what happened
to the monster blood?

Once we got it back into the jar,

we buried it where no one
would ever find it.

I hope you got it all.

Can you imagine if a little piece
had stuck to your shoe?

- That would be a disaster.
- Ah, it wouldn't be good.

Where's your dog?
Where's Trigger?

- Oh, he's here.
- On the plane?

He's down in the cargo hold.

- [ Engines Whining ]
- Here we go.

Are you okay?

- Flying makes me nervous.
- Don't worry.

I'm sure we're gonna have
a perfectly normal flight.

[ Rattling ]

[ Barking ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Barking ]