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02x17 - Vampire Breath

Posted: 03/29/24 15:30
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

[ Animal Howling ]

[ Howling Continues ]

[ Barking Continues ]

[ Footsteps ]

Sure you kids are okay alone?

Mom, we're 13 years old.

- Not till midnight, you're not.
- My little babies. Teenagers.

[ Chuckles ]
I can't stand it.

We won't be too long.
No hunting for your birthday presents.

Don't worry. We won't.
Have fun!

- Bye!
- [ Door Closes ]

You check their bedroom closet.
I'll check the den.

[ Boy ]
Let's try down here.

- Did you look under their bed?
- Of course I did.

That's where they hid all
our presents last Christmas.

They must be down here someplace.

This place is creepy.

[ Gasps ]

- What?
- Over here.

I bet you anything,
they're in that box.

[ Thunderclaps ]

[ Grunting ]

Be careful, Freddy.

- Almost got it.
- Look out!

We are dead.

This is weird.

- I never knew this was here.
- Me neither.

Freddy, be careful.


[ Animal Howling ]



[ Groaning ]


[ Freddy ]
This is strange. What is this place?

- What do you think this place is for?
- You got me.

Maybe the answer's behind that door.

[ Water Dripping ]

[ Clattering ]

[ Hinges Creaking ]

Um, Freddy?


- Is this what I think it is?
- Yeah, it's a coffin.

Do you think anybody's in there?

I'd rather not know the answer
to that question, Freddy.

[ Creaking ]

- See ya.
- [ Clattering ]

What was that?

"Vampire Breath"?
Some kind of joke.

I don't know, Freddy.
Maybe we shouldn't open it.

- Whoa! It stinks.
- [ Coughs ]

Close it up.

[ Girl ]
I wonder what it's for.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Definitely weird.

- We shouldn't have opened it.
- We didn't.

[ Creaking ]

Did you hear something?

Yeah. Sounded like--


[ Both Screaming ]

[ Gasps ]
Let's get out of here!

Run! Hurry!

- [ Roars ]
- [ Gasps ]

I'm so thirsty.

I've been sleeping
for such a long, long time.

I'm so terribly thirsty.

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

I'm Count Nightwing.
What are your names, children?

I-I'm Cara.

Me too.
I mean, I'm Freddy.

So young.

So fresh.

So full of life.

A-Are you a vampire?

Vampire? You make me sound like
a common creature of the night.

I am Lord of the Undead.


Run! It warms the blood.

Where to begin?

[ Gruffly ] Boys have such
a hearty, robust flavor.

Rich and satisfying.

[ Sweetly ] On the other hand,
girls offer such a sweet, delicate bouquet.

So refreshing.

Cara, no!
Don't look in his eyes.

[ Growling ]

I don't believe it.
He's got no fangs.

- [ Gasps ]
- The vampire has no fangs.

How dare you mock me? I must have
taken them out before I went to sleep.

I must find them before I can feed.

The bottle. My Vampire Breath.
There must be some remaining in the bottle.

I must absorb it all to remember
where I left my fangs.

The bottle-- Where is it?

- I guess we left it back in that room.
- [ Grunts ]

If we help you find it,
you have to let us go.

- Deal?
- How dare you haggle with me?

I am immortal.
I am invincible.

You're toothless.

[ Chuckles ]
Brave boy.

Foolish, but brave.

Show me. Show me now
where you left the bottle.

- Then it's a deal?
- Show me!

- What are we doing?
- Stalling.

- For what?
- Until we can find a way out of here.

- Give it to me.
- Then you'll let us go, right?

[ Chuckling ]
Never trust a vampire.

Give it to me.
I command you!

- Give me that bottle.
- Back off. Let us go or I'll break it.

[ Laughs ]
You wouldn't dare.

No. That's exactly
what he wants you to do.

- Give it to me!
- Leave him alone!

[ Grunts ]

- [ Grunts ]
- [ Screaming ]

- No!
- [ Screaming Continues ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

[ Creatures Chirping ]

- Now where are we?
- How should I know?

At least we still
have all our blood.

Not for long.

Oh, man.

[ Howling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

[ Chirping Continues ]

Maybe we can climb
back up somehow.

Oh, sure. That's what the old
vampire's waiting for us to do.

Then we have to find another way out.
We sure can't stay here.

- Did you see something?
- See what?

Someone's over there.

- Please, don't hurt me.
- Where are you? Come out.

D-Don't bite me.

Bite you? What do you
think we are, vampires?

- You mean, you're not vampires?
- Of course not.

But you were in the coffin.
How'd you get here?

We're not exactly sure ourselves.

Do you know a way out of here?

If I did, I wouldn't
be trapped down here.

[ Chirping Continues ]

My name's Gwendolyn.

I'm Cara.
This is my brother, Freddy.

These coffins--

Is there anybody in them?

Not right now.

The vampires are all still
hunting till sunrise.

I sleep during the day,
like they do.

At night, I'm supposed to clean
and polish their coffins.

And if I don't,

they'll turn me
into one of them.

We won't let that happen,

We're all gonna get out
of here before sunrise.

- And before Count Nightwing gets us.
- Count Nightwing?

He's the most deadly vampire of all.

Why is he after you?

'Cause of his stupid little bottle
he says has his breath in it.

- You have his Vampire Breath?
- Well, part of it anyway.

- Well, can I see it?
- [ Freddy ] Sure.

- Where is it?
- I thought you had it.

Maybe you lost it
when you came crashing down.

We have to find it.

We have to.

What's the big deal
with Vampire Breath anyway?

It's everything to them.

It gives them their power,
their magic. It restores their memory.

It keeps them immortal.

While the vampires sleep
during the day,

they stash their breath
in a little bottle.

That way,
if anything happens to them,

their vitality is stored
in a safe place.

That must be why
he wants it back so bad.

If he gets all charged up again,
he'll remember where he left his fangs.

Then we're really in trouble.

[ Count Nightwing ] Children,
I'm coming for you. You are mine.

It's him. We gotta hide.

Hurry. Jump into the coffin,
quick. I'll try to get rid of him.

I'm not jumping into one of those.

- No mere mortal can escape Count Nightwing!
- Freddy, just do it!

Hurry, or we're all doomed.

[ Creaking ]

- Where are they?
- Who, my lord?

The children.
Where are they?

- What children?
- Don't trifle with me, girl.

I know they're here.

I may be 657 years old,
but I can still sniff out a meal.

If there were any other children
down here, I would know.

Cara? Frederick?

- You cannot win.
- [ Creaking ]

I want that bottle,
and I want it now!

Please don't hurt me.

Hurt you? Why, dear.
I wouldn't dream of it.

Where did she come from?


- The bottle-- Where is it?
- We lost it, honest.

Your little games
have ceased to amuse me.

- Frederick-- He has it, doesn't he?
- No!

She's telling the truth!

[ Cara's Voice ] Freddy,
he's got me. He's hurting me.

- Help. Help me, please.
- Let her go.

How good of you to join us,
my boy.

The bottle--

Bring it to me.
I command you.

- Not till you let her go.
- Give it to me... now!

Do as I say,
and I will release her.

Oh, sure. Never trust a vampire.

[ Chuckles ]

Let her go,
or your Vampire Breath is history.


Freddy, here!

- [ Cork Pops ]
- Foolish child.

Sh-She's a vampire.

[ Hissing ]

Of course she's a vampire.

A greedy little vampire who dares to
rob me of my breath, my very essence.

Just enough left to make me
even more powerful than you.

Give it to me.

It's mine. No!

[ Grunting ]

[ Hissing ]

[ Shouting ]

- Give it to me!
- Run! Now go!

[ Count Nightwing Grunts ]
Get off me!

- Come on!
- [ Gwendolyn ] Give me the bottle!

[ Grunting ]

- [ Grunting ] Come on!
- Hurry.

At last.

- [ Count Nightwing Laughing ]
- Hurry!

Come on.

I am renewed.

I remember where my fangs are.

And now, for you.

You are starting to bug me.


[ Laughing ]

Keep running!
Don't look back!


- Come on.
- [ Laughing Continues ]

You can never escape!

[ Laughing ]

- There is no hiding place for you.
- Go. Go!

[ Laughing ]

- This way!
- My fangs await me.

Run! Run!

- [ Gasps ]
- Freddy, get up. Please, get up.

I'm okay.
Let's go! Let's go!

- [ Gasps ]
- What in the world happened here?

- The vampire-- He's after us!
- We need a wooden stake or garlic, quick!

- What?
- [ Cara, Freddy Gasp ]

See? We told you.

- Daddy. Is that you?
- My baby girl!


Pops, we thought we'd lost you.

What's going on?

Oh, don't be shy, kids.
Come give your Grandpa a big hug.

These two are yours?

That was a close one,
wasn't it?

- [ Chuckling ]
- But he's a vampire.

Of course he is.
We all are.

But if you guys are vampires,

that means... we must be--

[ Thunderclap ]


[ Mom ] Oh. We don't initiate you into
the vampire life until you're teenagers.

- Only a minute away.
- Ah.

Oh. Right where I left them.

[ Thunderclaps ]

[ Laughing ]

- Aah.
- Aah.

Oh, don't worry.
They hurt a bit at first.

But by the time
you've had your first meal,

they'll be fine.

Happy birthday!

Now for your big surprise.
It's upstairs in your room.

I'm not sure we can take
any more surprises.

- Happy birthday, Cara.
- Yeah. Happy birthday.

[ Freddy ]
I get the top coffin.

- Good night.
- Good night.